private Multimap<String, String> computeUserParameters() { Multimap<String, String> result = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (String key : suite.parameterNames()) { // first check if the user has specified values Collection<String> userValues = userParameterArguments.get(key); if (!userValues.isEmpty()) { result.putAll(key, userValues); // TODO: type convert 'em to validate? } else { // otherwise use the default values from the suite Set<String> values = suite.parameterValues(key); if (values.isEmpty()) { throw new ConfigurationException( key + " has no values. " + "Did you forget a -D" + key + "=<value> command line argument?"); } result.putAll(key, values); } } return result; }
@Override public Collection<SourcedDeviceUpnp> getDeviceList() { // horribly unoptimal impl! Map<String, SourcedDeviceUpnp> baseXmpp = convertToSourcedDimmableLightMap(mXmppConnector.getDeviceList(), Source.XMPP); Map<String, SourcedDeviceUpnp> baseLocal = convertToSourcedDimmableLightMap(mLocalConnector.getDeviceList(), Source.LOCAL); Multimap<String, SourcedDeviceUpnp> multiMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); multiMap.putAll(Multimaps.forMap(baseXmpp)); multiMap.putAll(Multimaps.forMap(baseLocal)); Iterable<SourcedDeviceUpnp> lights = Iterables.transform( multiMap.asMap().values(), new Function<Collection<SourcedDeviceUpnp>, SourcedDeviceUpnp>() { @Override public SourcedDeviceUpnp apply(Collection<SourcedDeviceUpnp> lightsCollection) { EnumSet<Source> sources = EnumSet.noneOf(Source.class); for (SourcedDeviceUpnp light : lightsCollection) { sources.addAll(light.getSources()); } // we make srong assumption here that all sources on list have same state // (name/switch state/brightness) SourcedDeviceUpnp first = Iterables.getFirst(lightsCollection, null); first.setSources(sources); return first; } }); return Lists.newArrayList(lights); }
private Multimap<Cell, Long> getTimestampsFromRowResults( List<RowResult<Set<Long>>> cellsToSweep, SweepStrategy sweepStrategy) { Multimap<Cell, Long> cellTsMappings = HashMultimap.create(); for (RowResult<Set<Long>> rowResult : cellsToSweep) { for (Map.Entry<Cell, Set<Long>> entry : rowResult.getCells()) { if (sweepStrategy == SweepStrategy.CONSERVATIVE) { cellTsMappings.putAll( entry.getKey(), Sets.difference(entry.getValue(), invalidTimestamps)); } else { cellTsMappings.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } return cellTsMappings; }
private Multimap<Cell, Long> getCellTsPairsToSweep( Multimap<Cell, Long> cellTsMappings, PeekingIterator<RowResult<Value>> values, long sweepTimestamp, SweepStrategy sweepStrategy, @Output Set<Cell> sentinelsToAdd) { Multimap<Cell, Long> cellTsMappingsToSweep = HashMultimap.create(); Map<Long, Long> startTsToCommitTs = transactionService.get(cellTsMappings.values()); for (Map.Entry<Cell, Collection<Long>> entry : cellTsMappings.asMap().entrySet()) { Cell cell = entry.getKey(); Collection<Long> timestamps = entry.getValue(); boolean sweepLastCommitted = isLatestValueEmpty(cell, values); Iterable<? extends Long> timestampsToSweep = getTimestampsToSweep( cell, timestamps, startTsToCommitTs, sentinelsToAdd, sweepTimestamp, sweepLastCommitted, sweepStrategy); cellTsMappingsToSweep.putAll(entry.getKey(), timestampsToSweep); } return cellTsMappingsToSweep; }
@Test public void multimap_assertions_examples() { Multimap<String, String> nbaTeams = ArrayListMultimap.create(); nbaTeams.putAll("Lakers", newArrayList("Kobe Bryant", "Magic Johnson", "Kareem Abdul Jabbar")); nbaTeams.putAll("Spurs", newArrayList("Tony Parker", "Tim Duncan", "Manu Ginobili")); assertThat(nbaTeams).hasSize(6); assertThat(nbaTeams).containsKeys("Lakers", "Spurs"); assertThat(nbaTeams).contains(entry("Lakers", "Kobe Bryant"), entry("Spurs", "Tim Duncan")); assertThat(nbaTeams).containsValues("Kareem Abdul Jabbar", "Tony Parker"); assertThat(nbaTeams).hasSameEntriesAs(nbaTeams); assertThat(nbaTeams).containsAllEntriesOf(nbaTeams); Multimap<String, String> emptyMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); assertThat(emptyMultimap).isEmpty(); }
