public void update(float delta) { if (MathUtils.random() < delta * Constants.ICICLE_SPAWNS_PER_SECOND) { Vector2 newIciclePosition = new Vector2(MathUtils.random() * viewport.getWorldWidth(), viewport.getWorldHeight()); Icicle newIcicle = new Icicle(newIciclePosition); icicleList.add(newIcicle); } for (Icicle icicle : icicleList) { icicle.update(delta); } // TODO: begin a removal session icicleList.begin(); // TODO: Remove any icicle completely off the bottom of the screen for (int i = 0; i < icicleList.size; i++) { if (icicleList.get(i).position.y < -Constants.ICICLES_HEIGHT) { icicleList.removeIndex(i); } } // TODO: End removal session icicleList.end(); }
public GameStateManager(States s) { sb = new SpriteBatch(); sr = new ShapeRenderer(); setState(s, true); left = new Rectangle(); right = new Rectangle(); shoot = new Ellipse(); jump = new Ellipse(); start = new Rectangle(); leftSt = new Rectangle(); rightSt = new Rectangle(); shootSt = new Ellipse(); jumpSt = new Ellipse(); startSt = new Rectangle(); lefts = new boolean[MyConstants.NUM_TOUCHES]; rights = new boolean[MyConstants.NUM_TOUCHES]; shoots = new boolean[MyConstants.NUM_TOUCHES]; jumps = new boolean[MyConstants.NUM_TOUCHES]; starts = new boolean[MyConstants.NUM_TOUCHES]; cam = new MyCamera(); view = new StretchViewport(MyConstants.WOLRD_WIDTH, MyConstants.WORLD_HEIGHT, cam); view.apply(true); view.update((int) Game.SIZE.x, (int) Game.SIZE.y, true); }
/** * Calculates window scissor coordinates from local coordinates using the batch's current * transformation matrix. * * @see ScissorStack#calculateScissors(Camera, float, float, float, float, Matrix4, Rectangle, * Rectangle) */ public void calculateScissors(Rectangle localRect, Rectangle scissorRect) { viewport.calculateScissors(batch.getTransformMatrix(), localRect, scissorRect); Matrix4 transformMatrix; if (debugShapes != null && debugShapes.isDrawing()) transformMatrix = debugShapes.getTransformMatrix(); else transformMatrix = batch.getTransformMatrix(); viewport.calculateScissors(transformMatrix, localRect, scissorRect); }
public void recalculateButtonPositions() { moveLeftCenter.set(Constants.BUTTON_SIZE * 3 / 4, Constants.BUTTON_SIZE); moveRightCenter.set(Constants.BUTTON_SIZE * 2, Constants.BUTTON_SIZE * 3 / 4); shootCenter.set( viewport.getWorldWidth() - Constants.BUTTON_SIZE * 2f, Constants.BUTTON_SIZE * 3 / 4); jumpCenter.set(viewport.getWorldWidth() - Constants.BUTTON_SIZE * 3 / 4, Constants.BUTTON_SIZE); }
public boolean isTouched(float x, float y, Camera camera, Viewport view) { Vector3 temp = camera.unproject( new Vector3(x, y, 0), view.getScreenX(), view.getScreenY(), view.getScreenWidth(), view.getScreenHeight()); return this.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle().contains(temp.x, temp.y); }
public CharacterSelect(RPGGame game) { = game; gameCamera = new OrthographicCamera(); gamePort = new FitViewport( (RPGGame.V_WIDTH) / RPGGame.PPM, (RPGGame.V_HEIGHT) / RPGGame.PPM, gameCamera); gameCamera.position.x = gamePort.getWorldWidth() - ((RPGGame.V_WIDTH / RPGGame.PPM) / 2); gameCamera.position.y = gamePort.getWorldHeight() - ((RPGGame.V_HEIGHT / RPGGame.PPM) / 2); background = new TextureRegion(new Texture("characterSelection.png")); selectionArea = new TextureRegion(new Texture("backglow.png")); pos = 0; }
@Override public void render(float delta) { update(delta);, 0, 0, 1);; game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(gameCamera.combined); game.batch.begin(); game.batch.draw(background, 0, 0, gamePort.getWorldWidth(), gamePort.getWorldHeight()); game.batch.draw( selectionArea, POSITIONS[pos][0], POSITIONS[pos][1], POSITIONS[pos][2], POSITIONS[pos][3]); game.batch.end(); }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height) { // Whenever a resize event occurs, the viewport needs to be informed // about it and updated. This will automatically recalculate the // viewport parameters and update the camera (centered to the screen), "Resizing to " + width + "x" + height); viewport.update(width, height, true); }
@Override // this does not do anything public void resize(int nWidth, int nHeight) { dAspect = nWidth / nHeight; nViewH = (int) (nViewW / dAspect); viewport.update(nViewW, nViewH); camera.position.set(camera.viewportWidth / 2, camera.viewportHeight / 2, 0); }
private void _touchButton() { Long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (time - lastClickTime > 200) { lastClickTime = time; touchPos.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0); touchPos = viewport.unproject(touchPos); dragonWarsEngine.touch(touchPos.x, touchPos.y); } }
/** * Creates a stage with the specified viewport and batch. This can be used to avoid creating a new * batch (which can be somewhat slow) if multiple stages are used during an application's life * time. * * @param batch Will not be disposed if {@link #dispose()} is called, handle disposal yourself. */ public Stage(Viewport viewport, Batch batch) { if (viewport == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("viewport cannot be null."); if (batch == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("batch cannot be null."); this.viewport = viewport; this.batch = batch; root = new Group(); root.setStage(this); viewport.update(,, true); }
@Override public void update(float deltaTime) {; int width =; int height =; viewport.update(width, height); renderMap(); batch.begin(); renderWorldEntities(); batch.end(); renderParticles(); uiViewport.update(width, height); uiCamera.position.set( uiViewport.getWorldWidth() * 0.5f, uiViewport.getWorldHeight() * 0.5f, 0.0f);; viewport.update(width, height); debugDrawWorld(); uiViewport.update(width, height); debugDrawUI(); if (previousWidth != width || previousHeight != height) {, height); previousWidth = width; previousHeight = height; } }
public void update(float deltaTime) { camera.update(); if (DebugViewSettings.drawModels) { drawShadowBatch(); viewport.apply(); modelBatch.begin(camera); modelBatch.render(engine.getModelCache(), environment); for (GameModel mdl : engine.getDynamicModels()) { if (isVisible(camera, mdl)) { modelBatch.render(mdl.modelInstance, environment); } } if (markerBillboard != null && isVisible(camera, markerBillboard)) { modelBatch.render(markerBillboard.modelInstance, environment); } modelBatch.end(); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawArmature) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(viewport.getCamera().combined); armatureDebugDrawer.drawArmature(shapeRenderer, selectedCharacter, "armature"); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawSteering) { drawSteering(); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawNavmesh) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(viewport.getCamera().combined); navMeshDebugDrawer.drawNavMesh( shapeRenderer, spriteBatch, engine.getScene().navMesh, selectedCharacter, visibleLayers, viewport.getCamera(), font); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawMouseNavMeshPos) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(viewport.getCamera().combined); drawMouseWorldAxis(); } }
private void updateCamera() { direction.set(0.0f, 0.0f); int mouseX = Gdx.input.getX(); int mouseY = Gdx.input.getY(); int width =; int height =; if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.LEFT) || (Gdx.input.isTouched() && mouseX < width * 0.75f)) { direction.x = -1; } else if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.RIGHT) || (Gdx.input.isTouched() && mouseX > width * 0.75f)) { direction.x = 1; } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.UP) || (Gdx.input.isTouched() && mouseY < height * 0.75f)) { direction.y = 1; } else if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.DOWN) || (Gdx.input.isTouched() && mouseY > height * 0.75f)) { direction.y = -1; } direction.nor().scl(CAMERA_SPEED *; camera.position.x += direction.x; camera.position.y += direction.y; TiledMapTileLayer layer = (TiledMapTileLayer) tiledMap.getLayers().get(0); float cameraMinX = viewport.getWorldWidth() * 0.5f; float cameraMinY = viewport.getWorldHeight() * 0.5f; float cameraMaxX = layer.getWidth() * layer.getTileWidth() + (playerWidth - cameraMinX); float cameraMaxY = layer.getHeight() * layer.getTileHeight() - cameraMinY; camera.position.x = MathUtils.clamp(sprite.getX(), cameraMinX, cameraMaxX); camera.position.y = MathUtils.clamp(sprite.getY(), cameraMinY, cameraMaxY); camera.update(); }
/** * Applies a touch down event to the stage and returns true if an actor in the scene {@link * Event#handle() handled} the event. */ public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (screenX < viewport.getScreenX() || screenX >= viewport.getScreenX() + viewport.getScreenWidth()) return false; if ( - screenY < viewport.getScreenY() || - screenY >= viewport.getScreenY() + viewport.getScreenHeight()) return false; pointerTouched[pointer] = true; pointerScreenX[pointer] = screenX; pointerScreenY[pointer] = screenY; screenToStageCoordinates(tempCoords.set(screenX, screenY)); InputEvent event = Pools.obtain(InputEvent.class); event.setType(Type.touchDown); event.setStage(this); event.setStageX(tempCoords.x); event.setStageY(tempCoords.y); event.setPointer(pointer); event.setButton(button); Actor target = hit(tempCoords.x, tempCoords.y, true); if (target == null) { if (root.getTouchable() == Touchable.enabled); } else {; } boolean handled = event.isHandled();; return handled; }
