public VisualizeAssociationMatchesApp(Class<T> imageType, Class<D> derivType) {
    this.imageType = imageType;

    GeneralFeatureDetector<T, D> alg;

        "Fast Hessian",
        FactoryInterestPoint.fastHessian(new ConfigFastHessian(1, 2, 200, 1, 9, 4, 4)));
    if (imageType == ImageFloat32.class)
          0, "SIFT", FactoryInterestPoint.siftDetector(null, new ConfigSiftDetector(2, 5, 200, 5)));
    alg =
        FactoryDetectPoint.createShiTomasi(new ConfigGeneralDetector(500, 2, 1), false, derivType);
    addAlgorithm(0, "Shi-Tomasi", FactoryInterestPoint.wrapPoint(alg, 1, imageType, derivType));

    addAlgorithm(1, "SURF-S", FactoryDescribeRegionPoint.surfStable(null, imageType));
        "SURF-S Color",
        FactoryDescribeRegionPoint.surfColorStable(null,, imageType)));
    if (imageType == ImageFloat32.class)
      addAlgorithm(1, "SIFT", FactoryDescribeRegionPoint.sift(null, null));
    addAlgorithm(1, "BRIEF", FactoryDescribeRegionPoint.brief(new ConfigBrief(true), imageType));
    addAlgorithm(1, "BRIEFSO", FactoryDescribeRegionPoint.brief(new ConfigBrief(false), imageType));
    addAlgorithm(1, "Pixel 11x11", FactoryDescribeRegionPoint.pixel(11, 11, imageType));
    addAlgorithm(1, "NCC 11x11", FactoryDescribeRegionPoint.pixelNCC(11, 11, imageType));

    addAlgorithm(2, "Greedy", false);
    addAlgorithm(2, "Backwards", true);

    // estimate orientation using this once since it is fast and accurate
    Class integralType = GIntegralImageOps.getIntegralType(imageType);
    OrientationIntegral orientationII = FactoryOrientationAlgs.sliding_ii(null, integralType);
    orientation = FactoryOrientation.convertImage(orientationII, imageType);

    imageLeft = new MultiSpectral<T>(imageType, 1, 1, 3);
    imageRight = new MultiSpectral<T>(imageType, 1, 1, 3);
    grayLeft = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(imageType, 1, 1);
    grayRight = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(imageType, 1, 1);

  public <II extends ImageSingleBand> double[][] harder(BufferedImage image) {
    MultiSpectral<ImageFloat32> colorImage =
        ConvertBufferedImage.convertFromMulti(image, null, true, ImageFloat32.class);
    // convert the color image to greyscale
    ImageFloat32 greyscaleImage =
        ConvertImage.average((MultiSpectral<ImageFloat32>) colorImage, null);

    // SURF works off of integral images
    Class<II> integralType = GIntegralImageOps.getIntegralType(ImageFloat32.class);

    // define the feature detection algorithm
    NonMaxSuppression extractor =
        FactoryFeatureExtractor.nonmax(new ConfigExtract(2, detectThreshold, 5, true));
    FastHessianFeatureDetector<II> detector =
        new FastHessianFeatureDetector<II>(extractor, maxFeaturesPerScale, 2, 9, 4, 4);

    // estimate orientation
    OrientationIntegral<II> orientation = FactoryOrientationAlgs.sliding_ii(null, integralType);

    DescribePointSurf<II> descriptor =
        FactoryDescribePointAlgs.<II>surfStability(null, integralType);

    // compute the integral image of the greyscale 'image'
    II integralgrey =
            integralType, greyscaleImage.width, greyscaleImage.height);
    GIntegralImageOps.transform(greyscaleImage, integralgrey);

    // detect fast hessian features

    // === This is the point were the code starts deviating from the standard SURF! ===
    // tell algorithms which image to process

    List<ScalePoint> points = detector.getFoundPoints();
    double[][] descriptions = new double[points.size()][3 * descriptor.getDescriptionLength()];

    double[] angles = new double[points.size()];
    int l = 0;
    for (ScalePoint p : points) {
      angles[l] = orientation.compute(p.x, p.y);

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      // check if it is actually a greyscale image, take always the 1st band!
      ImageFloat32 colorImageBand = null;
      if (colorImage.getNumBands() == 1) {
        colorImageBand = colorImage.getBand(0);
      } else {
        colorImageBand = colorImage.getBand(i);

      // compute the integral image of the i-th band of the color 'image'
      II integralband =
              integralType, colorImageBand.width, colorImageBand.height);
      GIntegralImageOps.transform(colorImageBand, integralband);

      // tell algorithms which image to process
      // orientation.setImage(integralband);

      int j = 0;
      for (ScalePoint p : points) {
        // estimate orientation
        // orientation.setScale(p.scale);
        // double angle = orientation.compute(p.x, p.y);
        // extract the SURF description for this region
        SurfFeature desc = descriptor.createDescription();
        descriptor.describe(p.x, p.y, angles[j], p.scale, (TupleDesc_F64) desc);
        double[] banddesc = desc.getValue();
        if (perBandNormalization) {
          banddesc = Normalization.normalizeL2(banddesc);
        for (int k = 0; k < SURFLength; k++) {
          descriptions[j][i * SURFLength + k] = banddesc[k];

    return descriptions;