public static void main(String[] args) { // dialog.createMainDialog(); initializeOutputFile(); String pathFileIn = "", pathFileOut = ""; if (args != null) { if (args.length == 1) { pathFileIn = args[0]; Console.setStringWriter(true); } else if (args.length == 2) { pathFileIn = args[0]; pathFileOut = args[1]; Console.setStringWriter(true); } // else if (args.length == 3){ else { pathFileIn = args[0]; pathFileOut = args[1]; PrintStream fileStream; try { fileStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(args[2], true)); System.setOut(fileStream); System.setErr(fileStream); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // Console.setStringWriter(false); } /* else{ Console.setStringWriter(true); Console.out("Path of the profiled XML:"); pathFileIn =; Console.out("Name of the output file:"); String nameFileOut =; pathFileOut = pathFileIn.substring(0, pathFileIn.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + nameFileOut; }*/ } Date initialDate = new Date(); document = XMLHandler.openDocument(pathFileIn); profiler.execute(document); XMLHandler.saveDocument(pathFileOut, document); closeOutputFile(); Date finalDate = new Date(); Console.out( "Profiler duration (s) = " + ((finalDate.getTime() - initialDate.getTime()) / 1000)); }
public static void handlerDialog(int event) { if (event == EVENTBROWSE) { String path = dialog.openFileDialog(); document = XMLHandler.openDocument(path); dialog.pathField.setText(path); } if (event == EVENTEXECUTE) { if (document != null) { profiler.execute(document); String path = dialog.saveFileDialog(); XMLHandler.saveDocument(path, document); } dialog.pathField.setText("Write a valid path"); } if (event == EXIT) System.exit(0); }