   * Prepare an template AST to use when performing matches.
   * @param templateFunctionNode The template declaration function to extract the template AST from.
   * @return The first node of the template AST sequence to use when matching.
  private Node initTemplate(Node templateFunctionNode) {
    Node prepped = templateFunctionNode.cloneTree();

    Node body = prepped.getLastChild();
    Node startNode;
    if (body.hasOneChild() && body.getFirstChild().isExprResult()) {
      // When matching an expression, don't require it to be a complete
      // statement.
      startNode = body.getFirstFirstChild();
    } else {
      startNode = body.getFirstChild();

    for (int i = 0; i < templateLocals.size(); i++) {
      // reserve space in the locals array.
    for (int i = 0; i < templateParams.size(); i++) {
      // reserve space in the params array.

    return startNode;
    public void findNamedFunctions(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (!NodeUtil.isStatement(n)) {
        // There aren't any interesting functions here.

      switch (n.getType()) {
          // Functions expressions in the form of:
          //   var fooFn = function(x) { return ... }
        case Token.VAR:
          Node nameNode = n.getFirstChild();
          if (nameNode.isName()
              && nameNode.hasChildren()
              && nameNode.getFirstChild().isFunction()) {
            maybeAddFunction(new FunctionVar(n), t.getModule());

          // Named functions
          // function Foo(x) { return ... }
        case Token.FUNCTION:
          Preconditions.checkState(NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(parent) || parent.isLabel());
          if (!NodeUtil.isFunctionExpression(n)) {
            Function fn = new NamedFunction(n);
            maybeAddFunction(fn, t.getModule());
Esempio n. 3
  private void validateObjectPatternStringKey(int type, Node n) {
    validateNodeType(Token.STRING_KEY, n);
    validateChildCountIn(n, 0, 1);

    if (n.hasOneChild()) {
      validateNameDeclarationChild(type, n.getFirstChild());
Esempio n. 4
  private void validateObjectLitStringKey(Node n) {
    validateNodeType(Token.STRING_KEY, n);

    if (isEs6OrHigher()) {
      validateChildCountIn(n, 0, 1);
    } else {
      validateChildCount(n, 1);

    if (n.hasOneChild()) {
Esempio n. 5
 private void validateObjectLitSetKey(Node n) {
   validateNodeType(Token.SETTER_DEF, n);
   Node function = n.getFirstChild();
   // objlit set functions must be nameless, and must have 1 parameter.
   if (!function.getFirstChild().getString().isEmpty()) {
     violation("Expected unnamed function expression.", n);
   Node functionParams = function.getChildAtIndex(1);
   if (!functionParams.hasOneChild()) {
     violation("set methods must have exactly one parameter.", n);
  /** Collapse VARs and EXPR_RESULT node into FOR loop initializers where possible. */
  private void maybeCollapseIntoForStatements(Node n, Node parent) {
    // Only SCRIPT, BLOCK, and LABELs can have FORs that can be collapsed into.
    // LABELs are not supported here.
    if (parent == null || !NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(parent)) {

    // Is the current node something that can be in a for loop initializer?
    if (!NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(n) && !NodeUtil.isVar(n)) {

    // Is the next statement a valid FOR?
    Node nextSibling = n.getNext();
    if (nextSibling != null
        && nextSibling.getType() == Token.FOR
        && !NodeUtil.isForIn(nextSibling)
        && nextSibling.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.EMPTY) {

      // Does the current node contain an in operator?  If so, embedding
      // the expression in a for loop can cause some Javascript parsers (such
      // as the Playstation 3's browser based on Access's NetFront
      // browser) to fail to parse the code.
      // See bug 1778863 for details.
      if (NodeUtil.containsType(n, Token.IN)) {

      // Move the current node into the FOR loop initializer.
      Node forNode = nextSibling;
      Node oldInitializer = forNode.getFirstChild();

      Node newInitializer;
      if (NodeUtil.isVar(n)) {
        newInitializer = n;
      } else {
        // Extract the expression from EXPR_RESULT node.
        newInitializer = n.getFirstChild();

      forNode.replaceChild(oldInitializer, newInitializer);

   * Checks if the given function matches the criteria for an inlinable function, and if so, adds it
   * to our set of inlinable functions.
  boolean isDirectCallNodeReplacementPossible(Node fnNode) {
    // Only inline single-statement functions
    Node block = NodeUtil.getFunctionBody(fnNode);

    // Check if this function is suitable for direct replacement of a CALL node:
    // a function that consists of single return that returns an expression.
    if (!block.hasChildren()) {
      // special case empty functions.
      return true;
    } else if (block.hasOneChild()) {
      // Only inline functions that return something.
      if (block.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.RETURN
          && block.getFirstChild().getFirstChild() != null) {
        return true;

    return false;
  protected void testExternChanges(String extern, String input, String expectedExtern) {
    Compiler compiler = createCompiler();
    CompilerOptions options = getOptions();
        ImmutableList.of(SourceFile.fromCode("extern", extern)),
        ImmutableList.of(SourceFile.fromCode("input", input)),

    Node externsAndJs = compiler.getRoot();
    Node root = externsAndJs.getLastChild();

    Node externs = externsAndJs.getFirstChild();

    Node expected = compiler.parseTestCode(expectedExtern);

    (getProcessor(compiler)).process(externs, root);

    if (compareAsTree) {
      // Expected output parsed without implied block.
          externs.hasOneChild(), "Compare as tree only works when output has a single script.");
      externs = externs.getFirstChild();
      String explanation = expected.checkTreeEqualsIncludingJsDoc(externs);
          "\nExpected: "
              + compiler.toSource(expected)
              + "\nResult:   "
              + compiler.toSource(externs)
              + "\n"
              + explanation,
    } else {
      String externsCode = compiler.toSource(externs);
      String expectedCode = compiler.toSource(expected);
      assertEquals(expectedCode, externsCode);
  private boolean canFuseIntoOneStatement(Node block) {
    // If we are favoring semi-colon, we shouldn't fuse script blocks.
    if (!favorsCommaOverSemiColon && !block.isBlock()) {
      return false;

    // Nothing to do here.
    if (!block.hasChildren() || block.hasOneChild()) {
      return false;

    Node last = block.getLastChild();

    for (Node c = block.getFirstChild(); c != null; c = c.getNext()) {
      if (!c.isExprResult() && c != last) {
        return false;

    return isFusableControlStatement(last);
  /** Determine which, if any, of the supported types the call site is. */
  private CallSiteType classifyCallSite(Node callNode) {
    Node parent = callNode.getParent();
    Node grandParent = parent.getParent();

    // Verify the call site:
    if (NodeUtil.isExprCall(parent)) {
      // This is a simple call?  Example: "foo();".
      return CallSiteType.SIMPLE_CALL;
    } else if (NodeUtil.isExprAssign(grandParent)
        && !NodeUtil.isLhs(callNode, parent)
        && parent.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.NAME
        && !NodeUtil.isConstantName(parent.getFirstChild())) {
      // This is a simple assignment.  Example: "x = foo();"
      return CallSiteType.SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT;
    } else if (parent.getType() == Token.NAME
        && !NodeUtil.isConstantName(parent)
        && grandParent.getType() == Token.VAR
        && grandParent.hasOneChild()) {
      // This is a var declaration.  Example: "var x = foo();"
      // TODO(johnlenz): Should we be checking for constants on the
      // left-hand-side of the assignments (and handling them as EXPRESSION?
      return CallSiteType.VAR_DECL_SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT;
    } else {
      Node expressionRoot = ExpressionDecomposer.findExpressionRoot(callNode);
      if (expressionRoot != null) {
        ExpressionDecomposer decomposer =
            new ExpressionDecomposer(compiler, safeNameIdSupplier, knownConstants);
        DecompositionType type = decomposer.canExposeExpression(callNode);
        if (type == DecompositionType.MOVABLE) {
          return CallSiteType.EXPRESSION;
        } else if (type == DecompositionType.DECOMPOSABLE) {
          return CallSiteType.DECOMPOSABLE_EXPRESSION;
        } else {
          Preconditions.checkState(type == DecompositionType.UNDECOMPOSABLE);

    return CallSiteType.UNSUPPORTED;
  private Node tryFoldUnaryOperator(Node n) {
    Preconditions.checkState(n.hasOneChild(), n);

    Node left = n.getFirstChild();
    Node parent = n.getParent();

    if (left == null) {
      return n;

    TernaryValue leftVal = NodeUtil.getPureBooleanValue(left);
    if (leftVal == TernaryValue.UNKNOWN) {
      return n;

    switch (n.getType()) {
      case NOT:
        // Don't fold !0 and !1 back to false.
        if (late && left.isNumber()) {
          double numValue = left.getDouble();
          if (numValue == 0 || numValue == 1) {
            return n;
        Node replacementNode = NodeUtil.booleanNode(!leftVal.toBoolean(true));
        parent.replaceChild(n, replacementNode);
        return replacementNode;
      case POS:
        if (NodeUtil.isNumericResult(left)) {
          // POS does nothing to numeric values.
          parent.replaceChild(n, left.detachFromParent());
          return left;
        return n;
      case NEG:
        if (left.isName()) {
          if (left.getString().equals("Infinity")) {
            // "-Infinity" is valid and a literal, don't modify it.
            return n;
          } else if (left.getString().equals("NaN")) {
            // "-NaN" is "NaN".
            parent.replaceChild(n, left);
            return left;

        if (left.isNumber()) {
          double negNum = -left.getDouble();

          Node negNumNode = IR.number(negNum);
          parent.replaceChild(n, negNumNode);
          return negNumNode;
        } else {
          // left is not a number node, so do not replace, but warn the
          // user because they can't be doing anything good
          report(NEGATING_A_NON_NUMBER_ERROR, left);
          return n;
      case BITNOT:
        try {
          double val = left.getDouble();
          if (val >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && val <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            int intVal = (int) val;
            if (intVal == val) {
              Node notIntValNode = IR.number(~intVal);
              parent.replaceChild(n, notIntValNode);
              return notIntValNode;
            } else {
              report(FRACTIONAL_BITWISE_OPERAND, left);
              return n;
          } else {
            report(BITWISE_OPERAND_OUT_OF_RANGE, left);
            return n;
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
          // left is not a number node, so do not replace, but warn the
          // user because they can't be doing anything good
          report(NEGATING_A_NON_NUMBER_ERROR, left);
          return n;
        return n;