private boolean analizeBlockMediaType( OutputStream clientOs, Browser b, OperatingSystem os, InetAddress ip) throws IOException { if (decoder.getHeader("Content-Type") != null && !configurator.isAccepted( MediaType.valueOf(decoder.getHeader("Content-Type").replace(" ", "")), b, os, ip)) {"Block analyzer blocked request with code 456. Returning"); decoder.generateProxyResponse(clientOs, "456"); return true; } return false; }
private boolean analizeBlockIP( OutputStream clientOs, Browser b, OperatingSystem os, InetAddress ip) throws IOException { try { if (decoder.getHeader("Host") == null) return false; URL url = new URL("http://" + decoder.getHeader("Host").replace(" ", "")); if (!configurator.isAccepted(InetAddress.getByName(url.getHost()), b, os, ip)) {"Block analyzer blocked request with code 453. Returning"); decoder.generateProxyResponse(clientOs, "453"); return true; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.out.println("UNKNOWN HOST: " + e.getMessage()); } return false; }
private boolean analizeBlockAll( OutputStream clientOs, Browser b, OperatingSystem os, InetAddress ip) throws IOException { if (configurator.blockAll(b, os, ip)) {"Block analyzer blocked request with code 452. Returning"); decoder.generateProxyResponse(clientOs, "452"); return true; } return false; }
private boolean analizeBlockSize( OutputStream clientOs, Browser b, OperatingSystem os, InetAddress ip) throws IOException { if (decoder.getHeader("Content-Length") == null) { return false; } Integer length = -1; try { length = Integer.parseInt(decoder.getHeader("Content-Length").replace(" ", "")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Content-Length inv‡lido"); return true; } if (configurator.getMaxSize(b, os, ip) != -1 && length > configurator.getMaxSize(b, os, ip)) {"Block analyzer blocked request with code 451. Returning"); decoder.generateProxyResponse(clientOs, "451"); return true; } return false; }
public boolean analyzeChunkedSize( Decoder decoder, OutputStream clientOs, int totalSize, Browser b, OperatingSystem os, InetAddress ip) throws IOException { if (decoder.getHeader("Transfer-Encoding") == null) { return false; } int max = configurator.getMaxSize(b, os, ip); if (max == -1) return false; if (totalSize > max) {"Block analyzer blocked request with code 451. Returning"); decoder.generateProxyResponse(clientOs, "451"); return true; } return false; }