private void scrubCells( TransactionManager txManager, Multimap<String, Cell> tableNameToCells, long scrubTimestamp, Transaction.TransactionType transactionType) { for (Entry<String, Collection<Cell>> entry : tableNameToCells.asMap().entrySet()) { String tableName = entry.getKey(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { "Attempting to immediately scrub " + entry.getValue().size() + " cells from table " + tableName); } for (List<Cell> cells : Iterables.partition(entry.getValue(), batchSizeSupplier.get())) { Multimap<Cell, Long> timestampsToDelete = HashMultimap.create( keyValueService.getAllTimestamps( tableName, ImmutableSet.copyOf(cells), scrubTimestamp)); for (Cell cell : ImmutableList.copyOf(timestampsToDelete.keySet())) { // Don't scrub garbage collection sentinels timestampsToDelete.remove(cell, Value.INVALID_VALUE_TIMESTAMP); } // If transactionType == TransactionType.AGGRESSIVE_HARD_DELETE this might // force other transactions to abort or retry deleteCellsAtTimestamps(txManager, tableName, timestampsToDelete, transactionType); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { "Immediately scrubbed " + entry.getValue().size() + " cells from table " + tableName); } } }
/** * Remove the targets and rules defined by {@code path} from the cache and recursively remove the * targets and rules defined by files that transitively include {@code path} from the cache. * * @param path The File that has changed. */ private synchronized void invalidatePath(Cell cell, Path path) { // Paths from Watchman are not absolute. path = cell.getFilesystem().resolve(path); // If the path is a build file for the cell, nuke the targets that it owns first. We don't need // to check whether or not the path ends in the build file name, since we know that these are // the only things that get added. Which makes for an easy life. List<Map<String, Object>> rawNodes = allRawNodes.getIfPresent(path); if (rawNodes != null) { // Invalidate the target nodes first for (Map<String, Object> rawNode : rawNodes) { UnflavoredBuildTarget target = parseBuildTargetFromRawRule(cell.getRoot(), rawNode); allTargetNodes.invalidateAll(targetsCornucopia.get(target)); targetsCornucopia.removeAll(target); } // And then the raw node itself. allRawNodes.invalidate(path); } // We may have been given a file that other build files depend on. Iteratively remove those. Iterable<Path> dependents = buildFileDependents.get(path); for (Path dependent : dependents) { if (dependent.equals(path)) { continue; } invalidatePath(cell, dependent); } buildFileDependents.removeAll(path); }
/** construct deep-copy of other */ protected Topology(Topology other) { dcEndpoints = HashMultimap.create(other.dcEndpoints); dcRacks = new HashMap<String, Multimap<String, InetAddress>>(); for (String dc : other.dcRacks.keySet()) dcRacks.put(dc, HashMultimap.create(other.dcRacks.get(dc))); currentLocations = new HashMap<InetAddress, Pair<String, String>>(other.currentLocations); }
public DaemonicParserState( TypeCoercerFactory typeCoercerFactory, ConstructorArgMarshaller marshaller, int parsingThreads) { this.typeCoercerFactory = typeCoercerFactory; this.marshaller = marshaller; this.allRawNodes = new OptimisticLoadingCache<>(parsingThreads); this.targetsCornucopia = HashMultimap.create(); this.allTargetNodes = new OptimisticLoadingCache<>(parsingThreads); this.hasCachedTargetNodeForBuildTargetPredicate = new Predicate<BuildTarget>() { @Override public boolean apply(BuildTarget buildTarget) { return hasCachedTargetNodeForBuildTarget(buildTarget); } }; this.buildFileTrees = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .build( new CacheLoader<Cell, BuildFileTree>() { @Override public BuildFileTree load(Cell cell) throws Exception { return new FilesystemBackedBuildFileTree( cell.getFilesystem(), cell.getBuildFileName()); } }); this.buildFileDependents = HashMultimap.create(); this.cachedEnvironment = ImmutableMap.of(); this.cachedIncludes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.knownCells = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Cell>()); this.cachedStateLock = new AutoCloseableReadWriteUpdateLock(); }
