public boolean processGestureEvent(MTGestureEvent ge) { DragEvent de = (DragEvent) ge; try { Body body = (Body) comp.getUserData("box2d"); MouseJoint mouseJoint; Vector3D to = new Vector3D(de.getTo()); // Un-scale position from mt4j to box2d PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(to, scale); switch (de.getId()) { case DragEvent.GESTURE_STARTED: comp.sendToFront(); body.wakeUp(); body.setXForm(new Vec2(to.x, to.y), body.getAngle()); mouseJoint = PhysicsHelper.createDragJoint(world, body, to.x, to.y); comp.setUserData(comp.getID(), mouseJoint); break; case DragEvent.GESTURE_UPDATED: mouseJoint = (MouseJoint) comp.getUserData(comp.getID()); if (mouseJoint != null) { boolean onCorrectGameSide = ((MTComponent) de.getTarget()).containsPointGlobal(de.getTo()); // System.out.println(((MTComponent)de.getTargetComponent()).getName() + " Contains // " + to + " -> " + contains); if (onCorrectGameSide) { mouseJoint.setTarget(new Vec2(to.x, to.y)); } } break; case DragEvent.GESTURE_ENDED: mouseJoint = (MouseJoint) comp.getUserData(comp.getID()); if (mouseJoint != null) { comp.setUserData(comp.getID(), null); // Only destroy the joint if it isnt already (go through joint list and check) for (Joint joint = world.getJointList(); joint != null; joint = joint.getNext()) { JointType type = joint.getType(); switch (type) { case MOUSE_JOINT: MouseJoint mj = (MouseJoint) joint; if (body.equals(mj.getBody1()) || body.equals(mj.getBody2())) { if (mj.equals(mouseJoint)) { world.destroyJoint(mj); } } break; default: break; } } } mouseJoint = null; break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } return false; }
public AirHockeyScene(AbstractMTApplication mtApplication, String name) { super(mtApplication, name); = mtApplication; // this.setClearColor(new MTColor(120,150,150)); // this.setClearColor(new MTColor(190, 190, 170, 255)); this.setClearColor(new MTColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); // this.setClearColor(new MTColor(40, 40, 40, 255)); this.registerGlobalInputProcessor(new CursorTracer(app, this)); this.scorePlayer1 = 0; this.scorePlayer2 = 0; float worldOffset = 10; // Make Physics world slightly bigger than screen borders // Physics world dimensions AABB worldAABB = new AABB( new Vec2(-worldOffset, -worldOffset), new Vec2((app.width) / scale + worldOffset, (app.height) / scale + worldOffset)); Vec2 gravity = new Vec2(0, 0); boolean sleep = true; // Create the pyhsics world = new World(worldAABB, gravity, sleep); // Update the positions of the components according the the physics simulation each frame this.registerPreDrawAction( new UpdatePhysicsAction(world, timeStep, constraintIterations, scale)); physicsContainer = new MTComponent(app); // Scale the physics container. Physics calculations work best when the dimensions are small // (about 0.1 - 10 units) // So we make the display of the container bigger and add in turn make our physics object // smaller physicsContainer.scale(scale, scale, 1, Vector3D.ZERO_VECTOR); this.getCanvas().addChild(physicsContainer); // Create borders around the screen this.createScreenBorders(physicsContainer); // Create gamefield marks MTLine line = new MTLine( mtApplication, mtApplication.width / 2f / scale, 0, mtApplication.width / 2f / scale, mtApplication.height / scale); line.setPickable(false); // line.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(0,0,0)); line.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(150, 150, 150)); line.setStrokeWeight(0.5f); physicsContainer.addChild(line); MTEllipse centerCircle = new MTEllipse( mtApplication, new Vector3D(mtApplication.width / 2f / scale, mtApplication.height / 2f / scale), 80 / scale, 80 / scale); centerCircle.setPickable(false); centerCircle.setNoFill(true); // centerCircle.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(0,0,0)); centerCircle.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(150, 150, 150)); centerCircle.setStrokeWeight(0.5f); physicsContainer.addChild(centerCircle); MTEllipse centerCircleInner = new MTEllipse( mtApplication, new Vector3D(mtApplication.width / 2f / scale, mtApplication.height / 2f / scale), 10 / scale, 10 / scale); centerCircleInner.setPickable(false); centerCircleInner.setFillColor(new MTColor(160, 160, 160)); // centerCircleInner.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(150,150,150)); // centerCircleInner.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(0,0,0)); centerCircleInner.