private void reportTargets(AnalysisResult analysisResult) { Collection<ConfiguredTarget> targetsToBuild = analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild(); Collection<ConfiguredTarget> targetsToTest = analysisResult.getTargetsToTest(); if (targetsToTest != null) { int testCount = targetsToTest.size(); int targetCount = targetsToBuild.size() - testCount; if (targetCount == 0) { getReporter() .handle( "Found " + testCount + (testCount == 1 ? " test target..." : " test targets..."))); } else { getReporter() .handle( "Found " + targetCount + (targetCount == 1 ? " target and " : " targets and ") + testCount + (testCount == 1 ? " test target..." : " test targets..."))); } } else { int targetCount = targetsToBuild.size(); getReporter() .handle( "Found " + targetCount + (targetCount == 1 ? " target..." : " targets..."))); } }
Event toEvent() { if (getCause() != null) { return Event.error(getMessage() + ": " + getCause().getMessage()); } else { return Event.error(getMessage()); } }
private ExitCode doTest( CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options, AggregatingTestListener testListener) { BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime(); // Run simultaneous build and test. List<String> targets = ProjectFileSupport.getTargets(runtime, options); BuildRequest request = BuildRequest.create( getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class).name(), options, runtime.getStartupOptionsProvider(), targets, env.getReporter().getOutErr(), env.getCommandId(), env.getCommandStartTime()); request.setRunTests(); BuildResult buildResult = new BuildTool(env).processRequest(request, null); Collection<ConfiguredTarget> testTargets = buildResult.getTestTargets(); // TODO(bazel-team): don't handle isEmpty here or fix up a bunch of tests if (buildResult.getSuccessfulTargets() == null) { // This can happen if there were errors in the target parsing or loading phase // (original exitcode=BUILD_FAILURE) or if there weren't but --noanalyze was given // (original exitcode=SUCCESS). env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("Couldn't start the build. Unable to run tests")); return buildResult.getSuccess() ? ExitCode.PARSING_FAILURE : buildResult.getExitCondition(); } // TODO(bazel-team): the check above shadows NO_TESTS_FOUND, but switching the conditions breaks // more tests if (testTargets.isEmpty()) { env.getReporter() .handle(Event.error(null, "No test targets were found, yet testing was requested")); return buildResult.getSuccess() ? ExitCode.NO_TESTS_FOUND : buildResult.getExitCondition(); } boolean buildSuccess = buildResult.getSuccess(); boolean testSuccess = analyzeTestResults(testTargets, testListener, options); if (testSuccess && !buildSuccess) { // If all tests run successfully, test summary should include warning if // there were build errors not associated with the test targets. printer.printLn( AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.ERROR + "One or more non-test targets failed to build.\n" + AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.DEFAULT); } return buildSuccess ? (testSuccess ? ExitCode.SUCCESS : ExitCode.TESTS_FAILED) : buildResult.getExitCondition(); }
/** * Performs the initial phases 0-2 of the build: Setup, Loading and Analysis. * * <p>Postcondition: On success, populates the BuildRequest's set of targets to build. * * @return null if loading / analysis phases were successful; a useful error message if loading or * analysis phase errors were encountered and request.keepGoing. * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted. * @throws ViewCreationFailedException if analysis failed for any reason. */ private AnalysisResult runAnalysisPhase( BuildRequest request, LoadingResult loadingResult, BuildConfigurationCollection configurations) throws InterruptedException, ViewCreationFailedException { Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); if (!request.getBuildOptions().performAnalysisPhase) { getReporter().handle(Event.progress("Loading complete."));"No analysis requested, so finished"); return AnalysisResult.EMPTY; } getReporter().handle(Event.progress("Loading complete. Analyzing...")); Profiler.instance().markPhase(ProfilePhase.ANALYZE); AnalysisResult analysisResult = getView() .update( loadingResult, configurations, request.getAspects(), request.getViewOptions(), request.getTopLevelArtifactContext(), getReporter(), getEventBus()); // TODO(bazel-team): Merge these into one event. getEventBus() .post( new AnalysisPhaseCompleteEvent( analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild(), getView().getTargetsVisited(), timer.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); getEventBus() .post( new TestFilteringCompleteEvent( analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild(), analysisResult.getTargetsToTest())); // Check licenses. // We check licenses if the first target configuration has license checking enabled. Right now, // it is not possible to have multiple target configurations with different settings for this // flag, which allows us to take this short cut. boolean checkLicenses = configurations.getTargetConfigurations().get(0).checkLicenses(); if (checkLicenses) { Profiler.instance().markPhase(ProfilePhase.LICENSE); validateLicensingForTargets( analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild(), request.getViewOptions().keepGoing); } return analysisResult; }
