Esempio n. 1
  private static void addFolder2(
      FileSystem fs, Path p, ArrayList<String> keys, ArrayList<String> failed) {
    try {
      if (fs == null) return;

      Futures futures = new Futures();
      for (FileStatus file : fs.listStatus(p)) {
        Path pfs = file.getPath();
        if (file.isDir()) {
          addFolder2(fs, pfs, keys, failed);
        } else {
          long size = file.getLen();
          Key res;
          if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.JSON)) {
            throw H2O.unimpl();
          } else if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.HEX)) { // Hex file?
            throw H2O.unimpl();
          } else {
            Key k = null;
            keys.add((k = HdfsFileVec.make(file, futures)).toString());
  "PersistHdfs: DKV.put(" + k + ")");
    } catch (Exception e) {
Esempio n. 2
 private static void addFolder(FileSystem fs, Path p, JsonArray succeeded, JsonArray failed) {
   try {
     if (fs == null) return;
     for (FileStatus file : fs.listStatus(p)) {
       Path pfs = file.getPath();
       if (file.isDir()) {
         addFolder(fs, pfs, succeeded, failed);
       } else {
         Key k = Key.make(pfs.toString());
         long size = file.getLen();
         Value val = null;
         if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.JSON)) {
           JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
           JsonObject json = parser.parse(new InputStreamReader(;
           JsonElement v = json.get(Constants.VERSION);
           if (v == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing version");
           JsonElement type = json.get(Constants.TYPE);
           if (type == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type");
           Class c = Class.forName(type.getAsString());
           OldModel model = (OldModel) c.newInstance();
         } else if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.HEX)) { // Hex file?
           FSDataInputStream s =;
           int sz = (int) Math.min(1L << 20, size); // Read up to the 1st meg
           byte[] mem = MemoryManager.malloc1(sz);
           // Convert to a ValueArray (hope it fits in 1Meg!)
           ValueArray ary = new ValueArray(k, 0).read(new AutoBuffer(mem));
           val = new Value(k, ary, Value.HDFS);
         } else if (size >= 2 * ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ) {
           val =
               new Value(
                   new ValueArray(k, size),
                   Value.HDFS); // ValueArray byte wrapper over a large file
         } else {
           val = new Value(k, (int) size, Value.HDFS); // Plain Value
         DKV.put(k, val);"PersistHdfs: DKV.put(" + k + ")");
         JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
         o.addProperty(Constants.KEY, k.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, pfs.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.VALUE_SIZE, file.getLen());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
     o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, p.toString());
     o.addProperty(Constants.ERROR, e.getMessage());
Esempio n. 3
 private static void run(Callable c, boolean read, int size) {
   // Count all i/o time from here, including all retry overheads
   long start_io_ms = System.currentTimeMillis();
   while (true) {
     try {
       long start_ns = System.nanoTime(); // Blocking i/o call timing - without counting repeats;
       TimeLine.record_IOclose(start_ns, start_io_ms, read ? 1 : 0, size, Value.HDFS);
       // Explicitly ignore the following exceptions but
       // fail on the rest IOExceptions
     } catch (EOFException e) {
       ignoreAndWait(e, false);
     } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
       ignoreAndWait(e, false);
     } catch (S3Exception e) {
       // Preserve S3Exception before IOException
       // Since this is tricky code - we are supporting different HDFS version
       // New version declares S3Exception as IOException
       // But old versions ( declares it as RuntimeException
       // So we have to catch it before IOException !!!
       ignoreAndWait(e, false);
     } catch (IOException e) {
       ignoreAndWait(e, true);
     } catch (Exception e) {
       throw Log.errRTExcept(e);
Esempio n. 4
 protected void init() {
   // Reject request if classification is required and response column is float
   // Argument a4class = find("classification"); // get UI control
   // String p4class = input("classification");  // get value from HTTP requests
   // if there is UI control and classification field was passed
   final boolean classificationFieldSpecified =
       true; // ROLLBACK: a4class!=null ? p4class!=null : /* we are not in UI so expect that
   // parameter is specified correctly */ true;
   if (!classificationFieldSpecified) { // can happen if a client sends a request which does not
     // specify classification parameter
     classification = response.isEnum();
         "Classification field is not specified - deriving according to response! The classification field set to "
             + classification);
   } else {
     if (classification && response.isFloat())
       throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(
           find("classification"), "Requested classification on float column!");
     if (!classification && response.isEnum())
       throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(
           find("classification"), "Requested regression on enum column!");
Esempio n. 5
 public final void print() {
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   sb.append("I: ").append(_iteration).append("[");
   double[][] c = clusters();
   for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) sb.append(c[i][2]).append(",");
   Log.debug(Sys.KMEAN, sb);
Esempio n. 6
 // Loading/Writing ice to HDFS
 PersistHdfs(URI uri) {
   try {
     _iceRoot = new Path(uri + "/ice" + H2O.SELF_ADDRESS.getHostAddress() + "-" + H2O.API_PORT);
     // Make the directory as-needed
     FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(_iceRoot.toUri(), CONF);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw Log.errRTExcept(e);
Esempio n. 7
 static {
   Configuration conf = null;
   if (H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs_config != null) {
     conf = new Configuration();
     File p = new File(H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs_config);
     if (!p.exists()) Log.die("Unable to open hdfs configuration file " + p.getAbsolutePath());
     conf.addResource(new Path(p.getAbsolutePath()));
     Log.debug(Sys.HDFS_, "resource ", p.getAbsolutePath(), " added to the hadoop configuration");
   } else {
     conf = new Configuration();
     if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs)) {
       // setup default remote Filesystem - for version 0.21 and higher
       conf.set("fs.defaultFS", H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs);
       // To provide compatibility with version 0.20.0 it is necessary to setup the property
       // which was in newer version renamed to 'fs.defaultFS'
       conf.set("", H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs);
   CONF = conf;
Esempio n. 8
 private void cancel(final String msg, JobState resultingState) {
   if (resultingState == JobState.CANCELLED) {"Job " + self() + "(" + description + ") was cancelled.");
   } else {
     Log.err("Job " + self() + "(" + description + ") failed.");
   exception = msg;
   state = resultingState;
   // replace finished job by a job handle
   final Job job = this;
       new H2OCountedCompleter() {
         public void compute2() {
Esempio n. 9
 public static InputStream openStream(Key k, ProgressMonitor pmon) throws IOException {
   H2OHdfsInputStream res = null;
   Path p = new Path(k.toString());
   try {
     res = new H2OHdfsInputStream(p, 0, pmon);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception ex) {
     Log.warn("Error while opening HDFS key " + k.toString() + ", will wait and retry.");
     res = new H2OHdfsInputStream(p, 0, pmon);
   return res;
Esempio n. 10
 private static void run(Callable c, boolean read, int size) {
   // Count all i/o time from here, including all retry overheads
   long start_io_ms = System.currentTimeMillis();
   while (true) {
     try {
       long start_ns = System.nanoTime(); // Blocking i/o call timing - without counting repeats;
       TimeLine.record_IOclose(start_ns, start_io_ms, read ? 1 : 0, size, Value.HDFS);
       // Explicitly ignore the following exceptions but
       // fail on the rest IOExceptions
     } catch (EOFException e) {
       ignoreAndWait(e, false);
     } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
       ignoreAndWait(e, false);
     } catch (IOException e) {
       ignoreAndWait(e, true);
     } catch (Exception e) {
       throw Log.errRTExcept(e);