@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") abstract class MyActor { // #subscribe final ActorRef replicator = DistributedData.get(system).replicator(); final Key<PNCounter> counter1Key = PNCounterKey.create("counter1"); BigInteger currentValue = BigInteger.valueOf(0); public MyActor() { receive( ReceiveBuilder.match( Changed.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { Changed<PNCounter> g = a; currentValue = g.dataValue().getValue(); }) .match( String.class, a -> a.equals("get-count"), a -> { // incoming request to retrieve current value of the counter sender().tell(currentValue, sender()); }) .build()); } public void preStart() { // subscribe to changes of the Counter1Key value replicator.tell(new Subscribe<PNCounter>(counter1Key, self()), ActorRef.noSender()); } // #subscribe }
@Test public void demonstrateDelete() { probe = new JavaTestKit(system); // #delete final ActorRef replicator = DistributedData.get(system).replicator(); final Key<PNCounter> counter1Key = PNCounterKey.create("counter1"); final Key<ORSet<String>> set2Key = ORSetKey.create("set2"); replicator.tell(new Delete<PNCounter>(counter1Key, Replicator.writeLocal()), self()); final WriteConsistency writeMajority = new WriteMajority(Duration.create(5, SECONDS)); replicator.tell(new Delete<PNCounter>(counter1Key, writeMajority), self()); // #delete }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void demonstrateGetWithRequestContext() { probe = new JavaTestKit(system); // #get-request-context final ActorRef replicator = DistributedData.get(system).replicator(); final ReadConsistency readTwo = new ReadFrom(2, Duration.create(3, SECONDS)); final Key<PNCounter> counter1Key = PNCounterKey.create("counter1"); receive( ReceiveBuilder.match( String.class, a -> a.equals("get-count"), a -> { // incoming request to retrieve current value of the counter Optional<Object> reqContext = Optional.of(sender()); replicator.tell(new Replicator.Get<PNCounter>(counter1Key, readTwo), self()); }) .match( GetSuccess.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { ActorRef replyTo = (ActorRef) a.getRequest().get(); GetSuccess<PNCounter> g = a; long value = g.dataValue().getValue().longValue(); replyTo.tell(value, self()); }) .match( GetFailure.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { ActorRef replyTo = (ActorRef) a.getRequest().get(); replyTo.tell(-1L, self()); }) .match( NotFound.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { ActorRef replyTo = (ActorRef) a.getRequest().get(); replyTo.tell(0L, self()); }) .build()); // #get-request-context }
@Test public void demonstrateUpdateWithRequestContext() { probe = new JavaTestKit(system); // #update-request-context final Cluster node = Cluster.get(system); final ActorRef replicator = DistributedData.get(system).replicator(); final WriteConsistency writeTwo = new WriteTo(2, Duration.create(3, SECONDS)); final Key<PNCounter> counter1Key = PNCounterKey.create("counter1"); receive( ReceiveBuilder.match( String.class, a -> a.equals("increment"), a -> { // incoming command to increase the counter Optional<Object> reqContext = Optional.of(sender()); Replicator.Update<PNCounter> upd = new Replicator.Update<PNCounter>( counter1Key, PNCounter.create(), writeTwo, reqContext, curr -> curr.increment(node, 1)); replicator.tell(upd, self()); }) .match( UpdateSuccess.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { ActorRef replyTo = (ActorRef) a.getRequest().get(); replyTo.tell("ack", self()); }) .match( UpdateTimeout.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { ActorRef replyTo = (ActorRef) a.getRequest().get(); replyTo.tell("nack", self()); }) .build()); // #update-request-context }
@Test public void demonstrateUpdate() { probe = new JavaTestKit(system); // #update final Cluster node = Cluster.get(system); final ActorRef replicator = DistributedData.get(system).replicator(); final Key<PNCounter> counter1Key = PNCounterKey.create("counter1"); final Key<GSet<String>> set1Key = GSetKey.create("set1"); final Key<ORSet<String>> set2Key = ORSetKey.create("set2"); final Key<Flag> activeFlagKey = FlagKey.create("active"); replicator.tell( new Replicator.Update<PNCounter>( counter1Key, PNCounter.create(), Replicator.writeLocal(), curr -> curr.increment(node, 1)), self()); final WriteConsistency writeTo3 = new WriteTo(3, Duration.create(1, SECONDS)); replicator.tell( new Replicator.Update<GSet<String>>( set1Key, GSet.create(), writeTo3, curr -> curr.add("hello")), self()); final WriteConsistency writeMajority = new WriteMajority(Duration.create(5, SECONDS)); replicator.tell( new Replicator.Update<ORSet<String>>( set2Key, ORSet.create(), writeMajority, curr -> curr.add(node, "hello")), self()); final WriteConsistency writeAll = new WriteAll(Duration.create(5, SECONDS)); replicator.tell( new Replicator.Update<Flag>( activeFlagKey, Flag.create(), writeAll, curr -> curr.switchOn()), self()); // #update probe.expectMsgClass(UpdateSuccess.class); // #update-response1 receive( ReceiveBuilder.match( UpdateSuccess.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { // ok }) .build()); // #update-response1 // #update-response2 receive( ReceiveBuilder.match( UpdateSuccess.class, a -> a.key().equals(set1Key), a -> { // ok }) .match( UpdateTimeout.class, a -> a.key().equals(set1Key), a -> { // write to 3 nodes failed within 1.second }) .build()); // #update-response2 }
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"}) @Test public void demonstrateGet() { probe = new JavaTestKit(system); // #get final ActorRef replicator = DistributedData.get(system).replicator(); final Key<PNCounter> counter1Key = PNCounterKey.create("counter1"); final Key<GSet<String>> set1Key = GSetKey.create("set1"); final Key<ORSet<String>> set2Key = ORSetKey.create("set2"); final Key<Flag> activeFlagKey = FlagKey.create("active"); replicator.tell(new Replicator.Get<PNCounter>(counter1Key, Replicator.readLocal()), self()); final ReadConsistency readFrom3 = new ReadFrom(3, Duration.create(1, SECONDS)); replicator.tell(new Replicator.Get<GSet<String>>(set1Key, readFrom3), self()); final ReadConsistency readMajority = new ReadMajority(Duration.create(5, SECONDS)); replicator.tell(new Replicator.Get<ORSet<String>>(set2Key, readMajority), self()); final ReadConsistency readAll = new ReadAll(Duration.create(5, SECONDS)); replicator.tell(new Replicator.Get<Flag>(activeFlagKey, readAll), self()); // #get // #get-response1 receive( ReceiveBuilder.match( GetSuccess.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { GetSuccess<PNCounter> g = a; BigInteger value = g.dataValue().getValue(); }) .match( NotFound.class, a -> a.key().equals(counter1Key), a -> { // key counter1 does not exist }) .build()); // #get-response1 // #get-response2 receive( ReceiveBuilder.match( GetSuccess.class, a -> a.key().equals(set1Key), a -> { GetSuccess<GSet<String>> g = a; Set<String> value = g.dataValue().getElements(); }) .match( GetFailure.class, a -> a.key().equals(set1Key), a -> { // read from 3 nodes failed within 1.second }) .match( NotFound.class, a -> a.key().equals(set1Key), a -> { // key set1 does not exist }) .build()); // #get-response2 }