@Override public Pair<Boolean, ActionOnFailedAuthentication> authenticate( String username, String password, Long domainId, Map<String, Object[]> requestParameters) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Trying SAML2 auth for user: "******"Username or Password cannot be empty"); return new Pair<Boolean, ActionOnFailedAuthentication>(false, null); } final UserAccount userAccount = _userAccountDao.getUserAccount(username, domainId); if (userAccount == null || userAccount.getSource() != User.Source.SAML2) { s_logger.debug( "Unable to find user with " + username + " in domain " + domainId + ", or user source is not SAML2"); return new Pair<Boolean, ActionOnFailedAuthentication>(false, null); } else { User user = _userDao.getUser(userAccount.getId()); if (user != null && user.getSource() == User.Source.SAML2 && user.getExternalEntity() != null) { return new Pair<Boolean, ActionOnFailedAuthentication>(true, null); } } // Deny all by default return new Pair<Boolean, ActionOnFailedAuthentication>( false, ActionOnFailedAuthentication.INCREMENT_INCORRECT_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_COUNT); }
@Override public Pair<User, Account> findUserAccountByApiKey(String apiKey) { Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; Pair<User, Account> userAcctPair = null; try { String sql = FIND_USER_ACCOUNT_BY_API_KEY; pstmt = txn.prepareAutoCloseStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, apiKey); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); // TODO: make sure we don't have more than 1 result? ApiKey had better be unique if (rs.next()) { User u = new UserVO(rs.getLong(1)); u.setUsername(rs.getString(2)); u.setAccountId(rs.getLong(3)); u.setSecretKey(DBEncryptionUtil.decrypt(rs.getString(4))); u.setState(State.valueOf(rs.getString(5))); AccountVO a = new AccountVO(rs.getLong(6)); a.setAccountName(rs.getString(7)); a.setType(rs.getShort(8)); a.setDomainId(rs.getLong(9)); a.setState(State.valueOf(rs.getString(10))); userAcctPair = new Pair<User, Account>(u, a); } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Exception finding user/acct by api key: " + apiKey, e); } return userAcctPair; }
@Override public long getEntityOwnerId() { User user = _entityMgr.findById(User.class, getId()); if (user != null) { return user.getAccountId(); } return Account .ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM; // no account info given, parent this command to SYSTEM so ERROR events // are tracked }
public boolean verifyUser(Long userId) { User user = _accountMgr.getUserIncludingRemoved(userId); Account account = null; if (user != null) { account = _accountMgr.getAccount(user.getAccountId()); } if ((user == null) || (user.getRemoved() != null) || !user.getState().equals(Account.State.enabled) || (account == null) || !account.getState().equals(Account.State.enabled)) { s_logger.warn( "Deleted/Disabled/Locked user with id=" + userId + " attempting to access public API"); return false; } return true; }
@Override public String toString() { return new StringBuffer("CCtxt[acct=") .append(account.getId()) .append("; user="******"; id=") .append(contextId) .append("]") .toString(); }
@Override public void execute() throws InsufficientCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException { User callerUser = _accountService.getActiveUser(UserContext.current().getCallerUserId()); Account callerAccount = _accountService.getActiveAccountById(callerUser.getAccountId()); Network result = _networkService.updateGuestNetwork( getId(), getNetworkName(), getDisplayText(), callerAccount, callerUser, getNetworkDomain(), getNetworkOfferingId(), getChangeCidr()); if (result != null) { NetworkResponse response = _responseGenerator.createNetworkResponse(result); response.setResponseName(getCommandName()); this.setResponseObject(response); } else { throw new ServerApiException(BaseCmd.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to update network"); } }
@Override public boolean verifyRequest(Map<String, Object[]> requestParameters, Long userId) throws ServerApiException { try { String apiKey = null; String secretKey = null; String signature = null; String unsignedRequest = null; String[] command = (String[]) requestParameters.get("command"); if (command == null) { s_logger.info("missing command, ignoring request..."); return false; } String commandName = command[0]; // if userId not null, that mean that user is logged in if (userId != null) { User user = ApiDBUtils.findUserById(userId); try { checkCommandAvailable(user, commandName); } catch (RequestLimitException ex) { s_logger.debug(ex.getMessage()); throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.API_LIMIT_EXCEED, ex.getMessage()); } catch (PermissionDeniedException ex) { s_logger.debug( "The given command:" + commandName + " does not exist or it is not available for user with id:" + userId); throw new ServerApiException( ApiErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_ACTION_ERROR, "The given command does not exist or it is not available for user"); } return true; } else { // check against every available command to see if the command exists or not if (!_apiNameCmdClassMap.containsKey(commandName) && !commandName.equals("login") && !commandName.equals("logout")) { s_logger.debug( "The given command:" + commandName + " does not exist or it is not available for user with id:" + userId); throw new ServerApiException( ApiErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_ACTION_ERROR, "The given command does not exist or it is not available for user"); } } // - build a request string with sorted params, make sure it's all lowercase // - sign the request, verify the signature is the same List<String> parameterNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object paramNameObj : requestParameters.keySet()) { parameterNames.add((String) paramNameObj); // put the name in a list that we'll sort later } Collections.sort(parameterNames); String signatureVersion = null; String expires = null; for (String paramName : parameterNames) { // parameters come as name/value pairs in the form String/String[] String paramValue = ((String[]) requestParameters.get(paramName))[0]; if ("signature".equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) { signature = paramValue; } else { if ("apikey".equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) { apiKey = paramValue; } else if ("signatureversion".equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) { signatureVersion = paramValue; } else if ("expires".equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) { expires = paramValue; } if (unsignedRequest == null) { unsignedRequest = paramName + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } else { unsignedRequest = unsignedRequest + "&" + paramName + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } } } // if api/secret key are passed to the parameters if ((signature == null) || (apiKey == null)) { s_logger.debug( "Expired session, missing signature, or missing apiKey -- ignoring request. Signature: " + signature + ", apiKey: " + apiKey); return false; // no signature, bad request } Date expiresTS = null; // FIXME: Hard coded signature, why not have an enum if ("3".equals(signatureVersion)) { // New signature authentication. Check for expire parameter and its validity if (expires == null) { s_logger.debug( "Missing Expires parameter -- ignoring request. Signature: " + signature + ", apiKey: " + apiKey); return false; } synchronized (_dateFormat) { try { expiresTS = _dateFormat.parse(expires); } catch (ParseException pe) { s_logger.debug("Incorrect date format for Expires parameter", pe); return false; } } Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (expiresTS.before(now)) { s_logger.debug( "Request expired -- ignoring ...sig: " + signature + ", apiKey: " + apiKey); return false; } } TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.open(TransactionLegacy.CLOUD_DB); txn.close(); User user = null; // verify there is a user with this api key Pair<User, Account> userAcctPair = _accountMgr.findUserByApiKey(apiKey); if (userAcctPair == null) { s_logger.debug( "apiKey does not map to a valid user -- ignoring request, apiKey: " + apiKey); return false; } user = userAcctPair.first(); Account account = userAcctPair.second(); if (user.getState() != Account.State.enabled || !account.getState().equals(Account.State.enabled)) { s_logger.info( "disabled or locked user accessing the api, userid = " + user.getId() + "; name = " + user.getUsername() + "; state: " + user.getState() + "; accountState: " + account.getState()); return false; } try { checkCommandAvailable(user, commandName); } catch (PermissionDeniedException ex) { s_logger.debug( "The given command:" + commandName + " does not exist or it is not available for user"); throw new ServerApiException( ApiErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_ACTION_ERROR, "The given command:" + commandName + " does not exist or it is not available for user with id:" + userId); } // verify secret key exists secretKey = user.getSecretKey(); if (secretKey == null) { s_logger.info( "User does not have a secret key associated with the account -- ignoring request, username: "******"HmacSHA1"); SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1"); mac.init(keySpec); mac.update(unsignedRequest.getBytes()); byte[] encryptedBytes = mac.doFinal(); String computedSignature = Base64.encodeBase64String(encryptedBytes); boolean equalSig = signature.equals(computedSignature); if (!equalSig) { s_logger.info( "User signature: " + signature + " is not equaled to computed signature: " + computedSignature); } else { CallContext.register(user, account); } return equalSig; } catch (ServerApiException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.error("unable to verify request signature"); } return false; }
// NOTE: handle() only handles over the wire (OTW) requests from integration.api.port 8096 // If integration api port is not configured, actual OTW requests will be received by ApiServlet @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) @Override public void handle(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException { // Create StringBuffer to log information in access log StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); HttpServerConnection connObj = (HttpServerConnection) context.getAttribute("http.connection"); if (connObj instanceof SocketHttpServerConnection) { InetAddress remoteAddr = ((SocketHttpServerConnection) connObj).getRemoteAddress(); sb.append(remoteAddr.toString() + " -- "); } sb.append(StringUtils.cleanString(request.getRequestLine().toString())); try { List<NameValuePair> paramList = null; try { paramList = URLEncodedUtils.parse(new URI(request.getRequestLine().getUri()), "UTF-8"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { s_logger.error("Error parsing url request", e); } // Use Multimap as the parameter map should be in the form (name=String, value=String[]) // So parameter values are stored in a list for the same name key // APITODO: Use Guava's (import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;) // (Immutable)Multimap<String, String> paramMultiMap = HashMultimap.create(); // Map<String, Collection<String>> parameterMap = paramMultiMap.asMap(); Map parameterMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); String responseType = BaseCmd.RESPONSE_TYPE_XML; for (NameValuePair param : paramList) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("response")) { responseType = param.getValue(); continue; } parameterMap.put(param.getName(), new String[] {param.getValue()}); } // Check responseType, if not among valid types, fallback to JSON if (!(responseType.equals(BaseCmd.RESPONSE_TYPE_JSON) || responseType.equals(BaseCmd.RESPONSE_TYPE_XML))) responseType = BaseCmd.RESPONSE_TYPE_XML; try { // always trust commands from API port, user context will always be // UID_SYSTEM/ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM UserContext.registerContext(_systemUser.getId(), _systemAccount, null, true); sb.insert( 0, "(userId=" + User.UID_SYSTEM + " accountId=" + Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM + " sessionId=" + null + ") "); String responseText = handleRequest(parameterMap, true, responseType, sb); sb.append(" 200 " + ((responseText == null) ? 0 : responseText.length())); writeResponse(response, responseText, HttpStatus.SC_OK, responseType, null); } catch (ServerApiException se) { String responseText = getSerializedApiError(se, parameterMap, responseType); writeResponse( response, responseText, se.getErrorCode().getHttpCode(), responseType, se.getDescription()); sb.append(" " + se.getErrorCode() + " " + se.getDescription()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // log runtime exception like NullPointerException to help identify the source easier s_logger.error("Unhandled exception, ", e); throw e; } } finally { s_accessLogger.info(sb.toString()); UserContext.unregisterContext(); } }
public long getCallingUserId() { return user.getId(); }
public String getCallingUserUuid() { return user.getUuid(); }