private List<I_C_RfQResponseLine> getActiveRfqResponseLines_ForBPartnerId(final int bpartnerId) { final Multimap<Integer, I_C_RfQResponseLine> bpartnerId2activeRfqResponseLines = getActiveRfqResponseLines_IndexedByBPartnerId(); if (!bpartnerId2activeRfqResponseLines.containsKey(bpartnerId)) { final List<I_C_RfQResponseLine> rfqResponseLines = pmmRfQDAO.retrieveActiveResponseLines(getCtx(), bpartnerId); bpartnerId2activeRfqResponseLines.putAll(bpartnerId, rfqResponseLines); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(bpartnerId2activeRfqResponseLines.get(bpartnerId)); }
/** * Replaces the current payload with one that is a urlencoded payload including the following * parameters and any formerly set. * * @see HttpRequest#getPayload() */ public T addFormParams(Multimap<String, String> parameters) { checkNotNull(endpoint, "endpoint"); Multimap<String, String> map = payload != null ? queryParser().apply(payload.getRawContent().toString()) : LinkedHashMultimap.<String, String>create(); map.putAll(parameters); payload = newUrlEncodedFormPayload(map); return self(); }
private void retrieveRegisteredListeners() { for (MouseAction action : EnumSet.of(MOUSE_PRESSED, MOUSE_DRAGGED)) { ArgumentCaptor<MouseActionListener> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(MouseActionListener.class); verify(externalMouseDrivenComponent, atLeastOnce()) .addMouseActionListener(eq(action), captor.capture()); registeredListeners.putAll(action, captor.getAllValues()); } }
public <S, P, T, D extends Pda<S, P>> D expand( Pda<S, P> pda, Function<S, Pda<S, P>> expand, Function<S, T> tokens, PdaFactory<D, S, P, T> fact) { D result = fact.create(tokens.apply(pda.getStart()), tokens.apply(pda.getStop())); Identity<S> identity = new Identity<S>(); Map<S, S> idstates = Maps.newIdentityHashMap(); Multimap<S, S> followers = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (S s_old : nfaUtil.collect(pda)) { S s_new = idstates.get(s_old); if (s_new == null) { Pda<S, P> sub = expand.apply(s_old); if (sub != null) { S s_start = identity.get(fact.createPush(result, tokens.apply(s_old))); S s_stop = identity.get(fact.createPop(result, tokens.apply(s_old))); idstates.put(s_old, s_start); idstates.put(sub.getStart(), s_start); idstates.put(sub.getStop(), s_stop); followers.putAll(s_start, sub.getFollowers(sub.getStart())); followers.putAll(s_stop, pda.getFollowers(s_old)); for (S f_old : nfaUtil.collect(sub)) if (f_old != sub.getStart() && f_old != sub.getStop()) { S f_new = idstates.get(f_old); if (f_new == null) { idstates.put(f_old, f_new = clone(f_old, sub, result, tokens, fact, identity)); followers.putAll(f_new, pda.getFollowers(f_old)); } } } else { idstates.put(s_old, s_new = clone(s_old, pda, result, tokens, fact, identity)); followers.putAll(s_new, pda.getFollowers(s_old)); } } } for (Map.Entry<S, Collection<S>> entry : followers.asMap().entrySet()) { Set<S> f = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (S s : entry.getValue()) f.add(idstates.get(s)); fact.setFollowers(result, entry.getKey(), f); } return result; }
public static Multimap<String, String> forMap(Map<String, Collection<String>> map) { Check.notNull(map, "map"); Multimap<String, String> result = HashMultimap.create(); for (String key : map.keySet()) { result.putAll(key, map.get(key)); } return result; }
/** * expand super types after scanning, for super types that were not scanned. this is helpful in * finding the transitive closure without scanning all 3rd party dependencies. it uses {@link * ReflectionUtils#getSuperTypes(Class)}. * * <p>for example, for classes A,B,C where A supertype of B, B supertype of C: * * <ul> * <li>if scanning C resulted in B (B->C in store), but A was not scanned (although A supertype * of B) - then getSubTypes(A) will not return C * <li>if expanding supertypes, B will be expanded with A (A->B in store) - then getSubTypes(A) * will return C * </ul> */ public void expandSuperTypes() { if (store.keySet().contains(index(SubTypesScanner.class))) { Multimap<String, String> mmap = store.get(index(SubTypesScanner.class)); Sets.SetView<String> keys = Sets.difference(mmap.keySet(), Sets.newHashSet(mmap.values())); Multimap<String, String> expand = HashMultimap.create(); for (String key : keys) { expandSupertypes(expand, key, forName(key)); } mmap.putAll(expand); } }
public void addResponses(final Iterable<Response> responses) { typeToResponse.putAll( Multimaps.index( responses, new Function<Response, String>() { @Override public String apply(final Response input) { return input.type().asString(); } })); }
private List<I_C_Flatrate_Term> getC_Flatrate_Terms_ForBPartnerId(final int bpartnerId) { final Multimap<Integer, I_C_Flatrate_Term> bpartnerId2contract = getC_Flatrate_Terms_IndexedByBPartnerId(); if (!bpartnerId2contract.containsKey(bpartnerId)) { final List<I_C_Flatrate_Term> contracts = pmmContractsDAO.retrieveRunningContractsOnDateForBPartner(date, bpartnerId); bpartnerId2contract.putAll(bpartnerId, contracts); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(bpartnerId2contract.get(bpartnerId)); }
private ImmutableSetMultimap<String, String> parsePermissions( @Nullable String database, Ini.Section rolesSection, Ini.Section groupsSection) { ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<String, String> resultBuilder = ImmutableSetMultimap.builder(); Multimap<String, String> roleNameToPrivilegeMap = HashMultimap.create(); List<? extends RoleValidator> validators = Lists.newArrayList( new ServersAllIsInvalid(), new DatabaseMustMatch(), new DatabaseRequiredInRole(), new ServerNameMustMatch(serverName)); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : rolesSection.entrySet()) { String roleName = Strings.nullToEmpty(entry.getKey()).trim(); String roleValue = Strings.nullToEmpty(entry.getValue()).trim(); boolean invalidConfiguration = false; if (roleName.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("Empty role name encountered in {}", resourcePath); invalidConfiguration = true; } if (roleValue.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("Empty role value encountered in {}", resourcePath); invalidConfiguration = true; } if (roleNameToPrivilegeMap.containsKey(roleName)) { LOGGER.warn("Role {} defined twice in {}", roleName, resourcePath); } Set<String> roles = PermissionUtils.toPermissionStrings(roleValue); if (!invalidConfiguration && roles != null) { for (String role : roles) { for (RoleValidator validator : validators) { validator.validate(database, role.trim()); } } roleNameToPrivilegeMap.putAll(roleName, roles); } } Splitter roleSplitter = ROLE_SPLITTER.omitEmptyStrings().trimResults(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : groupsSection.entrySet()) { String groupName = Strings.nullToEmpty(entry.getKey()).trim(); String groupPrivileges = Strings.nullToEmpty(entry.getValue()).trim(); Collection<String> resolvedGroupPrivileges = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String roleName : roleSplitter.split(groupPrivileges)) { if (roleNameToPrivilegeMap.containsKey(roleName)) { resolvedGroupPrivileges.addAll(roleNameToPrivilegeMap.get(roleName)); } else { LOGGER.warn( "Role {} for group {} does not exist in privileges section in {}", new Object[] {roleName, groupName, resourcePath}); } } resultBuilder.putAll(groupName, resolvedGroupPrivileges); } return; }
@Override public Boolean caseCompoundElement(CompoundElement object) { Multimap<String, AbstractElement> prevAssignedFeatures = newMultimap(assignedFeatures); for (AbstractElement element : object.getElements()) { doSwitch(element); } if (GrammarUtil.isMultipleCardinality(object)) { for (AbstractElement element : object.getElements()) { doSwitch(element); } } if (GrammarUtil.isOptionalCardinality(object)) assignedFeatures.putAll(prevAssignedFeatures); return Boolean.FALSE; }
private void handleSuppressWarning(List<AnnotationTree> annotationTrees, int endLine) { int startLine = 0; List<String> warnings = Lists.newArrayList(); for (AnnotationTree annotationTree : annotationTrees) { if (isSuppressWarningsAnnotation(annotationTree)) { startLine = ((JavaTree) annotationTree).getLine(); warnings.addAll(getSuppressWarningArgs(annotationTree)); break; } } for (int i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) { suppressWarningLines.putAll(i, warnings); } }
@Override public Map<String, Collection<String>> revsDiff(Multimap<String, String> revisions) { Preconditions.checkState(this.isOpen(), "Database is closed"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(revisions, "Input revisions must not be null"); Multimap<String, String> missingRevs = ArrayListMultimap.create(); // Break the potentially big multimap into small ones so for each map, // a single query can be use to check if the <id, revision> pairs in sqlDb or not List<Multimap<String, String>> batches = this.multiMapPartitions(revisions, SQLITE_QUERY_PLACEHOLDERS_LIMIT); for (Multimap<String, String> batch : batches) { this.revsDiffBatch(batch); missingRevs.putAll(batch); } return missingRevs.asMap(); }
