private void assertEqualsNicely(final NextEvent received) { synchronized (this) { boolean foundIt = false; final Iterator<NextEvent> it = nextExpectedEvent.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final NextEvent ev =; if (ev == received) { it.remove(); foundIt = true; log.debug("Found expected event {}. Yeah!", received); break; } } if (!foundIt) { log.error( "Received unexpected event " + received + "; remaining expected events [" + SPACE_JOINER.join(nextExpectedEvent) + "]"); failed( "TestApiListener [ApiListenerStatus]: Received unexpected event " + received + "; remaining expected events [" + SPACE_JOINER.join(nextExpectedEvent) + "]"); } } }
protected static String getCreateStatement( String schemaName, String tableName, Map<String, String> offsetFields, Map<String, String> otherFields) { List<String> fieldFormats = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> offsetFieldEntry : offsetFields.entrySet()) { fieldFormats.add(offsetFieldEntry.getKey() + " " + offsetFieldEntry.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> otherFieldEntry : otherFields.entrySet()) { fieldFormats.add(otherFieldEntry.getKey() + " " + otherFieldEntry.getValue()); } if (!offsetFields.isEmpty()) { fieldFormats.add("PRIMARY KEY(" + COMMA_SPACE_JOINER.join(offsetFields.keySet()) + ")"); } String createQuery = String.format( CREATE_STATEMENT_TEMPLATE, schemaName, tableName, COMMA_SPACE_JOINER.join(fieldFormats));"Created Query : " + createQuery); return createQuery; }
@Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public void insert(T t) throws Exception { List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); MapSqlParameterSource namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource(); for (Field field : t.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { String fieldName = field.getName(); field.setAccessible(true); Object value = field.get(t); columns.add(fieldName); values.add(String.format(":%s", fieldName)); namedParameters.addValue(fieldName, value); } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("INSERT INTO ").append(table); sql.append(" (").append(comma.join(columns)).append(")"); sql.append(" VALUES"); sql.append(" (").append(comma.join(values)).append(")"); namedJdbcTemplate.update(sql.toString(), namedParameters);; }
private void compareTableMetaData() { if (this.srcTableMetaData == null) { throw new RuntimeException("src table meta is null"); } if (this.tgtTableMetaData == null) { throw new RuntimeException("tgt table meta is null"); } List<ColumnMetaData> srcColumnMetaDatas = srcTableMetaData.getColumnMetaDatas(); List<ColumnMetaData> tgtColumnMetaDatas = tgtTableMetaData.getColumnMetaDatas(); Iterator<ColumnMetaData> metaDataIterator = srcColumnMetaDatas.iterator(); while (metaDataIterator.hasNext()) { ColumnMetaData rowData =; int index = tgtColumnMetaDatas.indexOf(rowData); if (index > -1) { metaDataIterator.remove(); tgtColumnMetaDatas.remove(index); } } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(srcColumnMetaDatas) || CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(tgtColumnMetaDatas)) { String errorInfo = String.format( "src table meta [%s] not equal tgt meta [%s]", joiner.join(srcColumnMetaDatas), joiner.join(tgtColumnMetaDatas)); throw new RuntimeException(errorInfo); } }
/** * This method generates the virtual table create SQL for the specified index. Note: Any column * that contains an '=' will cause the statement to fail because it triggers SQLite to expect that * a parameter/value is being passed in. * * @param indexName the index name to be used when creating the SQLite virtual table * @param columns the columns in the table * @param indexSettings the special settings to apply to the virtual table - (only 'tokenize' is * current supported) * @return the SQL to create the SQLite virtual table */ private String createVirtualTableStatementForIndex( String indexName, List<String> columns, List<String> indexSettings) { String tableName = IndexManager.tableNameForIndex(indexName); Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(",").skipNulls(); String cols = joiner.join(columns); String settings = joiner.join(indexSettings); return String.format( "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE %s USING FTS4 ( %s, %s )", tableName, cols, settings); }
@SuppressWarnings(value = {"unchecked"}) private static Object getRuleFeature( HasRuleValues hasRuleValues, AssociationRule associationRule, PMMLObject element, OutputField.RuleFeature ruleFeature) { switch (ruleFeature) { case ANTECEDENT: return getItemValues(hasRuleValues, associationRule.getAntecedent()); case CONSEQUENT: return getItemValues(hasRuleValues, associationRule.getConsequent()); case RULE: { Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(','); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String left = joiner.join(getItemValues(hasRuleValues, associationRule.getAntecedent())); sb.append('{').append(left).append('}'); sb.append("->"); String right = joiner.join(getItemValues(hasRuleValues, associationRule.getConsequent())); sb.append('{').append(right).append('}'); return sb.toString(); } case RULE_ID: { HasEntityRegistry<AssociationRule> hasEntityRegistry = (HasEntityRegistry<AssociationRule>) hasRuleValues; return EntityUtil.getId(associationRule, hasEntityRegistry); } case CONFIDENCE: return associationRule.getConfidence(); case SUPPORT: return associationRule.getSupport(); case LIFT: return associationRule.getLift(); case LEVERAGE: return associationRule.getLeverage(); case AFFINITY: return associationRule.getAffinity(); default: throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(element, ruleFeature); } }
@Override protected void assertMoreInvariants(Map<K, V> map) { // TODO: can these be moved to MapInterfaceTest? for (Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) { assertEquals(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue(), entry.toString()); } assertEquals("{" + joiner.join(map.entrySet()) + "}", map.toString()); assertEquals("[" + joiner.join(map.entrySet()) + "]", map.entrySet().toString()); assertEquals("[" + joiner.join(map.keySet()) + "]", map.keySet().toString()); assertEquals("[" + joiner.join(map.values()) + "]", map.values().toString()); assertEquals(MinimalSet.from(map.entrySet()), map.entrySet()); assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(map.keySet()), map.keySet()); }
// NOTE: this errormessage is being used by webupdates. public static Message parentAuthenticationFailed( final RpslObject object, final AttributeType attributeType, final Iterable<RpslObject> candidates) { final CharSequence joined = LIST_JOINED.join( Iterables.transform( candidates, new Function<RpslObject, CharSequence>() { @Override public CharSequence apply(final RpslObject input) { return input == null ? "" : input.getKey(); } })); return new Message( Type.ERROR, "" + "Authorisation for parent [%s] %s failed\n" + "using \"%s:\"\n" + (joined.length() == 0 ? "no valid maintainer found\n" : "not authenticated by: %s"), object.getType().getName(), object.getKey(), attributeType.getName(), joined); }
protected static String getInsertStatement( String schemaName, String tableName, Collection<Field> fields) { List<String> fieldFormats = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field field : fields) { String fieldFormat = (field .getType() .isOneOf( Field.Type.DATE, Field.Type.TIME, Field.Type.DATETIME, Field.Type.CHAR, Field.Type.STRING)) ? "'" + getStringRepOfFieldValueForInsert(field) + "'" : getStringRepOfFieldValueForInsert(field); fieldFormats.add(fieldFormat); } String insertQuery = String.format( INSERT_STATEMENT_TEMPLATE, schemaName, tableName, COMMA_SPACE_JOINER.join(fieldFormats));"Created Query : " + insertQuery); return insertQuery; }
private static String constructPath(Map<String, String> match, String pattern) { LinkedList<String> patternParts = Lists.newLinkedList(PATH_SPLITTER.split(pattern)); List<String> pathParts = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(patternParts.size()); for (String part : patternParts) { if (!part.isEmpty()) { // only supports simple matches, like matching if (VAR_START.matches(part.charAt(0))) { String name = part.substring(1); if (match.containsKey(name)) { pathParts.add(match.remove(name)); } else if (!part.startsWith("*")) { // required variable is missing throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required option: " + name); } } else { // it is a required URI part pathParts.add(part); } } else { // preserve additional slashes in paths pathParts.add(part); } } return PATH_JOINER.join(pathParts); }
private static String buildRequest(String flowToken, String message, String tags) { final String tagsToBeSent; if (tags != null) { final Iterable<String> parsedTags = SPACE_SPLITTER.split(tags); final Iterable<String> transformedTags = Iterables.transform( parsedTags, new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String s) { return s.startsWith("#") ? String.format("\"%s\"", s) : String.format("\"#%s\"", s); } }); if (transformedTags.iterator().hasNext()) { tagsToBeSent = String.format("\"tags\": [%s],", COMMA_JOINER.join(transformedTags)); } else { tagsToBeSent = ""; } } else { tagsToBeSent = ""; } return String.format( "{\"flow_token\": \"%s\", \"event\": \"message\", %s \"content\": \"%s\"}", flowToken, tagsToBeSent, message); }
@Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public void update(T t) throws Exception { List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); MapSqlParameterSource namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource(); for (Field field : t.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { String fieldName = field.getName(); field.setAccessible(true); Object value = field.get(t); if (!"id".equals(fieldName)) { columns.add(String.format("%s=:%s", fieldName, fieldName)); } namedParameters.addValue(fieldName, value); } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE ").append(table); sql.append(" SET ").append(comma.join(columns)); sql.append(" WHERE id=:id"); namedJdbcTemplate.update(sql.toString(), namedParameters);; }
private String createIndexTableStatementForIndex(String indexName, List<String> columns) { String tableName = IndexManager.tableNameForIndex(indexName); Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(" NONE,").skipNulls(); String cols = joiner.join(columns); return String.format("CREATE TABLE %s ( %s NONE )", tableName, cols); }
public void pushExpectedEvent(final NextEvent next) { synchronized (this) { nextExpectedEvent.add(next); log.debug("Stacking expected event {}, got [{}]", next, SPACE_JOINER.join(nextExpectedEvent)); completed = false; } }
@Test public void testRestartCleansOldStatus() throws Exception { cf.create() .creatingParentsIfNeeded() .forPath(joiner.join(tasksPath, task.getId()), jsonMapper.writeValueAsBytes(task)); Assert.assertTrue( TestUtils.conditionValid( new IndexingServiceCondition() { @Override public boolean isValid() { try { return cf.checkExists().forPath(joiner.join(statusPath, task.getId())) != null; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } })); // simulate node restart workerTaskMonitor.stop(); workerTaskMonitor = createTaskMonitor(); workerTaskMonitor.start(); List<TaskAnnouncement> announcements = workerCuratorCoordinator.getAnnouncements(); Assert.assertEquals(1, announcements.size()); Assert.assertEquals(task.getId(), announcements.get(0).getTaskStatus().getId()); Assert.assertEquals( TaskStatus.Status.FAILED, announcements.get(0).getTaskStatus().getStatusCode()); }
public static <T> String ToFormatString( final T data, final DataMemberMap<T> dataMemberMap, final String typeName) { checkNotNull(data); checkNotNull(dataMemberMap); checkNotNull(typeName); Iterable<String> formatMemberStrings = Iterables.Map( dataMemberMap.values(), new Func1<IDataMember<T>, String>() { @Override public String DoFunc(IDataMember<T> in1) { return DEFAULT_JOINER.join( in1.GetDataMemberName(), // 首先是DataMember的Name CommonOP.NullCoalescing( in1.GetDataSafely(data), "", NULL_VALUE)); // 然后是用DataMember从data获取的值,为空则设为NULL_VALUE } }); // return DEFAULT_JOINER.join(Iterables.Concat(typeName, formatMemberStrings)); return typeName + DEFAULT_SEPARATOR + DEFAULT_JOINER.join(formatMemberStrings); }
/** * Apply the 'search by role' filter to the lucene query string. * * @param parametersMap * @param filters */ protected void buildSearchByRoleQuery(Map<String, String> parametersMap, List<String> filters) { SearchableRole role = SearchableRole.valueOf(getSearchParam(parametersMap, REQUEST_PARAMETERS.role.toString())); String userid = getSearchParam(parametersMap, REQUEST_PARAMETERS.userid.toString()); AuthorizableManager authorizableManager = null; Session adminSession = null; try { adminSession = repository.loginAdministrative(); authorizableManager = adminSession.getAuthorizableManager(); Authorizable au = authorizableManager.findAuthorizable(userid); List<Authorizable> groups = AuthorizableUtil.getUserFacingGroups(au, authorizableManager); groups.add(au); List<String> groupStrs = new ArrayList<String>(groups.size()); for (Authorizable memberAuthz : groups) { groupStrs.add(ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(memberAuthz.getId())); } filters.add(String.format(ROLE_TEMPLATE, role.toString(), JOINER_OR.join(groupStrs))); adminSession.logout(); } catch (ClientPoolException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (StorageClientException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { SparseUtils.logoutQuietly(adminSession); } }
