protected String generateProcessSaveElement(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** processSaveElement(event, type, action)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Saves selected Element 'type' record to server-side storage."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function processSaveElement(event, type, action) {"); buf.putLine4(" try {"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(;"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(event.currentTarget);"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(#{rich:element('" + elementNameUncapped + "Tree')});"); buf.putLine4(" showProgress('Nam', type+' Records', 'Saving Element '+type+'...');"); buf.putLine4(" saveElement(type, action);"); buf.putLine4(" } catch(e) {"); buf.putLine4(" alert(e);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateProcessViewElement(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** processViewElement(event, type, action)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Opens selected Element record. "); buf.putLine4(" ** Goes to the Element summary page."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function processViewElement(event, type, action) {"); buf.putLine4(" if (action == null)"); buf.putLine4(" action = 'workspaceManager.viewObject';"); buf.putLine4(" try {"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(;"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(event.currentTarget);"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(#{rich:element('applicationTree')});"); buf.putLine4(" showProgress('Nam', type+' Records', 'Opening '+type+' for viewing...');"); buf.putLine4(" executeActionForElement(type, action);"); buf.putLine4(" } catch(e) {"); buf.putLine4(" alert(e);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateShowElementNodeMenu(Element element, String targetName) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); String targetNameUncapped = NameUtil.uncapName(targetName); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** show" + targetName + "TreeNodeMenu(event, nodeType)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Displays context-menu for " + targetName + " Tree node.."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function show" + targetName + "TreeNodeMenu(event, nodeType) {"); buf.putLine4(" var typeUncapped = uncapitalize(nodeType);"); buf.putLine4(" var menuName = mainFormId + ':' + typeUncapped + 'TreeMenu';"); buf.putLine4(" var menu = RichFaces.component(menuName);"); buf.putLine4(" if (menu != null) {"); buf.putLine4(", {});"); buf.putLine4(" }"); // buf.putLine4(" //alert("+elementNameUncapped+"TreeState.nodeLabel)"); // buf.putLine4(" //TODO This currently has no effect, we are waiting for when it will work"); // buf.putLine4(" var menu = #{rich:component('"+targetNameUncapped+"TreeMenu')};"); // buf.putLine4(", {});"); // buf.putLine4(", {"); // buf.putLine4(" 'projectName': 'project1',"); // buf.putLine4(" 'canAdd': 'false'"); // buf.putLine4(" });"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateProcessEditElement(Element element) { // String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); // String targetNameUncapped = NameUtil.uncapName(targetName); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** processEditElement(event, type, action)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Opens Element 'type' record for editing."); buf.putLine4(" ** Goes to Element 'type' Wizard page."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function processEditElement(event, type, action) {"); buf.putLine4(" if (action == null)"); buf.putLine4(" action = 'workspaceManager.editObject';"); buf.putLine4(" try {"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(;"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(event.currentTarget);"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(#{rich:element('" + elementNameUncapped + "Tree')});"); buf.putLine4(" if (" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeLabel != null) {"); buf.putLine4(" var label = " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeLabel;"); buf.putLine4( " showProgress('Nam', type+' Records', 'Preparing \\\"'+label+'\\\" '+type+' for editing...');"); buf.putLine4( " } else showProgress('Nam', type+' Records', 'Preparing '+type+' for editing...');"); buf.putLine4(" executeActionForElement(type, action);"); buf.putLine4(" } catch(e) {"); buf.putLine4(" alert(e);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateProcessCancelElement(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** processCancel" + elementClassName + "(event)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Cancels " + elementClassName + " editing. Return to previous state."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function processRemove" + elementClassName + "() {"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(;"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(event.currentTarget);"); buf.putLine4(" var typeUncapped = type.toLowerCase();"); buf.putLine4(" var nodeLabel = get" + elementClassName + "TreeNodeLabel();"); buf.putLine4(" var warningTitle = 'Remove \"' + nodeLabel + '\" '+type+' from system';"); buf.putLine4(" var removeEvent = typeUncapped + 'EventManager.remove' + type;"); buf.putLine4(" //var removeEvent = typeUncapped+'EventManager.fireRemoveEvent';"); buf.putLine4(" //var removeEvent = 'nam.model.'+typeUncapped+'.'+type+'RemoveEvent';"); buf.putLine4( " popupWarningPrompt('Nam', warningTitle, 'Do you wish to continue?', removeEvent, '" + elementNameUncapped + "Tree');"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorDefault();"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateProcessRemoveElement(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** processRemoveElement(event, type, action)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Prompts user to remove selected Element 'type' record."); buf.putLine4(" ** Removes Element 'type' record from system."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function processRemoveElement(event, type, action) {"); buf.putLine4(" var typeUncapped = uncapitalize(type);"); buf.putLine4(" var label = type;"); buf.putLine4(" if (" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState != null)"); buf.putLine4(" label = " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeLabel + ' ' + type;"); buf.putLine4(" var warningTitle = 'Remove \\\"'+label+'\\\" from system';"); buf.putLine4(" if (action == null)"); buf.putLine4(" action = typeUncapped + 'EventManager.remove' + type;"); // buf.putLine4(" //var removeEvent = typeUncapped+'EventManager.fireRemoveEvent';"); // buf.putLine4(" //var removeEvent = 'nam.model.'+typeUncapped+'.'+type+'RemoveEvent';"); buf.putLine4( " popupWarningPrompt('Nam', warningTitle, 'Do you wish to continue?', action, '" + elementNameUncapped + "Tree, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeViewer');"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorDefault();"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String getProcessToggleElementTreeNode(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2(" ** processToggle" + elementClassName + "TreeNode()"); buf.putLine2(" ** Toggles expand/collapse for nodes in " + elementClassName + " Tree."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<a4j:jsFunction "); buf.putLine2(" name=\"processToggle" + elementClassName + "TreeNode\" "); buf.putLine2(" execute=\"@this\" "); buf.putLine2(" immediate=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" limitRender=\"true\">"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- these values are passed in -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"nodeId\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.toggledNodeState}\" /> "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- provide queue settings -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeEvents\" requestDelay=\"0\" /> "); buf.putLine2("</a4j:jsFunction>"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateUpdateElementTreeState(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4( " ** update" + elementClassName + "TreeState(event, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Updates client-side state information for " + elementClassName + " Tree."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4( "function update" + elementClassName + "TreeState(event, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel) {"); buf.putLine4(" " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState = new Object();"); buf.putLine4(" " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.rowKey = rowKey;"); buf.putLine4(" " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeId = nodeId;"); buf.putLine4(" " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeArea = nodeArea;"); buf.putLine4(" " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeType = nodeType;"); buf.putLine4(" " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeLabel = nodeLabel;"); buf.putLine4(" " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeKey = nodeId;"); buf.putLine4(" //show(" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState);"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
public String generateSource_PutElement(ModelField modelField) { String fieldType = modelField.getType(); String fieldTypeLocalPart = TypeUtil.getLocalPart(fieldType); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2("putElement(" + fieldTypeLocalPart + "Key, " + fieldTypeLocalPart + ");"); return buf.get(); }
