public void setDownloadPathPopup(NSPopUpButton downloadPathPopup) { this.downloadPathPopup = downloadPathPopup; this.downloadPathPopup.setTarget(; final Selector action = Foundation.selector("downloadPathPopupClicked:"); this.downloadPathPopup.setAction(action); this.downloadPathPopup.removeAllItems(); // Default download folder this.addDownloadPath(action, host.getDownloadFolder());; this.addDownloadPath( action, LocalFactory.createLocal(Preferences.instance().getProperty(""))); // Shortcut to the Desktop this.addDownloadPath(action, LocalFactory.createLocal("~/Desktop")); // Shortcut to user home this.addDownloadPath(action, LocalFactory.createLocal("~")); // Shortcut to user downloads for 10.5 this.addDownloadPath(action, LocalFactory.createLocal("~/Downloads")); // Choose another folder // Choose another folder; this.downloadPathPopup .menu() .addItemWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent(CHOOSE, action, StringUtils.EMPTY); this.downloadPathPopup.lastItem().setTarget(; }
public void didMount(NSNotification notification) { log.debug("didMount"); unmount = new CountDownLatch(1); try { Local folder = LocalFactory.createLocal(mountpoint, session.home().getAbsolute()); reveal.reveal(folder); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage()); } }
public void pkSelectionPanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo( NSOpenPanel sheet, int returncode, ID contextInfo) { log.debug("pkSelectionPanelDidEnd"); if (returncode == NSPanel.NSOKButton) { NSArray selected = sheet.filenames(); NSEnumerator enumerator = selected.objectEnumerator(); NSObject next; while (((next = enumerator.nextObject()) != null)) { host.getCredentials().setIdentity(LocalFactory.createLocal(next.toString())); } } if (returncode == NSPanel.NSCancelButton) { host.getCredentials().setIdentity(null); } this.init(); this.itemChanged(); }
@Action public void downloadPathPopupClicked(final NSMenuItem sender) { if (sender.title().equals(CHOOSE)) { downloadPathPanel = NSOpenPanel.openPanel(); downloadPathPanel.setCanChooseFiles(false); downloadPathPanel.setCanChooseDirectories(true); downloadPathPanel.setAllowsMultipleSelection(false); downloadPathPanel.setCanCreateDirectories(true); downloadPathPanel.beginSheetForDirectory( null, null, this.window,, Foundation.selector("downloadPathPanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:"), null); } else { host.setDownloadFolder(LocalFactory.createLocal(sender.representedObject())); this.itemChanged(); } }
public void downloadPathPanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo( NSOpenPanel sheet, int returncode, ID contextInfo) { if (returncode == SheetCallback.DEFAULT_OPTION) { NSArray selected = sheet.filenames(); if ((selected.lastObject()) != null) { host.setDownloadFolder(LocalFactory.createLocal(selected.lastObject().toString())); } } downloadPathPopup .itemAtIndex(new NSInteger(0)) .setTitle(host.getDownloadFolder().getDisplayName()); downloadPathPopup .itemAtIndex(new NSInteger(0)) .setRepresentedObject(host.getDownloadFolder().getAbsolute()); downloadPathPopup .itemAtIndex(new NSInteger(0)) .setImage(IconCache.instance().iconForPath(host.getDownloadFolder(), 16)); downloadPathPopup.selectItemAtIndex(new NSInteger(0)); downloadPathPanel = null; this.itemChanged(); }
@Action public void pkCheckboxSelectionChanged(final NSButton sender) { log.debug("pkCheckboxSelectionChanged"); if (sender.state() == NSCell.NSOnState) { publicKeyPanel = NSOpenPanel.openPanel(); publicKeyPanel.setCanChooseDirectories(false); publicKeyPanel.setCanChooseFiles(true); publicKeyPanel.setAllowsMultipleSelection(false); publicKeyPanel.setMessage( Locale.localizedString("Select the private key in PEM or PuTTY format", "Credentials")); publicKeyPanel.setPrompt(Locale.localizedString("Choose")); publicKeyPanel.beginSheetForDirectory( LocalFactory.createLocal("~/.ssh").getAbsolute(), null, this.window(),, Foundation.selector("pkSelectionPanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:"), null); } else { this.pkSelectionPanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo( publicKeyPanel, NSPanel.NSCancelButton, null); } }
@Override public void mount(Session s) { if (!this.isAvailable()) { this.invoke( new DefaultMainAction() { @Override public void run() {} }); return; } session = s; filesystem = GMUserFileSystem.create((fileystemCallback = new FSCallback()).id(), true); NSNotificationCenter center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter(); center.addObserver(, Foundation.selector("mountFailed:"), GMUserFileSystem.kGMUserFileSystemMountFailed, null); center.addObserver(, Foundation.selector("didMount:"), GMUserFileSystem.kGMUserFileSystemDidMount, null); center.addObserver(, Foundation.selector("didUnmount:"), GMUserFileSystem.kGMUserFileSystemDidUnmount, null); final NSMutableArray options = NSMutableArray.array(); options.addObject( "volicon=" + NSBundle.mainBundle() .pathForResource_ofType(session.getHost().getProtocol().disk(), "icns")); // You can use the volname option to specify a name for the MacFUSE