Esempio n. 1
 private static void initializeScalaFile() {
   String scalaFilePath = Configuration.get(ConfKey.interval_scala_file);
   if (!FileUtils.exists(scalaFilePath)) {
     FileUtils.copyFileFromJar("/be/tarsos/sampled/pitch/resources/ratios.scl", scalaFilePath);
   PitchUnit.scalaFile = new ScalaFile(scalaFilePath);
Esempio n. 2
/** Defines the unit of the pitch value. */
public enum PitchUnit {
  /** Oscillations per second. */

   * Number of cents compared to the "absolute zero" a configured, low frequency. By default C0
   * (16Hz) is used.
  ABSOLUTE_CENTS("Absolute cents"),

   * Number of cents (between 0 and 1200) relative to the start of the octave. The first octave
   * starts at "absolute zero" a configured, low frequency.
  RELATIVE_CENTS("Relative cents"),

   * An integer from 0 to 127 that represents the closest MIDI key. All Hz values above 13289.7300
   * Hz are mapped to 127, all values below a certain value are mapped to 0.
  MIDI_KEY("MIDI key"),

   * An double from 0 to 127 that represents the closest MIDI key. All values above (13289.7300 Hz +
   * 99,99... cents) are mapped to 127,99999... All values below a certain value are mapped to 0.00.
  MIDI_CENT("MIDI cent");

  private final String humanName;

   * Creates a new pitch unit with a human name.
   * @param name The human name.
  private PitchUnit(final String name) {
    humanName = name;

  /** @return A nicer description of the name of the unit. */
  public String getHumanName() {
    return humanName;

   * Converts a pitch in Hertz to the current unit. <code>
   * //440Hz is MIDI key 69
   * PitchUnit.MIDI_KEY.convert(440) == 69;
   * </code>
   * @param hertzValue The pitch in Hertz.
   * @return A converted pitch value;

   * Convert the given pitch in the given unit to this unit. E.g. following statements should
   * evaluate to true with the default reference frequency and the default offset octave (for
   * <pre>
   * PitchUnit.HERZ.convert(6900,PitchUnit.ABSOLUTE_CENTS) == 440
   * PitchUnit.HERZ.convert(69,PitchUnit.MIDI_KEY) == 440
   * PitchUnit.HERZ.convert(69.00,PitchUnit.MIDI_CENTS) == 440
   * PitchUnit.HERZ.convert(700,PitchUnit.RELATIVE_CENTS) == 440
   * PitchUnit.ABSOLUTE_CENTS.convert(440,PitchUnit.HERTZ) == 6900
   * </pre>
   * @param value The value of the given pitch.
   * @param valueUnit The unit of the given pitch.
   * @return The given pitch converted to this unit.
  public double convert(final double value, final PitchUnit valueUnit) {
    final double hertzValue = convertToHertz(value, valueUnit); // In Hz
    final double convertedPitch = convertHertz(hertzValue); // In valueUnit
    return convertedPitch;

  private double convertToHertz(final double value, final PitchUnit valueUnit) {
    final double hertzValue;
    switch (valueUnit) {
      case ABSOLUTE_CENTS:
        hertzValue = PitchUnit.absoluteCentToHertz(value);
      case HERTZ:
        hertzValue = value;
      case MIDI_CENT:
        hertzValue = PitchUnit.midiCentToHertz(value);
      case MIDI_KEY:
        hertzValue = PitchUnit.midiKeyToHertz((int) value);
      case RELATIVE_CENTS:
        hertzValue = PitchUnit.relativeCentToHertz(value);
        throw new AssertionError("Unknown pitch unit: " + getHumanName());
    return hertzValue;

