   * Applies an RFC 1522 compliant encoding scheme to the given string of text with the given
   * charset.
   * <p>This method constructs the "encoded-word" header common to all the RFC 1522 codecs and then
   * invokes {@link #getEncoded(byte [])} method of a concrete class to perform the specific
   * encoding.
   * @param sText a string to encode
   * @param aSourceCharset a charset to be used
   * @return RFC 1522 compliant "encoded-word"
   * @throws EncodeException thrown if there is an error condition during the Encoding process.
   * @see <a
   *     href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/nio/charset/Charset.html">Standard
   *     charsets</a>
  protected String getEncodedText(
      @Nullable final String sText, @Nonnull final Charset aSourceCharset) throws EncodeException {
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSourceCharset, "SourceCharset");
    if (sText == null) return null;

    final byte[] aEncodedData = getEncoded(CharsetManager.getAsBytes(sText, aSourceCharset));

    final StringBuilder aSB = new StringBuilder();
        .append(CharsetManager.getAsString(aEncodedData, CCharset.CHARSET_US_ASCII_OBJ))
    return aSB.toString();
   * Applies an RFC 1522 compliant decoding scheme to the given string of text.
   * <p>This method processes the "encoded-word" header common to all the RFC 1522 codecs and then
   * invokes {@link #getDecoded(byte [])} method of a concrete class to perform the specific
   * decoding.
   * @param sEncodedText a string to decode
   * @return A new decoded String or {@code null} if the input is {@code null}.
   * @throws DecodeException thrown if there is an error condition during the decoding process.
  public String getDecodedText(@Nullable final String sEncodedText) throws DecodeException {
    if (sEncodedText == null) return null;

        "RFC 1522 violation: malformed encoded content. Prefix missing.");
        "RFC 1522 violation: malformed encoded content. Postfix missing.");

    int nFrom = PREFIX.length();
    final int nTerminator = sEncodedText.length() - POSTFIX.length();

    // Read charset
    int nTo = sEncodedText.indexOf(SEP, nFrom);
    if (nTo == nTerminator)
      throw new DecodeException("RFC 1522 violation: charset token not found");
    final String sDestCharset = sEncodedText.substring(nFrom, nTo);
    if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sDestCharset))
      throw new DecodeException("RFC 1522 violation: charset not specified");
    final Charset aDestCharset = CharsetManager.getCharsetFromNameOrNull(sDestCharset);
    if (aDestCharset == null)
      throw new DecodeException("Failed to resolve charset '" + sDestCharset + "'");

    // Read encoding
    nFrom = nTo + 1;
    nTo = sEncodedText.indexOf(SEP, nFrom);
    if (nTo == nTerminator)
      throw new DecodeException("RFC 1522 violation: encoding token not found");
    final String sEncoding = sEncodedText.substring(nFrom, nTo);
    if (!getRFC1522Encoding().equalsIgnoreCase(sEncoding))
      throw new DecodeException("This codec cannot decode '" + sEncoding + "' encoded content");

    // Read encoded data
    nFrom = nTo + 1;
    nTo = sEncodedText.indexOf(SEP, nFrom);
    final byte[] aEncodedBytes =
            sEncodedText.substring(nFrom, nTo), CCharset.CHARSET_US_ASCII_OBJ);
    final byte[] aDecodedBytes = getDecoded(aEncodedBytes);
    return CharsetManager.getAsString(aDecodedBytes, aDestCharset);