public void bankrupt_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); if (args.length < 3) { CivMessage.send( sender, CivColor.Yellow + ChatColor.BOLD + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_bankruptConfirmPrompt")); CivMessage.send(sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_bankruptConfirmCmd")); } civ.getTreasury().setBalance(0); for (Town town : civ.getTowns()) { town.getTreasury().setBalance(0);; for (Resident resident : town.getResidents()) { resident.getTreasury().setBalance(0);; } }; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("var_adcmd_civ_bankruptSuccess", civ.getName())); }
private void showPermCmdHelp() { CivMessage.send( sender, CivColor.LightGray + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("cmd_plot_perm_help1")); CivMessage.send( sender, CivColor.LightGray + " " + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("cmd_plot_perm_help2")); CivMessage.send( sender, CivColor.LightGray + " " + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("cmd_plot_perm_help3")); }
@Override public void onDamage( int amount, World world, Player player, BlockCoord coord, BuildableDamageBlock hit) { ControlPoint cp = this.controlPoints.get(coord); Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (!resident.canDamageControlBlock()) { CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Rose + "Cannot damage control blocks due to missing/invalid Town Hall or Capitol structure."); return; } if (cp != null) { if (!cp.isDestroyed()) { if (resident.isControlBlockInstantBreak()) { cp.damage(cp.getHitpoints()); } else { cp.damage(amount); } if (cp.isDestroyed()) { onControlBlockDestroy(cp, world, player, (StructureBlock) hit); } else { onControlBlockHit(cp, world, player, (StructureBlock) hit); } } else { CivMessage.send(player, CivColor.Rose + "Control Block already destroyed."); } } else { CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Rose + "Cannot Damage " + this.getDisplayName() + ", go after the control points!"); } }
@Override public void run() { Player player; try { player = CivGlobal.getPlayer(playerName); } catch (CivException e) { return; } Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(playerName); if (resident == null) { return; } CivMessage.send(player, TownCommand.survey(player.getLocation())); CivMessage.send(player, ""); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGreen + ChatColor.BOLD + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("interactive_capitol_confirmPrompt")); resident.setInteractiveMode(new InteractiveConfirmCivCreation()); }
public void onControlBlockHit(ControlPoint cp, World world, Player player, StructureBlock hit) { world.playSound(hit.getCoord().getLocation(), Sound.ANVIL_USE, 0.2f, 1); world.playEffect(hit.getCoord().getLocation(), Effect.MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES, 0); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGray + "Damaged Control Block (" + cp.getHitpoints() + " / " + cp.getMaxHitpoints() + ")"); CivMessage.sendTown( hit.getTown(), CivColor.Yellow + "One of our Town Hall's Control Points is under attack!"); }
private static void performStealTreasury(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { throw new CivException("Only residents of towns can perform spy missions."); } // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); TownChunk tc = CivGlobal.getTownChunk(coord); if (tc == null || tc.getTown().getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's town's borders."); } // Check that the player is within range of the town hall. TownHall townhall = tc.getTown().getTownHall(); if (townhall == null) { throw new CivException("This town doesnt have a town hall... that sucks."); } double distance = player.getLocation().distance(townhall.getCorner().getLocation()); if (distance > mission.range) { throw new CivException("Too far away from town hall to steal treasury."); } double failMod = 1.0; if (resident.getTown().getBuffManager().hasBuff("buff_dirty_money")) { failMod = resident.getTown().getBuffManager().getEffectiveDouble("buff_dirty_money"); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGray + "Your goodie buff 'Dirty Money' will come in handy here."); } if (processMissionResult(player, tc.getTown(), mission, failMod, 1.0)) { double amount = (int) (tc.getTown().getTreasury().getBalance() * 0.2); if (amount > 0) { tc.getTown().getTreasury().withdraw(amount); resident.getTown().getTreasury().deposit(amount); } CivMessage.sendSuccess( player, "Success! Stole " + amount + " coins from " + tc.getTown().getName()); } }
public void markAsUsed(Resident resident) { this.getParent().count--; if (this.getParent().count <= 0) { resident.perks.remove(this.getParent().getIdent()); } try { CivGlobal.perkManager.markAsUsed(resident, this.getParent()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NotVerifiedException e) { CivMessage.send( resident, CivColor.Rose + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("PerkComponent_notValidated")); e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void run() { for (Resident resident : CivGlobal.getResidents()) { if (!resident.isProtected()) { continue; } int mins; try { mins = CivSettings.getInteger(CivSettings.civConfig, "global.pvp_timer"); if (DateUtil.isAfterMins(new Date(resident.getRegistered()), mins)) { // if (DateUtil.isAfterSeconds(new Date(resident.getRegistered()), mins)) { resident.setisProtected(false); CivMessage.send( resident, CivColor.LightGray + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("pvpTimerEnded")); } } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } }
@Override public void run() { if (playerName == null) { return; } Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(playerName); if (dmgBlock.allowDamageNow(player)) { /* Do our damage. */ int damage = 1; LoreMaterial material = LoreMaterial.getMaterial(player.getItemInHand()); if (material != null) { damage = material.onStructureBlockBreak(dmgBlock, damage); } if (player.getItemInHand() != null && !player.getItemInHand().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) { AttributeUtil attrs = new AttributeUtil(player.getItemInHand()); for (LoreEnhancement enhance : attrs.getEnhancements()) { damage = enhance.onStructureBlockBreak(dmgBlock, damage); } } if (damage > 1) { CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGray + "Punchout does " + (damage - 1) + " extra damage!"); } dmgBlock.getOwner().onDamage(damage, world, player, dmgBlock.getCoord(), dmgBlock); } else { CivMessage.sendErrorNoRepeat( player, "This block belongs to a " + dmgBlock.getOwner().getDisplayName() + " and cannot be destroyed right now."); } }
@Override public void onDefense(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) { double damage = event.getDamage(); damage -= this.defense; if (damage < 0.5) { damage = 0.0; Player player = null; if (event.getDamager() instanceof Arrow) { Arrow arrow = (Arrow) event.getDamager(); if (arrow.getShooter() instanceof Player) { player = (Player) arrow.getShooter(); } } else if (event.getDamager() instanceof Player) { player = (Player) event.getDamager(); } if (player != null) { CivMessage.send(player, CivColor.LightGray + "Our attack was ineffective"); } } event.setDamage(damage); }
public void displayQuestion() { Player player; try { player = CivGlobal.getPlayer(playerName); } catch (CivException e) { return; } CivMessage.sendHeading(player, "Mission: " +; double failChance = MissionBook.getMissionFailChance(mission, target); double compChance = MissionBook.getMissionCompromiseChance(mission, target); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(); String successChance = df.format((1 - failChance) * 100) + "%"; String compromiseChance = df.format(compChance) + "%"; String length = ""; int mins = mission.length / 60; int seconds = mission.length % 60; if (mins > 0) { length += mins + " mins"; if (seconds > 0) { length += " and "; } } if (seconds > 0) { length += seconds + " seconds"; } CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + "We have a " + CivColor.LightGreen + successChance + CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + " chance of success."); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + "If we fail, the chance of being compromised is " + CivColor.LightGreen + compromiseChance); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + "It will cost our town " + CivColor.Yellow + mission.cost + CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + " Coins to perform this mission."); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + "The mission will take " + CivColor.Yellow + length + CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + " to complete."); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + "You must remain within the civ's borders during the mission, otherwise you'll fail the mission."); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Green + CivColor.BOLD + "If these conditions are acceptible, type " + CivColor.Yellow + "yes"); CivMessage.send(player, CivColor.Green + ChatColor.BOLD + "Type anything else to abort."); }
private static void performPosionGranary(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { throw new CivException("Only residents of towns can perform spy missions."); } // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); TownChunk tc = CivGlobal.getTownChunk(coord); if (tc == null || tc.getTown().getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's town's borders."); } // Check that the player is within range of the town hall. Structure granary = tc.getTown().getNearestStrucutre(player.getLocation()); if (!(granary instanceof Granary)) { throw new CivException("The closest structure to you must be a granary."); } double distance = player.getLocation().distance(granary.getCorner().getLocation()); if (distance > mission.range) { throw new CivException("Too far away from the granary to poison it."); } ArrayList<SessionEntry> entries = CivGlobal.getSessionDB().lookup("posiongranary:" + tc.getTown().getName()); if (entries != null && entries.size() != 0) { throw new CivException("Cannot poison granary, already posioned."); } double failMod = 1.0; if (resident.getTown().getBuffManager().hasBuff("buff_espionage")) { failMod = resident.getTown().getBuffManager().getEffectiveDouble("buff_espionage"); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGray + "Your goodie buff 'Espionage' will come in handy here."); } if (processMissionResult(player, tc.getTown(), mission, failMod, 1.0)) { int min; int max; try { min = CivSettings.getInteger( CivSettings.espionageConfig, "espionage.poison_granary_min_ticks"); max = CivSettings.getInteger( CivSettings.espionageConfig, "espionage.poison_granary_max_ticks"); } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CivException("Invalid configuration error."); } Random rand = new Random(); int posion_ticks = rand.nextInt((max - min)) + min; String value = "" + posion_ticks; CivGlobal.getSessionDB() .add( "posiongranary:" + tc.getTown().getName(), value, tc.getTown().getId(), tc.getTown().getId(), granary.getId()); try { double famine_chance = CivSettings.getDouble( CivSettings.espionageConfig, "espionage.poison_granary_famine_chance"); if (rand.nextInt(100) < (int) (famine_chance * 100)) { for (Structure struct : tc.getTown().getStructures()) { if (struct instanceof Cottage) { ((Cottage) struct).delevel(); } } CivColor.Yellow + "DISASTER!" + CivColor.White + " The cottages in " + tc.getTown().getName() + " have suffered a famine from poison grain! Each cottage loses 1 level."); } } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CivException("Invalid configuration."); } CivMessage.sendSuccess(player, "Poisoned the granary for " + posion_ticks + " hours!"); } }
