  protected void doPost(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {


    final DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
    // maximum size that will be stored in memory
    // the location for saving data that is larger than getSizeThreshold()
    factory.setRepository(new File("/tmp"));

    if (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req)) {
      LOG.warn("Not a multipart upload");

    final ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
    // maximum size before a FileUploadException will be thrown
    upload.setSizeMax(kuneProperties.getLong(KuneProperties.UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE) * 1024 * 1024);

    try {
      final List fileItems = upload.parseRequest(req);
      String userHash = null;
      StateToken stateToken = null;
      String typeId = null;
      String fileName = null;
      FileItem file = null;
      for (final Iterator iterator = fileItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        final FileItem item = (FileItem) iterator.next();
        if (item.isFormField()) {
          final String name = item.getFieldName();
          final String value = item.getString();
          LOG.info("name: " + name + " value: " + value);
          if (name.equals(FileConstants.HASH)) {
            userHash = value;
          if (name.equals(FileConstants.TOKEN)) {
            stateToken = new StateToken(value);
          if (name.equals(FileConstants.TYPE_ID)) {
            typeId = value;
        } else {
          fileName = item.getName();
              "file: "
                  + fileName
                  + " fieldName: "
                  + item.getFieldName()
                  + " size: "
                  + item.getSize()
                  + " typeId: "
                  + typeId);
          file = item;
      createUploadedFile(userHash, stateToken, fileName, file, typeId);
    } catch (final FileUploadException e) {
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      onOtherException(response, e);