protected String getExecuteActionFromTree(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2( " ** executeActionFrom" + elementClassName + "Tree(rowKey, nodeId, type, action, section)"); buf.putLine2(" ** Selects Element on server-side. Executes action on server-side."); buf.putLine2(" ** Uses a queuing delay of 0ms - no waiting for any future actions."); buf.putLine2(" ** This is typically used by double-click and other submit actions."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<a4j:jsFunction "); buf.putLine2(" name=\"executeActionFrom" + elementClassName + "Tree\""); buf.putLine2(" execute=\"@this\""); buf.putLine2(" immediate=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" bypassUpdates=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" limitRender=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" action=\"#{workspaceManager.executeAction}\""); buf.putLine2(" oncomplete=\"setCursorDefault(); hideProgress()\""); buf.putLine2( " render=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeActions, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeMenu, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeToolbar\">"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- these values are passed-in -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"rowKey\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedRowKey}\" />"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"nodeId\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedNodeId}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" <a4j:param name=\"type\" assignTo=\"#{selectionContext.selectedType}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" <a4j:param name=\"action\" assignTo=\"#{selectionContext.selectedAction}\" />"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"section\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "Wizard.section}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- provide event queue settings -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeEvents\" requestDelay=\"0\" />"); buf.putLine2("</a4j:jsFunction>"); return buf.get(); }
public static String generateCallToRemoteOperation( ActivityGenerator<?> generator, Service remoteService, Operation remoteOperation, String inputVariableName, String outputVariableName) { // get source code for method body Buf buf = new Buf(); // String portTypeName = TypeUtil.getTypeFromQName(portType.getQName()); // String portTypeLocalName = TypeUtil.getClassName(portTypeName); String portTypePackageName = ProjectLevelHelper.getPackageName(remoteService.getNamespace()); String portTypeLocalName = NameUtil.capName(remoteService.getName()); String portTypeClassName = portTypeLocalName + "Client"; buf.putLine2("ProxyLocator proxyLocator = BeanContext.get(\"org.aries.proxyLocator\");"); buf.putLine2(portTypeClassName + " proxy = proxyLocator.get(\"" + portTypeLocalName + "\");"); // buf.putLine2(portTypeClassName+" proxy = new "+portTypeClassName+"();"); buf.putLine2("proxy.setCorrelationId(getCorrelationId());"); Input input = remoteOperation.getInput(); QName qName = input.getMessage().getQName(); input.getMessage().getParts(); generator.addImportedClass("org.aries.process.ProxyLocator"); generator.addImportedClass(portTypePackageName + "." + portTypeClassName); if (outputVariableName != null) { buf.put2(outputVariableName + " = proxy." + remoteOperation.getName() + "("); } else { buf.put2("proxy." + remoteOperation.getName() + "("); } Message inputMessage = (Message) remoteOperation.getInput().getMessage(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Part> parts = inputMessage.getParts().values(); Iterator<Part> iterator = parts.iterator(); for (int i = 0; iterator.hasNext(); i++) { Part part =; // String partName = NameUtil.uncapName(part.getName()); // String variableName = "this."+inputVariableName+"_"+part.getName(); // String variableName = CodeUtil.getVariableName(inputVariable); // String typeName = TypeUtil.getTypeFromMessagePart(part); // String packageName = TypeUtil.getPackageName(typeName); // String className = TypeUtil.getClassName(typeName); // ModelParameter parameter = new ModelParameter(); // parameter.setPackageName(packageName); // parameter.setClassName(className); // parameter.setName(partName); // modelOperation.addParameter(parameter); // if (TypeUtil.isImportedClassRequired(packageName, className)) // addImportedClass(packageName+"."+className); if (i > 0) buf.put(", "); buf.put(inputVariableName); } buf.putLine(");"); return buf.get(); }
protected String getExecuteActionForTreeViewer(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2( " ** executeActionFor" + elementClassName + "TreeViewer(rowKey, nodeId, type, action)"); buf.putLine2(" ** Executes 'action' associated with Element 'type' on server-side."); buf.putLine2(" ** Uses a queuing delay of 0ms - no waiting for any future actions."); buf.putLine2(" ** This is used by actions triggered from menus and toolbars."); buf.putLine2(" ** Refreshes Element view in " + elementClassName + " Tree viewer.."