/** * Applies a mouse moved event to the stage and returns true if an actor in the scene {@link * Event#handle() handled} the event. This event only occurs on the desktop. */ public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) { if (screenX < viewport.getScreenX() || screenX >= viewport.getScreenX() + viewport.getScreenWidth()) return false; if ( - screenY < viewport.getScreenY() || - screenY >= viewport.getScreenY() + viewport.getScreenHeight()) return false; mouseScreenX = screenX; mouseScreenY = screenY; screenToStageCoordinates(tempCoords.set(screenX, screenY)); InputEvent event = Pools.obtain(InputEvent.class); event.setStage(this); event.setType(Type.mouseMoved); event.setStageX(tempCoords.x); event.setStageY(tempCoords.y); Actor target = hit(tempCoords.x, tempCoords.y, true); if (target == null) target = root;; boolean handled = event.isHandled();; return handled; }
public void update(float delta) { if (MathUtils.random() < delta * Constants.ICICLE_SPAWNS_PER_SECOND) { Vector2 newIciclePosition = new Vector2(MathUtils.random() * viewport.getWorldWidth(), viewport.getWorldHeight()); Icicle newIcicle = new Icicle(newIciclePosition); icicleList.add(newIcicle); } for (Icicle icicle : icicleList) { icicle.update(delta); } icicleList.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < icicleList.size; i++) { if (icicleList.get(i).position.y < -Constants.ICICLES_HEIGHT) { // TODO: Increment count of icicles dodged iciclesDodged++; icicleList.removeIndex(i); } } icicleList.end(); }
protected void debugDrawUI() { if (Env.debug) { if (Env.drawFPS) { String fpsText = String.format("%d FPS",; TextBounds bounds = debugFont.getBounds(fpsText); batch.setProjectionMatrix(uiCamera.combined); batch.begin(); debugFont.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); debugFont.draw(batch, fpsText, uiViewport.getWorldWidth() - bounds.width - 20.0f, 20.0f); batch.end(); } Table.drawDebug(; } }
public void draw() { Camera camera = viewport.getCamera(); camera.update(); if (!root.isVisible()) return; Batch batch = this.batch; if (batch != null) { batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); batch.begin(); root.draw(batch, 1); batch.end(); } if (debug) drawDebug(); }
@Override public void create() { System.out.println("Create..."); dragonWarsEngine = new DragonWarsEngine(this); CommonResources.reset(); // camera = new OrthographicCamera(); // camera.setToOrtho(false, SCREEN_X, ); camera = new OrthographicCamera(); viewport = new FitViewport(SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y, camera); viewport.apply(); camera.position.set(camera.viewportWidth / 2, camera.viewportHeight / 2, 0); batch = new SpriteBatch(); }
public AbstractGameScreen(DirectedGame game) { = game; if (camera == null) { camera = new OrthographicCamera(); } if (viewport == null) { TAG, "New viewport with width: " + TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH + " and height: " + TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT); viewport = new ExtendViewport(TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH, TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT, camera); } viewport.apply(); Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(false); // will be set to true only when the // child override the InputAdapter // class methods }
// base code // // veiw port from here // // ______________________________________________________________________________________________ @Override public void create() { // get screen size and set aspect dAspect = 1280 / 720; dViewH = (nViewW / dAspect); nViewH = (int) dViewH; // images batch = new SpriteBatch(); spMenu = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("mainmenu.png"))); spMenu.setSize(320, 180); imgEnemy = new Texture("player.png"); spMenu.setPosition(340, 510); imgPlayer = new Texture("player.png"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { imgBaseKey[i] = new Texture("BaseKey.png"); imgRedKey[i] = new Texture("RedKey.png"); imgBaseWall[i] = new Texture("BaseFLW.png"); imgRedwall[i] = new Texture("RedFLW.png"); nKn[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { nKy[i] = nKx[i] = -100000; // recKey[i].setSize(6,11); // recKey[i].setPosition(nKx[i],nKy[i]); } nWx[0] = 480; nWy[0] = 832; imgNum[0] = new Texture("Num 0.png"); imgNum[1] = new Texture("Num 0.png"); imgNum[2] = new Texture("Num 0.png"); imgHud = new Texture("BASE HUD.png"); // tiled map tiledMap = new TmxMapLoader().load("MyMap.tmx"); tiledMapRenderer = new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(tiledMap); // viewport camera = new OrthographicCamera(); viewport = new FillViewport(320, 180, camera); nPx = (int) 500 + (int) (camera.viewportWidth) / 2; nPy = (int) 600 + (int) (camera.viewportHeight) / 2; viewport.apply(); camera.position.set(500, 600, 0); }
