/** * Populate an intent object with the results gathered from remote input. This method should only * be called by remote input collection services when sending results to a pending intent. * * @param remoteInputs The remote inputs for which results are being provided * @param intent The intent to add remote inputs to. The {@link ClipData} field of the intent will * be modified to contain the results. * @param results A bundle holding the remote input results. This bundle should be populated with * keys matching the result keys specified in {@code remoteInputs} with values being the * result per key. */ public static void addResultsToIntent(RemoteInput[] remoteInputs, Intent intent, Bundle results) { Bundle resultsBundle = new Bundle(); for (RemoteInput remoteInput : remoteInputs) { Object result = results.get(remoteInput.getResultKey()); if (result instanceof CharSequence) { resultsBundle.putCharSequence(remoteInput.getResultKey(), (CharSequence) result); } } Intent clipIntent = new Intent(); clipIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_RESULTS_DATA, resultsBundle); intent.setClipData(ClipData.newIntent(RESULTS_CLIP_LABEL, clipIntent)); }
private static ca a(RemoteInput remoteInput, cb cbVar) { return cbVar.b( remoteInput.getResultKey(), remoteInput.getLabel(), remoteInput.getChoices(), remoteInput.getAllowFreeFormInput(), remoteInput.getExtras()); }
private static NotificationCompatBase.Action getActionCompatFromAction( Notification.Action paramAction, NotificationCompatBase.Action.Factory paramFactory, RemoteInputCompatBase.RemoteInput.Factory paramFactory1) { RemoteInput[] arrayOfRemoteInput1 = paramAction.getRemoteInputs(); if (arrayOfRemoteInput1 == null) {} RemoteInputCompatBase.RemoteInput[] arrayOfRemoteInput; for (paramFactory1 = null; ; paramFactory1 = arrayOfRemoteInput) { return paramFactory.build(icon, title, actionIntent, paramAction.getExtras(), paramFactory1); arrayOfRemoteInput = paramFactory1.newArray(arrayOfRemoteInput1.length); int i = 0; while (i < arrayOfRemoteInput1.length) { RemoteInput localRemoteInput = arrayOfRemoteInput1[i]; arrayOfRemoteInput[i] = paramFactory1.build( localRemoteInput.getResultKey(), localRemoteInput.getLabel(), localRemoteInput.getChoices(), localRemoteInput.getAllowFreeFormInput(), localRemoteInput.getExtras()); i += 1; } } }