Esempio n. 1
  public void checkCommand() {
    try {
      // Create inputstream
      BufferedReader fromClient =
          new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
      // Create outputstream
      PrintWriter toClient = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);

      toClient.println("Welcome to Chatroom! ");

      String inputLine; // String read from Client
      String outputLine; // String send to Client

      HandleMessage listener =
          new HandleMessage(
              socket, users.getName(index)); // to listen if it has message sent by other users
      new Thread(listener).start(); // Start the thread

      // Create UserMessage instance, to store and get message passing among users
      UserMessage usermessage = new UserMessage();

      // Create TimeNoActive instance, to find if user did nothing for a period time
      TimeNoActive timer_noactive = new TimeNoActive(socket);
      // Begin to detect no action

      toClient.println("> ");
      // name = users.getName(index);  // name of the current user

      // Begin to serve the clients and accept commands
      while ((inputLine = fromClient.readLine()) != null) {
        // System.out.println(inputLine);

        // Command "whoelse", to see who are now in the chatroom
        if (inputLine.equals("whoelse")) {
          // int size = users.getSize();   // get the size of the current users
          for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
            if (users.getRecord(j) && j != index) toClient.println(users.getName(j));

          // timer_noactive.execute();


        // Command "wholasthr", to see who logined in last hour
        else if (inputLine.equals("wholasthr")) {
          // int size = users.getSize();
          for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
            if (users.getLastHour(j) && j != index) toClient.println(users.getName(j));

          // timer_noactive.execute();


        // Command "logout"
        else if (inputLine.equals("logout")) {
          users.resetRecord(index); // clear the record for the user

        // Command "broadcast"
        else if (inputLine.length() > 9 && inputLine.substring(0, 9).equals("broadcast")) {
          // String name = users.getName(index);       // get the user name
          String message = inputLine.substring(9); // get the message after broadcast
          // int size = users.getSize();  // get the size of current users
          for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            if (users.getRecord(i) && i != index) {
              usermessage.addMessage(message, name, users.getName(i));

          // timer_noactive.execute();


        // Command "Private"
        else if (inputLine.length() > 7 && inputLine.substring(0, 7).equals("message")) {
          int i = 7;
          while (inputLine.charAt(i) == ' ' && i < inputLine.length()) // Ignore the blank " "

          // int size = users.getSize();
          int j = 0;
          for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
            if (users.getRecord(j)
                && inputLine.indexOf(users.getName(j)) == i) // It does not detect names like "win"
          } // and "windows", just return first find

          if (j == size) {
            toClient.println("This user is not online or not exist ");
          } else {
            String reciever = users.getName(j);
            String message =
                    i + reciever.length()); // message will stay after "private" and "name"
            usermessage.addMessage(message, name, reciever);

          // timer_noactive.execute();

        // Wrong command
        else {
          toClient.println("Wrong Command ");

          // timer_noactive.execute();

        toClient.println("> ");

      toClient.println("logout"); // act as a flag to stop the reciever of client

    } catch (IOException e) {