private PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(Class objClass, String property) throws IntrospectionException { synchronized (m_descriptorMapLock) { Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> propMap = m_descriptorMap.get(objClass); if (propMap == null) { propMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor>(); m_descriptorMap.put(objClass, propMap); BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(objClass); PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) { propMap.put(getUnderscorePropertyName(descriptor.getName()), descriptor); } } return (propMap.get(property)); } }
public void generate(String inputFileName) throws Exception { List<MetaClass> metaClasses = new ArrayList<>(); List<LifeLine> lifeLines = new ArrayList<>(); List<MethodInvocation> rootMessages = new ArrayList<>(); MethodInvocation parentMessage = new MethodInvocation(); GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); List<MethodInvocation> methodInvocations = new ArrayList<>(); Package mainPackage = new Package(); List<Guard> listOfGuards = new ArrayList<>(); Map<Guard, Instruction> guardToCFMap = new HashMap<>(); List<Instruction> combinedFragments = new ArrayList<Instruction>(); List<Operation> operationsList = new ArrayList<>(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(RefObject.class, new RefObjectJsonDeSerializer()); Gson gson = builder.create(); Element myTypes = gson.fromJson(new FileReader(inputFileName), Element.class); if (myTypes._type.equals("Project")) { List<Element> umlElements = myTypes .ownedElements .stream() .filter(f -> f._type.equals("UMLModel")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (umlElements.size() > 0) { // There has be to atleast one UMLModel package Element element = umlElements.get(0); // package that the classes are supposed to be in mainPackage.setName(; List<Element> umlPackages = element .ownedElements .stream() .filter(g -> g._type.equals("UMLPackage")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (umlPackages.size() > 1) { // There has to be two packages- one for class one for behaviour Element classes = umlPackages.get(0); Element behaviour = umlPackages.get(1); // *--------------------------CLASSES-------------------------------*// // in the first pass, get all classes that are defined in the diagram // get details that can be directly inferred from the json like, fields and operations, // which do not refer to other classes for (Element umlClass : classes.getOwnedElements()) { MetaClass metaClass = new MetaClass(, umlClass._id); // check if class is interface or not because there is no distinction in json if (umlClass._type.equals("UMLClass")) { metaClass.setInterface(false); } else { metaClass.setInterface(true); } if (umlClass.operations != null) { metaClass.setOperations(umlClass.operations); operationsList.addAll(metaClass.operations); } if (umlClass.attributes != null) { metaClass.setFields(umlClass.attributes); } metaClasses.add(metaClass); } // in second pass, define associations and generalizations for these classes for (Element umlClass : classes.getOwnedElements()) { if (umlClass.ownedElements != null) { // find corresponding metaclass, then populate the secondary inferences List<MetaClass> correspondingMetaClassList = metaClasses .stream() .filter(f -> f._id.equals(umlClass._id)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); MetaClass correspondingMetaClass = correspondingMetaClassList.get(0); List<Element> umlAssociations = umlClass .ownedElements .stream() .filter(f -> f._type.equals("UMLAssociation")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (umlAssociations.size() > 0) { correspondingMetaClass.setAssociations(metaClasses, umlAssociations); } List<Element> umlGeneralization = umlClass .ownedElements .stream() .filter(f -> f._type.equals("UMLGeneralization")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (umlGeneralization.size() > 0) { correspondingMetaClass.setGeneralizations(metaClasses, umlGeneralization); } List<Element> umlRealization = umlClass .ownedElements .stream() .filter(f -> f._type.equals("UMLInterfaceRealization")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (umlRealization.size() > 0) { correspondingMetaClass.setInterfaceRealization(metaClasses, umlRealization); } } } // *--------------------------CLASSES-------------------------------*// // *----------------------- BEHAVIOUR---------------------------------*// for (Element umlCollaboration : behaviour.getOwnedElements()) { // Role to Class mapping ArrayList<Element> attributes = umlCollaboration.attributes; HashMap<String, MetaClass> roleToClassMap = new HashMap<>(); if (attributes != null) { for (Element attribute : attributes) { List<MetaClass> roleClass = metaClasses .stream() .filter(f -> f._id.equals(attribute.type.$ref)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); roleToClassMap.put(attribute._id, roleClass.get(0)); } } for (Element umlInteraction : umlCollaboration.ownedElements) { // mapping lifelines to the classes they correspond ArrayList<Element> participants = umlInteraction.participants; if (participants != null && participants.size() > 0) { for (Element participant : participants) { MetaClass participantClass = roleToClassMap.get(participant.represent.$ref); LifeLine lifeLine = new LifeLine(); lifeLine.setName(; lifeLine.setId(participant._id); lifeLine.setMetaClass(participantClass); lifeLines.add(lifeLine); } } // first parse all the combined fragments and get ready if (umlInteraction.fragments != null) { for (Element fragment : umlInteraction.fragments) { // depending on the fragment set the class Instruction instruction = null; if (fragment.interactionOperator.equals("loop")) { Loop loop = new Loop(); loop.setId(fragment._id); loop.setWeight(0); Guard guard = new Guard(fragment.operands.get(0)._id); // loop can have only one condition--- one condition-- condition is made up of // AND or OR's guard.setCondition(fragment.operands.get(0).guard); loop.setGuard(guard); instruction = loop; combinedFragments.add(loop); listOfGuards.add(guard); guardToCFMap.put(guard, loop); } if (fragment.interactionOperator.equals("alt")) { Conditional c = new Conditional(); c.setId(fragment._id); c.setWeight(0); instruction = c; combinedFragments.add(c); Guard consequence = new Guard(fragment.operands.get(0)._id); consequence.setCondition(fragment.operands.get(0).guard); c.setCons(consequence); listOfGuards.add(consequence); guardToCFMap.put(consequence, c); consequence.setConsequence(true); if (fragment.operands.size() > 1) { Guard alternate = new Guard(fragment.operands.get(1)._id); alternate.setCondition(fragment.operands.get(1).guard); c.setAlt(alternate); listOfGuards.add(alternate); guardToCFMap.put(alternate, c); alternate.setAlternative(true); } } if (fragment.tags != null) { for (Element tag : fragment.tags) { if ("parent")) { List<Instruction> instructionList = combinedFragments .stream() .filter(e -> e.getId().equals(tag.reference.$ref)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (instructionList.size() > 0) { instructionList.get(0).getBlock().add(instruction); instruction.setParent(instructionList.get(0)); } } } } } } // parsing the messages and make nodes out them to later build a tree from the // lifelines ArrayList<Element> messages = umlInteraction.messages; Element startMessage = messages.get(0); String sourceRef = startMessage.source.$ref; String targetRef =$ref; Element endMessage = null; LifeLine sourceLifeLine = getLifeLine(lifeLines, sourceRef); LifeLine targetLifeLine = getLifeLine(lifeLines, targetRef); // First message processing parentMessage = new MethodInvocation(); parentMessage.setAssignmentTarget(startMessage.assignmentTarget); parentMessage.setMessageSort(startMessage.messageSort); parentMessage.setSource(sourceLifeLine.getMetaClass()); parentMessage.setTarget(targetLifeLine.getMetaClass()); parentMessage.setName(; parentMessage.setId(startMessage._id); if (sourceLifeLine.getId().equals(targetLifeLine.getId())) { parentMessage.setCallerObject("this"); } else { parentMessage.setCallerObject(targetLifeLine.getName()); } int weight = 0; parentMessage.setWeight(weight++); if (startMessage.signature != null) { parentMessage.setSignature(startMessage.signature.