Esempio n. 1
   * Set the X and Y coordinate of the point.
   * @param x X coordinate of the point.
   * @param y Y coordinate of the point.
  public void setXY(double x, double y) {

    if (m_attributes == null) _setToDefault();

    m_attributes[0] = x;
    m_attributes[1] = y;
Esempio n. 2
   * Sets the value of the attribute.
   * @param semantics The attribute semantics.
   * @param ordinate The ordinate of the attribute.
   * @param value Is the array to write values to. The attribute type and the number of elements
   *     must match the persistence type, as well as the number of components of the attribute.
  public void setAttribute(int semantics, int ordinate, double value) {
    int ncomps = VertexDescription.getComponentCount(semantics);
    if (ncomps < ordinate) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    int attributeIndex = m_description.getAttributeIndex(semantics);
    if (attributeIndex < 0) {
      attributeIndex = m_description.getAttributeIndex(semantics);

    if (m_attributes == null) _setToDefault();

    m_attributes[m_description._getPointAttributeOffset(attributeIndex) + ordinate] = value;
Esempio n. 3
   * Sets the XYZ coordinates of this point.
   * @param pt The point to create the XYZ coordinate from.
  void setXYZ(Point3D pt) {
    boolean bHasZ = hasAttribute(Semantics.Z);
    if (!bHasZ && !VertexDescription.isDefaultValue(Semantics.Z, pt.z)) { // add
      // Z
      // only
      // if
      // pt.z
      // is
      // not
      // a
      // default
      // value.
      bHasZ = true;

    if (m_attributes == null) _setToDefault();

    m_attributes[0] = pt.x;
    m_attributes[1] = pt.y;
    if (bHasZ) m_attributes[2] = pt.z;