   * Sends the current log in object to the EJB
   * @return Will either return the user to the log in page (if creation was successful) OR will
   *     return user back to the register page with an error message
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException This error is thrown if the password encryption fails
  public String createUser() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    if (!detentionTrackerBean.userExists(currentLogin.getUsername())) {
      // If new username does not already exists...

      return "login?faces-redirect=true";
    // else if it does already exists...
        "Username already exists OR you have entered incorrect characters (letters & numbers only!)");
    return null;
  * Returns the number of non administrator accounts
  * @return number of accounts
 public int amountOfNonAdminAccounts() {
   return detentionTrackerBean.allLoginsThatAreNotAdmin().size();
  * This method uses a FacesContext to find the current person who is logged in. It then loads the
  * current login object from the EJB
 public void loadLogin() {
   FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
   String username = context.getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal().getName();
   currentLogin = detentionTrackerBean.getLogin(username);