Esempio n. 1
 private void handleLine(
     Settings elementSettings, String line, PropertiesConfig propCfg, BaseDrawHandler drawer) {
   boolean drawText = true;
   for (Facet facet : elementSettings.getFacets()) {
     if (facet.checkStart(line)) {
       facet.handleLine(line, drawer, propCfg);
       if (facet.replacesText(line)) {
         drawText = false;
   if (drawText) {
     XPoints xLimitsForText = propCfg.getXLimitsForArea(propCfg.getyPos(), drawer.textHeight());
     Float spaceNotUsedForText = propCfg.getGridElementSize().width - xLimitsForText.getSpace();
     if (!spaceNotUsedForText.equals(
         Float.NaN)) { // NaN is possible if xlimits calculation contains e.g. a division by zero
       propCfg.calcMaxTextWidth(spaceNotUsedForText + drawer.textWidth(line));
         calcHorizontalTextBoundaries(xLimitsForText, propCfg),
Esempio n. 2
 private float calcHorizontalTextBoundaries(XPoints xLimitsForText, PropertiesConfig propCfg) {
   float x;
   if (propCfg.gethAlign() == AlignHorizontal.LEFT) {
     x = xLimitsForText.getLeft() + drawer.getDistanceBetweenTexts();
   } else if (propCfg.gethAlign() == AlignHorizontal.CENTER) {
     x = propCfg.getGridElementSize().width / 2;
   } else /*if (propCfg.gethAlign() == AlignHorizontal.RIGHT)*/ {
     x = xLimitsForText.getRight() - drawer.getDistanceBetweenTexts();
   return x;
Esempio n. 3
  private DimensionFloat getExpectedElementDimensionsOnDefaultZoom(NewGridElement element) {
    // add all ypos changes to simulate the real ypos for xlimit calculation etc.
    PropertiesConfig tmpPropCfg =
        new PropertiesConfig(element.getSettings(), element.getRealSize());
        calcTopDisplacementToFitLine(calcStartPointFromVAlign(tmpPropCfg), tmpPropCfg));
    handleWordWrapAndIterate(elementSettings, tmpPropCfg, drawer.getPseudoDrawHandler());

    float textHeight =
            - drawer
                .textHeight(); // subtract last ypos step (because the print-text pos is always on
                               // the bottom)
    return new DimensionFloat(tmpPropCfg.getMaxTextWidth(), textHeight);
Esempio n. 4
 private void handleAutoresize(NewGridElement element) {
   if (getElementStyle() == ElementStyleEnum.AUTORESIZE) {
     DimensionFloat dim = getExpectedElementDimensionsOnDefaultZoom(element);
     float hSpaceLeftAndRight = drawer.getDistanceBetweenTexts() * 2;
     float width = dim.getWidth() + hSpaceLeftAndRight;
     float height = dim.getHeight() + drawer.textHeight() / 2;
     float diffw = width - element.getRealSize().width;
     float diffh = height - element.getRealSize().height;
     float diffwInCurrentZoom = diffw * element.getHandler().getZoomFactor();
     float diffhInCurrentZoom = diffh * element.getHandler().getZoomFactor();
     int diffwRealigned = element.getHandler().realignToGrid(false, diffwInCurrentZoom, true);
     int diffhRealigned = element.getHandler().realignToGrid(false, diffhInCurrentZoom, true);
     // use resize command to move sticked relations correctly with the element
     new Resize(element, 0, 0, diffwRealigned, diffhRealigned).execute(element.getHandler());
Esempio n. 5
 private float calcTopDisplacementToFitLine(float startPoint, PropertiesConfig propCfg) {
   int BUFFER = 2; // a small buffer between text and outer border
   float displacement = startPoint;
   float textHeight = drawer.textHeight();
   boolean wordwrap = getElementStyle() == ElementStyleEnum.WORDWRAP;
   if (!wordwrap
       && !propertiesTextToDraw
           .isEmpty()) { // in case of wordwrap or no text, there is no top displacement
     String firstLine = propertiesTextToDraw.iterator().next();
     float availableWidthSpace =
         propCfg.getXLimitsForArea(displacement, textHeight).getSpace() - BUFFER;
     float accumulator = displacement;
     while (accumulator < propCfg.getGridElementSize().height
         && !TextManipulator.checkifStringFits(firstLine, availableWidthSpace, drawer)) {
       accumulator += textHeight / 2;
       float previousWidthSpace = availableWidthSpace;
       availableWidthSpace =
           propCfg.getXLimitsForArea(accumulator, textHeight).getSpace() - BUFFER;
       // only set displacement if the last iteration resulted in a space gain (eg: for UseCase
       // until the middle, for Class: stays on top because on a rectangle there is never a
       // width-space gain)
       if (availableWidthSpace > previousWidthSpace) displacement = accumulator;
   return displacement;
Esempio n. 6
 private void handleWordWrapAndIterate(
     Settings elementSettings, PropertiesConfig propCfg, BaseDrawHandler drawer) {
   boolean wordwrap = getElementStyle() == ElementStyleEnum.WORDWRAP;
   for (String line : propertiesTextToDraw) {
     if (wordwrap) {
       String wrappedLine;
       while (propCfg.getyPos() < propCfg.getGridElementSize().height && !line.trim().isEmpty()) {
         Float spaceForText =
             propCfg.getXLimitsForArea(propCfg.getyPos(), drawer.textHeight()).getSpace()
                 - drawer.getDistanceBetweenTexts() * 2;
         wrappedLine = TextManipulator.splitString(line, spaceForText, drawer);
         handleLine(elementSettings, wrappedLine, propCfg, drawer);
         line = line.substring(wrappedLine.length()).trim();
     } else handleLine(elementSettings, line, propCfg, drawer);
Esempio n. 7
 private float calcStartPointFromVAlign(PropertiesConfig propCfg) {
   float returnVal =
           .textHeight(); // print method is located at the bottom of the text therefore add text
                          // height (important for UseCase etc where text must not reach out of the
                          // border)
   if (propCfg.getvAlign() == AlignVertical.TOP) {
     returnVal += drawer.textHeight() / 2;
   } else if (propCfg.getvAlign() == AlignVertical.CENTER) {
     returnVal += (propCfg.getGridElementSize().height - getTextBlockHeight(propCfg)) / 2;
   } else /*if (propCfg.getvAlign() == AlignVertical.BOTTOM)*/ {
     returnVal +=
             - getTextBlockHeight(propCfg)
             - drawer.textHeight() / 2;
   return returnVal;
Esempio n. 8
 public float getTextBlockHeight(PropertiesConfig propCfg) {
   PropertiesConfig tmpPropCfg =
       new PropertiesConfig(elementSettings, propCfg.getGridElementSize());
   handleWordWrapAndIterate(elementSettings, tmpPropCfg, drawer.getPseudoDrawHandler());
   return tmpPropCfg.getyPos();