volume being mounted. This // is the name that would show up on the Desktop. In the absence of this option, MacFUSE will // automatically generate a name that would incorporate the MacFUSE device index and the // user-space file system being used. For example, an SSHFS mount might have an automatically // assigned name "MacFUSE Volume 0 (sshfs)". final String volume = session.getHost().getHostname(); options.addObject("volname=" + volume); // By default, if MacFUSE detects a change in a file's size during getattr(), it will purge // that file's buffer cache. When auto_cache is enabled, MacFUSE will additionally // detect modification time changes during getattr() and open() and will automatically // purge the buffer cache and/or attributes of the file if necessary. It will also // generate the relevant kqueue messages. All this is subject to the attribute timeout. // That is, up to one purge can occur per attribute timeout window. As long as the // user-space file system's getattr() callback returns up-to-date size and modification // time information, this should work as intended. For user-space file systems that wish // the kernel to keep up with "remote" changes, this should obviate the need for explicit // purging. auto_cache is not enabled by default: it's opt-in. options.addObject("auto_cache"); // This option makes MacFUSE deny all types of access to extended attributes that begin with the // "" prefix. On Mac OS X 10.5.x, this is the preferred option if you wish to disallow // entities such as resource forks and Finder information. options.addObject("noapplexattr"); // This option makes MacFUSE deny all types of access to Apple Double (._) files and .DS_Store // files. Any existing files will become apparently non-existent. New files that match the // criteria will be disallowed from being created. options.addObject("noappledouble"); mountpoint = LocalFactory.createLocal("/Volumes/" + volume); if (mountpoint.exists()) { // Make sure we do not mount to a already existing path final String parent = mountpoint.getParent().getAbsolute(); int no = 0; while (mountpoint.exists()) { no++; String proposal = volume + "-" + no; mountpoint = LocalFactory.createLocal(parent, proposal); } } filesystem.mountAtPath_withOptions_shouldForeground_detachNewThread( mountpoint.getAbsolute(), options, true, true); }
/** * The custom folder if any or the default download location * * @return Absolute path */ public Local getDownloadFolder() { if (null == downloadFolder) { return LocalFactory.createLocal(Preferences.instance().getProperty("")); } return downloadFolder; }
/** @param serialized A valid bookmark dictionary */ public <T> Host(T serialized) { final Deserializer dict = DeserializerFactory.createDeserializer(serialized); Object uuidObj = dict.stringForKey("UUID"); if (uuidObj != null) { this.setUuid(uuidObj.toString()); } Object protocolObj = dict.stringForKey("Protocol"); if (protocolObj != null) { this.setProtocol(ProtocolFactory.forName(protocolObj.toString())); } Object providerObj = dict.stringForKey("Provider"); if (providerObj != null) { this.setProtocol(ProtocolFactory.forName(providerObj.toString())); } Object hostnameObj = dict.stringForKey("Hostname"); if (hostnameObj != null) { this.setHostname(hostnameObj.toString()); } Object usernameObj = dict.stringForKey("Username"); if (usernameObj != null) { credentials.setUsername(usernameObj.toString()); } Object passwordObj = dict.stringForKey("Password"); if (passwordObj != null) { credentials.setPassword(passwordObj.toString()); } Object cdnCredentialsObj = dict.stringForKey("CDN Credentials"); if (cdnCredentialsObj != null) { cdnCredentials.setUsername(cdnCredentialsObj.toString()); } Object keyObj = dict.stringForKey("Private Key File"); if (keyObj != null) { this.getCredentials().setIdentity(LocalFactory.createLocal(keyObj.toString())); } Object portObj = dict.stringForKey("Port"); if (portObj != null) { this.setPort(Integer.parseInt(portObj.toString())); } Object pathObj = dict.stringForKey("Path"); if (pathObj != null) { this.setDefaultPath(pathObj.toString()); } Object workdirObj = dict.stringForKey("Workdir"); if (workdirObj != null) { this.setWorkdir(workdirObj.toString()); } Object nicknameObj = dict.stringForKey("Nickname"); if (nicknameObj != null) { this.setNickname(nicknameObj.toString()); } Object encodingObj = dict.stringForKey("Encoding"); if (encodingObj != null) { this.setEncoding(encodingObj.toString()); } Object connectModeObj = dict.stringForKey("FTP Connect Mode"); if (connectModeObj != null) { if (connectModeObj.toString().equals(FTPConnectMode.PORT.toString())) { this.setFTPConnectMode(FTPConnectMode.PORT); } if (connectModeObj.toString().equals(FTPConnectMode.PASV.toString())) { this.setFTPConnectMode(FTPConnectMode.PASV); } } Object connObj = dict.stringForKey("Maximum Connections"); if (connObj != null) { this.setMaxConnections(Integer.valueOf(connObj.toString())); } Object downloadObj = dict.stringForKey("Download Folder"); if (downloadObj != null) { this.setDownloadFolder(LocalFactory.createLocal(downloadObj.toString())); } Object timezoneObj = dict.stringForKey("Timezone"); if (timezoneObj != null) { this.setTimezone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezoneObj.toString())); } Object commentObj = dict.stringForKey("Comment"); if (commentObj != null) { this.setComment(commentObj.toString()); } Object urlObj = dict.stringForKey("Web URL"); if (urlObj != null) { this.setWebURL(urlObj.toString()); } Object accessObj = dict.stringForKey("Access Timestamp"); if (accessObj != null) { this.setTimestamp(new Date(Long.parseLong(accessObj.toString()))); } }
