   * Initializes this object.
   * @param key Property-key to use for locating initialization properties.
   * @param type Property-type to use for locating initialization properties.
   * @exception ProcessingException when initialization fails
  public void initialize(String key, String type) throws ProcessingException {
    super.initialize(key, type);

    StringBuffer errorBuf = new StringBuffer();

    // serverName = getRequiredProperty(SERVER_NAME_PROP, errorBuf);

    headerLocation = getPropertyValue(NF_HEADER_LOCATION_PROP);

    isAsyncLocation = getPropertyValue(IS_ASYNCHRONOUS_LOCATION_PROP);

    orbAgentAddr = getPropertyValue(ORB_AGENT_ADDR_PROP);

    orbAgentPort = getPropertyValue(ORB_AGENT_PORT_PROP);

    orbAgentAddrLocation = getPropertyValue(ORB_AGENT_ADDR_PROP_LOCATION);

    orbAgentPortLocation = getPropertyValue(ORB_AGENT_PORT_PROP_LOCATION);

    if (!StringUtils.hasValue(isAsyncLocation)) {
      try {
        isAsync =
                (String) getRequiredPropertyValue(DEFAULT_IS_ASYNCHRONOUS_PROP, errorBuf));
      } catch (FrameworkException fe) {
            "No value is specified for either "
                + "or"
                + ". One of the values should be present"
                + fe.getMessage());

    if (!StringUtils.hasValue(headerLocation)) {
      try {
        header = getRequiredPropertyValue(DEFAULT_HEADER_PROP, errorBuf);
      } catch (Exception e) {
            "No value is specified for "
                + NF_HEADER_LOCATION_PROP
                + "or"
                + DEFAULT_HEADER_PROP
                + ". One of the values should be present"
                + e.getMessage());

    if (errorBuf.length() > 0) throw new ProcessingException(errorBuf.toString());
Esempio n. 2
   * Initialize the event queue.
   * @param props A container of configuration properties.
   * @exception FrameworkException Thrown if configuration is invalid.
  public void initialize(Map props) throws FrameworkException {
    String temp = (String) props.get(LOAD_EVENT_BATCH_SIZE_PROP);

    if (StringUtils.hasValue(temp)) {
      maxDatabaseEventLoadSize = StringUtils.getInteger(temp);

      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.SYSTEM_CONFIG))
            "QUEUE OPERATION: Initializing: Maximum-database-event-batch-load-size is ["
                + maxDatabaseEventLoadSize
                + "] rows.");
Esempio n. 3
   * Initializes the Splitter.
   * @param key Property-key to use for locating initialization properties.
   * @param type Property-type to use for locating initialization properties.
   * @exception ProcessingException when initialization fails
  public void initialize(String key, String type) throws ProcessingException {

    // Call the abstract super class's initialize method. This initializes
    // the adapterProperties hashtable defined in the super class and
    // retrieves the name and toProcessorNames values from the properties.
    super.initialize(key, type);

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.OBJECT_LIFECYCLE))
      Debug.log(Debug.OBJECT_LIFECYCLE, "Splitter: Initializing.....");

    StringBuffer errorBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    truncHeaderFooter = getRequiredPropertyValue(TRUNCATE_HEADER_FOOTER_PROP, errorBuffer);

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.MSG_DATA))
      Debug.log(Debug.MSG_DATA, "Splitter: truncHeaderFooter? ---->" + truncHeaderFooter);

    String temp = getPropertyValue(FILE_SEPARATOR_PROP);
    if (StringUtils.hasValue(temp)) {
      fileSeparator = StringUtils.replaceSubstrings(temp, "\\r", "\r");
      fileSeparator = StringUtils.replaceSubstrings(fileSeparator, "\\n", "\n");
      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.MSG_DATA))
        Debug.log(Debug.MSG_DATA, "Splitter: fileSeparator---->" + fileSeparator);

    try {
      splitLength = Integer.parseInt(getRequiredPropertyValue(SPLIT_LENGTH_PROP, errorBuffer));

      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.MSG_DATA))
        Debug.log(Debug.MSG_DATA, "Splitter: splitLength---->" + splitLength);
    } catch (NumberFormatException nx) {
      throw new ProcessingException("ERROR: Splitter: The SPLIT_LENGTH " + "must be a number.");

    if (splitLength <= 0) {
      throw new ProcessingException(
          "ERROR: Splitter: The SPLIT_LENGTH " + "must be greater than zero.");

    if (errorBuffer.length() > 0) {
      String errMsg = errorBuffer.toString();