/** * Load Skylark aspect from an extension file. Is to be called from a SkyFunction. * * @return {@code null} if dependencies cannot be satisfied. */ @Nullable public static SkylarkAspect loadSkylarkAspect( Environment env, Label extensionLabel, String skylarkValueName) throws AspectCreationException { SkyKey importFileKey = SkylarkImportLookupValue.key(extensionLabel, false); try { SkylarkImportLookupValue skylarkImportLookupValue = (SkylarkImportLookupValue) env.getValueOrThrow(importFileKey, SkylarkImportFailedException.class); if (skylarkImportLookupValue == null) { return null; } Object skylarkValue = skylarkImportLookupValue.getEnvironmentExtension().get(skylarkValueName); if (!(skylarkValue instanceof SkylarkAspect)) { throw new ConversionException( skylarkValueName + " from " + extensionLabel.toString() + " is not an aspect"); } return (SkylarkAspect) skylarkValue; } catch (SkylarkImportFailedException | ConversionException e) { env.getListener().handle(Event.error(e.getMessage())); throw new AspectCreationException(e.getMessage()); } }
@ThreadSafety.ThreadSafe @Override public void missingEdge(Target target, Label label, NoSuchThingException e) { eventHandler.handle( Event.error( TargetUtils.getLocationMaybe(target), TargetUtils.formatMissingEdge(target, label, e))); super.missingEdge(target, label, e); }
@Override public void reportInvalidOptions(EventHandler reporter, BuildOptions buildOptions) { if (generateDebugSymbols && !iosMultiCpus.isEmpty()) { reporter.handle( Event.error( "--objc_generate_debug_symbols is not supported when --ios_multi_cpus is set")); } }
private static void deserializeEvent(StoredEventHandler eventHandler, Build.Event event) { String message = event.getMessage(); switch (event.getKind()) { case ERROR: eventHandler.handle(Event.error(message)); break; case WARNING: eventHandler.handle(Event.warn(message)); break; case INFO: eventHandler.handle(; break; case PROGRESS: eventHandler.handle(Event.progress(message)); break; default: break; // Ignore } }
// Kill workers on Ctrl-C to quickly end the interrupted build. // TODO(philwo) - make sure that this actually *kills* the workers and not just politely waits // for them to finish. @Subscribe public void buildInterrupted(BuildInterruptedEvent event) { if (workers != null) { if (verbose) { env.getReporter().handle("Build interrupted, shutting down worker pool...")); } workers.close(); workers = null; } }
@Subscribe public void buildComplete(BuildCompleteEvent event) { if (workers != null && buildRequest.getOptions(WorkerOptions.class).workerQuitAfterBuild) { if (verbose) { env.getReporter().handle("Build completed, shutting down worker pool...")); } workers.close(); workers = null; } }
@Override public void reportInvalidOptions(EventHandler reporter, BuildOptions buildOptions) { if (!Collections.disjoint(translationFlags, J2OBJC_BLACKLISTED_TRANSLATION_FLAGS)) { String errorMsg = String.format( INVALID_TRANSLATION_FLAGS_MSG_TEMPLATE, Joiner.on(",").join(translationFlags), Joiner.on(",").join(J2OBJC_BLACKLISTED_TRANSLATION_FLAGS)); reporter.handle(Event.error(errorMsg)); } }
@Override public ExitCode exec(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options) throws ShutdownBlazeServerException { BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime(); Options cleanOptions = options.getOptions(Options.class); cleanOptions.expunge_async = cleanOptions.cleanStyle.equals("expunge_async"); cleanOptions.expunge = cleanOptions.cleanStyle.equals("expunge"); if (!cleanOptions.expunge && !cleanOptions.expunge_async && !cleanOptions.cleanStyle.isEmpty()) { env.getReporter() .handle(Event.error(null, "Invalid clean_style value '" + cleanOptions.cleanStyle + "'")); return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR; } String cleanBanner = cleanOptions.expunge_async ? "Starting clean." : "Starting clean (this may take a while). " + "Consider using --expunge_async if the clean takes more than several minutes."; env.getReporter().handle( /*location*/, cleanBanner)); try { String symlinkPrefix = options.getOptions(BuildRequest.BuildRequestOptions.class).getSymlinkPrefix(); actuallyClean(env, runtime.getOutputBase(), cleanOptions, symlinkPrefix); return ExitCode.SUCCESS; } catch (IOException e) { env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(e.getMessage())); return ExitCode.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR; } catch (CommandException | ExecException e) { env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(e.getMessage())); return ExitCode.RUN_FAILURE; } catch (InterruptedException e) { env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("clean interrupted")); return ExitCode.INTERRUPTED; } }
/** * Ensure the runfiles tree exists and is consistent with the TestAction's manifest * ($0.runfiles_manifest), bringing it into consistency if not. The contents of the output file * $0.runfiles/MANIFEST, if it exists, are used a proxy for the set of existing symlinks, to avoid * the need for recursion. */ private static void updateLocalRunfilesDirectory( TestRunnerAction testAction, Path runfilesDir, ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext, BinTools binTools, ImmutableMap<String, String> shellEnvironment, boolean enableRunfiles) throws ExecException, InterruptedException { Executor executor = actionExecutionContext.getExecutor(); TestTargetExecutionSettings execSettings = testAction.getExecutionSettings(); try { // Avoid rebuilding the runfiles directory if the manifest in it matches the input manifest, // implying the symlinks exist and are already up to date. if (Arrays.equals( runfilesDir.getRelative("MANIFEST").getMD5Digest(), execSettings.getInputManifest().getPath().getMD5Digest())) { return; } } catch (IOException e1) { // Ignore it - we will just try to create runfiles directory. } executor .getEventHandler() .handle( Event.progress( "Building runfiles directory for '" + execSettings.getExecutable().prettyPrint() + "'.")); new SymlinkTreeHelper(execSettings.getInputManifest().getPath(), runfilesDir, false) .createSymlinks( testAction, actionExecutionContext, binTools, shellEnvironment, enableRunfiles); executor.getEventHandler().handle(Event.progress(testAction.getProgressMessage())); }
