Esempio n. 1
 /* The result is the datetime value consisting of the parts given by year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
 public static SchemaDateTime datetimeFromParts(
     SchemaTypeNumber year,
     SchemaTypeNumber month,
     SchemaTypeNumber day,
     SchemaTypeNumber hour /* optional */,
     SchemaTypeNumber minute /* optional */,
     SchemaTypeNumber second /* optional */,
     SchemaTypeNumber millisecond /* optional */,
     SchemaTypeNumber timezone /* optional */) {
   SchemaDateTime result =
       new SchemaDateTime(
   long tv = result.getTimeValue();
   if (timezone.intValue() >= -1440 && timezone.intValue() <= 1440)
     result.setTimezone(SchemaCalendarBase.TZ_OFFSET, timezone.intValue());
   return result;
Esempio n. 2
 /* Returns a string with the given number of characters on the left of the given string.
 public static SchemaString left(SchemaString string, SchemaTypeNumber number) {
   try {
     return new SchemaString(string.getValue().substring(0, number.intValue()));
   } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
     return new SchemaString(string);
Esempio n. 3
 /* Returns the index within the string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting at the specified index. The first character has index=1. If the substring was not found 0 is returned.
 public static SchemaTypeNumber findSubstring(
     SchemaString string, SchemaString substr, SchemaTypeNumber startindex) {
   int nStart = startindex.intValue();
   if (nStart > 0)
     return new SchemaInt(string.getValue().indexOf(substr.getValue(), nStart - 1) + 1);
   else return new SchemaInt(string.getValue().indexOf(substr.getValue()) + 1);
Esempio n. 4
 /* Returns a string with the given number of characters on the right side of the given string.
 public static SchemaString right(SchemaString string, SchemaTypeNumber number) {
   String s = string.getValue();
   try {
     return new SchemaString(s.substring(s.length() - number.intValue(), s.length()));
   } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
     return new SchemaString(string);
Esempio n. 5
 /* Returns the index within this string of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring, starting at the specified index. The first character has index=0. If the substring was not found -1 is returned.
 public static SchemaTypeNumber reversefindSubstring(
     SchemaString string, SchemaString substr, SchemaTypeNumber endindex) {
   int nLastPosition = -1;
   int nActPosition = string.getValue().indexOf(substr.getValue());
   int nEndIndex = endindex.intValue();
   if (nEndIndex < 0) nEndIndex = string.toString().length();
   while (nActPosition > -1 && nActPosition < nEndIndex) { // note: endindex is 1 based
     nLastPosition = nActPosition;
     nActPosition = string.getValue().indexOf(substr.getValue(), nActPosition + 1);
   return new SchemaInt(nLastPosition + 1);
Esempio n. 6
 /* Result is the numeric value of -value.
 public static SchemaTypeNumber unaryMinus(SchemaTypeNumber value) {
   switch (value.numericType()) {
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_INT:
       return new SchemaInt(-value.intValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_LONG:
       return new SchemaLong(-value.longValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_BIGINTEGER:
       return new SchemaInteger(
           value.bigIntegerValue().negate()); // note: possible loss of precision
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_FLOAT:
       return new SchemaFloat(-value.floatValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_DOUBLE:
       return new SchemaDouble(-value.doubleValue());
   return new SchemaDecimal(value.bigDecimalValue().negate());
Esempio n. 7
 /* Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a value.