/** * Returns a multimap of propertyKey -> values * * @param results The AQL properties search result */ public static HashMultimap<String, String> propsToMap(AqlEagerResult<AqlProperty> results) { HashMultimap<String, String> map = HashMultimap.create(); for (AqlProperty property : results.getResults()) { map.put(property.getKey(), property.getValue()); } return map; }
@Override public void registerPermissionLevel(String permission, RegGroup group, boolean alone) { Permission deny = new Permission(permission, false); Permission allow = new Permission(permission, true); if (!deny.isAll) { registerred.add(permission); } if (group == null) { perms.put(RegGroup.ZONE, deny); } else if (group == RegGroup.ZONE) { perms.put(RegGroup.ZONE, allow); } else { perms.put(group, allow); if (alone) return; for (RegGroup g : getHigherGroups(group)) { perms.put(g, allow); } for (RegGroup g : getLowerGroups(group)) { perms.put(g, deny); } } }
protected static class Index { // This mutable state is only modified under inside the computable private final List<JetDeclaration> allDeclarations = Lists.newArrayList(); private final Multimap<Name, JetNamedFunction> functions = HashMultimap.create(); private final Multimap<Name, JetProperty> properties = HashMultimap.create(); private final Multimap<Name, JetClassOrObject> classesAndObjects = ArrayListMultimap.create(); // order matters here public void putToIndex(@NotNull JetDeclaration declaration) { if (declaration instanceof JetClassInitializer) { return; } allDeclarations.add(declaration); if (declaration instanceof JetNamedFunction) { JetNamedFunction namedFunction = (JetNamedFunction) declaration; functions.put(safeNameForLazyResolve(namedFunction), namedFunction); } else if (declaration instanceof JetProperty) { JetProperty property = (JetProperty) declaration; properties.put(safeNameForLazyResolve(property), property); } else if (declaration instanceof JetClassOrObject) { JetClassOrObject classOrObject = (JetClassOrObject) declaration; classesAndObjects.put(safeNameForLazyResolve(classOrObject.getNameAsName()), classOrObject); } else if (declaration instanceof JetParameter || declaration instanceof JetTypedef || declaration instanceof JetMultiDeclaration) { // Do nothing, just put it into allDeclarations is enough } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown declaration: " + declaration); } } }
@Override public IDecorator[] getDecorators(final PictogramElement pe) { IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getFeatureProvider(); Object bo = featureProvider.getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement(pe); Integer objectId; if (bo instanceof Method) { System.out.println("CHECKING METHOD"); objectId = System.identityHashCode(bo.getClass()); try { // generate decorator and markers if (!XcoreValidator.INSTANCE.validateMethod((Method) bo, diagnosticChain, null)) { Diagnostic lastDiagnostic = diagnosticChain.getChildren().get(diagnosticChain.getChildren().size() - 1); markers.put( objectId, AtomicDesignUtils.createMarker( lastDiagnostic.getMessage(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((Method) bo).getClass().getName())); return new ImageDecorator[] { AtomicDesignUtils.createImageDecorator( lastDiagnostic, lastDiagnostic.getMessage(), 20, 0) }; } else { AtomicDesignUtils.destroyMarker(markers.get(objectId)); } } catch (CoreException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (bo instanceof ComputationUnit) { System.out.println("CHECKING CU"); if (!XcoreValidator.INSTANCE.validateComputationUnit( (ComputationUnit) bo, diagnosticChain, null)) { System.out.println("CHECKING METHOD"); } } if (bo instanceof DataElement) { System.out.println("CHECKING DATAELEMENT"); if (!XcoreValidator.INSTANCE.validateDataElement((DataElement) bo, diagnosticChain, null)) {} } if (bo instanceof Service) { System.out.println("CHECKING SERVICE"); if (!XcoreValidator.INSTANCE.validateService((Service) bo, diagnosticChain, null)) {} } if (bo instanceof Parameter) { System.out.println("CHECKING PARAMETER"); if (!XcoreValidator.INSTANCE.validateParameter((Parameter) bo, diagnosticChain, null)) {} } return super.getDecorators(pe); }