public Sender( String url, String secret, CommandEnvironment env, ExecutorService executorService) throws SenderException { this.reporter = env.getReporter(); this.secret = readSecret(secret, reporter); try { this.url = new URL(url); if (!this.secret.isEmpty()) { if (!(this.url.getProtocol().equals("https") || this.url.getHost().equals("localhost") || this.url.getHost().matches("^127.0.0.[0-9]+$"))) { reporter.handle( Event.warn( "Using authentication over unsecure channel, " + "consider using HTTPS.")); } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new SenderException("Invalid server url " + url, e); } this.buildId = env.getCommandId().toString(); this.executorService = executorService; sendMessage("test", null); // test connecting to the server. reporter.handle("Results are being streamed to " + url + "/result/" + buildId)); }
/** * The crux of the build system. Builds the targets specified in the request using the specified * Executor. * * <p>Performs loading, analysis and execution for the specified set of targets, honoring the * configuration options in the BuildRequest. Returns normally iff successful, throws an exception * otherwise. * * <p>The caller is responsible for setting up and syncing the package cache. * * <p>During this function's execution, the actualTargets and successfulTargets fields of the * request object are set. * * @param request the build request that this build tool is servicing, which specifies various * options; during this method's execution, the actualTargets and successfulTargets fields of * the request object are populated * @param validator target validator * @return the result as a {@link BuildResult} object */ public BuildResult processRequest(BuildRequest request, TargetValidator validator) { BuildResult result = new BuildResult(request.getStartTime()); runtime.getEventBus().register(result); Throwable catastrophe = null; ExitCode exitCode = ExitCode.BLAZE_INTERNAL_ERROR; try { buildTargets(request, result, validator); exitCode = ExitCode.SUCCESS; } catch (BuildFailedException e) { if (e.isErrorAlreadyShown()) { // The actual error has already been reported by the Builder. } else { reportExceptionError(e); } if (e.isCatastrophic()) { result.setCatastrophe(); } exitCode = ExitCode.BUILD_FAILURE; } catch (InterruptedException e) { exitCode = ExitCode.INTERRUPTED; getReporter().handle(Event.error("build interrupted")); getEventBus().post(new BuildInterruptedEvent()); } catch (TargetParsingException | LoadingFailedException | ViewCreationFailedException e) { exitCode = ExitCode.PARSING_FAILURE; reportExceptionError(e); } catch (TestExecException e) { // ExitCode.SUCCESS means that build was successful. Real return code of program // is going to be calculated in TestCommand.doTest(). exitCode = ExitCode.SUCCESS; reportExceptionError(e); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { exitCode = ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR; reportExceptionError(e); } catch (AbruptExitException e) { exitCode = e.getExitCode(); reportExceptionError(e); result.setCatastrophe(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { catastrophe = throwable; Throwables.propagate(throwable); } finally { stopRequest(request, result, catastrophe, exitCode); } return result; }
/** * If the action might read directories as inputs in a way that is unsound wrt dependency * checking, this method must be called. */ protected void checkInputsForDirectories( EventHandler eventHandler, MetadataHandler metadataHandler) { // Report "directory dependency checking" warning only for non-generated directories (generated // ones will be reported earlier). for (Artifact input : getMandatoryInputs()) { // Assume that if the file did not exist, we would not have gotten here. if (input.isSourceArtifact() && !metadataHandler.isRegularFile(input)) { eventHandler.handle( Event.warn( getOwner().getLocation(), "input '" + input.prettyPrint() + "' to " + getOwner().getLabel() + " is a directory; dependency checking of directories is unsound")); } } }
@Override public void buildTransitiveClosure(QueryExpression caller, Set<Target> targets, int maxDepth) throws QueryException { // Everything has already been loaded, so here we just check for errors so that we can // pre-emptively throw/report if needed. Iterable<SkyKey> transitiveTraversalKeys = makeTransitiveTraversalKeys(targets); ImmutableList.Builder<String> errorMessagesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); // First, look for errors in the successfully evaluated TransitiveTraversalValues. They may // have encountered errors that they were able to recover from. Set<Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue>> successfulEntries = graph.getSuccessfulValues(transitiveTraversalKeys).entrySet(); Builder<SkyKey> successfulKeysBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> successfulEntry : successfulEntries) { successfulKeysBuilder.add(successfulEntry.getKey()); TransitiveTraversalValue value = (TransitiveTraversalValue) successfulEntry.getValue(); String firstErrorMessage = value.getFirstErrorMessage(); if (firstErrorMessage != null) { errorMessagesBuilder.add(firstErrorMessage); } } ImmutableSet<SkyKey> successfulKeys =; // Next, look for errors from the unsuccessfully evaluated TransitiveTraversal skyfunctions. Iterable<SkyKey> unsuccessfulKeys = Iterables.filter(transitiveTraversalKeys, Predicates.not(; Set<Entry<SkyKey, Exception>> errorEntries = graph.getMissingAndExceptions(unsuccessfulKeys).entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, Exception> entry : errorEntries) { if (entry.getValue() == null) { // Targets may be in the graph because they are not in the universe or depend on cycles. eventHandler.handle(Event.warn(entry.getKey().argument() + " does not exist in graph")); } else { errorMessagesBuilder.add(entry.getValue().getMessage()); } } // Lastly, report all found errors. ImmutableList<String> errorMessages =; for (String errorMessage : errorMessages) { reportBuildFileError(caller, errorMessage); } }
