public void tryToBuild() throws GameActionException { // try to build a robot Direction dl = randomDirection(); if (rc.getRoundNum() % 400 < 20 && rc.canBuild(dl, RobotType.SCOUT) && rc.isCoreReady()) {, RobotType.SCOUT); } double prob = random.nextDouble(); int index = 0; RobotType robot; if (Utility.getClosestRound(zss) < 30) { while (prob > probabilitiesZ[index]) { index++; } robot = buildRobotTypes[index]; } else { while (prob > probabilities[index]) { index++; } robot = buildRobotTypes[index]; } for (Direction d : Direction.values()) { if (rc.canBuild(d, robot)) { if (rc.isCoreReady()) {, robot); int newid = rc.senseRobotAtLocation(rc.getLocation().add(d)).ID; MessageSignal teamFirstDirective = new MessageSignal(rc); if (leaderLocation != null) { teamFirstDirective.setCommand(leaderLocation, MessageSignal.CommandType.MOVE); } teamFirstDirective.send(2); } } } return; }
@Override public void run() throws GameActionException { // try to heal nearby robots RobotInfo[] nearbyAllies = rc.senseNearbyRobots(2, myTeam); RobotInfo friendWithLowestHP = Utility.getRobotWithLowestHP(nearbyAllies); if (rc.isCoreReady() && friendWithLowestHP != null) { if (friendWithLowestHP.type != RobotType.ARCHON) {; } } if (goalLocation != null) { if (rc.canSense(goalLocation)) { goalLocation = null; } if (Utility.getClosestRound(zss) - rc.getRoundNum() > 50 && rc.getTeamParts() > 200) { tryToBuild(); } else if (rc.isCoreReady() && goalLocation != null) { BugNav.goTo(goalLocation); } } // try to activate neutral units MapLocation closestNeutral = Utility.closestLocation(neutralBotLocations, rc.getLocation()); if (closestNeutral != null) { rc.setIndicatorString(2, "Finding Neutal"); if (rc.canSense(closestNeutral) && (rc.senseRobotAtLocation(closestNeutral) == null || rc.senseRobotAtLocation(closestNeutral).team != Team.NEUTRAL)) { neutralBotLocations.remove(closestNeutral); } else if (rc.getLocation().distanceSquaredTo(closestNeutral) < 2) { if (rc.isCoreReady()) { rc.activate(closestNeutral); neutralBotLocations.remove(closestNeutral); } } else if (rc.isCoreReady() && rc.canMove(rc.getLocation().directionTo(closestNeutral))) { tryToMove(rc.getLocation().directionTo(closestNeutral)); } } RobotInfo[] enemies = rc.senseHostileRobots(rc.getLocation(), RobotType.ARCHON.sensorRadiusSquared); if (enemies.length > 3) { tryToRetreat(enemies); } tryToBuild(); if (enemies.length > 0) { tryToRetreat(enemies); suppressSignals = true; return; } else { defaultBehavior(); } suppressSignals = false; }