$ref); } if (startMessage.tags != null) { for (Element tag : startMessage.tags) { // if ("CF")) { // parentMessage.setInCF(true); // // parentMessage.setCfID(tag.reference.$ref); // } if ("operand")) { parentMessage.setOperandId(tag.reference.$ref); } } } MethodInvocation rootMessage = parentMessage; methodInvocations.add(rootMessage); rootMessages.add(rootMessage); Iterator<Element> iter = messages.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if ( == endMessage) { continue; } iter.remove(); List<Element> childMessages = getChildMessages(messages, targetRef); for (Element child : childMessages) { LifeLine childSource = getLifeLine(lifeLines, child.source.$ref); LifeLine childTarget = getLifeLine(lifeLines,$ref); MethodInvocation childMessage = new MethodInvocation(); childMessage.setMessageSort(child.messageSort); childMessage.setSource(childSource.getMetaClass()); childMessage.setTarget(childTarget.getMetaClass()); childMessage.setAssignmentTarget(child.assignmentTarget); childMessage.setName(; childMessage.setId(child._id); childMessage.setWeight(weight++); childMessage.setArguments(child.arguments); if (childSource.getId().equals(childTarget.getId())) { childMessage.setCallerObject("this"); } else { childMessage.setCallerObject(childTarget.getName()); } if (child.signature != null) { childMessage.setSignature(child.signature.$ref); } if (child.tags != null) { for (Element tag : child.tags) { // if ("CF")) { // childMessage.setInCF(true); // // childMessage.setCfID(tag.reference.$ref); // } if ("operand")) { childMessage.setOperandId(tag.reference.$ref); } } } parentMessage.childNodes.add(childMessage); methodInvocations.add(childMessage); } if (childMessages.size() > 0) { List<MethodInvocation> nextMessage = parentMessage .childNodes .stream() .filter(f -> !f.source.equals( .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Element> startMessageNext = childMessages .stream() .filter(f -> !f.source.$ref.equals($ref)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); startMessage = startMessageNext.get(0); targetRef =$ref; sourceRef = startMessage.source.$ref; parentMessage = nextMessage.get(0); if (childMessages.size() > 1) { endMessage = childMessages.get(childMessages.size() - 1); } } } } for (MethodInvocation methodInvocation : methodInvocations) { List<Operation> matchingOperation = operationsList .stream() .filter(f -> f._id.equals(methodInvocation.getSignature())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (matchingOperation.size() > 0) { operationMap.put(methodInvocation, matchingOperation.get(0)._id); methodInvocation.setOperation(matchingOperation.get(0)); } } Stack stack = new Stack(); for (MethodInvocation root : methodInvocations) { stack.push(root); while (!stack.empty()) { MethodInvocation methodInvocation = (MethodInvocation) stack.pop(); Operation currentOperation = methodInvocation.getOperation(); if (currentOperation != null) { // all child nodes of this node make up its body List<MethodInvocation> childNodes = methodInvocation.childNodes; for (MethodInvocation child : childNodes) { stack.push(child); } for (MethodInvocation childNode : childNodes) { if (childNode.getOperandId() != null) { List<Instruction> combinedFragmentsList = combinedFragments .stream() .filter(f -> f.getId().equals(childNode.getCfID())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Guard> guardList = listOfGuards .stream() .filter(f -> .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (guardList.size() > 0) { Guard currentGuard = guardList.get(0); Instruction instruction = guardToCFMap.get(guardList.get(0)); // get the topmost CF if it is in a tree Instruction parent = instruction.getParent(); while (instruction.getParent() != null) { instruction = instruction.getParent(); } if (currentGuard.isConsequence) { Conditional conditional = (Conditional) instruction; if (!conditional.getConsequence().contains(childNode)) { conditional.getConsequence().add(childNode); } } if (currentGuard.isAlternative) { Conditional conditional = (Conditional) instruction; if (!conditional.getAlternative().contains(childNode)) { conditional.getAlternative().add(childNode); } } if (!currentGuard.isAlternative && !currentGuard.isConsequence) { Loop loop = (Loop) instruction; loop.getBlock().add(childNode); } else { if (!currentOperation.getBlock().contains(instruction)) { currentOperation.getBlock().add(instruction); } } } } else { if (!currentOperation.getBlock().contains(childNode)) { currentOperation.getBlock().add(childNode); } } } } } } } } } } // //// printAllData(metaClasses); // while (parentMessage.childNodes != null || parentMessage.childNodes.size() > 0) { // System.out.println("parent " +; // for (com.cbpro.main.MethodInvocation child : parentMessage.childNodes) { // System.out.println("child " +; // } // if (parentMessage.childNodes.size() > 0) { // parentMessage = parentMessage.childNodes.get(0); // } else { // break; // } // } mainPackage.print(); File dir = new File("/home/ramyashenoy/Desktop/DemoFolder/" + mainPackage.getName()); boolean successful = dir.mkdir(); if (successful) { System.out.println("directory was created successfully"); for (MetaClass metaClass : metaClasses) { if ("Main")) { continue; } else { String data = metaClass.print(); BufferedWriter out = null; try { FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter( dir.getPath() + "/" + + ".java", true); // true tells to append data. out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write(data); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } } } else { // creating the directory failed System.out.println("failed trying to create the directory"); } mainPackage.setClasses(metaClasses); }
// New -- returns data in HashMap private static Map viewSignups( HttpServletRequest req, PrintWriter out, Connection con, boolean json_mode) { int wait_list_id = 0; int wait_list_signup_id = 0; int sum_players = 0; int date = 0; int pos = 1; int time = SystemUtils.getTime(con); int today_date = (int) SystemUtils.getDate(con); int start_time = 0; int end_time = 0; int count = 0; int index = 0; int player_index = 0; Map waitlist_map = new HashMap(); waitlist_map.put("options", new HashMap()); waitlist_map.put("signups", new LinkedHashMap()); String sindex = req.getParameter( "index"); // index value of day (needed by Proshop_waitlist_slot when returning) String id = req.getParameter("waitListId"); // uid of the wait list we are working with String course = (req.getParameter("course") == null) ? "" : req.getParameter("course"); String returnCourse = (req.getParameter("returnCourse") == null) ? "" : req.getParameter("returnCourse"); String sdate = (req.getParameter("sdate") == null) ? "" : req.getParameter("sdate"); String name = (req.getParameter("name") == null) ? "" : req.getParameter("name"); String day_name = (req.getParameter("day_name") == null) ? "" : req.getParameter("day_name"); String sstart_time = (req.getParameter("start_time") == null) ? "" : req.getParameter("start_time"); String send_time = (req.getParameter("end_time") == null) ? "" : req.getParameter("end_time"); // String count = (req.getParameter("count") == null) ? "" : req.getParameter("count"); String jump = req.getParameter("jump"); String fullName = ""; String cw = ""; String notes = ""; String nineHole = ""; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null; boolean tmp_found = false; boolean tmp_found2 = false; boolean master = (req.getParameter("view") != null && req.getParameter("view").equals("master")); boolean show_notes = (req.getParameter("show_notes") != null && req.getParameter("show_notes").equals("yes")); boolean alt_row = false; boolean tmp_converted = false; try { date = Integer.parseInt(sdate); index = Integer.parseInt(sindex); wait_list_id = Integer.parseInt(id); start_time = Integer.parseInt(sstart_time); end_time = Integer.parseInt(send_time); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } try { count = getWaitList.getListCount(wait_list_id, date, index, time, !master, con); } catch (Exception exp) { out.println(exp.getMessage()); } // // isolate yy, mm, dd // int yy = date / 10000; int temp = yy * 10000; int mm = date - temp; temp = mm / 100; temp = temp * 100; int dd = mm - temp; mm = mm / 100; String