private void stopScramblerThread() { if (mScramblerThread != null) { mScramblerThread.quit(); mScramblerThread = null; mScramblerThreadHandler = null; } }
public void dispose() { CatLog.d(this, "Disposing CatService object for slot: " + mSlotId); // Clean up stk icon if dispose is called broadcastCardStateAndIccRefreshResp(CardState.CARDSTATE_ABSENT, null); mCmdIf.unSetOnCatSessionEnd(this); mCmdIf.unSetOnCatProactiveCmd(this); mCmdIf.unSetOnCatEvent(this); mCmdIf.unSetOnCatCallSetUp(this); mCmdIf.unSetOnCatCcAlphaNotify(this); mCmdIf.unSetOnCatSendSmsResult(this); mCmdIf.unregisterForIccRefresh(this); if (mUiccController != null) { mUiccController.unregisterForIccChanged(this); mUiccController = null; } if (mMsgDecoder != null) { mMsgDecoder.dispose(mSlotId); mMsgDecoder = null; } mHandlerThread.quit(); mHandlerThread = null; removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); }
@Override protected void onPause() { System.out.println("onPause..........................."); super.onPause(); sm.unregisterListener(this); mHanderThread.quit(); }
protected Looper getLooper(int type) { if (mHandlerThread != null) { mHandlerThread.quit(); mHandlerThread = null; } int priority; switch (type) { case THREAD_TYPE_MAIN_THREAD: return Looper.getMainLooper(); case THREAD_TYPE_HIGH_PRIORITY: priority = android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY; break; case THREAD_TYPE_LOW_PRIORITY: priority = android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST; break; case THREAD_TYPE_NORMAL_PRIORITY: default: priority = android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT; break; } String threadName = "DFM Handler Thread #" + priority; mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread(threadName, priority); mHandlerThread.start(); return mHandlerThread.getLooper(); }
@Override public void onDestroy() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onDestroy(); thread.quit(); Log.i("info", "Service销毁"); }
@Override public void run() { cameraManager.close(); // cancel background thread cameraHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); cameraThread.quit(); }
@Override protected void onDisabled() { subtitle = null; parserThread.quit(); parserThread = null; parserHelper = null; clearTextRenderer(); source.disable(trackIndex); }
@Override public void onDestroy() { getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(mObserver); mScanner.shutdown(); mUpdateThread.quit(); if (Constants.LOGVV) { Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Service onDestroy"); } super.onDestroy(); }
private void exitThread() { synchronized (threadSync) { if (handlerThread != null) { if (enable_Statistics_LOG) Log.v("UICenter - StatisticsNew", LOG_TAG + "\n=exitThread"); handlerThread.quit(); handlerThread = null; mHandler = null; } } }
@Override protected void onDestroy() { if (mWorkerHandler != null) { mWorkerHandler.removeMessages(MSG_CHECK_RESULT); } if (mWorkerThread != null) { mWorkerThread.quit(); } super.onDestroy(); };
public void waitForNotificationOrFail() { // Note: The PollingCheck class is taken from the Android CTS (Compatibility Test Suite). // It's useful to look at the Android CTS source for ideas on how to test your Android // applications. The reason that PollingCheck works is that, by default, the JUnit // testing framework is not running on the main Android application thread. new PollingCheck(5000) { @Override protected boolean check() { return mContentChanged; } }.run(); mHT.quit(); }
@Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); Log.i(TAG, "RadioService onDestroy()"); thread.quit(); stopMediaPlayer(); locationManager.removeUpdates(locationListener); unregisterReceiver(batteryListener); unregisterReceiver(descentListener); nManager.cancel(1); RadioStatus.setRunning(false); }
@Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mTelephonyManager.listen(mPhoneStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE); Xlog.d(TAG, "onDestroy set PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE!"); if (mRestoreDefaultApnThread != null) { mRestoreDefaultApnThread.quit(); } if (mRcseExt != null) { mRcseExt.removeRcseOnlyApnStateChanged(mListener); } }
@Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); sensorHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); mSensorManager.unregisterListener(this, mAccelerometer); sensorThread.quit(); wakeLock.release(); unregisterReceiver(dataLabeler); if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Accelerometer service terminated..."); }
@Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (threadhandler != null) { threadhandler.removeCallbacks(load_item); threadhandler.removeCallbacks(update_value); } if (mthread != null) mthread.quit(); if (location_status == true) { locationManager.removeUpdates(this); location_status = false; } }
private void stopDraw() { if (handler != null) { handler.quit(); handler = null; } if (mDrawThread != null) { try { mDrawThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mDrawThread.quit(); mDrawThread = null; } }
public void end() { mEndFlag = true; synchronized (mDrawingNotify) { mDrawingNotify.notifyAll(); } if (mHandler != null) { mHandler.pause(); mHandler = null; } if (mThread != null) { try { mThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mThread.quit(); mThread = null; } }
@Override public void onDestroy() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy()"); mNetworkLocation = null; mLocation = null; mReportCounts = 0; mTrack = 0; mPrecise = 0; synchronized (mLock) { if (mReceiver != null) unregisterReceiver(mReceiver); mReceiver = null; mHandler = null; if (mThread != null) mThread.quit(); mThread = null; if (Utility.hasPermission(Utility.PERMISSION_WAKE_LOCK)) { if (mWakelock != null) mWakelock.release(); mWakelock = null; } } }
