Esempio n. 1
   * Obtain the UUID of some relatively underutilized data service.
   * <p>FIXME The LBS should interpret the excludedServiceUUID as the source service UUID and then
   * provide a list of those services having an LBS computed service score which is significantly
   * lower than the score for this service. Changing this will break some unit tests (for the LBS
   * behavior).
  private UUID getMoveTarget(
      final UUID sourceServiceUUID, final ILoadBalancerService loadBalancerService) {

    try {

      // request under utilized data service UUIDs (RMI).
      final UUID[] uuids =
          loadBalancerService.getUnderUtilizedDataServices( //
              0, // minCount - no lower bound.
              1, // maxCount - no upper bound.
              sourceServiceUUID // exclude this data service.

      if (uuids != null && uuids.length > 0) {

        // Found a move target.
        return uuids[0];

      // No move target.
      return null;

    } catch (TimeoutException t) {


      return null;

    } catch (InterruptedException t) {


      return null;

    } catch (Throwable t) {

      log.error("Could not obtain target service UUIDs: ", t);

      return null;
Esempio n. 2
   * Figure out if this data service is considered to be highly utilized, in which case the DS
   * should shed some index partitions.
   * <p>Note: We consult the load balancer service on this since it is able to put the load of this
   * service into perspective by also considering the load on the other services in the federation.
   * @param loadBalancerService The load balancer.
  protected boolean shouldMove(final ILoadBalancerService loadBalancerService) {

    if (loadBalancerService == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    // inquire if this service is highly utilized.
    final boolean highlyUtilizedService;
    try {

      final UUID serviceUUID = resourceManager.getDataServiceUUID();

      highlyUtilizedService = loadBalancerService.isHighlyUtilizedDataService(serviceUUID);

    } catch (Exception ex) {

      log.warn("Could not determine if this data service is highly utilized");

      return false;

    if (!highlyUtilizedService) {

      if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Service is not highly utilized.");

      return false;

     * At this point we know that the LBS considers this host and service to
     * be highly utilized (relative to the other hosts and services). If
     * there is evidence of resource exhaustion for critical resources (CPU,
     * RAM, or DIKS) then we will MOVE index partitions in order to shed
     * some load. Otherwise, we will SPLIT hot index partitions in order to
     * increase the potential concurrency of the workload for this service.
     * Note: CPU is the only fungable resource since things will just slow
     * down if a host has 100% CPU while it can die if it runs out of DISK
     * or RAM (including if it begins to swap heavily).
     * @todo config options for these triggers.
    final ResourceScores resourceScores = resourceManager.getResourceScores();

    final boolean shouldMove = //
        // heavy CPU utilization.
        (resourceScores.percentCPUTime >= resourceManager.movePercentCpuTimeThreshold)
            // swapping heavily.
            (resourceScores.majorPageFaultsPerSec > 20)
            // running out of disk (data dir).
            (resourceScores.dataDirBytesFree < Bytes.gigabyte * 5)
            // running out of disk (tmp dir).
            (resourceScores.dataDirBytesFree < Bytes.gigabyte * .5);

    return shouldMove;
    //        if (shouldMove) {
    //            return chooseMoves(loadBalancerService);
    //        }

    //        return chooseHotSplits();
