@Override public String det() { final String path = input.io().path(); return path.isEmpty() ? Util.info(LINE_X, input.line()) : Util.info(SCANPOS_X_X, input.io().path(), input.line()); }
public ArrayList<XMLInput> getJointInputs(XMLStreamReader parser) throws XMLStreamException { ArrayList<XMLInput> inputs = new ArrayList<XMLInput>(); for (int event = parser.next(); event != XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT; event = parser.next()) { switch (event) { case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: { String localName = parser.getLocalName(); if (localName.equals("input")) { XMLInput input = new XMLInput(); input.parse(parser); inputs.add(input); } else { JAGTLog.exception("Unsupported XMLJoint Start tag: ", parser.getLocalName()); } } case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT: { if (parser.getLocalName().equals("joints")) { return inputs; } break; } } } return (null); }
/** * Scans an external ID. * * @param f full flag * @param r root flag * @return id * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private byte[] externalID(final boolean f, final boolean r) throws IOException { byte[] cont = null; final boolean pub = consume(PUBLIC); if (pub || consume(SYSTEM)) { checkS(); if (pub) { pubidLit(); if (f) checkS(); } final int qu = consume(); // [11] if (qu == '\'' || qu == '"') { int ch; final TokenBuilder tok = new TokenBuilder(); while ((ch = nextChar()) != qu) tok.add(ch); if (!f) return null; final String name = string(tok.finish()); if (!dtd && r) return cont; final XMLInput tin = input; try { final IO file = input.io().merge(name); cont = file.read(); } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); // skip unknown DTDs/entities cont = new byte[] {'?'}; } input = new XMLInput(new IOContent(cont, name)); if (consume(XDECL)) { check(XML); s(); if (version()) checkS(); s(); if (encoding() == null) error(TEXTENC); ch = nextChar(); if (s(ch)) ch = nextChar(); if (ch != '?') error(WRONGCHAR, '?', ch); ch = nextChar(); if (ch != '>') error(WRONGCHAR, '>', ch); cont = Arrays.copyOfRange(cont, input.pos(), cont.length); } s(); if (r) { extSubsetDecl(); if (!consume((char) 0)) error(INVEND); } input = tin; } else { if (f) error(SCANQUOTE, (char) qu); prev(1); } } return cont; }
/** * Reads next character or throws an exception if all bytes have been read. * * @return next character * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private int consume() throws IOException { while (true) { final int ch = input.read(); if (ch == -1) return 0; if (ch == '%' && pe) { // [69] final byte[] key = name(true); final byte[] val = pents.get(key); if (val == null) error(UNKNOWNPE, key); check(';'); input.add(val, true); } else { return ch; } } }
/** * Scans an attribute value. [10] * * @param ch current character * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private void attValue(final int ch) throws IOException { boolean wrong = false; int c = ch; do { if (c == 0) error(ATTCLOSE, (char) c); wrong |= c == '\'' || c == '"'; if (c == '<') error(wrong ? ATTCLOSE : ATTCHAR, (char) c); if (c == 0x0A) c = ' '; if (c == '&') { // verify... final byte[] r = ref(true); if (r.length == 1) token.add(r); else if (!input.add(r, false)) error(RECENT); } else { token.add(c); } } while ((c = consume()) != quote); }
/** * Initializes the scanner. * * @param f input file * @param pr database properties * @param frag allow parsing of document fragment * @throws IOException I/O exception */ XMLScanner(final IO f, final Prop pr, final boolean frag) throws IOException { input = new XMLInput(f); fragment = frag; try { for (int e = 0; e < ENTITIES.length; e += 2) { ents.add(token(ENTITIES[e]), token(ENTITIES[e + 1])); } dtd = pr.is(Prop.DTD); chop = pr.is(Prop.CHOP); String enc = null; // process document declaration... if (consume(DOCDECL)) { if (s()) { if (!version()) error(DECLSTART); boolean s = s(); enc = encoding(); if (enc != null) { if (!s) error(WSERROR); s = s(); } if (sddecl() != null && !s) error(WSERROR); s(); final int ch = nextChar(); if (ch != '?' || nextChar() != '>') error(DECLWRONG); } else { prev(5); } } encoding = enc == null ? UTF8 : enc; if (!fragment) { final int n = consume(); if (!s(n)) { if (n != '<') error(BEFOREROOT); prev(1); } } } catch (final IOException ex) { input.close(); throw ex; } }
/** * Scans XML text. * * @param ch current character * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private void content(final int ch) throws IOException { type = Type.TEXT; boolean f = true; int c = ch; while (c != 0) { if (c != '<') { if (c == '&') { // scan entity final byte[] r = ref(true); if (r.length == 1) token.add(r); else if (!input.add(r, false)) error(RECENT); } else { if (c == ']') { // ']]>' not allowed in content if (consume() == ']') { if (consume() == '>') error(CONTCDATA); prev(1); } prev(1); } // add character to cached content token.add(c); } } else { if (!f && !isCDATA()) { text = false; prev(1); if (chop) token.trim(); return; } cDATA(); } c = consume(); f = false; } // end of file if (!fragment) { if (!ws(token.finish())) error(AFTERROOT); type = Type.EOF; } }
/** * Scans a document encoding. * * @return encoding * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private String encoding() throws IOException { if (!consume(ENCOD)) { if (fragment) error(TEXTENC); return null; } s(); check('='); s(); final TokenBuilder enc = new TokenBuilder(); final int d = qu(); int ch = nextChar(); if (letter(ch) && ch != '_') { while (letterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '-') { enc.add(ch); ch = nextChar(); } prev(1); } check((char) d); if (enc.isEmpty()) error(DECLENCODE, enc); final String e = string(enc.finish()); input.encoding(e); return e; }
/** * Jumps the specified number of characters back. * * @param p number of characters */ private void prev(final int p) { input.prev(p); }
/** * Finishes file scanning. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ void close() throws IOException { input.close(); if (!fragment && prolog) error(DOCEMPTY); }
@Override public double prog() { final double l = input.length(); return l <= 0 ? 0 : input.pos() / l; }