@Override public Boolean caseAlternatives(Alternatives object) { Multimap<String, AbstractElement> prevAssignedFeatures = assignedFeatures; Multimap<String, AbstractElement> mergedAssignedFeatures = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (AbstractElement element : object.getElements()) { assignedFeatures = newMultimap(prevAssignedFeatures); doSwitch(element); mergedAssignedFeatures.putAll(assignedFeatures); } if (GrammarUtil.isOptionalCardinality(object)) { mergedAssignedFeatures.putAll(prevAssignedFeatures); } assignedFeatures = mergedAssignedFeatures; if (GrammarUtil.isMultipleCardinality(object)) { prevAssignedFeatures = assignedFeatures; for (AbstractElement element : object.getElements()) { assignedFeatures = newMultimap(prevAssignedFeatures); doSwitch(element); mergedAssignedFeatures.putAll(assignedFeatures); } assignedFeatures = mergedAssignedFeatures; } return Boolean.FALSE; }
@BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws IOException { InputStream dataFileInputStream = NaraSoundexTest.class.getResourceAsStream(""); List<String> lines = CharStreams.readLines(new InputStreamReader(dataFileInputStream)); for (String currentLine : lines) { if (!currentLine.startsWith(";")) { Iterable<String> components = Splitter.on("->").trimResults().split(currentLine); Iterable<String> expectedValues = Splitter.on(",").trimResults().split(Iterables.get(components, 1)); testCases.putAll(Iterables.get(components, 0), expectedValues); } } }
@Test public void bulk_index_active_rules() throws IOException { List<ActiveRuleDto> activeRules = newArrayList( new ActiveRuleDto() .setId(1) .setProfileId(10) .setRuleId(1) .setSeverity(Severity.MAJOR) .setParentId(5)); Multimap<Integer, ActiveRuleParamDto> paramsByActiveRule = ArrayListMultimap.create(); paramsByActiveRule.putAll( 1, newArrayList( new ActiveRuleParamDto() .setId(1) .setActiveRuleId(1) .setRulesParameterId(1) .setKey("key") .setValue("RuleWithParameters"))); esActiveRule.bulkIndexActiveRules(activeRules, paramsByActiveRule); assertThat(esSetup.exists("rules", "active_rule", "1")); SearchHit[] parentHit = esSetup .client() .prepareSearch("rules") .setPostFilter(hasChildFilter("active_rule", termFilter("profileId", 10))) .execute() .actionGet() .getHits() .getHits(); assertThat(parentHit).hasSize(1); assertThat(parentHit[0].getId()).isEqualTo("1"); SearchHit[] childHit = esSetup .client() .prepareSearch("rules") .setPostFilter(hasParentFilter("rule", termFilter("key", "RuleWithParameters"))) .execute() .actionGet() .getHits() .getHits(); assertThat(childHit).hasSize(1); assertThat(childHit[0].getId()).isEqualTo("1"); }
public Multimap<String, String> openRevisions(int start, int end) { Preconditions.checkArgument(start >= 0, "Start position must be greater or equal to zero."); Preconditions.checkArgument(end > start, "End position must be greater than start."); Preconditions.checkArgument( end <= this.size(), "End position must be smaller than changes feed size."); Multimap<String, String> openRevisions = HashMultimap.create(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { ChangesResult.Row row = this.getResults().get(i); List<ChangesResult.Row.Rev> revisions = row.getChanges(); Set<String> openRevs = new HashSet<String>(revisions.size()); for (ChangesResult.Row.Rev rev : revisions) { openRevs.add(rev.getRev()); } openRevisions.putAll(row.getId(), openRevs); } return openRevisions; }
protected void applyValidation( property) { Collection<Review> reviewList =, currentItem.getSourceProperty(), property); reviews.removeAll(currentItem.getKey()); if (reviewList.isEmpty()) { if (translated.getComponentError() != null) translated.setComponentError(null); } else { reviews.putAll((String) currentItem.getKey(), reviewList); List<ErrorMessage> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorMessage>(reviewList.size()); for (Review review : reviewList) { UserError error = new UserError(review.getMessage(), UserError.CONTENT_TEXT, ErrorMessage.ERROR); errors.add(error); } CompositeErrorMessage message = new CompositeErrorMessage(errors); translated.setComponentError(message); } }