public void render(float delta) { if (cameraCache != viewport.getCamera()) cameraCache = (OrthographicCamera) viewport.getCamera(); viewport.getCamera().position.add(speed.x * delta, speed.y * delta, 0f); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { cameraProjectionCache.set(viewport.getCamera().projection); cameraProjectionCache.scl(cameraCache.zoom); batch.setProjectionMatrix(cameraProjectionCache); batch.begin(); float currentX = -viewport.getCamera().position.x * layers[i].parallaxRatio.x % (layers[i].region.getRegionWidth() + layers[i].padding.x); if (speed.x < 0) currentX += -(layers[i].region.getRegionWidth() + layers[i].padding.x); do { /* Y REPEATING DISABLED: float currentY = -viewport.getCamera().position.y * layers[i].parallaxRatio.y % (layers[i].region.getRegionHeight() + layers[i].padding.y); if (speed.y < 0) currentY += -(layers[i].region.getRegionHeight() + layers[i].padding.y); do { batch.draw(layers[i].region, -viewport.getCamera().viewportWidth / 2 + currentX + layers[i].startPosition.x, -viewport.getCamera().viewportHeight / 2 + currentY + layers[i].startPosition.y); currentY += (layers[i].region.getRegionHeight() + layers[i].padding.y); } while (currentY < viewport.getCamera().viewportHeight);*/ batch.draw( layers[i].region, -viewport.getCamera().viewportWidth / 2 + currentX + layers[i].startPosition.x, -viewport.getCamera().viewportHeight / 2 + layers[i].startPosition.y); currentX += (layers[i].region.getRegionWidth() + layers[i].padding.x); } while (currentX < viewport.getCamera().viewportWidth); batch.end(); } }
private void drawDebug() { if (debugShapes == null) { debugShapes = new ShapeRenderer(); debugShapes.setAutoShapeType(true); } if (debugUnderMouse || debugParentUnderMouse || debugTableUnderMouse != Debug.none) { screenToStageCoordinates(tempCoords.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY())); Actor actor = hit(tempCoords.x, tempCoords.y, true); if (actor == null) return; if (debugParentUnderMouse && actor.parent != null) actor = actor.parent; if (debugTableUnderMouse == Debug.none) actor.setDebug(true); else { while (actor != null) { if (actor instanceof Table) break; actor = actor.parent; } if (actor == null) return; ((Table) actor).debug(debugTableUnderMouse); } if (debugAll && actor instanceof Group) ((Group) actor).debugAll(); disableDebug(root, actor); } else { if (debugAll) root.debugAll(); }; debugShapes.setProjectionMatrix(viewport.getCamera().combined); debugShapes.begin(); root.drawDebug(debugShapes); debugShapes.end(); }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height) { gamePort.update(width, height); }
/** * Transforms the coordinates to screen coordinates. The coordinates can be anywhere in the stage * since the transform matrix describes how to convert them. The transform matrix is typically * obtained from {@link Batch#getTransformMatrix()} during {@link Actor#draw(Batch, float)}. * * @see Actor#localToStageCoordinates(Vector2) */ public Vector2 toScreenCoordinates(Vector2 coords, Matrix4 transformMatrix) { return viewport.toScreenCoordinates(coords, transformMatrix); }
/** * Transforms the stage coordinates to screen coordinates. * * @param stageCoords Input stage coordinates and output for resulting screen coordinates. */ public Vector2 stageToScreenCoordinates(Vector2 stageCoords) { viewport.project(stageCoords); stageCoords.y = viewport.getScreenHeight() - stageCoords.y; return stageCoords; }
/** * Transforms the screen coordinates to stage coordinates. * * @param screenCoords Input screen coordinates and output for resulting stage coordinates. */ public Vector2 screenToStageCoordinates(Vector2 screenCoords) { viewport.unproject(screenCoords); return screenCoords; }
/** The viewport's camera. */ public Camera getCamera() { return viewport.getCamera(); }
/** The viewport's world height. */ public float getHeight() { return viewport.getWorldHeight(); }