   * This is the actual, recursive function that checks one branch of the graph/tree for
   * connections. Calls it self if certain conditions are met, mostly working with two booleans
   * "isTaken" and "isVisited"
   * @param townA will always be this.townA
   * @param townB will always be this.townB
   * @param flf The incremented "i" of the for loop called in "areConnected()"
   * @return returns false if it did not find a connecting path, returns true if it does.
  public boolean _areConnected(Town townA, Town townB, int flf, Players player) {

    Town current = townA;

    for (int i = 0; i < current.getConnections().size(); i++) { // check all the connections

      if (current.getConnection(i).getIsTaken()
          && current.getConnection(i).getTakenByPlayer(player)) { // if they are taken
        if (current.getConnection(i).getTownB().getName() == townB.getName()
            || // if names match the target name
                == townB.getName()) { // if names match the target name

          return true;

    boolean returnValue = false; // variable for dynamic return value

    for (int i = 0 + flf;
        i < current.getConnections().size();
        i++) { // loop through connections to change the current town
      if (current.getConnection(i).getIsTaken()
          && current.getConnection(i).getTakenByPlayer(player)
          && current.getConnection(i).getIsVisited() == false) { // if its taken and not visited

        current.getConnection(i).setIsVisited(true); // set it as visited
        visitedConnections.add(current.getConnection(i)); // also store it in our Arraylist

        if (current.getConnection(i).getTownB().getName()
            == current
                .getName()) { // if the town on the other side of the connection is the same as
                              // current
          current = townA.getConnection(i).getTownA(); // then set current as the other town
          break; // dont continue looping
        } else {
          current = townA.getConnection(i).getTownB(); // else set current as that town
          break; // dont continue looping

    for (int i = 0; i < current.getConnections().size(); i++) { // current has been changed

      if (current.getConnection(i).getIsTaken()
          && current.getConnection(i).getTakenByPlayer(player)) { // check "taken" towns

        if (!current.getConnection(i).getIsVisited()) { // skip visited towns
          returnValue =
                  || _areConnected(
                      current, townB, flf,
                      player); // call the function on it self, it might return true

    return returnValue; // returns false often, but should return true at least once if there is a
                        // connection.