/** * Prunes a multimap based on a predicate, returning the pruned values. The input map will be * modified. * * @param map The multimap to prune. * @param filterRule The pruning rule. When the predicate returns {@code false} for an entry, it * will be pruned, otherwise it will be retained. * @param <K> The key type in the multimap. * @param <V> The value type in the multimap. * @return A new multimap, containing the pruned keys/values. */ public static <K, V> Multimap<K, V> prune( Multimap<K, V> map, Predicate<Collection<V>> filterRule) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(map); Preconditions.checkNotNull(filterRule); Set<K> prunedKeys = Sets.newHashSet(); for (K key : map.keySet()) { if (!filterRule.apply(map.get(key))) { prunedKeys.add(key); } } Multimap<K, V> pruned = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (K key : prunedKeys) { pruned.putAll(key, map.removeAll(key)); } return pruned; }
/** * Populates the configuration specific mnemonicToExtraActionMap based on all action_listers * selected by the user (via the blaze option {@code --experimental_action_listener=<target>}). */ private Multimap<String, ExtraActionSpec> computeMnemonicsToExtraActionMap() { // We copy the multimap here every time. This could be expensive. Multimap<String, ExtraActionSpec> mnemonicToExtraActionMap = HashMultimap.create(); for (TransitiveInfoCollection actionListener : ruleContext.getPrerequisites(":action_listener", Mode.HOST)) { ExtraActionMapProvider provider = actionListener.getProvider(ExtraActionMapProvider.class); if (provider == null) { ruleContext.ruleError( String.format( "Unable to match experimental_action_listeners to this rule. " + "Specified target %s is not an action_listener rule", actionListener.getLabel().toString())); } else { mnemonicToExtraActionMap.putAll(provider.getExtraActionMap()); } } return mnemonicToExtraActionMap; }
void inferTypes(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Scope scope) { TypeInference typeInference = new TypeInference( compiler, computeCfg(n), reverseInterpreter, scope, assertionFunctionsMap, getUnflowableVars(scope)); try { typeInference.analyze(); escapedLocalVars.putAll(typeInference.getAssignedOuterLocalVars()); // Resolve any new type names found during the inference. compiler.getTypeRegistry().resolveTypesInScope(scope); } catch (DataFlowAnalysis.MaxIterationsExceededException e) {, DATAFLOW_ERROR)); } }
public HttpResponse apply(Response nativeResponse) { InputStream in = null; try { in = BaseHttpCommandExecutorService.consumeOnClose(nativeResponse.getResponseBodyAsStream()); } catch (IOException e) { Closeables.closeQuietly(in); propagate(e); assert false : "should have propagated exception"; } Payload payload = in != null ? Payloads.newInputStreamPayload(in) : null; HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(nativeResponse.getStatusCode(), nativeResponse.getStatusText(), payload); Multimap<String, String> headers = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (Entry<String, List<String>> header : nativeResponse.getHeaders()) { headers.putAll(header.getKey(), header.getValue()); } utils.setPayloadPropertiesFromHeaders(headers, response); return response; }
/** * Get SkyKeys for the FileValues for the given {@code pathFragments}. To do this, we look for a * package lookup node for each path fragment, since package lookup nodes contain the "root" of a * package. The returned SkyKeys correspond to FileValues that may not exist in the graph. */ private Collection<SkyKey> getSkyKeysForFileFragments(Iterable<PathFragment> pathFragments) { Set<SkyKey> result = new HashSet<>(); Multimap<PathFragment, PathFragment> currentToOriginal = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (PathFragment pathFragment : pathFragments) { currentToOriginal.put(pathFragment, pathFragment); } while (!currentToOriginal.isEmpty()) { Map<SkyKey, PathFragment> keys = new HashMap<>(); for (PathFragment pathFragment : currentToOriginal.keySet()) { keys.put( PackageLookupValue.key(PackageIdentifier.createInDefaultRepo(pathFragment)), pathFragment); } Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> lookupValues = graph.getSuccessfulValues(keys.keySet()); for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> entry : lookupValues.entrySet()) { PackageLookupValue packageLookupValue = (PackageLookupValue) entry.getValue(); if (packageLookupValue.packageExists()) { PathFragment dir = keys.get(entry.getKey()); Collection<PathFragment> originalFiles = currentToOriginal.get(dir); Preconditions.checkState(!originalFiles.isEmpty(), entry); for (PathFragment fileName : originalFiles) { result.add( FileValue.key(RootedPath.toRootedPath(packageLookupValue.getRoot(), fileName))); } currentToOriginal.removeAll(dir); } } Multimap<PathFragment, PathFragment> newCurrentToOriginal = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (PathFragment pathFragment : currentToOriginal.keySet()) { PathFragment parent = pathFragment.getParentDirectory(); if (parent != null) { newCurrentToOriginal.putAll(parent, currentToOriginal.get(pathFragment)); } } currentToOriginal = newCurrentToOriginal; } return result; }
