@Override public void handleVolumeSync(HostVO ssHost) { if (ssHost == null) { s_logger.warn("Huh? ssHost is null"); return; } long sserverId = ssHost.getId(); if (!(ssHost.getType() == Host.Type.SecondaryStorage || ssHost.getType() == Host.Type.LocalSecondaryStorage)) { s_logger.warn("Huh? Agent id " + sserverId + " is not secondary storage host"); return; } Map<Long, TemplateInfo> volumeInfos = listVolume(ssHost); if (volumeInfos == null) { return; } List<VolumeHostVO> dbVolumes = _volumeHostDao.listBySecStorage(sserverId); List<VolumeHostVO> toBeDownloaded = new ArrayList<VolumeHostVO>(dbVolumes); for (VolumeHostVO volumeHost : dbVolumes) { VolumeVO volume = _volumeDao.findById(volumeHost.getVolumeId()); // Exists then don't download if (volumeInfos.containsKey(volume.getId())) { TemplateInfo volInfo = volumeInfos.remove(volume.getId()); toBeDownloaded.remove(volumeHost); s_logger.info( "Volume Sync found " + volume.getUuid() + " already in the volume host table"); if (volumeHost.getDownloadState() != Status.DOWNLOADED) { volumeHost.setErrorString(""); } if (volInfo.isCorrupted()) { volumeHost.setDownloadState(Status.DOWNLOAD_ERROR); String msg = "Volume " + volume.getUuid() + " is corrupted on secondary storage "; volumeHost.setErrorString(msg); s_logger.info("msg"); if (volumeHost.getDownloadUrl() == null) { msg = "Volume (" + volume.getUuid() + ") with install path " + volInfo.getInstallPath() + "is corrupted, please check in secondary storage: " + volumeHost.getHostId(); s_logger.warn(msg); } else { toBeDownloaded.add(volumeHost); } } else { // Put them in right status volumeHost.setDownloadPercent(100); volumeHost.setDownloadState(Status.DOWNLOADED); volumeHost.setInstallPath(volInfo.getInstallPath()); volumeHost.setSize(volInfo.getSize()); volumeHost.setPhysicalSize(volInfo.getPhysicalSize()); volumeHost.setLastUpdated(new Date()); _volumeHostDao.update(volumeHost.getId(), volumeHost); if (volume.getSize() == 0) { // Set volume size in volumes table volume.setSize(volInfo.getSize()); _volumeDao.update(volumeHost.getVolumeId(), volume); } if (volInfo.getSize() > 0) { try { String url = _volumeHostDao.findByVolumeId(volume.getId()).getDownloadUrl(); _resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit( _accountMgr.getAccount(volume.getAccountId()), com.cloud.configuration.Resource.ResourceType.secondary_storage, volInfo.getSize() - UriUtils.getRemoteSize(url)); } catch (ResourceAllocationException e) { s_logger.warn(e.getMessage()); _alertMgr.sendAlert( _alertMgr.ALERT_TYPE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, volume.getDataCenterId(), volume.getPodId(), e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()); } finally { _resourceLimitMgr.recalculateResourceCount( volume.getAccountId(), volume.getDomainId(), com.cloud.configuration.Resource.ResourceType.secondary_storage.getOrdinal()); } } } continue; } // Volume is not on secondary but we should download. if (volumeHost.getDownloadState() != Status.DOWNLOADED) { s_logger.info( "Volume Sync did not find " + volume.getName() + " ready on server " + sserverId + ", will request download to start/resume shortly"); toBeDownloaded.add(volumeHost); } } // Download volumes which haven't been downloaded yet. if (toBeDownloaded.size() > 0) { for (VolumeHostVO volumeHost : toBeDownloaded) { if (volumeHost.getDownloadUrl() == null) { // If url is null we can't initiate the download continue; } s_logger.debug( "Volume " + volumeHost.getVolumeId() + " needs to be downloaded to " + ssHost.getName()); downloadVolumeToStorage( _volumeDao.findById(volumeHost.getVolumeId()), ssHost, volumeHost.getDownloadUrl(), volumeHost.getChecksum(), volumeHost.getFormat()); } } // Delete volumes which are not present on DB. for (Long uniqueName : volumeInfos.keySet()) { TemplateInfo vInfo = volumeInfos.get(uniqueName); DeleteVolumeCommand dtCommand = new DeleteVolumeCommand(ssHost.getStorageUrl(), vInfo.getInstallPath()); try { _agentMgr.sendToSecStorage(ssHost, dtCommand, null); } catch (AgentUnavailableException e) { String err = "Failed to delete " + vInfo.getTemplateName() + " on secondary storage " + sserverId + " which isn't in the database"; s_logger.error(err); return; } String description = "Deleted volume " + vInfo.getTemplateName() + " on secondary storage " + sserverId + " since it isn't in the database"; s_logger.info(description); } }
