private static void loadTransformable(Transformable transformable) throws IOException { loadObject3D(transformable); if (readBoolean()) // hasComponentTransform { float tx = readFloat(); float ty = readFloat(); float tz = readFloat(); transformable.setTranslation(tx, ty, tz); float sx = readFloat(); float sy = readFloat(); float sz = readFloat(); transformable.setScale(sx, sy, sz); float angle = readFloat(); float ax = readFloat(); float ay = readFloat(); float az = readFloat(); transformable.setOrientation(angle, ax, ay, az); } if (readBoolean()) // hasGeneralTransform { Transform t = new Transform(); t.set(readMatrix()); transformable.setTransform(t); } }
/** * Helper method to apply one animation to either an objectmap for blending or directly to the * bones. */ protected static void applyAnimation( final ObjectMap<Node, Transform> out, final Pool<Transform> pool, final float alpha, final Animation animation, final float time) { for (final NodeAnimation nodeAnim : animation.nodeAnimations) { final Node node = nodeAnim.node; node.isAnimated = true; // Find the keyframe(s) final int n = nodeAnim.keyframes.size - 1; int first = 0, second = -1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (time >= nodeAnim.keyframes.get(i).keytime && time <= nodeAnim.keyframes.get(i + 1).keytime) { first = i; second = i + 1; break; } } // Apply the first keyframe: final Transform transform = tmpT; final NodeKeyframe firstKeyframe = nodeAnim.keyframes.get(first); transform.set(firstKeyframe.translation, firstKeyframe.rotation, firstKeyframe.scale); // Lerp the second keyframe if (second > first) { final NodeKeyframe secondKeyframe = nodeAnim.keyframes.get(second); final float t = (time - firstKeyframe.keytime) / (secondKeyframe.keytime - firstKeyframe.keytime); transform.lerp( secondKeyframe.translation, secondKeyframe.rotation, secondKeyframe.scale, t); } // Apply the transform, either directly to the bone or to out when blending if (out == null) transform.toMatrix4(node.localTransform); else { if (out.containsKey(node)) { if (alpha == 1.f) out.get(node).set(transform); else out.get(node).lerp(transform, alpha); } else { out.put(node, pool.obtain().set(transform)); } } } }
public void getCompositeTransform(Transform transform) { if (transform == null) throw new NullPointerException("transform can not be null"); // transform = T R S M // Combine translation and rotation (TR) float[] m = new float[16]; orientation.get(m); m[3] = translation.x; m[7] = translation.y; m[11] = translation.z; transform.set(m); // Apply scale (S) transform.postScale(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z); // Apply custom (M) transform.postMultiply(this.transform); }
public static Object3D[] load(byte[] data, int offset) { DataInputStream old = dis; dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); try { while (dis.available() > 0) { int objectType = readByte(); int length = readInt(); System.out.println("objectType: " + objectType); System.out.println("length: " + length); dis.mark(Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (objectType == 0) { int versionHigh = readByte(); int versionLow = readByte(); boolean hasExternalReferences = readBoolean(); int totolFileSize = readInt(); int approximateContentSize = readInt(); String authoringField = readString(); objs.addElement(new Group()); // dummy } else if (objectType == 255) { // TODO: load external resource System.out.println("Loader: Loading external resources not implemented."); String uri = readString(); } else if (objectType == 1) { System.out.println("Loader: AnimationController not implemented."); objs.addElement(new Group()); // dummy } else if (objectType == 2) { System.out.println("Loader: AnimationTrack not implemented."); objs.addElement(new Group()); // dummy } else if (objectType == 3) { // System.out.println("Appearance"); Appearance appearance = new Appearance(); loadObject3D(appearance); appearance.setLayer(readByte()); appearance.setCompositingMode((CompositingMode) getObject(readInt())); appearance.setFog((Fog) getObject(readInt())); appearance.setPolygonMode((PolygonMode) getObject(readInt())); appearance.setMaterial((Material) getObject(readInt())); int numTextures = readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numTextures; ++i) appearance.setTexture(i, (Texture2D) getObject(readInt())); objs.addElement(appearance); } else if (objectType == 4) { // System.out.println("Background"); Background background = new Background(); loadObject3D(background); background.setColor(readRGBA()); background.setImage((Image2D) getObject(readInt())); int modeX = readByte(); int modeY = readByte(); background.setImageMode(modeX, modeY); int cropX = readInt(); int cropY = readInt(); int cropWidth = readInt(); int cropHeight = readInt(); background.setCrop(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight); background.setDepthClearEnable(readBoolean()); background.setColorClearEnable(readBoolean()); objs.addElement(background); // dummy } else if (objectType == 5) { // System.out.println("Camera"); Camera camera = new Camera(); loadNode(camera); int projectionType = readByte(); if (projectionType == Camera.GENERIC) { Transform t = new Transform(); t.set(readMatrix()); camera.setGeneric(t); } else { float fovy = readFloat(); float aspect = readFloat(); float near = readFloat(); float far = readFloat(); if (projectionType == Camera.PARALLEL) camera.setParallel(fovy, aspect, near, far); else camera.setPerspective(fovy, aspect, near, far); } objs.addElement(camera); } else if (objectType == 6) { // System.out.println("CompositingMode"); CompositingMode compositingMode = new CompositingMode(); loadObject3D(compositingMode); compositingMode.setDepthTestEnabled(readBoolean()); compositingMode.setDepthWriteEnabled(readBoolean()); compositingMode.setColorWriteEnabled(readBoolean()); compositingMode.setAlphaWriteEnabled(readBoolean()); compositingMode.setBlending(readByte()); compositingMode.setAlphaThreshold((float) readByte() / 255.0f); compositingMode.setDepthOffsetFactor(readFloat()); compositingMode.setDepthOffsetUnits(readFloat()); objs.addElement(compositingMode); } else if (objectType == 7) { // System.out.println("Fog"); Fog fog = new Fog(); loadObject3D(fog); fog.setColor(readRGB()); fog.setMode(readByte()); if (fog.getMode() == Fog.EXPONENTIAL) fog.setDensity(readFloat()); else { fog.setNearDistance(readFloat()); fog.setFarDistance(readFloat()); } objs.addElement(fog); } else if (objectType == 9) { // System.out.println("Group"); Group group = new Group(); loadGroup(group); objs.addElement(group); } else if (objectType == 10) { // System.out.println("Image2D"); Image2D image = null; loadObject3D(new Group()); // dummy int format = readByte(); boolean isMutable = readBoolean(); int width = readInt(); int height = readInt(); if (!isMutable) { // Read palette int paletteSize = readInt(); byte[] palette = null; if (paletteSize > 0) { palette = new byte[paletteSize]; dis.readFully(palette); } // Read pixels int pixelSize = readInt(); byte[] pixel = new byte[pixelSize]; dis.readFully(pixel); // Create image if (palette != null) image = new Image2D(format, width, height, pixel, palette); else image = new Image2D(format, width, height, pixel); } else image = new Image2D(format, width, height); dis.reset(); loadObject3D(image); objs.addElement(image); } else if (objectType == 19) { System.out.println("Loader: KeyframeSequence not implemented."); /* Byte interpolation; Byte repeatMode; Byte encoding; UInt32 duration; UInt32 validRangeFirst; UInt32 validRangeLast; UInt32 componentCount; UInt32 keyframeCount; IF encoding == 0 FOR each key frame... UInt32 time; Float32[componentCount] vectorValue; END ELSE IF encoding == 1 Float32[componentCount] vectorBias; Float32[componentCount] vectorScale; FOR each key