@Override public void beforeCommand(Command command, CommandEnvironment env) { this.env = env; env.getEventBus().register(this); if (workers == null) { Path logDir = env.getRuntime().getOutputBase().getRelative("worker-logs"); try { logDir.createDirectory(); } catch (IOException e) { env.getReporter() .handle(Event.error("Could not create directory for worker logs: " + logDir)); } GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig config = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig(); // It's better to re-use a worker as often as possible and keep it hot, in order to profit // from JIT optimizations as much as possible. config.setLifo(true); // Check for & deal with idle workers every 5 seconds. config.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(5 * 1000); // Always test the liveliness of worker processes. config.setTestOnBorrow(true); config.setTestOnCreate(true); config.setTestOnReturn(true); config.setTestWhileIdle(true); // Don't limit the total number of worker processes, as otherwise the pool might be full of // e.g. Java workers and could never accommodate another request for a different kind of // worker. config.setMaxTotal(-1); workers = new WorkerPool(new WorkerFactory(), config); workers.setReporter(env.getReporter()); workers.setLogDirectory(logDir); } }
private static String readSecret(String secretFile, Reporter reporter) throws SenderException { if (secretFile.isEmpty()) { return ""; } Path secretPath = new File(secretFile).toPath(); if (!Files.isReadable(secretPath)) { throw new SenderException("Secret file " + secretFile + " doesn't exists or is unreadable"); } try { if (Files.getPosixFilePermissions(secretPath).contains(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_READ) || Files.getPosixFilePermissions(secretPath).contains(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_READ)) { reporter.handle( Event.warn( "Secret file " + secretFile + " is readable by non-owner. " + "It is recommended to set its permission to 0600 (read-write only by the owner).")); } return new String(Files.readAllBytes(secretPath), StandardCharsets.UTF_8).trim(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SenderException("Invalid secret file " + secretFile, e); } }
@Override public void editOptions(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsParser optionsParser) throws AbruptExitException { ProjectFileSupport.handleProjectFiles(env, optionsParser, commandName()); TestOutputFormat testOutput = optionsParser.getOptions(ExecutionOptions.class).testOutput; try { if (testOutput == TestStrategy.TestOutputFormat.STREAMED) { env.getReporter() .handle( Event.warn( "Streamed test output requested so all tests will be run locally, without sharding, " + "one at a time")); optionsParser.parse( OptionPriority.SOFTWARE_REQUIREMENT, "streamed output requires locally run tests, without sharding", ImmutableList.of("--test_sharding_strategy=disabled", "--test_strategy=exclusive")); } } catch (OptionsParsingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Known options failed to parse", e); } }
/** Creates the Extension to be imported. */ private Extension createExtension( BuildFileAST ast, PathFragment file, Map<PathFragment, Extension> importMap, Environment env) throws InterruptedException, SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException { StoredEventHandler eventHandler = new StoredEventHandler(); // TODO(bazel-team): this method overestimates the changes which can affect the // Skylark RuleClass. For example changes to comments or unused functions can modify the hash. // A more accurate - however much more complicated - way would be to calculate a hash based on // the transitive closure of the accessible AST nodes. try (Mutability mutability = Mutability.create("importing %s", file)) { extensionEnv = ruleClassProvider .createSkylarkRuleClassEnvironment( mutability, eventHandler, ast.getContentHashCode(), importMap) .setupOverride("native", packageFactory.getNativeModule()); ast.exec(extensionEnv, eventHandler); SkylarkRuleClassFunctions.exportRuleFunctions(extensionEnv, file); Event.replayEventsOn(env.getListener(), eventHandler.getEvents()); if (eventHandler.hasErrors()) { throw new SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException(SkylarkImportFailedException.errors(file)); } return new Extension(extensionEnv); } }
private void actuallyClean( CommandEnvironment env, Path outputBase, Options cleanOptions, String symlinkPrefix) throws IOException, ShutdownBlazeServerException, CommandException, ExecException, InterruptedException { BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime(); if (env.getOutputService() != null) { env.getOutputService().clean(); } if (cleanOptions.expunge) {"Expunging..."); // Delete the big subdirectories with the important content first--this // will take the most time. Then quickly delete the little locks, logs // and links right before we exit. Once the lock file is gone there will // be a small possibility of a server race if a client is waiting, but // all significant files will be gone by then. FileSystemUtils.deleteTreesBelow(outputBase); FileSystemUtils.deleteTree(outputBase); } else if (cleanOptions.expunge_async) {"Expunging asynchronously..."); String tempBaseName = outputBase.getBaseName() + "_tmp_" + ProcessUtils.getpid(); // Keeping tempOutputBase in the same directory ensures it remains in the // same