/** @version $Id: 10832 2013-04-10 14:57:36Z dkocher $ */ public final class IconCache { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(IconCache.class); /** * No resizing of the cached image. * * @param name Icon filename with extension * @return Cached icon */ public static NSImage iconNamed(final String name) { return IconCache.instance().iconForName(name); } /** * @param name Icon filename with extension * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public static NSImage iconNamed(final String name, final Integer size) { return IconCache.instance().iconForName(name, size); } /** * @param name Name to lookup * @param width Requested size * @param height Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public static NSImage iconNamed(final String name, final Integer width, final Integer height) { return IconCache.instance().iconForName(name, width, height); } /** * @param size Requested size * @return Standard folder icon for this platform */ public static NSImage folderIcon(final Integer size) { return IconCache.instance().iconForFolder(size); } public static NSImage documentIcon(final String extension) { return IconCache.instance().iconForExtension(extension, null); } public static NSImage documentIcon(final String extension, final Integer size) { return IconCache.instance().iconForExtension(extension, size); } public static NSImage aliasIcon(final String extension, final Integer size) { return IconCache.instance() .badge( IconCache.instance().iconForName("aliasbadge.tiff", size), IconCache.instance().iconForExtension(extension, size)); } private static IconCache instance = null; private static final Object lock = new Object(); public static IconCache instance() { synchronized (lock) { if (null == instance) { instance = new IconCache(); } } return instance; } private IconCache() { // } /** Cache limited to n entries */ private Map<String, Map<Integer, NSImage>> cache = new LRUMap(Preferences.instance().getInteger("icon.cache.size")) { @Override protected boolean removeLRU(LinkEntry entry) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removing from cache:" + entry); } return true; } }; private void put(final String key, final NSImage image, final Integer size) { Map<Integer, NSImage> versions; if (cache.containsKey(key)) { versions = cache.get(key); } else { versions = new HashMap<Integer, NSImage>(); } versions.put(size, image); cache.put(key, versions); } private NSImage load(final String key, final Integer size) { if (!cache.containsKey(key)) { log.debug(String.format("No cached image for %s", key)); return null; } final Map<Integer, NSImage> versions = cache.get(key); return versions.get(size); } /** * @param extension File type * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForExtension(final String extension, final Integer size) { NSImage image = this.load(extension, size); if (null == image) { image = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().iconForFileType(extension); this.put(extension, this.convert(image, size), size); } return image; } public NSImage iconForExtension(final NSImage badge, final String extension, final Integer size) { final String name = extension +; NSImage icon = this.iconForName(name, size); if (null == icon) { icon = this.badge(badge, this.iconForExtension(extension, size)); this.put(name, icon, size); } return icon; } public NSImage iconForFolder(final Integer size) { NSImage folder = this.iconForName("NSFolder", size); if (null == folder) { return this.iconForPath(FOLDER_PATH, size); } return folder; } private NSImage iconForFolder(final NSImage badge, final Integer size) { final String name = String.format("NSFolder-%s",; NSImage folder = this.iconForName(name, size); if (null == folder) { folder = this.badge(badge, this.convert(FOLDER_ICON, size)); this.put(name, folder, size); } return folder; } /** * Overlay badge image. * * @param badge Overlay * @param icon Icon * @return Cached icon */ private NSImage badge(final NSImage badge, final NSImage icon) { NSImage f = NSImage.imageWithSize(icon.size()); f.lockFocus(); icon.drawInRect( new NSRect(new NSPoint(0, 0), icon.size()), NSZeroRect, NSGraphics.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f); badge.drawInRect( new NSRect(new NSPoint(0, 0), icon.size()), NSZeroRect, NSGraphics.