@Override public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Message what: " + msg.what); int what = msg.what; LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); switch (what) { case MSG_REPORT_COARSE_LOCATION: if (mNetworkLocation != null) doReportLocation(mNetworkLocation); return true; case MSG_REPORT_LOCATION: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Track left " + mTrack); if (mLocation != null) doReportLocation(mLocation); if (--mTrack <= 0) { locationManager.removeUpdates(this); // Let AsyncTask finish mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_STOP_SELF); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_STOP_SELF, 5000); } return true; case MSG_GET_LOCATION: if (Utility.hasPermission(Utility.PERMISSION_FINE_LOCATION)) locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 1, 4, this); if (Utility.hasPermission(Utility.PERMISSION_COARSE_LOCATION)) locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 1, 4, this); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_STOP_SELF, STOP_SELF_DELAY); return true; case MSG_STOP_SELF: locationManager.removeUpdates(this); synchronized (mLock) { mHandler = null; if (mThread != null) mThread.quit(); mThread = null; } doReportFinish(); return true; } return false; }
// Called by native code to quit the camera thread. This needs to be done manually, otherwise the // thread and handler will not be garbage collected. private void release() { Logging.d(TAG, "release"); if (isReleased()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already released"); } ThreadUtils.invokeUninterruptibly( cameraThreadHandler, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (camera != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Release called while camera is running"); } if (cameraStatistics.pendingFramesCount() != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Release called with pending frames left"); } } }); surfaceHelper.disconnect(); cameraThread.quit(); ThreadUtils.joinUninterruptibly(cameraThread); cameraThread = null; }
public void clear() { if (handlerThread != null) { handlerThread.quit(); } if (imageCache != null) { Iterator<Entry<String, SoftReference<Bitmap>>> iterator = imageCache.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, SoftReference<Bitmap>> entry =; SoftReference<Bitmap> bitmapcache_ = entry.getValue(); if (bitmapcache_ != null) { Bitmap bitmap_ = bitmapcache_.get(); if (bitmap_ != null) { bitmap_.recycle(); } } } imageCache.clear(); } FileUtil.deleteDirectiory(getFolderNmae()); mGPUImageCache = null; }
protected Looper getLooper(int type) { if (mDrawThread != null) { mDrawThread.quit(); mDrawThread = null; } int priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; String threadName = "DFM Drawing thread"; switch (type) { case THREAD_TYPE_MAIN_THREAD: { return Looper.getMainLooper(); } case THREAD_TYPE_HIGH_PRIORITY: { priority = Thread.MAX_PRIORITY; threadName += Thread.MAX_PRIORITY; } break; case THREAD_TYPE_NORMAL_PRIORITY: { priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; threadName += Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; } break; case THREAD_TYPE_LOW_PRIORITY: { priority = Thread.MIN_PRIORITY; threadName += Thread.MIN_PRIORITY; } break; } mDrawThread = new HandlerThread(threadName, priority); mDrawThread.start(); return mDrawThread.getLooper(); }
@Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); tabQueueHandler = null; handlerThread.quit(); }
void shutdown() { statsThread.quit(); }
@Override public void run() { mHandlerThread.quit(); }
public void recycleWorkerHandler() { if (null != mHandlerThread && null != mWorkerHandler) { mHandlerThread.quit(); mWorkerHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } }
@Override public void onDestroy() { mHandlerThread.quit(); super.onDestroy(); }
@Override public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) { Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); final int startId = msg.arg1; if (DEBUG_LIFECYCLE) Log.v(TAG, "Updating for startId " + startId); // Since database is current source of truth, our "active" status // depends on database state. We always get one final update pass // once the real actions have finished and persisted their state. // TODO: switch to asking real tasks to derive active state // TODO: handle media scanner timeouts final boolean isActive; synchronized (mDownloads) { isActive = updateLocked(); } if (msg.what == MSG_FINAL_UPDATE) { // Dump thread stacks belonging to pool for (Map.Entry<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> entry : Thread.getAllStackTraces().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().getName().startsWith("pool")) { Log.d(TAG, entry.getKey() + ": " + Arrays.toString(entry.getValue())); } } // Dump speed and update details mNotifier.dumpSpeeds(); TAG, "Final update pass triggered, isActive=" + isActive + "; someone didn't update correctly."); } if (isActive) { // Still doing useful work, keep service alive. These active // tasks will trigger another update pass when they're finished. // Enqueue delayed update pass to catch finished operations that // didn't trigger an update pass; these are bugs. enqueueFinalUpdate(); } else { // No active tasks, and any pending update messages can be // ignored, since any updates important enough to initiate tasks // will always be delivered with a new startId. if (stopSelfResult(startId)) { if (DEBUG_LIFECYCLE) Log.v(TAG, "Nothing left; stopped"); getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(mObserver); mScanner.shutdown(); mUpdateThread.quit(); } } return true; }
@TargetApi(5) public void stop() { router.unregisterConnHandler(sessionId); myThread.quit(); }