  * Inserts vertices from the given multipath into this multipath. All added vertices are connected
  * by linear segments with each other and with the existing vertices.
  * @param pathIndex The path index in this multipath to insert points to. Must correspond to an
  *     existing path.
  * @param beforePointIndex The point index before all other vertices to insert in the given path
  *     of this multipath. This value must be between 0 and GetPathSize(pathIndex), or -1 to insert
  *     points at the end of the given path.
  * @param src The source multipath.
  * @param srcPathIndex The source path index to copy points from.
  * @param srcPointIndexFrom The start point in the source path to start copying from.
  * @param srcPointCount The count of points to add.
  * @param bForward When FALSE, the points are inserted in reverse order.
 public void insertPoints(
     int pathIndex,
     int beforePointIndex,
     MultiPath src,
     int srcPathIndex,
     int srcPointIndexFrom,
     int srcPointCount,
     boolean bForward) {
       (MultiPathImpl) src._getImpl(),
  * Copies a path from another multipath.
  * @param src The multipath to copy from.
  * @param srcPathIndex The index of the path in the the source MultiPath.
  * @param bForward When FALSE, the points are inserted in reverse order.
 public void addPath(MultiPath src, int srcPathIndex, boolean bForward) {
   m_impl.addPath((MultiPathImpl) src._getImpl(), srcPathIndex, bForward);
  * Inserts a path from another multipath.
  * @param pathIndex The start index of the multipath to insert.
  * @param src The multipath to insert into this multipath. Can be the same as the multipath being
  *     modified.
  * @param srcPathIndex The start index to insert the path into the multipath.
  * @param bForward When FALSE, the points are inserted in reverse order.
 public void insertPath(int pathIndex, MultiPath src, int srcPathIndex, boolean bForward) {
   m_impl.insertPath(pathIndex, (MultiPathImpl) src._getImpl(), srcPathIndex, bForward);
  * Appends all paths from another multipath.
  * @param src The multipath to append to this multipath.
  * @param bReversePaths TRUE if the multipath is added should be added with its paths reversed.
 public void add(MultiPath src, boolean bReversePaths) {
   m_impl.add((MultiPathImpl) src._getImpl(), bReversePaths);