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<a4j:jsFunction "); buf.putLine2(" name=\"executeActionFor" + elementClassName + "TreeViewer\""); buf.putLine2(" execute=\"@this\""); buf.putLine2(" immediate=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" bypassUpdates=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" limitRender=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" action=\"#{workspaceManager.executeAction}\""); buf.putLine2(" oncomplete=\"setCursorDefault(); hideProgress()\""); buf.putLine2( " render=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeActions, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeMenu, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeToolbar, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeViewer\">"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- these values are passed-in -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"rowKey\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedRowKey}\" />"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"nodeId\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedNodeId}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" <a4j:param name=\"area\" assignTo=\"#{selectionContext.selectedArea}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" <a4j:param name=\"type\" assignTo=\"#{selectionContext.selectedType}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" <a4j:param name=\"action\" assignTo=\"#{selectionContext.selectedAction}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- provide event queue settings -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeEvents\" requestDelay=\"400\" />"); buf.putLine2("</a4j:jsFunction>"); return buf.get(); }
public String generateSource_GetElements(ModelField modelField) { Buf buf = new Buf(); String structure = modelField.getStructure(); if (structure.equals("map")) { String fieldType = modelField.getType(); String fieldTypeLocalPart = TypeUtil.getLocalPart(fieldType); buf.putLine2("return getElements(" + fieldTypeLocalPart + "Keys);"); } return buf.get(); }
public String generateSource_AddElements(ModelField modelField) { String fieldNameCapped = NameUtil.capName(modelField.getName()); String fieldNameUncapped = NameUtil.uncapName(modelField.getName()); String fieldClassName = TypeUtil.getClassName(modelField.getType()); String fieldTypeLocalPart = TypeUtil.getLocalPart(modelField.getType()); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2("putElements(" + fieldTypeLocalPart + "Map);"); return buf.get(); }
public String generateSource_GetAllElements(ModelField modelField) { Buf buf = new Buf(); String structure = modelField.getStructure(); if (structure.equals("list")) { } else if (structure.equals("set")) { } else if (structure.equals("map")) { buf.putLine2("return getElements();"); } return buf.get(); }
public String generateSource_SetElement(ModelField modelField) { String fieldNameCapped = NameUtil.capName(modelField.getName()); String fieldNameUncapped = NameUtil.uncapName(modelField.getName()); String fieldClassName = TypeUtil.getClassName(modelField.getType()); String fieldTypeLocalPart = TypeUtil.getLocalPart(modelField.getType()); Buf buf = new Buf(); // buf.putLine2("synchronized (this."+fieldNameUncapped+") {"); buf.putLine2("this." + fieldNameUncapped + " = " + fieldTypeLocalPart + ";"); // buf.putLine2("}"); return buf.get(); }
public String getXhtmlContent(boolean isTest) throws Exception { Project project = context.getProject(); Application application = context.getApplication(); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); buf.putLine(); buf.putLine( "<!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">"); buf.putLine(); buf.putLine("<ui:composition"); buf.putLine(" xmlns=\"\""); buf.putLine(" xmlns:h=\"\""); buf.putLine(" xmlns:f=\"\""); buf.putLine(" xmlns:c=\"\""); buf.putLine(" xmlns:ui=\"\""); buf.putLine(" xmlns:s=\"\""); buf.putLine(" xmlns:a4j=\"\""); buf.putLine(" xmlns:rich=\"\""); buf.putLine(" xmlns:aries=\"\">"); buf.putLine(); buf.putLine1("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); buf.putLine1( " var userListTableHighlighter = new org.aries.view.table.UserSelectHighlighter('#fff', '#ddecff', '#eeeeff');"); buf.putLine1("</script>"); buf.putLine(); buf.putLine1("<a4j:outputPanel id=\"userListTablePanel\">"); buf.putLine1(" <ui:include src=\"userListMenu.xhtml\"/>"); buf.putLine(); buf.putLine1(" <rich:panel"); buf.putLine1(" bodyClass=\"panelBody\""); buf.putLine1( " style=\"width: auto; height: auto; max-height: #{globals.screenHeight-198}px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; overflow: auto; overflow-y: scroll\">"); buf.putLine(); buf.putLine1(" <h:panelGroup"); buf.putLine1(" layout=\"block\""); buf.putLine1(" rendered=\"#{userListManager.userList.rowCount == 0}\""); buf.putLine1( " style=\"width: auto; height: 20px; padding-top: 4px; padding-left: 2px; border: 0px solid #C3BBB6;\">"); buf.putLine1( " <h:outputText styleClass=\"label\" value=\"No records to display\" style=\"font-size: 12px\"/>"); buf.putLine1(" </h:panelGroup>"); buf.putLine(); buf.putLines(1, generateTable()); buf.putLine1(" </rich:panel>"); buf.putLine1("</a4j:outputPanel>"); buf.putLine("</ui:composition>"); return buf.get(); }