   * Converts a Hertz value to pitch in this unit.
   * @param hertzValue The value in Hertz.
   * @return The pitch in this unit.
  private double convertHertz(final double hertzValue) {
    final double convertedPitch;
    switch (this) {
      case ABSOLUTE_CENTS:
        convertedPitch = PitchUnit.hertzToAbsoluteCent(hertzValue);
      case HERTZ:
        convertedPitch = hertzValue;
      case MIDI_CENT:
        convertedPitch = PitchUnit.hertzToMidiCent(hertzValue);
      case MIDI_KEY:
        convertedPitch = PitchUnit.hertzToMidiKey(hertzValue);
      case RELATIVE_CENTS:
        convertedPitch = PitchUnit.hertzToRelativeCent(hertzValue);
        throw new AssertionError("Unknown pitch unit: " + getHumanName());
    return convertedPitch;

  /** Logging */
  private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PitchUnit.class.getName());

   * The reference frequency used to calculate absolute cent values. By default it uses the same
   * reference frequency as MIDI: C-1 = 16.35/2 Hz = 8.175.
  private static final double REF_FREQ =
  /** Cache LOG 2 calculation. */
  private static final double LOG_TWO = Math.log(2.0);

   * Defines where to start when converting a relative cent [0,1200[ value to Hertz. E.g. if the
   * default octave is 5 then 900 relative cents are converted to 5 x 1200 + 900 = 6900 = 440Hz with
   * the {@link PitchUnit.REF_FREQ} at 8.175Hz.
  private static final int DEFAULT_OCTAVE_OFFSET = 5 * 1200; // Absolute Cents

   * Converts a MIDI CENT frequency to a frequency in Hz.
   * @param midiCent The pitch in MIDI CENT.
   * @return The pitch in Hertz.
  public static double midiCentToHertz(final double midiCent) {
    return 440 * Math.pow(2, (midiCent - 69) / 12d);

   * Converts a frequency in Hz to a MIDI CENT value using <code>(12 ^ log2 (f / 440)) + 69</code>
   * <br>
   * E.g.<br>
   * <code>69.168 MIDI CENTS = MIDI NOTE 69  + 16,8 cents</code><br>
   * <code>69.168 MIDI CENTS = 440Hz + x Hz</code>
   * @param hertzValue The pitch in Hertz.
   * @return The pitch in MIDI cent.
  public static double hertzToMidiCent(final double hertzValue) {
    double pitchInMidiCent = 0.0;
    if (hertzValue != 0) {
      pitchInMidiCent = 12 * Math.log(hertzValue / 440) / LOG_TWO + 69;
    return pitchInMidiCent;

   * Returns the frequency (Hz) of an absolute cent value. This calculation uses a configured
   * reference frequency.
   * @param absoluteCent The pitch in absolute cent.
   * @return A pitch in Hz.
  public static double absoluteCentToHertz(final double absoluteCent) {
    return PitchUnit.REF_FREQ * Math.pow(2, absoluteCent / 1200.0);

   * The reference frequency is configured. The default reference frequency is 16.35Hz. This is C0
   * on a piano keyboard with A4 tuned to 440 Hz. This means that 0 cents is C0; 1200 is C1; 2400 is
   * C2; ... also -1200 cents is C-1
   * @param hertzValue The pitch in Hertz.
   * @return The value in absolute cents using the configured reference frequency
  public static double hertzToAbsoluteCent(final double hertzValue) {
    double pitchInAbsCent = 0.0;
    if (hertzValue > 0) {
      pitchInAbsCent = 1200 * Math.log(hertzValue / PitchUnit.REF_FREQ) / PitchUnit.LOG_TWO;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Pitch in Hz schould be greater than zero, is " + hertzValue);
    return pitchInAbsCent;

   * Converts a Hertz value to relative cents. E.g. 440Hz is converted to 900 if the reference is a
   * C.
   * @param hertzValue A value in hertz.
   * @return A value in relative cents.
  public static double hertzToRelativeCent(final double hertzValue) {
    double absoluteCentValue = PitchUnit.hertzToAbsoluteCent(hertzValue);
    // make absoluteCentValue positive. E.g. -2410 => 1210
    if (absoluteCentValue < 0) {
      absoluteCentValue = Math.abs(1200 + absoluteCentValue);
    // so it can be folded to one octave. E.g. 1210 => 10
    return absoluteCentValue % 1200.0;

