/** Removes a connection */ void removeItem(ManagedPoolItem item, ManagedConnection mConn) { synchronized (_connectionPool) { _idlePool.remove(mConn); _connectionPool.remove(item); _connectionPool.notifyAll(); } try { item.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); } }
/** Adds a connection to the idle pool. */ void toIdle(ManagedPoolItem item) { try { if (_maxConnections < _connectionPool.size() || item.isConnectionError()) { return; } ManagedConnection mConn = item.getManagedConnection(); if (mConn == null) { return; } mConn.cleanup(); long now = CurrentTime.getCurrentTime(); if (_idlePool.size() == 0) _idlePoolExpire = now + _idleTimeout; if (_idlePoolExpire < now) { // shrink the idle pool when non-empty for idleTimeout _idlePoolExpire = now + _idleTimeout; } else if (_idlePool.add(mConn)) { item = null; return; } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } finally { notifyConnectionAvailable(); if (item != null) item.destroy(); } }
private void fillIdlePool() { int count = _minIdleCount; try { while (_connectionPool.size() < _minIdleCount && count-- >= 0 && _lifecycle.isActive()) { Subject subject = null; ConnectionRequestInfo info = null; UserPoolItem userPoolItem; userPoolItem = createConnection(_mcf, subject, info, null); if (userPoolItem != null) userPoolItem.toIdle(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } }
/** Calculates a MD5 digest of the class. */ public String getDigest() { try { if (_className == null || "".equals(_className)) return ""; DynamicClassLoader loader = (DynamicClassLoader) Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); ClassLoader tmpLoader = loader.getNewTempClassLoader(); Class cl = Class.forName(_className, false, tmpLoader); if (cl == null) return ""; MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); addDigest(digest, cl.getName()); addDigest(digest, cl.getModifiers()); Class superClass = cl.getSuperclass(); if (superClass != null) addDigest(digest, superClass.getName()); Class[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) addDigest(digest, interfaces[i].getName()); Field[] fields = cl.getDeclaredFields(); Arrays.sort(fields, new FieldComparator()); if (_checkFields) { for (Field field : fields) { if (Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers()) && !_checkPrivate) continue; if (Modifier.isProtected(field.getModifiers()) && !_checkProtected) continue; addDigest(digest, field.getName()); addDigest(digest, field.getModifiers()); addDigest(digest, field.getType().getName()); addDigest(digest, field.getAnnotations()); } } Method[] methods = cl.getDeclaredMethods(); Arrays.sort(methods, new MethodComparator()); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { Method method = methods[i]; if (Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers()) && !_checkPrivate) continue; if (Modifier.isProtected(method.getModifiers()) && !_checkProtected) continue; if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) && !_checkStatic) continue; addDigest(digest, method.getName()); addDigest(digest, method.getModifiers()); addDigest(digest, method.getName()); Class[] param = method.getParameterTypes(); for (int j = 0; j < param.length; j++) addDigest(digest, param[j].getName()); addDigest(digest, method.getReturnType().getName()); Class[] exn = method.getExceptionTypes(); for (int j = 0; j < exn.length; j++) addDigest(digest, exn[j].getName()); addDigest(digest, method.getAnnotations()); } byte[] digestBytes = new byte[256]; int len = digest.digest(digestBytes, 0, digestBytes.length); return digestToBase64(digestBytes, len); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e); return ""; } }
private boolean sendError(FacesContext context, String lifecycle, Exception e) { for (Throwable cause = e; cause != null; cause = cause.getCause()) { if (cause instanceof DisplayableException) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; else throw new FacesException(e); } else if (cause instanceof ServletException) throw new FacesException(e); else if (cause instanceof JspException) throw new FacesException(e); } ExternalContext extContext = context.getExternalContext(); Object response = extContext.getResponse(); if (!(response instanceof HttpServletResponse)) { context.renderResponse(); if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; else throw new RuntimeException(e); } log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) response; try { context.renderResponse(); context.responseComplete(); res.setStatus(500, "JSF Exception"); res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); out.println("<body>"); out.println("<h3>JSF exception detected in " + lifecycle + " phase</h3>"); String msg = e.getMessage(); out.println("<span style='color:red;font:bold'>" + Html.escapeHtml(msg) + "</span><br/>"); out.println("<h3>Context: " + context.getViewRoot() + "</h3>"); out.println("<code><pre>"); String errorId = null; if (e instanceof FacesException && msg.startsWith("id=")) { int p = msg.indexOf(' '); errorId = msg.substring(3, p); } printComponentTree(out, errorId, context, context.getViewRoot(), 0); out.println("</pre></code>"); if (!Alarm.isTest()) { out.println("<h3>Stack Trace</h3>"); out.println("<pre>"); if (e.getCause() != null) e.getCause().printStackTrace(out); else e.printStackTrace(out); out.println("</pre>"); } out.println("</body>"); // clear, so we don't just loop Application app = context.getApplication(); ViewHandler view = app.getViewHandler(); UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot(); viewRoot = view.createView(context, viewRoot.getViewId()); context.setViewRoot(viewRoot); // view.writeState(context); // XXX: no need to output state, but review. return true; } catch (IOException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }