public static void testBumpIncludeFile() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("bump-included"); project.setTrace(true); Version old = new Version(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); assertEquals(new Version(1, 0, 0), old); project.bump("=+0"); Processor processor = new Processor(); processor.setProperties(project.getFile("include.txt")); Version newv = new Version(processor.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); System.err.println("New version " + newv); assertEquals(1, newv.getMajor()); assertEquals(1, newv.getMinor()); assertEquals(0, newv.getMicro()); } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }
public static void testBumpSubBuilders() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("bump-sub"); project.setTrace(true); assertNull(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); project.bump("=+0"); assertNull(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); for (Builder b : project.getSubBuilders()) { assertEquals(new Version(1, 1, 0), new Version(b.getVersion())); } } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }
public static void testBump() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("p1"); int size = project.getProperties().size(); Version old = new Version(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); System.err.println("Old version " + old); project.bump("=+0"); Version newv = new Version(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); System.err.println("New version " + newv); assertEquals(old.getMajor(), newv.getMajor()); assertEquals(old.getMinor() + 1, newv.getMinor()); assertEquals(0, newv.getMicro()); assertEquals(size, project.getProperties().size()); assertEquals("sometime", newv.getQualifier()); } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }
public void _workspace(WorkspaceOptions opts) throws Exception { File base = bnd.getBase(); String name = opts._arguments().get(0); File workspaceDir = Processor.getFile(base, name); name = workspaceDir.getName(); base = workspaceDir.getParentFile(); if (base == null) { bnd.error( "You cannot create a workspace in the root (%s). The parent of a workspace %n" + "must be a valid directory. Recommended is to dedicate a directory to %n" + "all (or related) workspaces.", workspaceDir); return; } if (!opts.anyname() && !Verifier.isBsn(name)) { bnd.error( "You specified a workspace name that does not follow the recommended pattern " + "(it should be like a Bundle Symbolic name). It is a bit pedantic but it " + "really helps hwne you get many workspaces. If you insist on this name, use the -a/--anyname option."); return; } Workspace ws = bnd.getWorkspace((File) null); if (ws != null && ws.isValid()) { bnd.error( "You are currently in a workspace already (%s) in %s. You can only create a new workspace outside an existing workspace", ws, base); return; } File eclipseDir = workspaceDir; workspaceDir.mkdirs(); if (!opts.single()) workspaceDir = new File(workspaceDir, "scm"); workspaceDir.mkdirs(); if (!base.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create directory for the bnd workspace %s", base); } else if (!eclipseDir.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create directory for the Eclipse workspace %s", eclipseDir); } if (!workspaceDir.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create the workspace directory %s", workspaceDir); return; } if (!opts.update() && !opts.force() && workspaceDir.list().length > 0) { bnd.error( "The workspace directory %s is not empty, specify -u/--update to update or -f/--force to replace", workspaceDir); } InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/templates/"); if (in == null) { bnd.error("Cannot find template in this jar %s", "/templates/"); return; } Pattern glob = Pattern.compile("[^/]+|cnf/.*|\\...+/.*"); copy(workspaceDir, in, glob, opts.force()); File readme = new File(workspaceDir, ""); if (readme.isFile()) IO.copy(readme, bnd.out); bnd.out.printf( "%nWorkspace %s created.%n%n" // + " Start Eclipse:%n" // + " 1) Select the Eclipse workspace %s%n" // + " 2) Package Explorer context menu: Import/General/Existing Projects from %s%n" + "%n" + "", // workspaceDir.getName(), eclipseDir, workspaceDir); }
public static void testSetPackageVersion() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("p5"); project.setTrace(true); Version newVersion = new Version(2, 0, 0); // Package with no package info project.setPackageInfo("pkg1", newVersion); Version version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg1"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg1", true, false); // Package with containing @Version("1.0.0") project.setPackageInfo("pkg2", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg2"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg2", false, true); // Package with containing @aQute.bnd.annotations.Version("1.0.0") project.setPackageInfo("pkg3", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg3"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg3", false, true); // Package with containing @aQute.bnd.annotations.Version(value="1.0.0") project.setPackageInfo("pkg4", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg4"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg4", false, true); // Package with containing version + packageinfo project.setPackageInfo("pkg5", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg5"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg5", true, true); // Package with NOT containing version + packageinfo project.setPackageInfo("pkg6", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg6"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg6", true, true); // Package with NOT containing version project.setPackageInfo("pkg7", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg7"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg7", true, true); newVersion = new Version(2, 2, 0); // Update packageinfo file project.setPackageInfo("pkg1", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg1"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg1", true, false); } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }