/** * expand super types after scanning, for super types that were not scanned. this is helpful in * finding the transitive closure without scanning all 3rd party dependencies. it uses {@link * ReflectionUtils#getSuperTypes(Class)}. * * <p>for example, for classes A,B,C where A supertype of B, B supertype of C: * * <ul> * <li>if scanning C resulted in B (B->C in store), but A was not scanned (although A supertype * of B) - then getSubTypes(A) will not return C * <li>if expanding supertypes, B will be expanded with A (A->B in store) - then getSubTypes(A) * will return C * </ul> */ public void expandSuperTypes() { if (store.keySet().contains(index(SubTypesScanner.class))) { Multimap<String, String> mmap = store.get(index(SubTypesScanner.class)); Sets.SetView<String> keys = Sets.difference(mmap.keySet(), Sets.newHashSet(mmap.values())); Multimap<String, String> expand = HashMultimap.create(); for (String key : keys) { expandSupertypes(expand, key, forName(key)); } mmap.putAll(expand); } }
/** * get parameter names of given {@code constructor} * * <p>depends on MethodParameterNamesScanner configured */ public List<String> getConstructorParamNames(Constructor constructor) { Iterable<String> names = store.get(index(MethodParameterNamesScanner.class), Utils.name(constructor)); return !Iterables.isEmpty(names) ? Arrays.asList(Iterables.getOnlyElement(names).split(", ")) : Arrays.<String>asList(); }
/** * get all fields annotated with a given annotation * * <p>depends on FieldAnnotationsScanner configured */ public Set<Field> getFieldsAnnotatedWith(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { final Set<Field> result = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String annotated : store.get(index(FieldAnnotationsScanner.class), annotation.getName())) { result.add(getFieldFromString(annotated, loaders())); } return result; }
/** * collect saved Reflections resources from all urls that contains the given packagePrefix and * matches the given resourceNameFilter and de-serializes them using the default serializer {@link * XmlSerializer} or using the optionally supplied optionalSerializer * * <p>it is preferred to use a designated resource prefix (for example META-INF/reflections but * not just META-INF), so that relevant urls could be found much faster * * @param optionalSerializer - optionally supply one serializer instance. if not specified or * null, {@link XmlSerializer} will be used */ public static Reflections collect( final String packagePrefix, final Predicate<String> resourceNameFilter, @Nullable Serializer... optionalSerializer) { Serializer serializer = optionalSerializer != null && optionalSerializer.length == 1 ? optionalSerializer[0] : new XmlSerializer(); Collection<URL> urls = ClasspathHelper.forPackage(packagePrefix); if (urls.isEmpty()) return null; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Reflections reflections = new Reflections(); Iterable<Vfs.File> files = Vfs.findFiles(urls, packagePrefix, resourceNameFilter); for (final Vfs.File file : files) { InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = file.openInputStream(); reflections.merge(serializer.read(inputStream)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ReflectionsException("could not merge " + file, e); } finally { close(inputStream); } } if (log != null) { Store store = reflections.getStore(); int keys = 0; int values = 0; for (String index : store.keySet()) { keys += store.get(index).keySet().size(); values += store.get(index).size(); } log.info( format( "Reflections took %d ms to collect %d url%s, producing %d keys and %d values [%s]", System.currentTimeMillis() - start, urls.size(), urls.size() > 1 ? "s" : "", keys, values, Joiner.on(", ").join(urls))); } return reflections; }
/** * get types annotated with a given annotation, both classes and annotations * * <p>{@link Inherited} is honored according to given honorInherited. * * <p>when honoring @Inherited, meta-annotation should only effect annotated super classes and * it's sub types * * <p>when not honoring @Inherited, meta annotation effects all subtypes, including annotations * interfaces and classes * * <p><i>Note that this (@Inherited) meta-annotation type has no effect if the annotated type is * used for anything other then a class. Also, this meta-annotation causes annotations to be * inherited only from superclasses; annotations on implemented interfaces have no effect.</i> * * <p>depends on TypeAnnotationsScanner and SubTypesScanner configured */ public Set<Class<?>> getTypesAnnotatedWith( final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation, boolean honorInherited) { Iterable<String> annotated = store.get(index(TypeAnnotationsScanner.class), annotation.getName()); Iterable<String> classes = getAllAnnotated(annotated, annotation.isAnnotationPresent(Inherited.class), honorInherited); return Sets.newHashSet(concat(forNames(annotated, loaders()), forNames(classes, loaders()))); }