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(150, 150, 150)); centerCircleInner.setStrokeWeight(0.5f); physicsContainer.addChild(centerCircleInner); // Create the paddles PImage paddleTex = mtApplication.loadImage(imagesPath + "paddle.png"); redCircle = new Paddle( app, new Vector3D(mtApplication.width - 60, mtApplication.height / 2f), 50, world, 1.0f, 0.3f, 0.4f, scale); redCircle.setTexture(paddleTex); redCircle.setFillColor(new MTColor(255, 50, 50)); redCircle.setNoStroke(true); redCircle.setName("red"); redCircle.setPickable(false); physicsContainer.addChild(redCircle); blueCircle = new Paddle( app, new Vector3D(80, mtApplication.height / 2f), 50, world, 1.0f, 0.3f, 0.4f, scale); blueCircle.setTexture(paddleTex); blueCircle.setFillColor(new MTColor(50, 50, 255)); blueCircle.setNoStroke(true); blueCircle.setName("blue"); blueCircle.setPickable(false); physicsContainer.addChild(blueCircle); // Create the ball ball = new HockeyBall( app, new Vector3D(mtApplication.width / 2f, mtApplication.height / 2f), 38, world, 0.5f, 0.005f, 0.70f, scale); // MTColor ballCol = new MTColor(0,255,0); // ball.setFillColor(ballCol); PImage ballTex = mtApplication.loadImage(imagesPath + "puk.png"); ball.setTexture(ballTex); // ball.setFillColor(new MTColor(160,160,160,255)); ball.setFillColor(new MTColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); ball.setNoStroke(true); ball.setName("ball"); physicsContainer.addChild(ball); ball.getBody() .applyImpulse( new Vec2(ToolsMath.getRandom(-8f, 8), ToolsMath.getRandom(-8, 8)), ball.getBody().getWorldCenter()); // Create the GOALS HockeyGoal goal1 = new HockeyGoal( new Vector3D(0, mtApplication.height / 2f), 50, mtApplication.height / 4f, mtApplication, world, 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f, scale); goal1.setName("goal1"); goal1.setFillColor(new MTColor(0, 0, 255)); goal1.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(0, 0, 255)); physicsContainer.addChild(goal1); HockeyGoal goal2 = new HockeyGoal( new Vector3D(mtApplication.width, mtApplication.height / 2f), 50, mtApplication.height / 4f, mtApplication, world, 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f, scale); goal2.setName("goal2"); goal2.setFillColor(new MTColor(255, 0, 0)); goal2.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(255, 0, 0)); physicsContainer.addChild(goal2); // Make two components for both game field sides to drag the puks upon MTRectangle leftSide = new MTRectangle( app, PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(0, scale), PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(0, scale), PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(app.width / 2f, scale), PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(app.height, scale)); leftSide.setName("left side"); leftSide.setNoFill(true); // Make it invisible -> only used for dragging leftSide.setNoStroke(true); leftSide.unregisterAllInputProcessors(); leftSide.removeAllGestureEventListeners(DragProcessor.class); leftSide.registerInputProcessor(new DragProcessor(app)); leftSide.addGestureListener(DragProcessor.class, new GameFieldHalfDragListener(blueCircle)); physicsContainer.addChild(0, leftSide); MTRectangle rightSide = new MTRectangle( app, PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(app.width / 2f, scale), PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(0, scale), PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(app.width, scale), PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(app.height, scale)); rightSide.setName("right Side"); rightSide.setNoFill(true); // Make it invisible -> only used for dragging rightSide.setNoStroke(true); rightSide.unregisterAllInputProcessors(); rightSide.removeAllGestureEventListeners(DragProcessor.class); rightSide.registerInputProcessor(new DragProcessor(app)); rightSide.addGestureListener(DragProcessor.class, new GameFieldHalfDragListener(redCircle)); physicsContainer.addChild(0, rightSide); // Display Score UI MTComponent uiLayer = new MTComponent(mtApplication, new MTCamera(mtApplication)); uiLayer.setDepthBufferDisabled(true); getCanvas().addChild(uiLayer); IFont font = FontManager.getInstance().createFont(mtApplication, "arial", 50, MTColor.WHITE); t1 = new MTTextArea(mtApplication, font); t1.setPickable(false); t1.setNoFill(true); t1.setNoStroke(true); t1.setPositionGlobal(new Vector3D(5, 30, 0)); uiLayer.addChild(t1); t2 = new MTTextArea(mtApplication, font); t2.setPickable(false); t2.setNoFill(true); t2.setNoStroke(true); t2.setPositionGlobal(new Vector3D(mtApplication.width - 65, 30, 0)); uiLayer.addChild(t2); this.updateScores(); // Set up check for collisions between objects this.addWorldContactListener(world); /* //Sound if (enableSound){ minim = new Minim(mtApplication); wallHit = minim.loadSnippet(MT4jSettings.getInstance().getDataFolderPath() + "sound" + File.separator + "paddleBallHit.wav"); // paddleBallClash = minim.loadSample(MT4jSettings.getInstance().getDataFolderPath() + "sound" + File.separator + "paddleBallHit.wav", 2048); // goalHit = minim.loadSnippet(MT4jSettings.getInstance().getDataFolderPath() + "sound" + File.separator + "goal.wav"); //; paddleHit = minim.loadSnippet(MT4jSettings.getInstance().getDataFolderPath() + "sound" + File.separator + "wallHit.wav"); } */ }