private void checkForBitFlip(DeterministicKey k) { DeterministicKey parent = checkNotNull(k.getParent()); byte[] rederived = HDKeyDerivation.deriveChildKeyBytesFromPublic( parent, k.getChildNumber(), HDKeyDerivation.PublicDeriveMode.WITH_INVERSION) .keyBytes; byte[] actual = k.getPubKey(); if (!Arrays.equals(rederived, actual)) throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Bit-flip check failed: %s vs %s", Arrays.toString(rederived), Arrays.toString(actual))); }
/** Gets the median timestamp of the last 11 blocks */ private static long getMedianTimestampOfRecentBlocks(StoredBlock storedBlock, BlockStore store) throws BlockStoreException { long[] timestamps = new long[11]; int unused = 9; timestamps[10] = storedBlock.getHeader().getTimeSeconds(); while (unused >= 0 && (storedBlock = storedBlock.getPrev(store)) != null) timestamps[unused--] = storedBlock.getHeader().getTimeSeconds(); Arrays.sort(timestamps, unused + 1, 11); return timestamps[unused + (11 - unused) / 2]; }
@Override @Nullable public StoredBlock get(Sha256Hash hash) throws BlockStoreException { final MappedByteBuffer buffer = this.buffer; if (buffer == null) throw new BlockStoreException("Store closed"); lock.lock(); try { StoredBlock cacheHit = blockCache.get(hash); if (cacheHit != null) return cacheHit; if (notFoundCache.get(hash) != null) return null; // Starting from the current tip of the ring work backwards until we have either found the // block or // wrapped around. int cursor = getRingCursor(buffer); final int startingPoint = cursor; final int fileSize = getFileSize(); final byte[] targetHashBytes = hash.getBytes(); byte[] scratch = new byte[32]; do { cursor -= RECORD_SIZE; if (cursor < FILE_PROLOGUE_BYTES) { // We hit the start, so wrap around. cursor = fileSize - RECORD_SIZE; } // Cursor is now at the start of the next record to check, so read the hash and compare it. buffer.position(cursor); buffer.get(scratch); if (Arrays.equals(scratch, targetHashBytes)) { // Found the target. StoredBlock storedBlock = StoredBlock.deserializeCompact(params, buffer); blockCache.put(hash, storedBlock); return storedBlock; } } while (cursor != startingPoint); // Not found. notFoundCache.put(hash, notFoundMarker); return null; } catch (ProtocolException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen. } finally { lock.unlock(); } }