@Test public void testMultiMap() { HashMultimap<Object, Object> hashMultimap = HashMultimap.create(); hashMultimap.put(1, 2); hashMultimap.put(2, 4); hashMultimap.put(1, 3); assert hashMultimap.get(1).contains(2); assert hashMultimap.get(1).contains(3); }
DaemonicCellState(Cell cell, int parsingThreads) { this.cell = cell; this.parsingThreads = parsingThreads; this.cellRoot = cell.getRoot(); this.buildFileDependents = HashMultimap.create(); this.targetsCornucopia = HashMultimap.create(); this.buildFileConfigs = new HashMap<>(); this.allRawNodes = new ConcurrentMapCache<>(parsingThreads); this.typedNodeCaches = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); this.rawAndComputedNodesLock = new AutoCloseableReadWriteUpdateLock(); }
@Override public Collection<Job> getJobs(String... tags) { if (tags.length == 0) return Collections.emptySet(); HashSet<Job> jobs = new HashSet<>(); Iterator<String> it = Arrays.asList(tags).iterator(); String tag =; jobs.addAll(tagToJobs.get(tag)); while (it.hasNext()) { tag =; jobs.removeAll(Sets.difference(jobs, tagToJobs.get(tag))); } return jobs; }
@Override public SetMultimap<Object, String> getContentAnchorages() { SetMultimap<Object, String> anchorages = HashMultimap.create(); anchorages.put(getContent().getSource(), "START"); anchorages.put(getContent().getTarget(), "END"); return anchorages; }
public class ClassDependencies { private final SetMultimap<ClassName, ClassName> _classToReferencedClassesMap = HashMultimap.create(); public Set<ClassName> getAllClasses() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_classToReferencedClassesMap.keySet()); } public Set<ClassName> getReferencedClasses(ClassName className) { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_classToReferencedClassesMap.get(className)); } public void add(ClassName className, Collection<ClassName> referencedClasses) { _classToReferencedClassesMap.putAll(className, referencedClasses); _classToReferencedClassesMap.remove(className, className); } public Set<ClassName> getTransitiveClosure(Collection<ClassName> classNames) { Set<ClassName> transitiveClosure = Sets.newHashSet(); for (ClassName className : classNames) { collectTransitiveClosure(className, transitiveClosure); } return transitiveClosure; } private void collectTransitiveClosure(ClassName className, Set<ClassName> transitiveClosure) { if (transitiveClosure.add(className)) { for (ClassName referencedClass : _classToReferencedClassesMap.get(className)) { collectTransitiveClosure(referencedClass, transitiveClosure); } } } }
public void testAllOptions() throws IOException { String expected = Strings2.toStringAndClose( getClass().getResourceAsStream("/InstantiateVAppTemplateParams-options-test.xml")); Multimap<String, String> headers = Multimaps.synchronizedMultimap(HashMultimap.<String, String>create()); GeneratedHttpRequest<?> request = createMock(GeneratedHttpRequest.class); expect(request.getEndpoint()).andReturn(URI.create("http://localhost/key")).anyTimes(); expect(request.getArgs()) .andReturn( ImmutableList.<Object>of( InstantiateVAppTemplateOptions.Builder.processorCount(2) .memory(512) .inGroup("group") .withPassword("password") .inRow("row") .addNetworkConfig(new NetworkConfig(URI.create("http://network"))))) .atLeastOnce(); expect(request.getFirstHeaderOrNull("Content-Type")) .andReturn("application/unknown") .atLeastOnce(); expect(request.getHeaders()).andReturn(headers).atLeastOnce(); request.setPayload(expected); replay(request); BindInstantiateVAppTemplateParamsToXmlPayload binder = injector.getInstance(BindInstantiateVAppTemplateParamsToXmlPayload.class); Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap(); map.put("name", "name"); map.put("template", "https://vcloud/vAppTemplate/3"); binder.bindToRequest(request, map); }