private String createIndexIndexStatementForIndex(String indexName, List<String> columns) { String tableName = IndexManager.tableNameForIndex(indexName); String sqlIndexName = tableName.concat("_index"); Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(",").skipNulls(); String cols = joiner.join(columns); return String.format("CREATE INDEX %s ON %s ( %s )", sqlIndexName, tableName, cols); }
private void writeList(String fieldName, Collection<String> list, String suffix) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { if (list.size() > 0) { write(fieldName + suffix, joiner.join(list)); } else { write(fieldName + suffix, (String) null); } }
/** skipNulls与useForNull不能同时使用 */ @Test public void testJoiner03() { Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(",").skipNulls(); joiner.useForNull("missing"); String result = joiner.join(lists); System.out.println(result); ; }
/** * Computes a reduced compile-time classpath from the union of direct dependencies and their * dependencies, as listed in the associated .deps artifacts. */ public String computeStrictClasspath(String originalClasspath) throws IOException { if (!strictClasspathMode) { return originalClasspath; } return CLASSPATH_JOINER.join( computeStrictClasspath(CLASSPATH_SPLITTER.split(originalClasspath))); }
private void setAvailableVirtualDatacenters(final List<Integer> ids) { if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) { target.setAvailableVirtualDatacenters(""); } else { Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(",").skipNulls(); target.setAvailableVirtualDatacenters(joiner.join(ids)); } }
private static PlayerInfo parseFromString(int id, String playerString) throws FailedPlayer { PlayerInfo playerInfo = new PlayerInfo(); String[] commaParts = playerString.split(", "); if (commaParts.length != 2) { throw new FailedPlayer(id, "Found player without exactly one comma."); } playerInfo.lastName = commaParts[0]; String remainingString = commaParts[1]; List<String> spaceParts = Lists.newArrayList(remainingString.split(" ")); int numParts = spaceParts.size(); if (numParts < 3) { throw new FailedPlayer( id, "Found player with fewer than 3 symbols after the comma: '" + remainingString + "', Player " + playerString); } playerInfo.MLBTeam = Iterables.getLast(spaceParts); spaceParts.remove(playerInfo.MLBTeam); playerInfo.Position = Iterables.getLast(spaceParts); spaceParts.remove(playerInfo.Position); if (playerInfo.MLBTeam.length() < 2) { throw new FailedPlayer( id, "Incorrect team name '" + playerInfo.MLBTeam + "', from remainder string '" + remainingString + "'"); } if (playerInfo.Position.length() < 1) { throw new FailedPlayer( id, "Incorrect position '" + playerInfo.Position + "', from remainder string '" + remainingString + "'"); } if (spaceParts.size() < 1) { throw new FailedPlayer(id, "Found no parts remaining in the first name piece."); } Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(" "); playerInfo.firstName = joiner.join(spaceParts); return playerInfo; }
private BoundRequestBuilder getBuilderWithHeaderAndQuery( final String verb, final String url, @Nullable final String username, @Nullable final String password, final Multimap<String, String> options) { BoundRequestBuilder builder; if (verb.equals("GET")) { builder = httpClient.prepareGet(url); } else if (verb.equals("POST")) { builder = httpClient.preparePost(url); } else if (verb.equals("PUT")) { builder = httpClient.preparePut(url); } else if (verb.equals("DELETE")) { builder = httpClient.prepareDelete(url); } else if (verb.equals("HEAD")) { builder = httpClient.prepareHead(url); } else if (verb.equals("OPTIONS")) { builder = httpClient.prepareOptions(url); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized verb: " + verb); } if (username != null && password != null) { final Realm realm = new RealmBuilder().setPrincipal(username).setPassword(password).build(); builder.setRealm(realm); } final Collection<String> acceptHeaders = options.removeAll(HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT); final String acceptHeader; if (!acceptHeaders.isEmpty()) { acceptHeader = CSV_JOINER.join(acceptHeaders); } else { acceptHeader = ACCEPT_JSON; } builder.addHeader(HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT, acceptHeader); String contentTypeHeader = getUniqueValue(options, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentTypeHeader == null) { contentTypeHeader = CONTENT_TYPE_JSON; } else { options.removeAll(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); } builder.addHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, contentTypeHeader); builder.setBodyEncoding("UTF-8"); for (final String key : options.keySet()) { if (options.get(key) != null) { for (final String value : options.get(key)) { builder.addQueryParam(key, value); } } } return builder; }
