Esempio n. 1
   * Updates a given folder with the content of the update file
   * @param forPath
   * @param exclusions list of files we don't want to remove from the given folder
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private void applyUpdateFor(String forPath, String[] exclusions) throws UpdateException {

    Boolean success;
    try {
      // First lets remove the "old" code in order to unzip the update on that folder
      File updatedFolder = new File(distributionHome + File.separator + forPath);
      if (exclusions != null) {
        success = UpdateUtil.deleteDirectory(updatedFolder, exclusions);
      } else {
        success = UpdateUtil.deleteDirectory(updatedFolder);
      if (success) {
        logger.debug("Removed outdated folder: " + updatedFolder.getAbsolutePath());
      } else {
        if (exclusions == null) {
          logger.error("Error removing outdated folder: " + updatedFolder.getAbsolutePath());
        } else {
          // If we have exclusions is normal to have a false success because the folder could not be
          // removed as it have excluded files on it
          logger.debug("Removed outdated files in folder: " + updatedFolder.getAbsolutePath());

      // Now we need to unzip the content of the update file into the given folder, we just removed
      // it, so lets create it again....
      if (!updatedFolder.exists()) {
        success = updatedFolder.mkdirs();
        if (success) {
          logger.debug("Created folder: " + updatedFolder.getAbsolutePath());
        } else {
          logger.error("Error creating folder: " + updatedFolder.getAbsolutePath());
      success = UpdateUtil.unzipDirectory(updateFile, distributionHome, forPath, dryrun);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      String error = "Error unzipping update file on: " + forPath;
      if (!UpdateAgent.isDebug) {
        error += Messages.getString("UpdateAgent.text.use.verbose", UpdateAgent.logFile);
      throw new UpdateException(error, UpdateException.ERROR);

    if (!success) {
      String error = "Error unzipping update file on: " + forPath;
      if (!UpdateAgent.isDebug) {
        error += Messages.getString("UpdateAgent.text.use.verbose", UpdateAgent.logFile);
      throw new UpdateException(error, UpdateException.ERROR);
Esempio n. 2
   * This method will be call it before the update process, actually this method will work as
   * preparation for the update, basically what it does to to back-up the current .dotserver/ code
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws UpdateException
  public void preUpdate() throws UpdateException {"UpdateAgent.debug.start.backUp"));

    // Current format for the back-up folder
    SimpleDateFormat folderDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");

    // This is the name of the folder where we are going to store the back-up
    String currentBackUpFolderName = folderDateFormat.format(new Date());
    // Complete back-up path
    String backUpPath =
            + File.separator
            + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_BACK_UP
            + File.separator
            + currentBackUpFolderName;
    // .dotserver folder path
    String dotserverPath = distributionHome + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_DOTSERVER;
    // .bin folder path
    String binPath = distributionHome + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_BIN;
    // .plugins folder path
    String pluginsPath = distributionHome + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_PLUGINS;

    try {

      // First we need to create the back up for the current project, for this we need to user hard
      // links, this back up could be huge
          dotserverPath, backUpPath + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_DOTSERVER, true);
          pluginsPath, backUpPath + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_PLUGINS, true);
          binPath, backUpPath + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_BIN, true);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      String error = Messages.getString("UpdateAgent.error.ant.prepare.back-up");
      if (!UpdateAgent.isDebug) {
        error += Messages.getString("UpdateAgent.text.use.verbose", UpdateAgent.logFile);
      logger.error(error, e);
      throw new UpdateException(error, UpdateException.ERROR);
Esempio n. 3
   * The purpose of this method is to make final changes for the update processes, like cleaning,
   * rebuilt fields, etc....
   * @return
   * @throws UpdateException
   * @throws IOException
  public Boolean postUpdate() throws UpdateException, IOException {""));

    PostProcess postProcess = new PostProcess(distributionHome, dotcmsHome);

    if (!dryrun) {"UpdateAgent.debug.start.validation"));

      if (postProcess.postProcess(true)) {"UpdateAgent.debug.end.validation"));

        // Boolean success = true;

        logger.debug("Finished to clean update process traces.");

        /*if ( !success ) {
            String error = Messages.getString( "UpdateAgent.error.ant.clean" );
            if ( !UpdateAgent.isDebug ) {
                error += Messages.getString( "UpdateAgent.text.use.verbose", UpdateAgent.logFile );
            throw new UpdateException( error, UpdateException.ERROR );
      } else {
        String error = Messages.getString("UpdateAgent.error.plugin.incompatible");
        if (!UpdateAgent.isDebug) {
          error += Messages.getString("UpdateAgent.text.use.verbose", UpdateAgent.logFile);

        throw new UpdateException(error, UpdateException.ERROR);
    return true;
Esempio n. 4
   * Method that will handler the update process itself, unziping the download file on the
   * .dotserver/ directory and aplying the required changes in there
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws UpdateException
  public boolean doUpdate() throws IOException, UpdateException {

    // Current format for the back-up folder
    SimpleDateFormat folderDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");

    // This is the name of the folder where we stored the back-up
    String currentBackUpFolderName = folderDateFormat.format(new Date());
    // Complete back-up path
    String backUpPath =
            + File.separator
            + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_BACK_UP
            + File.separator
            + currentBackUpFolderName;

    // .dotserver folder path
    String dotserverPath = distributionHome + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_DOTSERVER;
    // .plugins folder path
    String pluginsPath = distributionHome + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_PLUGINS;

    if (!dryrun) {

      // Apply the update on the distribution folders
      applyUpdateFor(UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_DOTSERVER, null); // .dotserver
      applyUpdateFor(UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_PLUGINS, null); // .plugins
      // The bin folder is a special case as it have files we can delete or even update, like the
      // or the build.conf
          new String[] {
            "build.conf", "build.conf.bat", "", "autoUpdater.bat"
          }); // .bin

      // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      // Now copy back the assets contents
      String assets = "assets";
      File assetsFolder =
          new File(backUpPath + File.separator + dotcmsHome + File.separator + assets);
      File destFolder =
          new File(distributionHome + File.separator + dotcmsHome + File.separator + assets);
          "Copying back backed assets folder: "
              + assetsFolder.getAbsolutePath()
              + " to: "
              + destFolder.getAbsolutePath());
      // Copying using hardlinks
      FileUtil.copyDirectory(assetsFolder, destFolder);

      // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      // Now copy back the dotsecure contents
      String dotsecure = "dotsecure";
      File dotsecureFolder =
          new File(backUpPath + File.separator + dotcmsHome + File.separator + dotsecure);
      destFolder =
          new File(distributionHome + File.separator + dotcmsHome + File.separator + dotsecure);
          "Copying back backed dotsecure folder: "
              + dotsecureFolder.getAbsolutePath()
              + " to: "
              + destFolder.getAbsolutePath());
      // Copying using hardlinks
      FileUtil.copyDirectory(dotsecureFolder, destFolder);

      // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      // Now copy back the plugins
      File pluginsFolder = new File(backUpPath + File.separator + UpdateAgent.FOLDER_HOME_PLUGINS);
      destFolder = new File(pluginsPath);
          "Copying back backed plugins folder: "
              + pluginsFolder.getAbsolutePath()
              + " to: "
              + destFolder.getAbsolutePath());
      Copying using hardlinks, basically it will put back to the plugins folder the backed plugins.
      The copyDirectory method will NOT override any file, so updated files will be keep it.
      FileUtil.copyDirectory(pluginsFolder, destFolder);

    return true;