private void requestToken() { final Parameters params = new Parameters(); params.put("oauth_callback", callback); final String method = "GET"; OAuth.signOAuth( host, pathRequest, method, https, params, null, null, consumerKey, consumerSecret); final HttpResponse response = Network.getRequest(getUrlPrefix() + host + pathRequest, params); if (Network.isSuccess(response)) { final String line = Network.getResponseData(response); int status = STATUS_ERROR; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(line)) { assert line != null; final MatcherWrapper paramsMatcher1 = new MatcherWrapper(paramsPattern1, line); if (paramsMatcher1.find()) { OAtoken =; } final MatcherWrapper paramsMatcher2 = new MatcherWrapper(paramsPattern2, line); if (paramsMatcher2.find()) { OAtokenSecret =; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(OAtoken) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(OAtokenSecret)) { setTempTokens(OAtoken, OAtokenSecret); try { final Parameters paramsBrowser = new Parameters(); paramsBrowser.put("oauth_token", OAtoken); final String encodedParams = EntityUtils.toString(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(paramsBrowser)); startActivity( new Intent( Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(getUrlPrefix() + host + pathAuthorize + "?" + encodedParams))); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } catch (ParseException e) { Log.e("OAuthAuthorizationActivity.requestToken", e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("OAuthAuthorizationActivity.requestToken", e); } } } requestTokenHandler.sendEmptyMessage(status); } else { final String extErrMsg = getExtendedErrorMsg(response); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extErrMsg)) { final Message msg = requestTokenHandler.obtainMessage(STATUS_ERROR_EXT_MSG, extErrMsg); requestTokenHandler.sendMessage(msg); } else { requestTokenHandler.sendEmptyMessage(STATUS_ERROR); } } }
private void changeToken(final String verifier) { int status = NOT_AUTHENTICATED; try { final Parameters params = new Parameters("oauth_verifier", verifier); final String method = "POST"; OAuth.signOAuth( host, pathAccess, method, https, params, OAtoken, OAtokenSecret, consumerKey, consumerSecret); final String line = StringUtils.defaultString( Network.getResponseData( Network.postRequest(getUrlPrefix() + host + pathAccess, params))); OAtoken = ""; OAtokenSecret = ""; final MatcherWrapper paramsMatcher1 = new MatcherWrapper(paramsPattern1, line); if (paramsMatcher1.find()) { OAtoken =; } final MatcherWrapper paramsMatcher2 = new MatcherWrapper(paramsPattern2, line); if (paramsMatcher2.find() && paramsMatcher2.groupCount() > 0) { OAtokenSecret =; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(OAtoken) && StringUtils.isBlank(OAtokenSecret)) { OAtoken = ""; OAtokenSecret = ""; setTokens(null, null, false); } else { setTokens(OAtoken, OAtokenSecret, true); status = AUTHENTICATED; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("OAuthAuthorizationActivity.changeToken", e); } changeTokensHandler.sendEmptyMessage(status); }
/** * read all viewstates from page * * @return String[] with all view states */ public static String[] getViewstates(String page) { // Get the number of viewstates. // If there is only one viewstate, __VIEWSTATEFIELDCOUNT is not present if (page == null) { // no network access return null; } int count = 1; final MatcherWrapper matcherViewstateCount = new MatcherWrapper(GCConstants.PATTERN_VIEWSTATEFIELDCOUNT, page); if (matcherViewstateCount.find()) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e("getViewStates", e); } } String[] viewstates = new String[count]; // Get the viewstates final MatcherWrapper matcherViewstates = new MatcherWrapper(GCConstants.PATTERN_VIEWSTATES, page); while (matcherViewstates.find()) { String sno =; // number of viewstate int no; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sno)) { no = 0; } else { try { no = Integer.parseInt(sno); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e("getViewStates", e); no = 0; } } viewstates[no] =; } if (viewstates.length != 1 || viewstates[0] != null) { return viewstates; } // no viewstates were present return null; }
private void findGeoCode(final String input) { if (input == null || StringUtils.isNotBlank(cache.getGeocode())) { return; } final String trimmed = input.trim(); final MatcherWrapper matcherGeocode = new MatcherWrapper(patternGeocode, trimmed); if (matcherGeocode.find()) { final String geocode =; // a geocode should not be part of a word if (geocode.length() == trimmed.length() || Character.isWhitespace(trimmed.charAt(geocode.length()))) { if (ConnectorFactory.canHandle(geocode)) { cache.setGeocode(geocode); } } } }