boolean areAbstractSuccessors( AbstractState pElement, CFAEdge pCfaEdge, Collection<? extends AbstractState> pSuccessors, ProofChecker wrappedProofChecker) throws CPATransferException, InterruptedException { ARGState element = (ARGState) pElement; assert Iterables.elementsEqual(element.getChildren(), pSuccessors); AbstractState wrappedState = element.getWrappedState(); Multimap<CFAEdge, AbstractState> wrappedSuccessors = HashMultimap.create(); for (AbstractState absElement : pSuccessors) { ARGState successorElem = (ARGState) absElement; wrappedSuccessors.put(element.getEdgeToChild(successorElem), successorElem.getWrappedState()); } if (pCfaEdge != null) { return wrappedProofChecker.areAbstractSuccessors( wrappedState, pCfaEdge, wrappedSuccessors.get(pCfaEdge)); } CFANode loc = AbstractStates.extractLocation(element); for (CFAEdge edge : leavingEdges(loc)) { if (!wrappedProofChecker.areAbstractSuccessors( wrappedState, edge, wrappedSuccessors.get(edge))) { return false; } } return true; }
public SetMultimap<String, String> getTags() { if (tags != null) { return tags; } else { return HashMultimap.create(); } }
public Multimap<Node, Split> computeAssignments(Set<Split> splits) { Multimap<Node, Split> assignment = HashMultimap.create(); for (Split split : splits) { List<Node> candidateNodes; if (locationAwareScheduling) { candidateNodes = selectCandidateNodes(nodeMap.get().get(), split); } else { candidateNodes = selectRandomNodes(minCandidates); } checkCondition( !candidateNodes.isEmpty(), NO_NODES_AVAILABLE, "No nodes available to run query"); Node chosen = null; int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Node node : candidateNodes) { RemoteTask task = taskMap.get(node); int currentSplits = (task == null) ? 0 : task.getQueuedSplits(); int assignedSplits = currentSplits + assignment.get(node).size(); if (assignedSplits < min && assignedSplits < maxPendingSplitsPerTask) { chosen = node; min = assignedSplits; } } if (chosen != null) { assignment.put(chosen, split); } } return assignment; }
static Set<String> sanityCheckDatacenters( Cassandra.Client client, int desiredRf, boolean safetyDisabled) throws InvalidRequestException, TException { ensureTestKeyspaceExists(client); Multimap<String, String> dataCenterToRack = HashMultimap.create(); List<TokenRange> ring = client.describe_ring(CassandraConstants.SIMPLE_RF_TEST_KEYSPACE); for (TokenRange tokenRange : ring) { for (EndpointDetails details : tokenRange.getEndpoint_details()) { dataCenterToRack.put(details.datacenter, details.rack); } } if (dataCenterToRack.size() == 1) { String dc = dataCenterToRack.keySet().iterator().next(); String rack = dataCenterToRack.values().iterator().next(); if (dc.equals(CassandraConstants.DEFAULT_DC) && rack.equals(CassandraConstants.DEFAULT_RACK) && desiredRf > 1) { // We don't allow greater than RF=1 because they didn't set up their network. logErrorOrThrow( "The cassandra cluster is not set up to be datacenter and rack aware. " + "Please set this up before running with a replication factor higher than 1.", safetyDisabled); } } return dataCenterToRack.keySet(); }
/** Return the triggers that have all the provided tags */ @Override public Collection<Trigger> getTriggers(String... tags) { if (tags.length == 0) return Collections.emptySet(); HashSet<Trigger> triggers = new HashSet<>(); Iterator<String> it = Arrays.asList(tags).iterator(); String tag =; triggers.addAll(tagToTriggers.get(tag)); while (it.hasNext()) { tag =; triggers.removeAll(Sets.difference(triggers, tagToTriggers.get(tag))); } return triggers; }