protected String getOpenElement(Element element, String targetName) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); String targetNameUncapped = NameUtil.uncapName(targetName); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2(" ** openElement()"); buf.putLine2(" ** Opens selected Element in various ways depending on user access rights."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateProcessElementTreeDoubleClick(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4( " ** process" + elementClassName + "TreeDoubleClick(event, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Handles double-click event on the " + elementClassName + " Tree."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4( "function process" + elementClassName + "TreeDoubleClick(event, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel) {"); buf.putLine4( " update" + elementClassName + "TreeState(null, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel);"); buf.putLine4(" enable" + elementClassName + "TreeActions(nodeArea);"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" try {"); // buf.putLine4(" //show(event.currentTarget);"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(;"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(event.currentTarget);"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(#{rich:element('applicationTree')});"); buf.putLine4( " showProgress('Nam', nodeType+' '+nodeLabel, 'Preparing '+nodeType+' summary view...');"); buf.putLine4( " executeActionForApplicationTreeViewer(rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, 'workspaceManager.viewObject');"); buf.putLine4(" } catch(e) {"); buf.putLine4(" alert(e);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); // buf.putLine4(" if (nodeType == 'Project') {"); // buf.putLine4(" processProjectNodeDoubleClick(event, rowKey, nodeId);"); // buf.putLine4(" } else if (nodeType == 'Application') {"); // buf.putLine4(" processApplicationNodeDoubleClick(event, rowKey, nodeId);"); // buf.putLine4(" } else if (nodeType.endsWith('MODULE')) {"); // buf.putLine4(" processModuleNodeDoubleClick(event, rowKey, nodeId);"); // buf.putLine4(" } else {"); // buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateProcessElementTreeMouseDown(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4( " ** process" + elementClassName + "TreeMouseDown(event, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Handles mouseDown event on the " + elementClassName + " Tree."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4( "function process" + elementClassName + "TreeMouseDown(event, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel) {"); buf.putLine4( " update" + elementClassName + "TreeState(event, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel);"); buf.putLine4(" enable" + elementClassName + "TreeActions(nodeArea);"); buf.putLine4(" try {"); buf.putLine4(" executeSelectFrom" + elementClassName + "Tree(rowKey, nodeId);"); buf.putLine4(" if (event.which == 3) {"); // List<String> subTypes = element.getSubTypes(); // Iterator<String> iterator = subTypes.iterator(); // for (int i=0; iterator.hasNext(); i++) { // String subType =; // if (i == 0) { // buf.putLine4(" if (nodeType == '"+subType+"') {"); // buf.putLine4(" } else if (nodeType == '"+subType+"') {"); // buf.putLine4(" show"+subType+"NodeMenu(event);"); // } buf.putLine4(" show" + elementClassName + "TreeNodeMenu(event, nodeType);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4(" } catch(e) {"); buf.putLine4(" alert(e);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String getExecuteSelectFromTree(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2(" ** executeSelectFrom" + elementClassName + "Tree(rowKey, nodeId)"); buf.putLine2(" ** Handles actions generated from a node in the Application Tree."); buf.putLine2(" ** Selects Element on server-side. Executes NO action on server-side."); buf.putLine2( " ** Uses a queuing delay of 0ms - no waiting to combine with other actions like double-click."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<a4j:jsFunction "); buf.putLine2(" name=\"executeSelectFrom" + elementClassName + "Tree\""); buf.putLine2(" execute=\"@this\""); buf.putLine2(" immediate=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" bypassUpdates=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" limitRender=\"true\""); buf.putLine2( " render=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeActions, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeToolbar\">"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- these values are passed-in -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"rowKey\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedRowKey}\" />"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"nodeId\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedNodeId}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- provide event queue settings -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeEvents\" requestDelay=\"400\" />"); buf.putLine2("</a4j:jsFunction>"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateGetElementTreeNodeLabel(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** get" + elementClassName + "TreeNodeLabel()"); buf.putLine4(" ** Returns the node label of the selected node."