private static void performSabotage(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); CultureChunk cc = CivGlobal.getCultureChunk(coord); if (cc == null || cc.getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's borders."); } // Check that the player is within range of the town hall. Buildable buildable = cc.getTown().getNearestBuildable(player.getLocation()); if (buildable instanceof TownHall) { throw new CivException("Nearest structure is a town hall which cannot be destroyed."); } if (buildable instanceof Wonder) { if (buildable.isComplete()) { throw new CivException("Cannot sabotage completed wonders."); } } double distance = player.getLocation().distance(buildable.getCorner().getLocation()); if (distance > mission.range) { throw new CivException("Too far away the " + buildable.getDisplayName() + " to sabotage it"); } if (buildable instanceof Structure) { if (!buildable.isComplete()) { throw new CivException("Cannot sabotage incomplete structures."); } if (buildable.isDestroyed()) { throw new CivException(buildable.getDisplayName() + " is already destroyed."); } } if (buildable instanceof Wonder) { // Create a new mission and with the penalties. mission = CivSettings.missions.get("spy_sabotage_wonder"); } double failMod = 1.0; if (resident.getTown().getBuffManager().hasBuff("buff_sabotage")) { failMod = resident.getTown().getBuffManager().getEffectiveDouble("buff_sabotage"); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGray + "Your goodie buff 'Sabotage' will come in handy here."); } if (processMissionResult(player, cc.getTown(), mission, failMod, 1.0)) { CivColor.Yellow + "DISASTER!" + CivColor.White + " A " + buildable.getDisplayName() + " has been destroyed! Foul play is suspected."); buildable.setHitpoints(0); buildable.fancyDestroyStructureBlocks();; if (buildable instanceof Wonder) { Wonder wonder = (Wonder) buildable; wonder.unbindStructureBlocks(); try { wonder.delete(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
private static boolean processMissionResult( Player player, Town target, ConfigMission mission, double failModifier, double compromiseModifier) { int fail_rate = (int) ((MissionBook.getMissionFailChance(mission, target) * failModifier) * 100); int compromise_rate = (int) ((MissionBook.getMissionCompromiseChance(mission, target) * compromiseModifier) * 100); Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { return false; } if (!resident.getTown().getTreasury().hasEnough(mission.cost)) { CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Rose + "Suddenly, your town doesn't have enough cash to follow through with the mission."); return false; } resident.getTown().getTreasury().withdraw(mission.cost); Random rand = new Random(); String result = ""; int failnext = rand.nextInt(100); if (failnext < fail_rate) { int next = rand.nextInt(100); result += "Failed"; if (next < compromise_rate) { CivColor.Yellow + "INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT!" + CivColor.White + " " + player.getName() + " was caught trying to perform a " + + " spy mission in " + target.getName() + "!"); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Rose + "You've been compromised! (Rolled " + next + " vs " + compromise_rate + ") Spy unit was destroyed!"); Unit.removeUnit(player); result += ", COMPROMISED"; } MissionLogger.logMission(resident.getTown(), target, player.getName(),, result); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Rose + "Mission Failed! (Rolled " + failnext + " vs " + fail_rate + ")"); return false; } MissionLogger.logMission(resident.getTown(), target, player.getName(),, "Success"); return true; }
@Override public void respond(String message, Resident resident) { Player player; try { player = CivGlobal.getPlayer(resident); } catch (CivException e) { return; } if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) { CivMessage.send(player, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("interactive_capitol_cancel")); resident.clearInteractiveMode(); return; } if (!StringUtils.isAlpha(message) || !StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(message)) { CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.Rose + ChatColor.BOLD + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("interactive_capitol_invalidname")); return; } message = message.replace(" ", "_"); message = message.replace("\"", ""); message = message.replace("\'", ""); resident.desiredCapitolName = message; CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGreen + CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_interactive_capitol_confirm1", CivColor.Yellow + resident.desiredCivName + CivColor.LightGreen, CivColor.Yellow + resident.desiredCapitolName + CivColor.LightGreen)); CivMessage.sendHeading( player, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("interactive_capitol_confirmSurvey")); class SyncTask implements Runnable { String playerName; public SyncTask(String name) { this.playerName = name; } @Override public void run() { Player player; try { player = CivGlobal.getPlayer(playerName); } catch (CivException e) { return; } Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(playerName); if (resident == null) { return; } CivMessage.send(player, TownCommand.survey(player.getLocation())); CivMessage.send(player, ""); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGreen + ChatColor.BOLD + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("interactive_capitol_confirmPrompt")); resident.setInteractiveMode(new InteractiveConfirmCivCreation()); } } TaskMaster.syncTask(new SyncTask(resident.getName())); return; }