report_date = SystemUtils.getLongDateTime(today_date, time, " at ", con); if (!json_mode) { out.println("<br>"); out.println( "<h3 align=center>" + ((master) ? "Master Wait List Sign-up Sheet" : "Current Wait List Sign-ups") + "</h3>"); out.println("<p align=center><font size=3><b><i>\"" + name + "\"</i></b></font></p>"); out.println("<table border=0 align=center>"); out.println("<tr><td><font size=\"2\">"); out.println( "Date: <b>" + day_name + " " + mm + "/" + dd + "/" + yy + "</b></td>"); out.println("<td> </td><td>"); if (!course.equals("")) { out.println("<font size=\"2\">Course: <b>" + course + "</b></font>"); } out.println("</td></tr>"); out.println( "<tr><td><font size=\"2\">Time: <b>" + SystemUtils.getSimpleTime(start_time) + " to " + SystemUtils.getSimpleTime(end_time) + "</b></font></td>"); out.println("<td></td>"); out.println("<td><font size=\"2\">Signups: <b>" + count + "</b></font></td>"); out.println("</table>"); out.println( "<p align=center><font size=2><b><i>List Generated on " + report_date + "</i></b></font></p>"); out.println("<table align=center border=1 bgcolor=\"#F5F5DC\">"); if (master) { out.println( "<tr bgcolor=\"#8B8970\" align=center style=\"color: black; font-weight: bold\">" + "<td height=35> Pos </td>" + "<td>Sign-up Time</td>" + "<td>Members</td>" + "<td>Desired Time</td>" + "<td> Players </td>" + "<td> On Sheet </td>" + "<td>Converted At</td>" + "<td> Converted By </td>" + ((show_notes) ? "<td> Notes </td>" : "") + "</tr>"); } else { out.println( "<tr bgcolor=\"#8B8970\" align=center style=\"color: black; font-weight: bold\">" + "<td height=35> Pos </td>" + "<td>Members</td>" + "<td>Desired Time</td>" + "<td> Players </td>" + ((show_notes) ? "<td> Notes </td>" : "") + "</tr>"); // + // "<td> On Sheet </td>" + // "</tr>"); // ((multi == 0) ? "" : "<td>Course</td>") + } out.println( "<!-- wait_list_id=" + wait_list_id + ", date=" + date + ", time=" + time + " -->"); } try { pstmt = con.prepareStatement( "" + "SELECT *, " + "DATE_FORMAT(created_datetime, '%c/%e/%y %r') AS created_time, " + "DATE_FORMAT(converted_at, '%c/%e/%y %r') AS converted_time " + // %l:%i %p "FROM wait_list_signups " + "WHERE wait_list_id = ? AND date = ? " + ((master) ? "" : "AND converted = 0 ") + ((!master && sindex.equals("0")) ? "AND ok_etime > ? " : "") + "ORDER BY created_datetime"); pstmt.clearParameters(); pstmt.setInt(1, wait_list_id); pstmt.setInt(2, date); if (!master && sindex.equals("0")) { pstmt.setInt(3, time); } ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { wait_list_signup_id = rs.getInt("wait_list_signup_id"); if (json_mode) { ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .put("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id, new LinkedHashMap()); ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")).get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .put("players", new LinkedHashMap()); ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")).get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .put("options", new HashMap()); } else { out.print( "<tr align=center" + ((alt_row) ? " style=\"background-color:white\"" : "") + "><td>" + pos + "</td>"); if (master) { out.println("<td> " + rs.getString("created_time") + " </td>"); } out.print("<td align=left>"); } // if (multi == 1) out.println("<td>" + rs.getString("course") + "</td>"); // // Display players in this signup // pstmt2 = con.prepareStatement( "" + "SELECT * " + "FROM wait_list_signups_players " + "WHERE wait_list_signup_id = ? " + "ORDER BY pos"); pstmt2.clearParameters(); pstmt2.setInt(1, wait_list_signup_id); ResultSet rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery(); tmp_found2 = false; player_index = 0; while ( { if (json_mode) { player_index++; ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("players")) .put("player_" + player_index, new