void goToErrorLine(String choice) { try { String msg = mLogPanel.getSelectedErrorLineMessage(); if (msg != null) { String error_line_matcher_string = "\\s*at\\ (.*)\\((.*)\\.java\\:(\\d+)\\)"; Matcher error_line_matcher = Pattern.compile(error_line_matcher_string).matcher(msg); if (error_line_matcher.find()) { String class_name_method = error_line_matcher.group(1); // TODO: Search currently only matches the class declaration (using // IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS). We may want to jump to the // "reference" of the class instead (IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES) // using the filename and line number to disambiguate the search results. String class_name_line = error_line_matcher.group(2); int line_number = Integer.parseInt(error_line_matcher.group(3)); SearchEngine se = new SearchEngine(); if (CHOICE_ERROR_LINE.equals(choice)) { se.search( SearchPattern.createPattern( class_name_line, IJavaSearchConstants.CLASS, IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE), new SearchParticipant[] {SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant()}, SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(), new LogCatViewSearchRequestor(CHOICE_ERROR_LINE, line_number), new NullProgressMonitor()); } else if (CHOICE_METHOD_DECLARATION.equals(choice)) { se.search( SearchPattern.createPattern( class_name_method, IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD, IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE), new SearchParticipant[] {SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant()}, SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(), new LogCatViewSearchRequestor(CHOICE_METHOD_DECLARATION, 0), new NullProgressMonitor()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Status s = new Status(Status.ERROR, DdmsPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, e.getMessage(), e); DdmsPlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(s); } }
@Override public void dispose() { mLogPanel.stopLogCat(true); mClipboard.dispose(); }
@Override public void setFocus() { mLogPanel.setFocus(); }
@Override public void createPartControl(Composite parent) { Display d = parent.getDisplay(); LogColors colors = new LogColors(); ImageLoader loader = ImageLoader.getDdmUiLibLoader(); colors.infoColor = new Color(d, 0, 127, 0); colors.debugColor = new Color(d, 0, 0, 127); colors.errorColor = new Color(d, 255, 0, 0); colors.warningColor = new Color(d, 255, 127, 0); colors.verboseColor = new Color(d, 0, 0, 0); mCreateFilterAction = new CommonAction("Create Filter") { @Override public void run() { mLogPanel.addFilter(); } }; mCreateFilterAction.setToolTipText("Create Filter"); mCreateFilterAction.setImageDescriptor(loader.loadDescriptor("add.png")); mEditFilterAction = new CommonAction("Edit Filter") { @Override public void run() { mLogPanel.editFilter(); } }; mEditFilterAction.setToolTipText("Edit Filter"); mEditFilterAction.setImageDescriptor(loader.loadDescriptor("edit.png")); // $NON-NLS-1$ mDeleteFilterAction = new CommonAction("Delete Filter") { @Override public void run() { mLogPanel.deleteFilter(); } }; mDeleteFilterAction.setToolTipText("Delete Filter"); mDeleteFilterAction.setImageDescriptor(loader.loadDescriptor("delete.png")); // $NON-NLS-1$ mExportAction = new CommonAction("Export Selection As Text...") { @Override public void run() { mLogPanel.save(); } }; mExportAction.setToolTipText("Export Selection As Text..."); mExportAction.setImageDescriptor(loader.loadDescriptor("save.png")); // $NON-NLS-1$ mGotoMethodDeclarationAction = new CommonAction("Go to Problem (method declaration)") { @Override public void run() { goToErrorLine(CHOICE_METHOD_DECLARATION); } }; mGotoErrorLineAction = new CommonAction("Go to Problem (error line)") { @Override public void run() { goToErrorLine(CHOICE_ERROR_LINE); } }; LogLevel[] levels = LogLevel.values(); mLogLevelActions = new CommonAction[mLogLevelIcons.length]; for (int i = 0; i < mLogLevelActions.length; i++) { String name = levels[i].getStringValue(); mLogLevelActions[i] = new CommonAction(name, IAction.AS_CHECK_BOX) { @Override public void run() { // disable the other actions and record current index for (int i = 0; i < mLogLevelActions.length; i++) { Action a = mLogLevelActions[i]; if (a == this) { a.setChecked(true); // set the log level mLogPanel.setCurrentFilterLogLevel(i + 2); } else { a.setChecked(false); } } } }; mLogLevelActions[i].setToolTipText(name); mLogLevelActions[i].setImageDescriptor(loader.loadDescriptor(mLogLevelIcons[i])); } mClearAction = new Action("Clear Log") { @Override public void run() { mLogPanel.clear(); } }; mClearAction.setImageDescriptor(loader.loadDescriptor("clear.png")); // $NON-NLS-1$ // now create the log view mLogPanel = new LogPanel(colors, new FilterStorage(), LogPanel.FILTER_MANUAL); mLogPanel.setLogCatViewInterface(this); mLogPanel.setActions(mDeleteFilterAction, mEditFilterAction, mLogLevelActions); // get the font String fontStr = DdmsPlugin.getDefault() .getPreferenceStore() .getString(PreferenceInitializer.ATTR_LOGCAT_FONT); if (fontStr != null) { FontData data = new FontData(fontStr); if (fontStr != null) { mLogPanel.setFont(new Font(parent.getDisplay(), data)); } } mLogPanel.createPanel(parent); setSelectionDependentPanel(mLogPanel); // place the actions. placeActions(); // setup the copy action mClipboard = new Clipboard(d); IActionBars actionBars = getViewSite().getActionBars(); actionBars.setGlobalActionHandler( ActionFactory.COPY.getId(), new Action("Copy") { @Override public void run() { mLogPanel.copy(mClipboard); } }); // setup the select all action actionBars.setGlobalActionHandler( ActionFactory.SELECT_ALL.getId(), new Action("Select All") { @Override public void run() { mLogPanel.selectAll(); } }); }