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function get" + elementClassName + "TreeNodeLabel() {"); buf.putLine4(" if (" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState != null)"); buf.putLine4(" return " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState.nodeLabel;"); buf.putLine4(" return null;"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String generateInitializeElementTreeState(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** initialize" + elementClassName + "TreeState()"); buf.putLine4(" ** Initializes and verifies " + elementClassName + " Tree state information."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function initialize" + elementClassName + "TreeState() {"); buf.putLine4(" try {"); buf.putLine4( " var selectedNodeId = \'#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedNodeId}\';"); buf.putLine4( " var selectedRowKey = \'#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedRowKey}\';"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" if (selectedNodeId != '') {"); buf.putLine4(" " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeState = new Object();"); buf.putLine4(" var nodeId = selectedNodeId;"); buf.putLine4(" var rowKey = selectedRowKey;"); buf.putLine4( " var nodeArea = \'#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedNode.area}\';"); buf.putLine4( " var nodeType = \'#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedNode.type}\';"); buf.putLine4( " var nodeLabel = \'#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedNode.label}\';"); buf.putLine4( " update" + elementClassName + "TreeState(null, rowKey, nodeId, nodeArea, nodeType, nodeLabel);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4(" } catch(e) {"); buf.putLine4(" alert(e);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String getNewElement(Element element, String targetName) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); String targetNameUncapped = NameUtil.uncapName(targetName); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2(" ** newElement()"); buf.putLine2(" ** Creates new Element, and goes to Element Wizard Page."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<a4j:jsFunction "); buf.putLine2(" name=\"newElement\" "); buf.putLine2(" immediate=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" execute=\"@this\" "); buf.putLine2(" bypassUpdates=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" action=\"#{" + targetNameUncapped + "" + targetName + "}\">"); buf.putLine2("</a4j:jsFunction>"); return buf.get(); }
public String generateSource_Constructor(Cache cache) { Buf buf = new Buf(); List<Field> fields = ElementUtil.getFields(cache); Iterator<Field> iterator = fields.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Field field =; String className = TypeUtil.getClassName(field.getType()); String structure = field.getStructure(); if (structure.equals("item")) { // buf.putLine2(field.getName()+" = new "+className+"();"); } else if (structure.equals("list")) { buf.putLine2(field.getName() + " = new ArrayList<" + className + ">();"); } else if (structure.equals("set")) { buf.putLine2(field.getName() + " = new HashSet<" + className + ">();"); } else if (structure.equals("map")) { String keyClassName = TypeUtil.getClassName(field.getKey()); buf.putLine2( field.getName() + " = new HashMap<" + keyClassName + ", " + className + ">();"); } } return buf.get(); }
protected String getRefreshElementTree(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2(" ** refresh" + elementClassName + "Tree()"); buf.putLine2(" ** Refreshes the current " + elementClassName + " Tree."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<a4j:jsFunction "); buf.putLine2(" name=\"refresh" + elementClassName + "Tree\" "); buf.putLine2(" execute=\"@this\" "); buf.putLine2(" immediate=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" bypassUpdates=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" limitRender=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" action=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.refresh}\""); buf.putLine2( " onbegin=\"setCursorWait(); showProgress('Nam', '" + elementClassName + " Records', 'Refreshing current " + elementClassName + " Tree...');\""); buf.putLine2(" oncomplete=\"setCursorDefault(this); hideProgress()\""); buf.putLine2( " render=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeActions, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeMenu, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeToolbar, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreePanel\">"); buf.putLine2("</a4j:jsFunction>"); return buf.get(); }