public ReverseCFATransformerFactory(Set<CFAEdge> cfa) { reverseCFA = HashMultimap.create(); Set<Location> nonSinks = new HashSet<Location>(); for (CFAEdge e : cfa) { reverseCFA.put(e.getTarget(), e); nonSinks.add(e.getSource()); } FastSet<Location> sinks = new FastSet<Location>(); for (Location l : reverseCFA.keySet()) { if (!nonSinks.contains(l)) { sinks.add(l); } } if (sinks.size() == 1) { sink = sinks.pick(); } else if (sinks.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("CFA has no sink!"); } else { // Generate artificial exit node sink = new Location(new AbsoluteAddress(0xFFFFFF01L)); for (Location l : sinks) { reverseCFA.put(sink, new CFAEdge(l, sink, new RTLSkip())); } } }
@Override public synchronized void addJob(Job job) { nameToJob.put(job.getName(), job); for (String tag : job.getTags()) { tagToJobs.put(tag, job); } }
protected void updateSuperProjects(ReviewDb db, Set<Branch.NameKey> updatedBranches) throws SubmoduleException { try { // These (repo/branch) will be updated later with all the given // individual submodule subscriptions Multimap<Branch.NameKey, SubmoduleSubscription> targets = HashMultimap.create(); for (Branch.NameKey updatedBranch : updatedBranches) { for (SubmoduleSubscription sub : db.submoduleSubscriptions().bySubmodule(updatedBranch)) { targets.put(sub.getSuperProject(), sub); } } updatedSubscribers.addAll(updatedBranches); // Update subscribers. for (Branch.NameKey dest : targets.keySet()) { try { if (!updatedSubscribers.add(dest)) { log.error("Possible circular subscription involving " + dest); } else { updateGitlinks(db, dest, targets.get(dest)); } } catch (SubmoduleException e) { log.warn("Cannot update gitlinks for " + dest, e); } } } catch (OrmException e) { logAndThrowSubmoduleException("Cannot read subscription records", e); } }
public class Main { private static Map<String, List<Integer>> playerScoresMap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); private static Multimap<String, Integer> playerScoresMultimap = HashMultimap.create(); public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Multimap demo!"); addToOldStyleMultimap("Bob", 10); addToOldStyleMultimap("Bob", 20); addToOldStyleMultimap("Bob", 30); addToOldStyleMultimap("Kate", 130); System.out.println("Old style multimap result: " + playerScoresMap); addToGuavaMultimap("Alan", 2); addToGuavaMultimap("Alan", 4); addToGuavaMultimap("Alan", 6); addToGuavaMultimap("Paul", 87); System.out.println("Guava multimap result: " + playerScoresMultimap); } private static void addToOldStyleMultimap(String playerName, int scoreToAdd) { List<Integer> scoresList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (playerScoresMap.containsKey(playerName)) { scoresList = playerScoresMap.get(playerName); } scoresList.add(scoreToAdd); playerScoresMap.put(playerName, scoresList); } private static void addToGuavaMultimap(String playerName, Integer scoreToAdd) { playerScoresMultimap.put(playerName, scoreToAdd); } }
@Override public synchronized void addTrigger(Trigger trigger) { nameToTrigger.put(trigger.getName(), trigger); for (String tag : trigger.getTags()) { tagToTriggers.put(tag, trigger); } }
public void checkRedeclarationsInInnerClassNames(@NotNull TopDownAnalysisContext c) { for (ClassDescriptorWithResolutionScopes classDescriptor : c.getDeclaredClasses().values()) { if (classDescriptor.getKind() == ClassKind.CLASS_OBJECT) { // Class objects should be considered during analysing redeclarations in classes continue; } Collection<DeclarationDescriptor> allDescriptors = classDescriptor.getScopeForMemberLookup().getOwnDeclaredDescriptors(); ClassDescriptorWithResolutionScopes classObj = classDescriptor.getClassObjectDescriptor(); if (classObj != null) { Collection<DeclarationDescriptor> classObjDescriptors = classObj.getScopeForMemberLookup().getOwnDeclaredDescriptors(); if (!classObjDescriptors.isEmpty()) { allDescriptors = Lists.newArrayList(allDescriptors); allDescriptors.addAll(classObjDescriptors); } } Multimap<Name, DeclarationDescriptor> descriptorMap = HashMultimap.create(); for (DeclarationDescriptor desc : allDescriptors) { if (desc instanceof ClassDescriptor || desc instanceof PropertyDescriptor) { descriptorMap.put(desc.getName(), desc); } } reportRedeclarations(descriptorMap); } }
