private static String buildNonLoggableDesc(LogEntry logEntry) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("Log Data [Level="); buf.append(logEntry.level); if (!Str.isEmpty(logEntry.compId)) { buf.append(" CompID="); buf.append(logEntry.compId); } if (-1 != logEntry.transKey) { buf.append(" RcvdFaxKey="); buf.append(logEntry.transKey); } if (!Str.isEmpty(logEntry.sessionId)) { buf.append("; UniqueID="); buf.append(logEntry.sessionId); } buf.append(" Thread="); buf.append(logEntry.threadId); buf.append(" Desc="); buf.append(logEntry.desc); buf.append("]"); return buf.toString(); }
@Override public void logWs(LogLevel severity, WsRequest req, String logText) { if (!isInit) { init(); } String sql = "insert into " + TABLE_LOG_WS + "( date, severity, machine_name, entity_code, action, description, request, millis ) " + "values ( getutcdate(),?,?,?,?,?,?,? )"; long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - req.getStartTime(); Sql.sqlExe( sql, new Object[] { severity.toString(), Util.getHostName(), req.getCompId(), req.getVerb(), Str.truncate(logText, 2048), null == req.getXmlRequest() ? "" : Str.truncate(req.getXmlRequest(), 4096), millis }, new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER }, Context.rf.get().getLogRF()); }
/** * We're about to push the info to the log, so do final adjustments on the logEntry object, * setting up data. * * @param logEntry LogEntry that holds the info to be logged * @param factory ResourceFactory the source for the DB connection */ private static void prepLogEntry(LogEntry logEntry, ResourceFactory factory) { if (null == logEntry.serviceName) { logEntry.serviceName = factory.getSystemName(); } StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder(MAX_LOG_DESC); if (logEntry.clazz != null) { String className = logEntry.clazz.getName(); int idx = className.lastIndexOf('.'); desc.append(idx == -1 ? className : className.substring(idx + 1)); desc.append("."); desc.append(logEntry.method); } if (!Str.isEmpty(logEntry.desc)) { desc.append(" "); desc.append(logEntry.desc); } if (logEntry.throwable != null) { desc.append(" Exception: "); if (logEntry.level.ordinal() >= factory.getStackTraceLevel().ordinal()) { desc.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); desc.append(Stack.getShortStack(logEntry.throwable)); } else { desc.append(logEntry.throwable.toString()); } } logEntry.desc = desc.substring(0, Math.min(MAX_LOG_DESC, desc.length())); }
@Override public String getConfigs(String token) { if (!isInit) { init(); } ResourceFactory rf = Context.rf.get(); final Map<String, Object> sessRec = findSession(token, rf); String sql = "select " + COL_TUPLE_KEY + "," + COL_TUPLE_VALUE + " from " + TABLE_CONFIG + " with(nolock) where CONNECTOR_KEY=?"; ResultSet rs = Sql.sqlQuery( sql, new Object[] {sessRec.get(COL_CONNECTOR_ID)}, new int[] {Types.INTEGER}, rf); try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); while ( { buf.append("<tuple>"); buf.append("<key>").append(rs.getString(1)).append("</key>"); buf.append("<data>").append(Str.cdata(rs.getString(2))).append("</data>"); buf.append("</tuple>"); } return buf.toString(); } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException(t); } finally { Sql.closeAll(rs); } }