public void addPersistentObject(PersistentObject o) { Konsultation actKons = (Konsultation) ElexisEventDispatcher.getSelected(Konsultation.class); if (actKons != null) { if (o instanceof Prescription) { Prescription presc = (Prescription) o; o = presc.getArtikel(); } if (o instanceof IVerrechenbar) { if (CoreHub.acl.request(AccessControlDefaults.LSTG_VERRECHNEN) == false) { SWTHelper.alert( Messages.VerrechnungsDisplay_missingRightsCaption, // $NON-NLS-1$ Messages.VerrechnungsDisplay_missingRightsBody); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { Result<IVerrechenbar> result = actKons.addLeistung((IVerrechenbar) o); if (!result.isOK()) { SWTHelper.alert( Messages.VerrechnungsDisplay_imvalidBilling, result.toString()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } setLeistungen(actKons); } } else if (o instanceof IDiagnose) { actKons.addDiagnose((IDiagnose) o); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Result<Object> execute( File file, Map<String, Object> context, HL7Parser hl7Parser, IPersistenceHandler persistenceHandler) throws IOException { String myLab = (String) context.get(IMultiFileParser.CTX_LABNAME); Result<Object> result = null; if (testMode) { // we need to enable patient creation when testing otherwise test will fail result = (Result<Object>) hl7Parser.importFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), true); } else { result = (Result<Object>) hl7Parser.importFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), false); } Object resultObj = result.get(); if (resultObj instanceof String) { List<ILabOrder> orders = persistenceHandler.getLabOrdersByOrderId((String) resultObj); if (orders != null && !orders.isEmpty()) { ILabOrder order = orders.get(0); context.put(IMultiFileParser.CTX_PATIENT, order.getPatientContact()); context.put(IMultiFileParser.CTX_LABID, order.getLabResult().getOriginContact().getId()); context.put(IMultiFileParser.CTX_GROUP, order.getLabItem().getGroup()); context.put(IMultiFileParser.CTX_PRIO, order.getLabItem().getPriority()); context.put(IMultiFileParser.CTX_TIME, getDate(order.getLabResult())); } } return result; }
public void testEncrypt() throws Exception { JCECrypter crypter = new JCECrypter(null, null, alicename, alicepwd.toCharArray()); byte[] encrypted = crypter.encrypt(plain, bobname); crypter = new JCECrypter(null, null, bobname, bobpwd.toCharArray()); Result<byte[]> check = crypter.decrypt(encrypted); assertTrue(check.isOK()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(check.get(), plain)); }
public Rechnung getExistingRechnung(String rechnungNr) { Konsultation kons = createKons(faelle.get(0), mandanten.get(0)); kons.addDiagnose(TICode.getFromCode("A1")); for (TarmedLeistung leistung : leistungen) { Result<IVerrechenbar> result = kons.addLeistung(leistung); if (!result.isOK()) { throw new IllegalStateException(result.toString()); } } Result<Rechnung> result =; Rechnung ret = result.get(); ret.set(Rechnung.BILL_NUMBER, rechnungNr); return ret; }
TestSzenario() throws IOException { createMandanten(); createPatientWithFall("Beatrice", "Spitzkiel", "14.04.1957", "w", false); createPatientWithFall("Karin", "Zirbelkiefer", "24.04.1951", "w", true); createLeistungen(); for (int j = 0; j < faelle.size(); j++) { Konsultation kons = createKons(faelle.get(j), mandanten.get(0)); konsultationen.add(kons); kons.addDiagnose(TICode.getFromCode("A1")); for (TarmedLeistung leistung : leistungen) { Result<IVerrechenbar> result = kons.addLeistung(leistung); if (!result.isOK()) { throw new IllegalStateException(result.toString()); } } } for (Fall fall : faelle) { List<Konsultation> kons = new ArrayList<Konsultation>(Arrays.asList(fall.getBehandlungen(false))); Result<Rechnung> result =; if (result.isOK()) { rechnungen.add(result.get()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(result.toString()); } } importExistingXml(); }
/** Print the bill(s) */ public Result<Rechnung> doOutput( final TYPE type, final Collection<Rechnung> rnn, Properties props) { IWorkbenchPage rnPage; final Result<Rechnung> result = new Result<Rechnung>(); // =new // Result<Rechnung>(Log.ERRORS,99,"Not // yet implemented",null,true); rnPage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage(); IProgressService progressService = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getProgressService(); final Result<Rechnung> res = new Result<Rechnung>(); try { final RnPrintView rnp = (RnPrintView) rnPage.showView(RnPrintView.ID); progressService.runInUI( PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getProgressService(), new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor.beginTask("Drucke Rechnungen", rnn.size() * 10); int errors = 0; for (Rechnung rn : rnn) { try { result.add(rnp.doPrint(rn)); monitor.worked(10); if (!result.isOK()) { String errms = "Rechnung " + rn.getNr() + "konnte nicht gedruckt werden"; res.add(Result.SEVERITY.ERROR, 1, errms, rn, true); errors++; continue; } int status_vorher = rn.getStatus(); if ((status_vorher == RnStatus.OFFEN) || (status_vorher == RnStatus.MAHNUNG_1) || (status_vorher == RnStatus.MAHNUNG_2) || (status_vorher == RnStatus.MAHNUNG_3)) { rn.setStatus(status_vorher + 1); } rn.addTrace( Rechnung.OUTPUT, getDescription() + ": " + RnStatus.getStatusText(rn.getStatus())); } catch (Exception ex) { SWTHelper.showError( "Fehler beim Drucken der Rechnung " + rn.getRnId(), ex.getMessage()); errors++; } } monitor.done(); if (errors == 0) { SWTHelper.showInfo("OK", "OK"); } else { SWTHelper.showError("Fehler", "Fehler"); } } }, null); rnPage.hideView(rnp); } catch (Exception ex) { ExHandler.handle(ex); res.add(Result.SEVERITY.ERROR, 2, ex.getMessage(), null, true); ErrorDialog.openError(null, "Exception", "Exception", ResultAdapter.getResultAsStatus(res)); return res; } if (!result.isOK()) { ResultAdapter.displayResult(result, "Fehler beim Rechnungsdruck"); } return result; }