file system, and therefore the mv will be atomic and fast. Path tempOutputBase = outputBase.getParentDirectory().getChild(tempBaseName); outputBase.renameTo(tempOutputBase); env.getReporter() .handle(, "Output base moved to " + tempOutputBase + " for deletion")); // Daemonize the shell and use the double-fork idiom to ensure that the shell // exits even while the "rm -rf" command continues. String command = String.format( "exec >&- 2>&- <&- && (/usr/bin/setsid /bin/rm -rf %s &)&", ShellEscaper.escapeString(tempOutputBase.getPathString()));"Executing shell commmand " + ShellEscaper.escapeString(command)); // Doesn't throw iff command exited and was successful. new CommandBuilder() .addArg(command) .useShell(true) .setWorkingDir(tempOutputBase.getParentDirectory()) .build() .execute(); } else {"Output cleaning..."); runtime.clearCaches(); // In order to be sure that we delete everything, delete the workspace directory both for // --deep_execroot and for --nodeep_execroot. for (String directory : new String[] {runtime.getWorkspaceName(), "execroot/" + runtime.getWorkspaceName()}) { Path child = outputBase.getRelative(directory); if (child.exists()) { LOG.finest("Cleaning " + child); FileSystemUtils.deleteTreesBelow(child); } } } // remove convenience links OutputDirectoryLinksUtils.removeOutputDirectoryLinks( runtime.getWorkspaceName(), runtime.getWorkspace(), env.getReporter(), symlinkPrefix); // shutdown on expunge cleans if (cleanOptions.expunge || cleanOptions.expunge_async) { throw new ShutdownBlazeServerException(0); } }
@Override @Nullable public BuildConfiguration createConfigurations( ConfigurationFactory configurationFactory, Cache<String, BuildConfiguration> cache, PackageProviderForConfigurations packageProvider, BuildOptions buildOptions, EventHandler eventHandler, boolean performSanityCheck) throws InvalidConfigurationException { // Target configuration BuildConfiguration targetConfiguration = configurationFactory.getConfiguration(packageProvider, buildOptions, false, cache); if (targetConfiguration == null) { return null; } BuildConfiguration dataConfiguration = targetConfiguration; // Host configuration // Note that this passes in the dataConfiguration, not the target // configuration. This is intentional. BuildConfiguration hostConfiguration = getHostConfigurationFromRequest( configurationFactory, packageProvider, dataConfiguration, buildOptions, cache); if (hostConfiguration == null) { return null; } ListMultimap<SplitTransition<?>, BuildConfiguration> splitTransitionsTable = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (SplitTransition<BuildOptions> transition : buildOptions.getPotentialSplitTransitions()) { List<BuildOptions> splitOptionsList = transition.split(buildOptions); // While it'd be clearer to condition the below on "if (!splitOptionsList.empty())", // IosExtension.ExtensionSplitArchTransition defaults to a single-value split. If we failed // that case then no builds would work, whether or not they're iOS builds (since iOS // configurations are unconditionally loaded). Once we have dynamic configuraiton support // for split transitions, this will all go away. if (splitOptionsList.size() > 1 && targetConfiguration.useDynamicConfigurations()) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( "dynamic configurations don't yet support split transitions"); } for (BuildOptions splitOptions : splitOptionsList) { BuildConfiguration splitConfig = configurationFactory.getConfiguration(packageProvider, splitOptions, false, cache); splitTransitionsTable.put(transition, splitConfig); } } if (packageProvider.valuesMissing()) { return null; } // Sanity check that the implicit labels are all in the transitive closure of explicit ones. // This also registers all targets in the cache entry and validates them on subsequent requests. Set<Label> reachableLabels = new HashSet<>(); if (performSanityCheck) { // We allow the package provider to be null for testing. for (Map.Entry<String, Label> entry : buildOptions.getAllLabels().entries()) { Label label = entry.getValue(); try { collectTransitiveClosure(packageProvider, reachableLabels, label); } catch (NoSuchThingException e) { eventHandler.handle(Event.error(e.getMessage())); throw new InvalidConfigurationException( String.format("Failed to load required %s target: '%s'", entry.getKey(), label)); } } if (packageProvider.valuesMissing()) { return null; } sanityCheckImplicitLabels(reachableLabels, targetConfiguration); sanityCheckImplicitLabels(reachableLabels, hostConfiguration); } BuildConfiguration result = setupTransitions( targetConfiguration, dataConfiguration, hostConfiguration, splitTransitionsTable); result.reportInvalidOptions(eventHandler); return result; }
@Override @ThreadCompatible public void execute(ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext) throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException { Executor executor = actionExecutionContext.getExecutor(); // First, do a normal compilation, to generate the ".d" file. The generated object file is built // to a temporary location (tempOutputFile) and ignored afterwards."Generating " + getDotdFile()); CppCompileActionContext context = executor.getContext(actionContext); CppCompileActionContext.Reply reply = null; try { // We delegate stdout/stderr to nowhere, i.e. same as redirecting to /dev/null. reply = context.execWithReply(this, actionExecutionContext.withFileOutErr(new FileOutErr())); } catch (ExecException e) { // We ignore failures here (other than capturing the Distributor reply). // The compilation may well fail (that's the whole point of negative compilation tests). // We execute it here just for the side effect of generating the ".d" file. reply = context.getReplyFromException(e, this); if (reply == null) { // This