/** * get all types scanned. this is effectively similar to getting all subtypes of Object. * * <p>depends on SubTypesScanner configured with {@code SubTypesScanner(false)}, otherwise {@code * ReflectionsException} is thrown * * <p><i>note using this might be a bad practice. it is better to get types matching some * criteria, such as {@link #getSubTypesOf(Class)} or {@link #getTypesAnnotatedWith(Class)}</i> * * @return Set of String, and not of Class, in order to avoid definition of all types in PermGen */ public Set<String> getAllTypes() { Set<String> allTypes = Sets.newHashSet(store.getAll(index(SubTypesScanner.class), Object.class.getName())); if (allTypes.isEmpty()) { throw new ReflectionsException( "Couldn't find subtypes of Object. " + "Make sure SubTypesScanner initialized to include Object class - new SubTypesScanner(false)"); } return allTypes; }
/** * get types annotated with a given annotation, both classes and annotations, including annotation * member values matching * * <p>{@link Inherited} is honored according to given honorInherited * * <p>depends on TypeAnnotationsScanner configured */ public Set<Class<?>> getTypesAnnotatedWith(final Annotation annotation, boolean honorInherited) { Iterable<String> annotated = store.get(index(TypeAnnotationsScanner.class), annotation.annotationType().getName()); Iterable<Class<?>> filter = filter(forNames(annotated, loaders()), withAnnotation(annotation)); Iterable<String> classes = getAllAnnotated( names(filter), annotation.annotationType().isAnnotationPresent(Inherited.class), honorInherited); return Sets.newHashSet( concat(filter, forNames(filter(classes, not(in(Sets.newHashSet(annotated)))), loaders()))); }
/** merges a Reflections instance metadata into this instance */ public Reflections merge(final Reflections reflections) { if (reflections.store != null) { for (String indexName : reflections.store.keySet()) { Multimap<String, String> index = reflections.store.get(indexName); for (String key : index.keySet()) { for (String string : index.get(key)) { store.getOrCreate(indexName).put(key, string); } } } } return this; }
protected Iterable<String> getAllAnnotated( Iterable<String> annotated, boolean inherited, boolean honorInherited) { if (honorInherited) { if (inherited) { Iterable<String> subTypes = store.get( index(SubTypesScanner.class), filter( annotated, new Predicate<String>() { public boolean apply(@Nullable String input) { return !ReflectionUtils.forName(input, loaders()).isInterface(); } })); return concat(subTypes, store.getAll(index(SubTypesScanner.class), subTypes)); } else { return annotated; } } else { Iterable<String> subTypes = concat(annotated, store.getAll(index(TypeAnnotationsScanner.class), annotated)); return concat(subTypes, store.getAll(index(SubTypesScanner.class), subTypes)); } }
/** * constructs a Reflections instance and scan according to given {@link * org.reflections.Configuration} * * <p>it is preferred to use {@link ConfigurationBuilder} */ public Reflections(final Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; store = new Store(configuration); if (configuration.getScanners() != null && !configuration.getScanners().isEmpty()) { // inject to scanners for (Scanner scanner : configuration.getScanners()) { scanner.setConfiguration(configuration); scanner.setStore(store.getOrCreate(scanner.getClass().getSimpleName())); } scan(); if (configuration.shouldExpandSuperTypes()) { expandSuperTypes(); } } }
/** * get all given {@code constructors} usages in methods and constructors * * <p>depends on MemberUsageScanner configured */ public Set<Member> getConstructorUsage(Constructor constructor) { return getMembersFromDescriptors(store.get(index(MemberUsageScanner.class), name(constructor))); }
/** * get all constructors annotated with a given annotation * * <p>depends on MethodAnnotationsScanner configured */ public Set<Constructor> getConstructorsAnnotatedWith( final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { Iterable<String> methods = store.get(index(MethodAnnotationsScanner.class), annotation.getName()); return getConstructorsFromDescriptors(methods, loaders()); }