@Override protected void assertMoreInvariants(Map<K, V> map) { BiMap<K, V> bimap = (BiMap<K, V>) map; for (Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) { assertEquals(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue(), entry.toString()); assertEquals(entry.getKey(), bimap.inverse().get(entry.getValue())); } assertEquals("{" + joiner.join(map.entrySet()) + "}", map.toString()); assertEquals("[" + joiner.join(map.entrySet()) + "]", map.entrySet().toString()); assertEquals("[" + joiner.join(map.keySet()) + "]", map.keySet().toString()); assertEquals("[" + joiner.join(map.values()) + "]", map.values().toString()); assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(map.entrySet()), map.entrySet()); assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(map.keySet()), map.keySet()); }
@Override public boolean addDynamicField(final String name, final Collection<?> c) { if (c == null) { return false; } else { super.addField(name + collectionSuffix, JOINER.join(c)); return true; } }
/** * @zm-api-field-tag expand-all-attrs * @zm-api-field-description Whether to include all attribute names in the * <b><getAttrs>/<setAttrs></b> elements in the response if all attributes of the target * are gettable/settable Valid values are: * <table> * <tr> <td> <b>getAttrs</b> </td> <td> expand attrs in getAttrs in the response </td> </tr> * <tr> <td> <b>setAttrs</b> </td> <td> expand attrs in setAttrs in the response </td> </tr> * <tr> <td> <b>getAttrs,setAttrs</b> </td> * <td> expand attrs in both getAttrs and setAttrs in the response </td> </tr> * </table> */ @XmlAttribute(name = AdminConstants.A_EXPAND_ALL_ATTRS, required = false) public String getExpandAllAttrs() { List<String> settings = Lists.newArrayList(); if ((expandSetAttrs != null) && expandSetAttrs) settings.add(EXPAND_SET_ATTRS); if ((expandGetAttrs != null) && expandGetAttrs) settings.add(EXPAND_GET_ATTRS); String retVal = COMMA_JOINER.join(settings); if (retVal.length() == 0) return null; else return retVal; }
public boolean isCompleted(final long timeout) { synchronized (this) { long waitTimeMs = timeout; do { try { final long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); wait(100); if (completed) { // TODO PIERRE Kludge alert! // When we arrive here, we got notified by the current thread (Bus listener) that we // received // all expected events. But other handlers might still be processing them. // Since there is only one bus thread, and that the test thread waits for all events to // be processed, // we're guaranteed that all are processed when the bus events table is empty. // We also need to wait for in-processing notifications (see // // This is really similar to TestResource#waitForNotificationToComplete. await() .atMost(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .until( new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { final long pending = idbi.withHandle(new PendingBusOrNotificationCallback(clock)); log.debug("Events still in processing: {}", pending); return pending == 0; } }); return completed; } final long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); waitTimeMs -= (after - before); } catch (final Exception ignore) { // Rerun one more time to provide details final long pending = idbi.withHandle(new PendingBusOrNotificationCallback(clock)); log.error( "isCompleted : Received all events but found remaining unprocessed bus events/notifications = {}", pending); return false; } } while (waitTimeMs > 0 && !completed); } if (!completed) { final Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(" "); log.error( "TestApiListener did not complete in " + timeout + " ms, remaining events are " + joiner.join(nextExpectedEvent)); } return completed; }
@Override public void channelConnected(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ChannelStateEvent e) throws Exception { super.channelConnected(ctx, e); this.output.write( joiner.join( "\"Time\"", "\"Content as String\"", "\"Content as Hex-Bytes\"", "\"Unix-Timestamp\"")); this.output.newLine(); }
@Value.Lazy public NameForms typeBuilder() { InnerBuilderDefinition innerBuilder = innerBuilder(); if (innerBuilder.isExtending) { NameForms typeAbstract = typeAbstract(); return ImmutableConstitution.NameForms.copyOf(typeAbstract) .withRelativeRaw(DOT_JOINER.join(typeAbstract.relativeRaw(), innerBuilder.simpleName)) .withSimple(innerBuilder.simpleName); } return typeImplementationBuilder(); }