@Override public boolean accept(final String lex) { valuesSeen.putAll(forMap(asMap(parseableAs(lex), x -> lex))); return true; }
public static Multimap<Language, LocalLink> mergeMaps( Multimap<Language, LocalLink> map1, Multimap<Language, LocalLink> map2) { map1.putAll(map2); return map1; }
/** @return number of cells read from _scrub table */ private int scrubSomeCells( final TransactionManager txManager, int maxCellsToScrub, long maxScrubTimestamp) { SortedMap<Long, Multimap<String, Cell>> scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell = scrubberStore.getCellsToScrub(maxCellsToScrub, maxScrubTimestamp); // Don't call expensive toString() if trace logging is off if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Attempting to scrub cells: " + scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { Set<String> tables = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Multimap<String, Cell> v : scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell.values()) { tables.addAll(v.keySet()); } "Attempting to scrub " + scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell.size() + " cells from tables " + tables); } if (scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell.size() == 0) { return 0; // No cells left to scrub } Multimap<Long, Cell> toRemoveFromScrubQueue = HashMultimap.create(); int numCellsReadFromScrubTable = 0; for (Map.Entry<Long, Multimap<String, Cell>> entry : scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell.entrySet()) { final long scrubTimestamp = entry.getKey(); final Multimap<String, Cell> tableNameToCell = entry.getValue(); numCellsReadFromScrubTable += tableNameToCell.size(); long commitTimestamp = getCommitTimestampRollBackIfNecessary(scrubTimestamp, tableNameToCell); if (commitTimestamp >= maxScrubTimestamp) { // We cannot scrub this yet because not all transactions can read this value. continue; } else if (commitTimestamp != TransactionConstants.FAILED_COMMIT_TS) { // This is CRITICAL; don't scrub if the hard delete transaction didn't actually finish // (we still remove it from the _scrub table with the call to markCellsAsScrubbed though), // or else we could cause permanent data loss if the hard delete transaction failed after // queuing cells to scrub but before successfully committing List<Future<Void>> scrubFutures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final List<Entry<String, Cell>> batch : Iterables.partition(tableNameToCell.entries(), batchSizeSupplier.get())) { final Multimap<String, Cell> batchMultimap = HashMultimap.create(); for (Entry<String, Cell> e : batch) { batchMultimap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } scrubFutures.add( exec.submit( new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { scrubCells( txManager, batchMultimap, scrubTimestamp, aggressiveScrub ? TransactionType.AGGRESSIVE_HARD_DELETE : TransactionType.HARD_DELETE); return null; } })); } for (Future<Void> future : scrubFutures) { Futures.getUnchecked(future); } } toRemoveFromScrubQueue.putAll(scrubTimestamp, tableNameToCell.values()); } Multimap<Cell, Long> cellToScrubTimestamp = HashMultimap.create(); scrubberStore.markCellsAsScrubbed( Multimaps.invertFrom(toRemoveFromScrubQueue, cellToScrubTimestamp), batchSizeSupplier.get()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Finished scrubbing cells: " + scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { Set<String> tables = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Multimap<String, Cell> v : scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell.values()) { tables.addAll(v.keySet()); } "Finished scrubbing " + scrubTimestampToTableNameToCell.size() + " cells from tables " + tables); } return numCellsReadFromScrubTable; }