can only happen if the ExecException does not come from remote execution. throw e.toActionExecutionException( "Fake C++ Compilation of rule '" + getOwner().getLabel() + "'", executor.getVerboseFailures(), this); } } IncludeScanningContext scanningContext = executor.getContext(IncludeScanningContext.class); NestedSet<Artifact> discoveredInputs = discoverInputsFromDotdFiles( executor.getExecRoot(), scanningContext.getArtifactResolver(), reply); reply = null; // Clear in-memory .d files early. // Even cc_fake_binary rules need to properly declare their dependencies... // In fact, they need to declare their dependencies even more than cc_binary rules do. // CcCommonConfiguredTarget passes in an empty set of declaredIncludeDirs, // so this check below will only allow inclusion of header files that are explicitly // listed in the "srcs" of the cc_fake_binary or in the "srcs" of a cc_library that it // depends on. try { validateInclusions( discoveredInputs, actionExecutionContext.getArtifactExpander(), executor.getEventHandler()); } catch (ActionExecutionException e) { // TODO(bazel-team): (2009) make this into an error, once most of the current warnings // are fixed. executor .getEventHandler() .handle( Event.warn( getOwner().getLocation(), e.getMessage() + ";\n this warning may eventually become an error")); } updateActionInputs(discoveredInputs); // Generate a fake ".o" file containing the command line needed to generate // the real object file."Generating " + outputFile); // A cc_fake_binary rule generates fake .o files and a fake target file, // which merely contain instructions on building the real target. We need to // be careful to use a new set of output file names in the instructions, as // to not overwrite the fake output files when someone tries to follow the // instructions. As the real compilation is executed by the test from its // runfiles directory (where writing is forbidden), we patch the command // line to write to $TEST_TMPDIR instead. final String outputPrefix = "$TEST_TMPDIR/"; String argv = Joiner.on(' ') .join( Iterables.transform( getArgv(outputFile.getExecPath()), new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String input) { String result = ShellEscaper.escapeString(input); // Once -c and -o options are added into action_config, the argument of // getArgv(outputFile.getExecPath()) won't be used anymore. There will // always be // -c <tempOutputFile>, but here it has to be outputFile, so we replace it. if (input.equals(tempOutputFile.getPathString())) { result = outputPrefix + ShellEscaper.escapeString(outputFile.getExecPathString()); } if (input.equals(outputFile.getExecPathString()) || input.equals(getDotdFile().getSafeExecPath().getPathString())) { result = outputPrefix + ShellEscaper.escapeString(input); } return result; } })); // Write the command needed to build the real .o file to the fake .o file. // Generate a command to ensure that the output directory exists; otherwise // the compilation would fail. try { // Ensure that the .d file and .o file are siblings, so that the "mkdir" below works for // both. Preconditions.checkState( outputFile .getExecPath() .getParentDirectory() .equals(getDotdFile().getSafeExecPath().getParentDirectory())); FileSystemUtils.writeContent( outputFile.getPath(), ISO_8859_1, outputFile.getPath().getBaseName() + ": " + "mkdir -p " + outputPrefix + "$(dirname " + outputFile.getExecPath() + ")" + " && " + argv + "\n"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ActionExecutionException( "failed to create fake compile command for rule '" + getOwner().getLabel() + ": " + e.getMessage(), this, false); } }
/** * Validates the options for this BuildRequest. * * <p>Issues warnings for the use of deprecated options, and warnings or errors for any option * settings that conflict. */ @VisibleForTesting public void validateOptions(BuildRequest request) throws InvalidConfigurationException { for (String issue : request.validateOptions()) { getReporter().handle(Event.warn(issue)); } }
@Override public void handle(Event event) { Preconditions.checkArgument( !EventKind.ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS.contains(event.getKind()), event); }
/** * The crux of the build system. Builds the targets specified in the request using the specified * Executor. * * <p>Performs loading, analysis and execution for the specified set of targets, honoring the * configuration options in the BuildRequest. Returns normally iff successful, throws an exception * otherwise. * * <p>Callers must ensure that {@link #stopRequest} is called after this method, even if it * throws. * * <p>The caller is responsible for setting up and syncing the package cache. * * <p>During this function's execution, the actualTargets and successfulTargets fields of the * request object are set. * * @param request the build request that this build tool is servicing, which specifies various * options; during this method's execution, the actualTargets and successfulTargets fields of * the request object are populated * @param result the build result that is the mutable result of this build * @param validator target validator */ public void buildTargets(BuildRequest request, BuildResult result, TargetValidator validator) throws BuildFailedException, LocalEnvironmentException, InterruptedException, ViewCreationFailedException, TargetParsingException, LoadingFailedException, ExecutorInitException, AbruptExitException, InvalidConfigurationException, TestExecException { validateOptions(request); BuildOptions buildOptions = runtime.createBuildOptions(request); // Sync the package manager before sending the BuildStartingEvent in runLoadingPhase() runtime.setupPackageCache( request.getPackageCacheOptions(), DefaultsPackage.getDefaultsPackageContent(buildOptions)); ExecutionTool executionTool = null; LoadingResult loadingResult = null; BuildConfigurationCollection configurations = null; try { getEventBus().post(new BuildStartingEvent(runtime.getOutputFileSystem(), request));"Build identifier: " + request.getId()); executionTool = new ExecutionTool(runtime, request); if (needsExecutionPhase(request.getBuildOptions())) { // Initialize the execution tool early if we need it. This hides the latency of setting up // the execution backends. executionTool.init(); } // Loading phase. loadingResult = runLoadingPhase(request, validator); // Create the build configurations. if (!request.getMultiCpus().isEmpty()) { getReporter() .handle( Event.warn( "The --experimental_multi_cpu option is _very_ experimental and only intended for " + "internal testing at this time. If you do not work on the build tool, then you " + "should stop now!")); if (!"build".equals(request.getCommandName()) && !"test".equals(request.getCommandName())) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( "The experimental setting to select multiple CPUs is only supported for 'build' and " + "'test' right now!"); } } configurations = getConfigurations( buildOptions, request.getMultiCpus(), request.getViewOptions().keepGoing); getEventBus().post(new ConfigurationsCreatedEvent(configurations)); runtime.throwPendingException(); if (configurations.getTargetConfigurations().size() == 1) { // TODO(bazel-team): This is not optimal - we retain backwards compatibility in the case // where there's only a single configuration, but we don't send an event in the multi-config // case. Can we do better? [multi-config] getEventBus() .post( new MakeEnvironmentEvent( configurations.getTargetConfigurations().get(0).getMakeEnvironment())); }"Configurations created"); // Analysis phase. AnalysisResult analysisResult = runAnalysisPhase(request, loadingResult, configurations); result.setActualTargets(analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild()); result.setTestTargets(analysisResult.getTargetsToTest()); checkTargetEnvironmentRestrictions( analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild(), runtime.getPackageManager()); reportTargets(analysisResult); // Execution phase. if (needsExecutionPhase(request.getBuildOptions())) { runtime.getSkyframeExecutor().injectTopLevelContext(request.getTopLevelArtifactContext()); executionTool.executeBuild( request.getId(), analysisResult, result, runtime.getSkyframeExecutor(), configurations, transformPackageRoots(loadingResult.getPackageRoots())); } String delayedErrorMsg = analysisResult.getError(); if (delayedErrorMsg != null) { throw new BuildFailedException(delayedErrorMsg); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Print an error message for unchecked runtime exceptions. This does not concern Error // subclasses such as OutOfMemoryError. request .getOutErr() .printErrLn("Unhandled exception thrown during build; message: " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { // Delete dirty nodes to ensure that they do not accumulate indefinitely. long versionWindow = request.getViewOptions().versionWindowForDirtyNodeGc; if (versionWindow != -1) { runtime.getSkyframeExecutor().deleteOldNodes(versionWindow); } if (executionTool != null) { executionTool.shutdown(); } // The workspace status actions will not run with certain flags, or if an error // occurs early in the build. Tell a lie so that the event is not missing. // If multiple build_info events are sent, only the first is kept, so this does not harm // successful runs (which use the workspace status action). getEventBus() .post( new BuildInfoEvent( runtime.getworkspaceStatusActionFactory().createDummyWorkspaceStatus())); } if (loadingResult != null && loadingResult.hasTargetPatternError()) { throw new BuildFailedException( "execution phase successful, but there were errors " + "parsing the target pattern"); } }
private void reportExceptionError(Exception e) { if (e.getMessage() != null) { getReporter().handle(Event.error(e.getMessage())); } }
/** * Analyzes the specified targets using Skyframe as the driving framework. * * @return the configured targets that should be built along with a WalkableGraph of the analysis. */ public SkyframeAnalysisResult configureTargets( EventHandler eventHandler, List<ConfiguredTargetKey> values, List<AspectValueKey> aspectKeys, EventBus eventBus, boolean keepGoing) throws InterruptedException, ViewCreationFailedException { enableAnalysis(true); EvaluationResult<ActionLookupValue> result; try { result = skyframeExecutor.configureTargets(eventHandler, values, aspectKeys, keepGoing); } finally { enableAnalysis(false); } ImmutableMap<Action, ConflictException> badActions = skyframeExecutor.findArtifactConflicts(); Collection<AspectValue> goodAspects = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size()); NestedSetBuilder<Package> packages = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); for (AspectValueKey aspectKey : aspectKeys) { AspectValue value = (AspectValue) result.get(AspectValue.key(aspectKey)); if (value == null) { // Skip aspects that couldn't be applied to targets. continue; } goodAspects.add(value); packages.addTransitive(value.getTransitivePackages()); } // Filter out all CTs that have a bad action and convert to a list of configured targets. This // code ensures that the resulting list of configured targets has the same order as the incoming // list of values, i.e., that the order is deterministic. Collection<ConfiguredTarget> goodCts = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size()); for (ConfiguredTargetKey value : values) { ConfiguredTargetValue ctValue = (ConfiguredTargetValue) result.get(ConfiguredTargetValue.key(value)); if (ctValue == null) { continue; } goodCts.add(ctValue.getConfiguredTarget()); packages.addTransitive(ctValue.getTransitivePackages()); } if (!result.hasError() && badActions.isEmpty()) { setDeserializedArtifactOwners(); return new SkyframeAnalysisResult( /*hasLoadingError=*/ false, /*hasAnalysisError=*/ false, ImmutableList.copyOf(goodCts), result.getWalkableGraph(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodAspects), LoadingPhaseRunner.collectPackageRoots(; } // --nokeep_going so we fail with an exception for the first error. // TODO(bazel-team): We might want to report the other errors through the event bus but // for keeping this code in parity with legacy we just report the first error for now. if (!keepGoing) { for (Map.Entry<Action, ConflictException> bad : badActions.entrySet()) { ConflictException ex = bad.getValue(); try { ex.rethrowTyped(); } catch (MutableActionGraph.ActionConflictException ace) { ace.reportTo(eventHandler); String errorMsg = "Analysis of target '" + bad.getKey().getOwner().getLabel() + "' failed; build aborted"; throw new ViewCreationFailedException(errorMsg); } catch (ArtifactPrefixConflictException apce) { eventHandler.handle(Event.error(apce.getMessage())); } throw new ViewCreationFailedException(ex.getMessage()); } Map.Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> error = result.errorMap().entrySet().iterator().next(); SkyKey topLevel = error.getKey(); ErrorInfo errorInfo = error.getValue(); assertSaneAnalysisError(errorInfo, topLevel); skyframeExecutor .getCyclesReporter() .reportCycles(errorInfo.getCycleInfo(), topLevel, eventHandler); Throwable cause = errorInfo.getException(); Preconditions.checkState( cause != null || !Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo()), errorInfo); String errorMsg = null; if (topLevel.argument() instanceof ConfiguredTargetKey) { errorMsg = "Analysis of target '" + ConfiguredTargetValue.extractLabel(topLevel) + "' failed; build aborted"; } else if (topLevel.argument() instanceof AspectValueKey) { AspectValueKey aspectKey = (AspectValueKey) topLevel.argument(); errorMsg = "Analysis of aspect '" + aspectKey.getDescription() + "' failed; build aborted"; } else { assert false; } if (cause instanceof ActionConflictException) { ((ActionConflictException) cause).reportTo(eventHandler); } throw new ViewCreationFailedException(errorMsg); } boolean hasLoadingError = false; // --keep_going : We notify the error and return a ConfiguredTargetValue for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> errorEntry : result.errorMap().entrySet()) { // Only handle errors of configured targets, not errors of top-level aspects. // TODO(ulfjack): this is quadratic - if there are a lot of CTs, this could be rather slow. if (!values.contains(errorEntry.getKey().argument())) { continue; } SkyKey errorKey = errorEntry.getKey(); ConfiguredTargetKey label = (ConfiguredTargetKey) errorKey.argument(); Label topLevelLabel = label.getLabel(); ErrorInfo errorInfo = errorEntry.getValue(); assertSaneAnalysisError(errorInfo, errorKey); skyframeExecutor .getCyclesReporter() .reportCycles(errorInfo.getCycleInfo(), errorKey, eventHandler); Exception cause = errorInfo.getException(); Label analysisRootCause = null; if (cause instanceof ConfiguredValueCreationException) { ConfiguredValueCreationException ctCause = (ConfiguredValueCreationException) cause; for (Label rootCause : ctCause.getRootCauses()) { hasLoadingError = true; LoadingFailureEvent(topLevelLabel, rootCause)); } analysisRootCause = ctCause.getAnalysisRootCause(); } else if (!Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo())) { analysisRootCause = maybeGetConfiguredTargetCycleCulprit(topLevelLabel, errorInfo.getCycleInfo()); } else if (cause instanceof ActionConflictException) { ((ActionConflictException) cause).reportTo(eventHandler); } eventHandler.handle( Event.warn( "errors encountered while analyzing target '" + topLevelLabel + "': it will not be built")); if (analysisRootCause != null) { new AnalysisFailureEvent( LabelAndConfiguration.of(topLevelLabel, label.getConfiguration()), analysisRootCause)); } } Collection<Exception> reportedExceptions = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Map.Entry<Action, ConflictException> bad : badActions.entrySet()) { ConflictException ex = bad.getValue(); try { ex.rethrowTyped(); } catch (MutableActionGraph.ActionConflictException ace) { ace.reportTo(eventHandler); eventHandler.handle( Event.warn( "errors encountered while analyzing target '" + bad.getKey().getOwner().getLabel() + "': it will not be built")); } catch (ArtifactPrefixConflictException apce) { if (reportedExceptions.add(apce)) { eventHandler.handle(Event.error(apce.getMessage())); } } } if (!badActions.isEmpty()) { // In order to determine the set of configured targets transitively error free from action // conflict issues, we run a post-processing update() that uses the bad action map. EvaluationResult<PostConfiguredTargetValue> actionConflictResult = skyframeExecutor.postConfigureTargets(eventHandler, values, keepGoing, badActions); goodCts = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size()); for (ConfiguredTargetKey value : values) { PostConfiguredTargetValue postCt = actionConflictResult.get(PostConfiguredTargetValue.key(value)); if (postCt != null) { goodCts.add(postCt.getCt()); } } } setDeserializedArtifactOwners(); return new SkyframeAnalysisResult( hasLoadingError, result.hasError() || !badActions.isEmpty(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodCts), result.getWalkableGraph(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodAspects), LoadingPhaseRunner.collectPackageRoots(; }
private void error(String message, int start, int end) { this.containsErrors = true; eventHandler.handle(Event.error(createLocation(start, end), message)); }