 public static SchemaTypeNumber sqrt(SchemaTypeNumber value) {
   switch (value.numericType()) {
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_INT:
       return new SchemaInt((int) java.lang.Math.sqrt(value.doubleValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_LONG:
       return new SchemaLong((long) java.lang.Math.sqrt(value.doubleValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_BIGINTEGER:
       return new SchemaInteger(
           (long) java.lang.Math.sqrt(value.doubleValue())); // note: possible loss of precision
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_FLOAT:
       return new SchemaFloat((float) java.lang.Math.sqrt(value.doubleValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_DOUBLE:
       return new SchemaDouble(java.lang.Math.sqrt(value.doubleValue()));
   return new SchemaDecimal(java.lang.Math.sqrt(value.doubleValue()));
Esempio n. 8
 protected static SchemaTypeNumber getCommonNumberInstance(
     int numericType, SchemaTypeNumber a_value) {
   switch (numericType) {
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_INT:
       return new SchemaInt(a_value.intValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_LONG:
       return new SchemaLong(a_value.longValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_BIGINTEGER:
       return new SchemaInteger(a_value.bigIntegerValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_FLOAT:
       return new SchemaFloat(a_value.floatValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_DOUBLE:
       return new SchemaDouble(a_value.doubleValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_BIGDECIMAL:
       return new SchemaDecimal(a_value.bigDecimalValue());
   return null;
Esempio n. 9
 /* The result is the datetime value consisting of the parts given by year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
 public static SchemaDuration durationFromParts(
     SchemaTypeNumber year,
     SchemaTypeNumber month,
     SchemaTypeNumber day,
     SchemaTypeNumber hour /* optional */,
     SchemaTypeNumber minute /* optional */,
     SchemaTypeNumber second /* optional */,
     SchemaTypeNumber partsecond /* optional */,
     SchemaBoolean negative /* optional */) {
   SchemaDuration result =
       new SchemaDuration(
   return result;
Esempio n. 10
 /* Generates numbers automatically. On every call of this function it returns the actual-counter-value (starting at 'start_at')
  * increased by the 'increase' value.
  * 'start_at' (default = 1) and 'increase' (default = 1) are optional.
 public static SchemaTypeNumber autoNumber(
     AutoNumberState state, SchemaTypeNumber startAt, SchemaTypeNumber increase) {
   if (!state.isInitialized()) state.init(startAt.intValue(), increase.intValue());
   return new SchemaInt(state.getCurrent());
Esempio n. 11
 /* Result is the numeric value of integer dividing value1 with value2.
 public static SchemaTypeNumber divideInteger(SchemaTypeNumber value1, SchemaTypeNumber value2) {
   switch (java.lang.Math.max(value1.numericType(), value2.numericType())) {
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_INT:
       return new SchemaInt(value1.intValue() / value2.intValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_LONG:
       return new SchemaLong(value1.longValue() / value2.longValue());
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_BIGINTEGER:
       return new SchemaInteger(value1.bigIntegerValue().divide(value2.bigIntegerValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_FLOAT:
       return new SchemaFloat((int) (value1.floatValue() / value2.floatValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_DOUBLE:
       return new SchemaDouble((long) (value1.doubleValue() / value2.doubleValue()));
   return new SchemaDecimal(
       value1.bigDecimalValue().divide(value2.bigDecimalValue(), 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN));
Esempio n. 12
 /* Returns a string with the character given by the numeric code.
 public static SchemaString charFromCode(SchemaTypeNumber value) {
   Character c = new Character((char) value.intValue());
   return new SchemaString(c.toString());
Esempio n. 13
 /* Returns the value of a raised to the power of b.
 public static SchemaTypeNumber pow(SchemaTypeNumber a, SchemaTypeNumber b) {
   switch (java.lang.Math.max(a.numericType(), b.numericType())) {
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_INT:
       return new SchemaInt((int) java.lang.Math.pow(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_LONG:
       return new SchemaLong((long) java.lang.Math.pow(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_BIGINTEGER:
       return new SchemaInteger((long) java.lang.Math.pow(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_FLOAT:
       return new SchemaFloat((float) java.lang.Math.pow(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue()));
     case SchemaTypeNumber.NUMERIC_VALUE_DOUBLE:
       return new SchemaDouble(java.lang.Math.pow(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue()));
   return new SchemaDecimal(java.lang.Math.pow(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue()));
Esempio n. 14
 /* Returns the absolute value. If the argument is not negative, the argument is returned. If the argument is negative, the negation of the argument is returned.
 public static SchemaTypeNumber abs(SchemaTypeNumber value) {
   if (negative(value).booleanValue()) return unaryMinus(value);
   return getCommonNumberInstance(value.numericType(), value);