   * Converts a relative cent value to an absolute Hertz value by using PitchUnit.REF_FREQ.
   * @param relativeCent a value in relative cents.
   * @return A pitch in Hertz.
  public static double relativeCentToHertz(double relativeCent) {
    if (relativeCent < 0 || relativeCent >= 1200) {
          "Relative cent values are values from 0 to 1199, inclusive "
              + relativeCent
              + " is invalid.");
    return absoluteCentToHertz(relativeCent + DEFAULT_OCTAVE_OFFSET);

   * Calculates the frequency (Hz) for a MIDI key.
   * @param midiKey The MIDI key. A MIDI key is an integer between 0 and 127, inclusive.
   * @return A frequency in Hz corresponding to the MIDI key.
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException If midiKey is not in the valid range between 0 and 127,
   *     inclusive.
  public static double midiKeyToHertz(final int midiKey) {
    if (midiKey < 0 || midiKey > 127) {
          "MIDI keys are defined between 0 and 127 or from "
              + midiKeyToHertz(0)
              + "Hz to "
              + midiKeyToHertz(127)
              + "Hz, MIDI KEY "
              + midiKey
              + " is out of this range.");
    return PitchUnit.midiCentToHertz(midiKey);

   * A MIDI key is an integer between 0 and 127, inclusive. Within a certain range every pitch is
   * mapped to a MIDI key. If a value outside the range is given an IllegalArugmentException is
   * thrown.
   * @param hertzValue The pitch in Hertz.
   * @return An integer representing the closest midi key.
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the hertzValue does not fall within the range of valid
   *     MIDI key frequencies.
  public static int hertzToMidiKey(final Double hertzValue) {
    final int midiKey = (int) Math.round(PitchUnit.hertzToMidiCent(hertzValue));
    if (midiKey < 0 || midiKey > 127) {
          "MIDI keys are defined between 0 and 127 or from "
              + midiKeyToHertz(0)
              + "Hz to "
              + midiKeyToHertz(127)
              + "Hz, "
              + hertzValue
              + "does not map directly to a MIDI key.");
    return midiKey;

  private static ScalaFile scalaFile;
  // see
  public static String closestRatio(double cent) {
    if (PitchUnit.scalaFile == null) {

    double ratioToLookFor = centToRatio(cent);
    double closestDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int closestIndex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < PitchUnit.scalaFile.getPitches().length; i++) {
      double ratio = centToRatio(PitchUnit.scalaFile.getPitches()[i]);
      double distance = (ratio - ratioToLookFor) * (ratio - ratioToLookFor);
      if (distance < closestDistance) {
        closestDistance = distance;
        closestIndex = i;

    long distanceInCents = Math.round(cent - PitchUnit.scalaFile.getPitches()[closestIndex]);
    return String.format(
        "%s %+d cents", PitchUnit.scalaFile.getPitchNames()[closestIndex], distanceInCents);

  private static void initializeScalaFile() {
    String scalaFilePath = Configuration.get(ConfKey.interval_scala_file);
    if (!FileUtils.exists(scalaFilePath)) {
      FileUtils.copyFileFromJar("/be/tarsos/sampled/pitch/resources/ratios.scl", scalaFilePath);
    PitchUnit.scalaFile = new ScalaFile(scalaFilePath);

   * Converts a ratio to cents. "Ratios Make Cents: Conversions from ratios to cents and back again"
   * in the book "Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale" William A. Sethares
   * @param ratio A cent value
   * @return A ratio containing the same information.
  public static double ratioToCent(final double ratio) {
    final double cent;
    cent = 1200 / Math.log10(2) * Math.log10(ratio);
    return cent;

   * Converts cent values to ratios. See "Ratios Make Cents: Conversions from ratios to cents and
   * back again" in the book "Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale" William A. Sethares.
   * @param cent A cent value
   * @return A ratio containing the same information.
  public static double centToRatio(final double cent) {
    final double ratio;
    ratio = Math.pow(10, Math.log10(2) * cent / 1200.0);
    return ratio;