frame... UInt32 time; Byte[componentCount] vectorValue; END ELSE IF encoding == 2 Float32[componentCount] vectorBias; Float32[componentCount] vectorScale; FOR each key frame... UInt32 time; UInt16[componentCount] vectorValue; END END */ objs.addElement(new Group()); // dummy } else if (objectType == 12) { // System.out.println("Light"); Light light = new Light(); loadNode(light); float constant = readFloat(); float linear = readFloat(); float quadratic = readFloat(); light.setAttenuation(constant, linear, quadratic); light.setColor(readRGB()); light.setMode(readByte()); light.setIntensity(readFloat()); light.setSpotAngle(readFloat()); light.setSpotExponent(readFloat()); objs.addElement(light); } else if (objectType == 13) { // System.out.println("Material"); Material material = new Material(); loadObject3D(material); material.setColor(Material.AMBIENT, readRGB()); material.setColor(Material.DIFFUSE, readRGBA()); material.setColor(Material.EMISSIVE, readRGB()); material.setColor(Material.SPECULAR, readRGB()); material.setShininess(readFloat()); material.setVertexColorTrackingEnable(readBoolean()); objs.addElement(material); } else if (objectType == 14) { // System.out.println("Mesh"); loadNode(new Group()); // dummy VertexBuffer vertices = (VertexBuffer) getObject(readInt()); int submeshCount = readInt(); IndexBuffer[] submeshes = new IndexBuffer[submeshCount]; Appearance[] appearances = new Appearance[submeshCount]; for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount; ++i) { submeshes[i] = (IndexBuffer) getObject(readInt()); appearances[i] = (Appearance) getObject(readInt()); } Mesh mesh = new Mesh(vertices, submeshes, appearances); dis.reset(); loadNode(mesh); objs.addElement(mesh); } else if (objectType == 15) { System.out.println("Loader: MorphingMesh not implemented."); /* UInt32 morphTargetCount; FOR each target buffer... ObjectIndex morphTarget; Float32 initialWeight; END */ objs.addElement(new Group()); // dummy } else if (objectType == 8) { // System.out.println("PolygonMode"); PolygonMode polygonMode = new PolygonMode(); loadObject3D(polygonMode); polygonMode.setCulling(readByte()); polygonMode.setShading(readByte()); polygonMode.setWinding(readByte()); polygonMode.setTwoSidedLightingEnable(readBoolean()); polygonMode.setLocalCameraLightingEnable(readBoolean()); polygonMode.setPerspectiveCorrectionEnable(readBoolean()); objs.addElement(polygonMode); } else if (objectType == 16) { System.out.println("Loader: SkinnedMesh not implemented."); /* ObjectIndex skeleton; UInt32 transformReferenceCount; FOR each bone reference... ObjectIndex transformNode; UInt32 firstVertex; UInt32 vertexCount; Int32 weight; END */ objs.addElement(new Group()); // dummy } else if (objectType == 18) { System.out.println("Loader: Sprite not implemented."); /* ObjectIndex image; ObjectIndex appearance; Boolean isScaled; Int32 cropX; Int32 cropY; Int32 cropWidth; Int32 cropHeight; */ objs.addElement(new Group()); // dummy } else if (objectType == 17) { // System.out.println("Texture2D"); loadTransformable(new Group()); // dummy Texture2D texture = new Texture2D((Image2D) getObject(readInt())); texture.setBlendColor(readRGB()); texture.setBlending(readByte()); int wrapS = readByte(); int wrapT = readByte(); texture.setWrapping(wrapS, wrapT); int levelFilter = readByte(); int imageFilter = readByte(); texture.setFiltering(levelFilter, imageFilter); dis.reset(); loadTransformable(texture); objs.addElement(texture); } else if (objectType == 11) { // System.out.println("TriangleStripArray"); loadObject3D(new Group()); // dummy int encoding = readByte(); int firstIndex = 0; int[] indices = null; if (encoding == 0) firstIndex = readInt(); else if (encoding == 1) firstIndex = readByte(); else if (encoding == 2) firstIndex = readShort(); else if (encoding == 128) { int numIndices = readInt(); indices = new