   * A helper method to send or retrieve data through HTTP protocol.
   * @param token The token to identify the sending progress.
   * @param url The URL used in a GET request. Null when the method is HTTP_POST_METHOD.
   * @param pdu The data to be POST. Null when the method is HTTP_GET_METHOD.
   * @param method HTTP_POST_METHOD or HTTP_GET_METHOD.
   * @return A byte array which contains the response data. If an HTTP error code is returned, an
   *     IOException will be thrown.
   * @throws IOException if any error occurred on network interface or an HTTP error code(>=400)
   *     returned from the server.
  protected static byte[] httpConnection(
      Context context,
      long token,
      String url,
      byte[] pdu,
      int method,
      boolean isProxySet,
      String proxyHost,
      int proxyPort)
      throws IOException {
    if (url == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL must not be null.");

    if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
      Log.v(TAG, "httpConnection: params list");
      Log.v(TAG, "\ttoken\t\t= " + token);
      Log.v(TAG, "\turl\t\t= " + url);
      Log.v(TAG, "\tUser-Agent\t\t=" + mUserAgent);
          "\tmethod\t\t= "
              + ((method == HTTP_POST_METHOD)
                  ? "POST"
                  : ((method == HTTP_GET_METHOD) ? "GET" : "UNKNOWN")));
      Log.v(TAG, "\tisProxySet\t= " + isProxySet);
      Log.v(TAG, "\tproxyHost\t= " + proxyHost);
      Log.v(TAG, "\tproxyPort\t= " + proxyPort);
      // TODO Print out binary data more readable.
      // Log.v(TAG, "\tpdu\t\t= " + Arrays.toString(pdu));

    AndroidHttpClient client = null;

    try {
      // Make sure to use a proxy which supports CONNECT.
      URI hostUrl = new URI(url);
      HttpHost target =
          new HttpHost(hostUrl.getHost(), hostUrl.getPort(), HttpHost.DEFAULT_SCHEME_NAME);

      client = createHttpClient(context);
      HttpRequest req = null;
      switch (method) {
        case HTTP_POST_METHOD:
          ProgressCallbackEntity entity = new ProgressCallbackEntity(context, token, pdu);
          // Set request content type.

          HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
          req = post;
        case HTTP_GET_METHOD:
          req = new HttpGet(url);
              "Unknown HTTP method: "
                  + method
                  + ". Must be one of POST["
                  + HTTP_POST_METHOD
                  + "] or GET["
                  + HTTP_GET_METHOD
                  + "].");
          return null;

      // Set route parameters for the request.
      HttpParams params = client.getParams();
      if (isProxySet) {
        ConnRouteParams.setDefaultProxy(params, new HttpHost(proxyHost, proxyPort));

      // Set necessary HTTP headers for MMS transmission.
      req.addHeader(HDR_KEY_ACCEPT, HDR_VALUE_ACCEPT);
        String xWapProfileTagName = MmsConfig.getUaProfTagName();
        String xWapProfileUrl = MmsConfig.getUaProfUrl();

        if (xWapProfileUrl != null) {
          if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.TRANSACTION, Log.VERBOSE)) {
            Log.d(LogTag.TRANSACTION, "[HttpUtils] httpConn: xWapProfUrl=" + xWapProfileUrl);
          req.addHeader(xWapProfileTagName, xWapProfileUrl);

      // Extra http parameters. Split by '|' to get a list of value pairs.
      // Separate each pair by the first occurrence of ':' to obtain a name and
      // value. Replace the occurrence of the string returned by
      // MmsConfig.getHttpParamsLine1Key() with the users telephone number inside
      // the value.
      String extraHttpParams = MmsConfig.getHttpParams();

      if (extraHttpParams != null) {
        String line1Number =
            ((TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE))
        String line1Key = MmsConfig.getHttpParamsLine1Key();
        String paramList[] = extraHttpParams.split("\\|");

        for (String paramPair : paramList) {
          String splitPair[] = paramPair.split(":", 2);

          if (splitPair.length == 2) {
            String name = splitPair[0].trim();
            String value = splitPair[1].trim();

            if (line1Key != null) {
              value = value.replace(line1Key, line1Number);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
              req.addHeader(name, value);

      HttpResponse response = client.execute(target, req);
      StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();
      if (status.getStatusCode() != 200) { // HTTP 200 is success.
        throw new IOException("HTTP error: " + status.getReasonPhrase());

      HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
      byte[] body = null;
      if (entity != null) {
        try {
          if (entity.getContentLength() > 0) {
            body = new byte[(int) entity.getContentLength()];
            DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(entity.getContent());
            try {
            } finally {
              try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Error closing input stream: " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
          if (entity != null) {
      return body;
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
      handleHttpConnectionException(e, url);
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
      handleHttpConnectionException(e, url);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      handleHttpConnectionException(e, url);
    } catch (SocketException e) {
      handleHttpConnectionException(e, url);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      handleHttpConnectionException(e, url);
    } finally {
      if (client != null) {
    return null;