@Override public void downloadVolumeToStorage( DataObject volume, AsyncCompletionCallback<DownloadAnswer> callback) { boolean downloadJobExists = false; VolumeDataStoreVO volumeHost = null; DataStore store = volume.getDataStore(); VolumeInfo volInfo = (VolumeInfo) volume; RegisterVolumePayload payload = (RegisterVolumePayload) volInfo.getpayload(); String url = payload.getUrl(); String checkSum = payload.getChecksum(); ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.valueOf(payload.getFormat()); volumeHost = _volumeStoreDao.findByStoreVolume(store.getId(), volume.getId()); if (volumeHost == null) { volumeHost = new VolumeDataStoreVO( store.getId(), volume.getId(), new Date(), 0, Status.NOT_DOWNLOADED, null, null, "jobid0000", null, url, checkSum); _volumeStoreDao.persist(volumeHost); } else if ((volumeHost.getJobId() != null) && (volumeHost.getJobId().length() > 2)) { downloadJobExists = true; } Long maxVolumeSizeInBytes = getMaxVolumeSizeInBytes(); if (volumeHost != null) { start(); Volume vol = _volumeDao.findById(volume.getId()); DownloadCommand dcmd = new DownloadCommand( (VolumeObjectTO) (volume.getTO()), maxVolumeSizeInBytes, checkSum, url, format); dcmd.setProxy(getHttpProxy()); if (downloadJobExists) { dcmd = new DownloadProgressCommand(dcmd, volumeHost.getJobId(), RequestType.GET_OR_RESTART); dcmd.setResourceType(ResourceType.VOLUME); } EndPoint ep = _epSelector.select(volume); if (ep == null) { s_logger.warn("There is no secondary storage VM for image store " + store.getName()); return; } DownloadListener dl = new DownloadListener(ep, store, volume, _timer, this, dcmd, callback); ComponentContext.inject(dl); // auto-wired those injected fields in DownloadListener if (downloadJobExists) { dl.setCurrState(volumeHost.getDownloadState()); } try { ep.sendMessageAsync(dcmd, new UploadListener.Callback(ep.getId(), dl)); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn( "Unable to start /resume download of volume " + volume.getId() + " to " + store.getName(), e); dl.setDisconnected(); dl.scheduleStatusCheck(RequestType.GET_OR_RESTART); } } }
@DB protected void scheduleSnapshots() { String displayTime = DateUtil.displayDateInTimezone(DateUtil.GMT_TIMEZONE, _currentTimestamp); s_logger.debug("Snapshot scheduler.poll is being called at " + displayTime); List<SnapshotScheduleVO> snapshotsToBeExecuted = _snapshotScheduleDao.getSchedulesToExecute(_currentTimestamp); s_logger.debug( "Got " + snapshotsToBeExecuted.size() + " snapshots to be executed at " + displayTime); // This is done for recurring snapshots, which are executed by the system automatically // Hence set user id to that of system long userId = 1; for (SnapshotScheduleVO snapshotToBeExecuted : snapshotsToBeExecuted) { long policyId = snapshotToBeExecuted.getPolicyId(); long volumeId = snapshotToBeExecuted.getVolumeId(); VolumeVO volume = _volsDao.findById(volumeId); if (volume.getPoolId() == null) { // this volume is not attached continue; } if (_snapshotPolicyDao.findById(policyId) == null) { _snapshotScheduleDao.remove(snapshotToBeExecuted.getId()); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Date scheduledTimestamp = snapshotToBeExecuted.getScheduledTimestamp(); displayTime = DateUtil.displayDateInTimezone(DateUtil.GMT_TIMEZONE, scheduledTimestamp); s_logger.debug( "Scheduling 1 snapshot for volume " + volumeId + " for schedule id: " + snapshotToBeExecuted.getId() + " at " + displayTime); } long snapshotScheId = snapshotToBeExecuted.getId(); SnapshotScheduleVO tmpSnapshotScheduleVO = null; try { tmpSnapshotScheduleVO = _snapshotScheduleDao.acquireInLockTable(snapshotScheId); Long eventId = EventUtils.saveScheduledEvent( User.UID_SYSTEM, Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM, EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_CREATE, "creating snapshot for volume Id:" + volumeId, 0); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("volumeid", "" + volumeId); params.put("policyid", "" + policyId); params.put("ctxUserId", "1"); params.put("ctxAccountId", "1"); params.put("ctxStartEventId", String.valueOf(eventId)); CreateSnapshotCmd cmd = new CreateSnapshotCmd(); ApiDispatcher.getInstance().dispatchCreateCmd(cmd, params); params.put("id", "" + cmd.getEntityId()); params.put("ctxStartEventId", "1"); AsyncJobVO job = new AsyncJobVO(); job.setUserId(userId); // Just have SYSTEM own the job for now. Users won't be able to see this job, but // it's an internal job so probably not a huge deal. job.setAccountId(1L); job.setCmd(CreateSnapshotCmd.class.getName()); job.setInstanceId(cmd.getEntityId()); job.setCmdInfo(GsonHelper.getBuilder().create().toJson(params)); long jobId = _asyncMgr.submitAsyncJob(job); tmpSnapshotScheduleVO.setAsyncJobId(jobId); _snapshotScheduleDao.update(snapshotScheId, tmpSnapshotScheduleVO); } finally { if (tmpSnapshotScheduleVO != null) { _snapshotScheduleDao.releaseFromLockTable(snapshotScheId); } } } }