int[numIndices]; for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i) indices[i] = readInt(); } else if (encoding == 129) { int numIndices = readInt(); indices = new int[numIndices]; for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i) indices[i] = readByte(); } else if (encoding == 130) { int numIndices = readInt(); indices = new int[numIndices]; for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i) indices[i] = readShort(); } int numStripLengths = readInt(); int[] stripLengths = new int[numStripLengths]; for (int i = 0; i < numStripLengths; ++i) stripLengths[i] = readInt(); dis.reset(); TriangleStripArray triStrip = null; if (indices == null) triStrip = new TriangleStripArray(firstIndex, stripLengths); else triStrip = new TriangleStripArray(indices, stripLengths); loadObject3D(triStrip); objs.addElement(triStrip); } else if (objectType == 20) { // System.out.println("VertexArray"); loadObject3D(new Group()); // dummy int componentSize = readByte(); int componentCount = readByte(); int encoding = readByte(); int vertexCount = readShort(); VertexArray vertices = new VertexArray(vertexCount, componentCount, componentSize); if (componentSize == 1) { byte[] values = new byte[componentCount * vertexCount]; if (encoding == 0) dis.readFully(values); else { byte last = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount * componentCount; ++i) { last += readByte(); values[i] = last; } } vertices.set(0, vertexCount, values); } else { short last = 0; short[] values = new short[componentCount * vertexCount]; for (int i = 0; i < componentCount * vertexCount; ++i) { if (encoding == 0) values[i] = (short) readShort(); else { last += (short) readShort(); values[i] = last; } } vertices.set(0, vertexCount, values); } dis.reset(); loadObject3D(vertices); objs.addElement(vertices); } else if (objectType == 21) { // System.out.println("VertexBuffer"); VertexBuffer vertices = new VertexBuffer(); loadObject3D(vertices); vertices.setDefaultColor(readRGBA()); VertexArray positions = (VertexArray) getObject(readInt()); float[] bias = new float[3]; bias[0] = readFloat(); bias[1] = readFloat(); bias[2] = readFloat(); float scale = readFloat(); vertices.setPositions(positions, scale, bias); vertices.setNormals((VertexArray) getObject(readInt())); vertices.setColors((VertexArray) getObject(readInt())); int texCoordArrayCount = readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < texCoordArrayCount; ++i) { VertexArray texcoords = (VertexArray) getObject(readInt()); bias[0] = readFloat(); bias[1] = readFloat(); bias[2] = readFloat(); scale = readFloat(); vertices.setTexCoords(i, texcoords, scale, bias); } objs.addElement(vertices); } else if (objectType == 22) { // System.out.println("World"); World world = new World(); loadGroup(world); world.setActiveCamera((Camera) getObject(readInt())); world.setBackground((Background) getObject(readInt())); objs.addElement(world); } else { System.out.println("Loader: unsupported objectType " + objectType + "."); } dis.reset(); dis.skipBytes(length); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } dis = old; return null; }
public void getTransform(Transform transform) { if (transform == null) throw new NullPointerException("transform can not be null"); transform.set(this.transform); }
public void preRotate(float angle, float ax, float ay, float az) { Transform t = new Transform(); t.postRotate(angle, ax, ay, az); t.postMultiply(orientation); orientation.set(t); }
public void setWorldTransform(Transform centerOfMassWorldTrans) { graphicsWorldTrans.set(centerOfMassWorldTrans); graphicsWorldTrans.mul(centerOfMassOffset); graphicsWorldTrans.getRotation(qTmp); if (carMotion != null) carMotion.rootTransform.set(graphicsWorldTrans); }
public CarMotionState(Transform startTrans, Transform centerOfMassOffset) { graphicsWorldTrans.set(startTrans); centerOfMassOffset.set(centerOfMassOffset); startWorldTrans.set(startTrans); // tmpT.setIdentity(); }