  * Decodes -- that is: deserializes -- an ONC/RPC authentication object (credential &
  * verifier) on the server side.
  * @param xdr An XDR decoding stream
  * @throws OncRpcException if an ONC/RPC error occurs.
  * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
 public final void xdrDecodeCredVerf(XdrDecodingStream xdr) throws OncRpcException, IOException {
   // Reset some part of the object's state...
   shorthandVerf = null;
   // Now pull off the object state of the XDR stream...
   int realLen = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
   stamp = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
   machinename = xdr.xdrDecodeString();
   uid = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
   gid = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
   gids = xdr.xdrDecodeIntVector();
   // Make sure that the indicated length of the opaque data is kosher.
   // If not, throw an exception, as there is something strange going on!
   int len =
       4 // length of stamp
           + ((machinename.length() + 7) & ~3) // len string incl. len
           + 4 // length of uid
           + 4 // length of gid
           + (gids.length * 4)
           + 4 // length of vector of gids incl. len
   if (realLen != len) {
     if (realLen < len) {
       throw (new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_BUFFERUNDERFLOW));
     } else {
       throw (new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_AUTHERROR));
   // We also need to decode the verifier. This must be of type
   // AUTH_NONE too. For some obscure historical reasons, we have to
   // deal with credentials and verifiers, although they belong together,
   // according to Sun's specification.
   if ((xdr.xdrDecodeInt() != OncRpcAuthType.ONCRPC_AUTH_NONE) || (xdr.xdrDecodeInt() != 0)) {
     throw (new OncRpcAuthenticationException(OncRpcAuthStatus.ONCRPC_AUTH_BADVERF));