/** * Gets the feed mapping for a feed. * * @return a multimap from feed attribute ID to the set of field IDs mapped to the attribute */ private static Multimap<Long, Integer> getFeedMapping( AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Feed feed, long placeholderType) throws Exception { // Get the FeedMappingService. FeedMappingServiceInterface feedMappingService = adWordsServices.get(session, FeedMappingServiceInterface.class); String query = String.format( "SELECT FeedMappingId, AttributeFieldMappings WHERE FeedId = %d and PlaceholderType = %d " + "AND Status = 'ENABLED'", feed.getId(), placeholderType); Multimap<Long, Integer> attributeMappings = HashMultimap.create(); int offset = 0; FeedMappingPage feedMappingPage; do { String pageQuery = String.format(query + " LIMIT %d, %d", offset, PAGE_SIZE); feedMappingPage = feedMappingService.query(pageQuery); if (feedMappingPage.getEntries() != null) { // Normally, a feed attribute is mapped only to one field. However, you may map it to more // than one field if needed. for (FeedMapping feedMapping : feedMappingPage.getEntries()) { for (AttributeFieldMapping attributeMapping : feedMapping.getAttributeFieldMappings()) { attributeMappings.put( attributeMapping.getFeedAttributeId(), attributeMapping.getFieldId()); } } } offset += PAGE_SIZE; } while (offset < feedMappingPage.getTotalNumEntries()); return attributeMappings; }
public static String paramsListToString(Map<String, String> params) { Multimap<String, String> multimap = HashMultimap.create(params.size(), 1); for (String key : params.keySet()) { multimap.put(key, params.get(key)); } return paramsListToString(multimap); }
@NotNull private static Multimap<FqName, Pair<FunctionDescriptor, PsiMethod>> getSuperclassToFunctionsMultimap( @NotNull PsiMethodWrapper method, @NotNull BindingContext bindingContext, @NotNull ClassDescriptor containingClass) { Multimap<FqName, Pair<FunctionDescriptor, PsiMethod>> result = HashMultimap.create(); Name functionName = Name.identifier(method.getName()); int parameterCount = method.getParameters().size(); for (JetType supertype : TypeUtils.getAllSupertypes(containingClass.getDefaultType())) { ClassifierDescriptor klass = supertype.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor(); assert klass != null; FqName fqName = DescriptorUtils.getFQName(klass).toSafe(); for (FunctionDescriptor fun : klass.getDefaultType().getMemberScope().getFunctions(functionName)) { if (fun.getKind().isReal() && fun.getValueParameters().size() == parameterCount) { PsiElement declaration = BindingContextUtils.descriptorToDeclaration(bindingContext, fun); if (declaration instanceof PsiMethod) { result.put(fqName, Pair.create(fun, (PsiMethod) declaration)); } // else declaration is null or JetNamedFunction: both cases are processed later } } } return result; }
private Multimap<Cell, Long> getCellTsPairsToSweep( Multimap<Cell, Long> cellTsMappings, PeekingIterator<RowResult<Value>> values, long sweepTimestamp, SweepStrategy sweepStrategy, @Output Set<Cell> sentinelsToAdd) { Multimap<Cell, Long> cellTsMappingsToSweep = HashMultimap.create(); Map<Long, Long> startTsToCommitTs = transactionService.get(cellTsMappings.values()); for (Map.Entry<Cell, Collection<Long>> entry : cellTsMappings.asMap().entrySet()) { Cell cell = entry.getKey(); Collection<Long> timestamps = entry.getValue(); boolean sweepLastCommitted = isLatestValueEmpty(cell, values); Iterable<? extends Long> timestampsToSweep = getTimestampsToSweep( cell, timestamps, startTsToCommitTs, sentinelsToAdd, sweepTimestamp, sweepLastCommitted, sweepStrategy); cellTsMappingsToSweep.putAll(entry.getKey(), timestampsToSweep); } return cellTsMappingsToSweep; }