/** Test of getSources method, of class CycBackedInferenceAnswer. */ @Test public void testGetSources() throws Exception { System.out.println("getSources"); // TODO -- Find or create a sourced query available in OpenCyc KB. assumeNotOpenCyc(); final CycConstant WHH_WP = getCyc() .getLookupTool() .find("#$TestFactEntrySource-WikipediaArticle-WilliamHenryHarrison"); // (#$ContextOfPCWFn #$TestFactEntrySource-WikipediaArticle-WilliamHenryHarrison) final ELMt WHH_WP_MT = ELMtCycNaut.makeELMtCycNaut(CycArrayList.makeCycList(CONTEXT_OF_PCW_FN, WHH_WP)); InferenceAnswer inferenceAnswer = getFirstInferenceAnswer(ISA_WILLIAM_HENRY_HARRISON_US_PRESIDENT_STRING, WHH_WP_MT); final Collection<InformationSource> sources = inferenceAnswer.getSources( new InformationSourceImpl.CycCitationGenerator(CHICAGO_MANUAL_OF_STYLE_STANDARD)); assertFalse(sources.isEmpty()); for (final InformationSource source : sources) { assertNotNull("No citation string for " + source.getCycL(), source.getCitationString()); if (CycClientManager.getClientManager().fromCycAccess(getCyc()).isFullKB()) { // TODO: should we add an assertion for the icon? assertNotNull("No icon for " + source.getCycL(), source.getIconURL()); } } }
private Object ensureCommandReturnsSerializable(Object cmd) { if (cmd instanceof String) { cmd = "(progn " + (String) cmd + " nil)"; } else if (cmd instanceof CycArrayList) { cmd = CycArrayList.list("progn", cmd, "nil"); } return cmd; }