/** * This is called to read this object <code>InPort</code> from the specified object of input * stream. * * @param is DataInput object * @param versionNo Description of the Parameter * @exception IOException if an error occurs while reading bytes or while converting them into * specified Java primitive type. * @since Tifosi2.0 */ public void fromStream(DataInput is, int versionNo) throws IOException { super.fromStream(is, versionNo); m_strPortName = readUTF(is); m_strDscription = readUTF(is); m_strXSD = readUTF(is); m_strJavaClass = readUTF(is); m_bIsSyncRequestType = is.readBoolean(); int size = is.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Param param = new Param(); param.fromStream(is, versionNo); m_params.addElement(param); } }
/** * This interface method is called to add specified object of <code>Param</code> , representing * extra parameter for inport, to this object of <code>InPort</code> . * * @param param Object of Param to be added to InPort * @see #removeParam(Param) * @see #clearParam() * @see #getParams() * @since Tifosi2.0 */ public void addParam(Param param) { if (m_params == null) { m_params = new Vector(); } m_params.addElement(param); }