/** * Start button listener. Checks if all inputs are valid, if yes creates a new simulator view with * the inputs. */ public void startButton() { if (mapFile != null && redBrain != null && blackBrain != null) { if ((MapInterpreter.mapchecker(mapFile.getAbsolutePath())) && AntBrainInterpreterCoryn.antBrainChecker(blackBrain.getAbsolutePath()) && AntBrainInterpreterCoryn.antBrainChecker(redBrain.getAbsolutePath())) { try { new DisplayFrame( new World( mapFile.getAbsolutePath(), redBrain.getAbsolutePath(), blackBrain.getAbsolutePath())); } catch (Exception e) { selectMap.getCaptionLabel().set(e.getMessage()); } } } else if (mapMap != null && redBrain != null && blackBrain != null) { if (AntBrainInterpreterCoryn.antBrainChecker(blackBrain.getAbsolutePath()) && AntBrainInterpreterCoryn.antBrainChecker(redBrain.getAbsolutePath())) { try { new DisplayFrame( new World( mapMap, new AntBrain(redBrain.getAbsolutePath(), AntColour.RED), new AntBrain(blackBrain.getAbsolutePath(), AntColour.BLACK))); } catch (Exception e) { } } } }
/** * Select map button listener. Activates a file picker on click, and checks if the map is valid. * If not makes the button red, else green. */ public void selectMap() { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(null); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); boolean mapTest = false; try { mapTest = MapInterpreter.mapchecker(file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { } if (mapTest) { selectMap.getCaptionLabel().set(shortText(file.getName(), 30)); selectMap.getCaptionLabel().getStyle().setMarginLeft(10); setButtonGreen(selectMap); mapFile = file; mapMap = null; createMap.unlock(); setButtonGrey(createMap); createMap.getCaptionLabel().setText("Random Map").getStyle().setMarginLeft(22); } else { selectMap.getCaptionLabel().set("Wrong Map"); setButtonRed(selectMap); } checkStart(); } }
/** Checks if all inputs are valid, if yes sets the start button green else red. */ public void checkStart() { if (mapFile != null && redBrain != null && blackBrain != null) { if ((MapInterpreter.mapchecker(mapFile.getAbsolutePath())) && AntBrainInterpreterCoryn.antBrainChecker(blackBrain.getAbsolutePath()) && AntBrainInterpreterCoryn.antBrainChecker(redBrain.getAbsolutePath())) { startButton.unlock(); setButtonGreen(startButton); } else { setButtonRed(startButton); startButton.lock(); } } else if (mapMap != null && redBrain != null && blackBrain != null) { if (AntBrainInterpreterCoryn.antBrainChecker(blackBrain.getAbsolutePath()) && AntBrainInterpreterCoryn.antBrainChecker(redBrain.getAbsolutePath())) { startButton.unlock(); setButtonGreen(startButton); } else { setButtonRed(startButton); startButton.lock(); } } }