HashMap()); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("players")) .get("player_" + player_index)) .put("player_name", rs2.getString("player_name")); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("players")) .get("player_" + player_index)) .put("player_name", rs2.getString("player_name")); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("players")) .get("player_" + player_index)) .put("cw", rs2.getString("cw")); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("players")) .get("player_" + player_index)) .put("9hole", rs2.getInt("9hole")); } else { fullName = rs2.getString("player_name"); cw = rs2.getString("cw"); if (rs2.getInt("9hole") == 1) { cw = cw + "9"; } if (tmp_found2) { out.print(", "); } else { out.print(" "); } out.print(fullName + " <font style=\"font-size:9px\">(" + cw + ")</font>"); tmp_found2 = true; } sum_players++; nineHole = ""; // reset } pstmt2.close(); if (json_mode) { ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("notes", notes); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("created_time", rs.getInt("created_time")); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("converted", rs.getInt("converted")); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("converted_time", rs.getString("converted_time")); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("converted_by", rs.getString("converted_by")); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("start_time", SystemUtils.getSimpleTime(rs.getInt("ok_stime"))); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("end_time", SystemUtils.getSimpleTime(rs.getInt("ok_etime"))); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("wait_list_signup_id", wait_list_signup_id); ((Map) ((Map) ((Map) waitlist_map.get("signups")) .get("signup_id_" + wait_list_signup_id)) .get("options")) .put("player_count", sum_players); } else { out.print("</td>"); out.println( "<td> " + SystemUtils.getSimpleTime(rs.getInt("ok_stime")) + " - " + SystemUtils.getSimpleTime(rs.getInt("ok_etime")) + " </td>"); out.println("<td>" + sum_players + "</td>"); if (master) { tmp_converted = rs.getInt("converted") == 1; out.println("<td>" + ((tmp_converted) ? "Yes" : "No") + "</td>"); out.println( "<td>" + ((tmp_converted) ? rs.getString("converted_time") : " ") + "</td>"); out.println( "<td>" + ((tmp_converted) ? rs.getString("converted_by") : " ") + "</td>"); } if (show_notes) { notes = rs.getString("notes").trim(); if (notes.equals("")) { notes = " "; } out.println("<td>" + notes + "</td>"); } out.print("</tr>"); } pos++; sum_players = 0; alt_row = alt_row == false; } pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { SystemUtils.buildDatabaseErrMsg( "Error loading wait list signups.", exc.toString(), out, false); } if (json_mode) { ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("index", sindex); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("wait_list_id", wait_list_id); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("date", "" + mm + "/" + dd + "/" + yy); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("name", name); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("time", time); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("jump", jump); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("returnCourse", returnCourse); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("course", course); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("master", master); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("report_date", report_date); ((Map) waitlist_map.get("options")).put("show_notes", show_notes); } else { out.println("</table><br>"); out.println("<table align=center><tr>"); out.println("<form action=\"Member_jump\" method=\"POST\" target=\"_top\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"jump\" value=\"0\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index\" value=" + sindex + ">"); out.println( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"course\" value=\"" + ((!returnCourse.equals("")) ? returnCourse : course) + "\">"); out.println("<td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Tee Sheet\"></td></form>"); out.println("<td> </td>"); out.println("<form action=\"Member_waitlist\" method=\"POST\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"waitListId\" value=\"" + wait_list_id + "\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"date\" value=\"" + date + "\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"day\" value=\"" + day_name + "\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index\" value=\"" + sindex + "\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"course\" value=\"" + course + "\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnCourse\" value=\"" + returnCourse + "\">"); out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"jump\" value=\"" + jump + "\">"); out.println("<td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Return\"></td></form>"); out.println("</tr></table></form>"); out.println("<br>"); } return waitlist_map; } // end viewSignups
private void customizeNodes(ConfigProcessor processor, CIJob job) throws JDOMException, PhrescoException { // SVN url customization if (SVN.equals(job.getRepoType())) { S_LOGGER.debug("This is svn type project!!!!!"); processor.changeNodeValue(SCM_LOCATIONS_REMOTE, job.getSvnUrl()); } else if (GIT.equals(job.getRepoType())) { S_LOGGER.debug("This is git type project!!!!!"); processor.changeNodeValue(SCM_USER_REMOTE_CONFIGS_URL, job.getSvnUrl()); processor.changeNodeValue(SCM_BRANCHES_NAME, job.getBranch()); // cloned workspace } else if (CLONED_WORKSPACE.equals(job.getRepoType())) { S_LOGGER.debug("Clonned workspace selected!!!!!!!!!!"); processor.useClonedScm(job.getUsedClonnedWorkspace(), SUCCESSFUL); } // Schedule expression customization processor.changeNodeValue(TRIGGERS_SPEC, job.getScheduleExpression()); // Triggers Implementation List<String> triggers = job.getTriggers(); processor.createTriggers(TRIGGERS, triggers, job.getScheduleExpression()); // if the technology is java stanalone and functional test , goal have to specified in post // build step only if (job.isEnablePostBuildStep() && FUNCTIONAL_TEST.equals(job.getOperation())) { // Maven command customization processor.changeNodeValue(GOALS, CI_FUNCTIONAL_ADAPT.trim()); } else { // Maven command customization processor.changeNodeValue(GOALS, job.getMvnCommand()); } // Recipients customization Map<String, String> email = job.getEmail(); // Failure Reception list processor.changeNodeValue( TRIGGER_FAILURE_EMAIL_RECIPIENT_LIST, (String) email.get(FAILURE_EMAILS)); // Success Reception list processor.changeNodeValue( TRIGGER_SUCCESS__EMAIL_RECIPIENT_LIST, (String) email.get(SUCCESS_EMAILS)); // enable collabnet file release plugin integration if (job.isEnableBuildRelease()) { S_LOGGER.debug("Enablebling collabnet file release plugin "); processor.enableCollabNetBuildReleasePlugin(job); } // use clonned scm if (CLONED_WORKSPACE.equals(job.getRepoType())) { S_LOGGER.debug("using cloned workspace "); processor.useClonedScm(job.getUsedClonnedWorkspace(), SUCCESSFUL); } // clone workspace for future use if (job.isCloneWorkspace()) { S_LOGGER.debug("Clonning the workspace "); processor.cloneWorkspace(ALL_FILES, SUCCESSFUL, TAR); } // Build Other projects if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(job.getDownStreamProject())) { S_LOGGER.debug("Enabling downstream project!!!!!!"); processor.buildOtherProjects(job.getDownStreamProject()); } // pom location specifier if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(job.getPomLocation())) { S_LOGGER.debug("POM location changing " + job.getPomLocation()); processor.updatePOMLocation(job.getPomLocation()); } if (job.isEnablePostBuildStep()) { System.out.println("java stanalone technology with functional test enabled!!!!!!!"); String mvnCommand = job.getMvnCommand(); String[] ciAdapted = mvnCommand.split(CI_FUNCTIONAL_ADAPT); // java stanalone functional test alone for (String ciCommand : ciAdapted) { S_LOGGER.debug("ciCommand...." + ciCommand); } // iterate over loop processor.enablePostBuildStep(job.getPomLocation(), ciAdapted[1]); } if (job.isEnablePreBuildStep()) { System.out.println("java stanalone technology with functional test enabled!!!!!!!"); // iterate over loop List<String> prebuildStepCommands = job.getPrebuildStepCommands(); for (String prebuildStepCommand : prebuildStepCommands) { processor.enablePreBuildStep(job.getPomLocation(), prebuildStepCommand); } } }