// NOT_USED protected String generateProcessElementNodeDoubleClick(Element element, String targetName) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); String targetNameUncapped = NameUtil.uncapName(targetName); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("<!--"); buf.putLine4(" ** process" + targetName + "NodeDoubleClick(event, rowKey, nodeId)"); buf.putLine4(" ** Handles double-click event on a " + targetName + " Node."); buf.putLine4(" -->"); buf.putLine4(" "); buf.putLine4("function process" + targetName + "NodeDoubleClick(event, rowKey, nodeId) {"); buf.putLine4(" try {"); buf.putLine4(" //show(event.currentTarget);"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(;"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(event.currentTarget);"); buf.putLine4(" setCursorWait(#{rich:element('" + elementNameUncapped + "Tree')});"); // buf.putLine4(" //show"+elementClassName+"Page(source, 'Identification');"); buf.putLine4( " showProgress('Nam', '" + targetName + " #{" + targetNameUncapped + "InfoManager.selected" + targetName + ".name}', 'Preparing " + targetName + " \"summary\" view...');"); // buf.putLine4(" //showPage(source, // '"+elementPath+"/application/application.seam?section='+section);"); buf.putLine4(" view" + targetName + "('Overview', rowKey, nodeId);"); buf.putLine4(" } catch(e) {"); buf.putLine4(" alert(e);"); buf.putLine4(" }"); buf.putLine4("}"); return buf.get(); }
protected String getExecuteActionForElement(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2(" ** executeActionForElement(type, action)"); buf.putLine2(" ** Executes 'action' associated with Element 'type' on server-side."); buf.putLine2(" ** Uses a queuing delay of 0ms - no waiting for any future actions."); buf.putLine2(" ** This is used by actions triggered from menus and toolbars."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<a4j:jsFunction "); buf.putLine2(" name=\"executeActionForElement\""); buf.putLine2(" execute=\"@this\""); buf.putLine2(" immediate=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" bypassUpdates=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" limitRender=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" action=\"#{workspaceManager.executeAction}\""); buf.putLine2( " render=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeActions, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeMenu, " + elementNameUncapped + "TreeToolbar\">"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- these values are passed-in -->"); buf.putLine2(" <a4j:param name=\"type\" assignTo=\"#{selectionContext.selectedType}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" <a4j:param name=\"action\" assignTo=\"#{selectionContext.selectedAction}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- provide event queue settings -->"); buf.putLine2(" <a4j:attachQueue requestDelay=\"0\" />"); buf.putLine2("</a4j:jsFunction>"); return buf.get(); }
protected String getProcessSelectFromElementTree(Element element) { String elementClassName = ModelLayerHelper.getElementClassName(element); String elementNameUncapped = ModelLayerHelper.getElementNameUncapped(element); Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<!--"); buf.putLine2(" ** processSelectFrom" + elementClassName + "Tree()"); buf.putLine2(" ** Selects " + elementClassName + " node from " + elementClassName + " Tree."); buf.putLine2(" -->"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2("<a4j:jsFunction "); buf.putLine2(" name=\"processSelectFrom" + elementClassName + "Tree\""); buf.putLine2(" execute=\"@this\" "); buf.putLine2(" immediate=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" bypassUpdates=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" limitRender=\"true\""); buf.putLine2(" render=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeActions\">"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- these values are passed-in -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"selectedRowKey\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedRowKey}\" /> "); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:param name=\"selectedNodeId\" assignTo=\"#{" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeManager.selectedNodeId}\" />"); buf.putLine2(" "); buf.putLine2(" <!-- provide queue settings -->"); buf.putLine2( " <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId=\"" + elementNameUncapped + "TreeEvents\" requestDelay=\"400\" />"); buf.putLine2("</a4j:jsFunction>"); return buf.get(); }
public String generateSource_RemoveElements(ModelField modelField) { String fieldNameCapped = NameUtil.capName(modelField.getName()); String fieldNameUncapped = NameUtil.uncapName(modelField.getName()); String fieldClassName = TypeUtil.getClassName(modelField.getType()); String fieldTypeLocalPart = TypeUtil.getLocalPart(modelField.getType()); String parameterName = fieldTypeLocalPart; String structure = modelField.getStructure(); if (structure.equals("list")) { parameterName = fieldTypeLocalPart + "List"; } else if (structure.equals("set")) { parameterName = fieldTypeLocalPart + "Set"; } else if (structure.equals("map")) { parameterName = fieldTypeLocalPart + "Map"; } Buf buf = new Buf(); buf.putLine2("synchronized (" + fieldNameUncapped + ") {"); buf.putLine2(" " + fieldNameUncapped + ".removeAll(" + parameterName + ");"); buf.putLine2("}"); return buf.get(); }