/** * get all given {@code field} usages in methods and constructors * * <p>depends on MemberUsageScanner configured */ public Set<Member> getFieldUsage(Field field) { return getMembersFromDescriptors(store.get(index(MemberUsageScanner.class), name(field))); }
/** * get all given {@code method} usages in methods and constructors * * <p>depends on MemberUsageScanner configured */ public Set<Member> getMethodUsage(Method method) { return getMembersFromDescriptors(store.get(index(MemberUsageScanner.class), name(method))); }
/** * get parameter names of given {@code method} * * <p>depends on MethodParameterNamesScanner configured */ public List<String> getMethodParamNames(Method method) { Iterable<String> names = store.get(index(MethodParameterNamesScanner.class), name(method)); return !Iterables.isEmpty(names) ? Arrays.asList(Iterables.getOnlyElement(names).split(", ")) : Arrays.<String>asList(); }
/** * gets all sub types in hierarchy of a given type * * <p>depends on SubTypesScanner configured */ public <T> Set<Class<? extends T>> getSubTypesOf(final Class<T> type) { return Sets.newHashSet( ReflectionUtils.<T>forNames( store.getAll(index(SubTypesScanner.class), Arrays.asList(type.getName())), loaders())); }
/** * get resources relative paths where simple name (key) matches given namePredicate * * <p>depends on ResourcesScanner configured */ public Set<String> getResources(final Predicate<String> namePredicate) { Iterable<String> resources = Iterables.filter(store.get(index(ResourcesScanner.class)).keySet(), namePredicate); return Sets.newHashSet(store.get(index(ResourcesScanner.class), resources)); }
/** get methods with return type match given type */ public Set<Method> getMethodsReturn(Class returnType) { return getMethodsFromDescriptors( store.get(index(MethodParameterScanner.class), names(returnType)), loaders()); }
/** get constructors with any parameter annotated with given annotation */ public Set<Constructor> getConstructorsWithAnyParamAnnotated( Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { return getConstructorsFromDescriptors( store.get(index(MethodParameterScanner.class), annotation.getName()), loaders()); }
/** get constructors with parameter types matching given {@code types} */ public Set<Constructor> getConstructorsMatchParams(Class<?>... types) { return getConstructorsFromDescriptors( store.get(index(MethodParameterScanner.class), names(types).toString()), loaders()); }
protected void scan() { if (configuration.getUrls() == null || configuration.getUrls().isEmpty()) { if (log != null) log.warn("given scan urls are empty. set urls in the configuration"); return; } if (log != null && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("going to scan these urls:\n" + Joiner.on("\n").join(configuration.getUrls())); } long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); int scannedUrls = 0; ExecutorService executorService = configuration.getExecutorService(); List<Future<?>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final URL url : configuration.getUrls()) { try { if (executorService != null) { futures.add( executorService.submit( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (log != null && log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("[" + Thread.currentThread().toString() + "] scanning " + url); scan(url); } })); } else { scan(url); } scannedUrls++; } catch (ReflectionsException e) { if (log != null && log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("could not create Vfs.Dir from url. ignoring the exception and continuing", e); } } // todo use CompletionService if (executorService != null) { for (Future future : futures) { try { future.get(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; // gracefully shutdown the parallel scanner executor service. if (executorService != null) { executorService.shutdown(); } if (log != null) { int keys = 0; int values = 0; for (String index : store.keySet()) { keys += store.get(index).keySet().size(); values += store.get(index).size(); } log.info( format( "Reflections took %d ms to scan %d urls, producing %d keys and %d values %s", time, scannedUrls, keys, values, executorService != null && executorService instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor ? format( "[using %d cores]", ((ThreadPoolExecutor) executorService).getMaximumPoolSize()) : "")); } }