  * Creates a model and view to transport the error message
  * @param request the current HTTP request
  * @param response the current HTTP response
  * @param view the name of the view to use, can be null if the request should be handled as Ajax
  *     upload or there is no mapping for the request and the default non-ajax upload view should
  *     be used
  * @return the created model and view or null if the response was written as JSON
 private ModelAndView prepareAjaxModelAndView(
     HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage) {
   ObjectNode jsonResponse = JsonRequestHelper.createJsonErrorResponse(errorMessage);
   try {
     // Note: the JSON cannot be written directly to the response since this is not supported
     // by exception resolvers. Main problem is that some headers like encoding won't be set
     // correctly and response is written twice
     return ControllerHelper.prepareModelAndViewForJsonResponse(
         request, response, jsonResponse, false);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     // should not occur because response is not written directly
     LOGGER.error("Unexpected exception handling MaxUploadSizeExceededException", e);
     return null;
  * Implementation of the exception resolving method which will only handle the {@link
  * MaxUploadSizeExceededException}.
  * @param request the current HTTP request
  * @param response the response
  * @param handler the executed handler, which is null in case of an MaxUploadSizeExceededException
  * @param ex the exception that got thrown
  * @return the model and view or null if the exception is not a MaxUploadSizeExceededException or
  *     no view is defined
 public ModelAndView resolveException(
     HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, Exception ex) {
   if (ex instanceof MaxUploadSizeExceededException) {
     String errorMessage =
             new Object[] {getHumanReadableUploadSizeLimit()});
     String targetPath =
         ClientUrlHelper.removeIds(request.getServletPath() + request.getPathInfo());
     String view = null;
     if (requestMappings != null) {
       view = requestMappings.get(targetPath);
     if (view != null) {
       MessageHelper.saveErrorMessage(request, errorMessage);
       MessageHelper.setMessageTarget(request, targetPath);
       return new ModelAndView(ControllerHelper.replaceModuleInViewName(view));
     return prepareAjaxModelAndView(request, response, errorMessage);
   return null;