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f); f.unlockFocus(); return f; } /** * @param name Icon name * @return Cached image */ protected NSImage iconForName(final String name) { return this.iconForName(name, null); } /** * @param name Icon filename with extension * @param size Requested size * @return Cached image * @see #convert(ch.cyberduck.ui.cocoa.application.NSImage, Integer) */ protected NSImage iconForName(final String name, final Integer size) { return this.iconForName(name, size, size); } /** * @param name When looking for files in the application bundle, it is better (but not required) * to include the filename extension in the name parameter * @param width Requested size * @param height Requested size * @return Cached icon * @see NSImage#imageNamed(String) * @see #convert(ch.cyberduck.ui.cocoa.application.NSImage, Integer, Integer) */ protected NSImage iconForName(final String name, final Integer width, final Integer height) { NSImage image = this.load(name, width); if (null == image) { if (name.startsWith("/")) { image = NSImage.imageWithContentsOfFile(name); } else { image = NSImage.imageNamed(name); } if (null == image) { log.warn(String.format("No icon named %s", name)); this.put(name, null, width); } else { // You can clear an image object from the cache explicitly by passing nil for the image // name. image.setName(null); this.put(name, this.convert(image, width, height), width); } } return image; } public NSImage iconForPath(final Local item) { return this.iconForPath(item, null); } /** * @param item File * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForPath(final Local item, final Integer size) { NSImage icon = null; if (item.exists()) { icon = this.load(item.getAbsolute(), size); if (null == icon) { icon = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().iconForFile(item.getAbsolute()); this.put(item.getAbsolute(), this.convert(icon, size), size); } } if (null == icon) { return this.iconForName("notfound.tiff", size); } return icon; } public NSImage iconForApplication(final String bundleIdentifier) { return this.iconForApplication(bundleIdentifier, null); } /** * @param bundleIdentifier Application * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForApplication(final String bundleIdentifier, final Integer size) { NSImage icon = this.load(bundleIdentifier, size); if (null == icon) { icon = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() .iconForFile( NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() .absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier(bundleIdentifier)); this.put(bundleIdentifier, this.convert(icon, size), size); } if (null == icon) { return this.iconForName("notfound.tiff", size); } return icon; } private final NSRect NSZeroRect = new NSRect(0, 0); private static final Local FOLDER_PATH = LocalFactory.createLocal(Preferences.instance().getProperty("")); private final NSImage FOLDER_ICON = this.iconForPath(FOLDER_PATH); /** * @param item File * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForPath(final Path item, final Integer size) { return this.iconForPath( item, size, Preferences.instance().getBoolean("browser.markInaccessibleFolders")); } public NSImage iconForPath(final Path item, final Integer size, final boolean overlay) { if (item.attributes().isSymbolicLink()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("aliasbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("aliasbadge"); if (item.attributes().isDirectory()) { return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } return this.iconForExtension(badge, item.getExtension(), size); } if (item.attributes().isFile()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(item.getExtension())) { if (item.attributes().getPermission().isExecutable()) { return this.iconForName("executable.tiff", size); } } return this.iconForExtension(item.getExtension(), size); } if (item.attributes().isVolume()) { return this.iconForName(item.getHost().getProtocol().disk(), size); } if (item.attributes().isDirectory()) { if (overlay) { if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isExecutable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("privatefolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("privatefolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isReadable()) { if (item.attributes().getPermission().isWritable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("dropfolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("dropfolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } } if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isWritable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("readonlyfolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("readonlyfolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } } return this.iconForFolder(size); } return this.iconForName("notfound.tiff", size); } public NSImage convert(final NSImage icon, final Integer size) { return this.convert(icon, size, size); } public NSImage convert(final NSImage icon, final Integer width, final Integer height) { if (null == width || null == height) { log.debug(String.format("Return default size for %s",; return icon; } icon.setSize(new NSSize(width, height)); return icon; } }