      Debug.log(Debug.ALL_ERRORS, errMsg);

      throw new ProcessingException(errMsg);
Esempio n. 4
   * Reset any events meeting the given criteria so that they can be retried.
   * @param criteria An event containing the event-selection criteria.
   * @return The number of events reset.
   * @exception FrameworkException Thrown on errors.
  protected static int reset(Event criteria) throws FrameworkException {
        Debug.MSG_STATUS, "QUEUE OPERATION: Resetting events in database for database queue ...");

    if (!StringUtils.hasValue(criteria.channelName)) {
      throw new FrameworkException(
          "ERROR: Event channel name is a required queue search criteria.");

    Connection dbConn = null;

    PreparedStatement ps = null;

    long startTime = -1;

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.BENCHMARK)) startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    try {
      dbConn = DBConnectionPool.getInstance().acquireConnection();

      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA))
            Debug.DB_DATA, "Criteria used to reset events in database:\n" + criteria.describe());

      // If no identifier was given that uniquely identifies a single event ...
      if (criteria.id == 0) {
        // Use last error time and error count, if available.
        if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA))
          Debug.log(Debug.DB_DATA, "\n" + LINE + "\nExecuting SQL:\n" + UPDATE_EVENT_RETRY_SQL);

        ps = dbConn.prepareStatement(UPDATE_EVENT_RETRY_SQL);

        ps.setString(1, criteria.channelName);

        if (criteria.lastErrorTime == null) ps.setNull(2, Types.DATE);
        else ps.setTimestamp(2, criteria.lastErrorTime);

        if (criteria.errorCount < 1) ps.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER);
        else ps.setInt(3, criteria.errorCount);
      } else {
        // An Id was given which should uniquely identify a single event, so we should
        // skip using any other qualifying criteria, if present.
        if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA))
              Debug.DB_DATA, "\n" + LINE + "\nExecuting SQL:\n" + UPDATE_EVENT_RETRY_BY_ID_SQL);

        ps = dbConn.prepareStatement(UPDATE_EVENT_RETRY_BY_ID_SQL);

        ps.setString(1, criteria.channelName);

        ps.setInt(2, criteria.id);

      int numRows = ps.executeUpdate();


      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA))
            Debug.DB_DATA, "Committed SQL execution affected [" + numRows + "] rows.\n" + LINE);

      return numRows;
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new DatabaseException(
          "ERROR: Could not execute SQL statement:\n" + DBInterface.getSQLErrorMessage(sqle));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DatabaseException("ERROR: Could not execute SQL statement:\n" + e.toString());
    } finally {
      releaseDatabaseResources(dbConn, ps);

      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.BENCHMARK) && (startTime > 0)) {
        long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            "ELAPSED TIME ["
                + (stopTime - startTime)
                + "] msec:  "
                + "SQL: Time to reset event(s) in PersistentEvent database table.");
Esempio n. 5
   * Load any available events from the database up to the configured maximum.
   * @param criteria An event containing the event-selection criteria.
   * @return The next available event on the queue.
   * @exception FrameworkException Thrown on errors.
  private void loadFromDatabase(Event criteria) throws FrameworkException {
    Debug.log(Debug.MSG_STATUS, "QUEUE OPERATION: Loading events from database into queue ...");

    if (!StringUtils.hasValue(criteria.channelName)) {
      throw new FrameworkException(
          "ERROR: Event channel name is a required queue search criteria.");

    Connection dbConn = null;

    PreparedStatement ps = null;

    long startTime = -1;

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.BENCHMARK)) startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    try {
      dbConn = DBConnectionPool.getInstance().acquireConnection();

      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA))
        Debug.log(Debug.DB_DATA, "\n" + LINE + "\nExecuting SQL:\n" + QUERY_EVENT_SQL);

      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA))
            Debug.DB_DATA, "Criteria used in query against database:\n" + criteria.describe());

      ps = dbConn.prepareStatement(QUERY_EVENT_SQL);

      ps.setString(1, criteria.channelName);

      ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

      for (int counter = 0; (counter < maxDatabaseEventLoadSize) && rs.next(); counter++) {
        Event event = new Event();

        event.channelName = rs.getString(CHANNEL_NAME_COL);
        event.id = rs.getInt(ID_COL);

        event.message = DBLOBUtils.getCLOB(rs, MESSAGE_COL);

        if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.MSG_LIFECYCLE))
          Debug.log(Debug.MSG_LIFECYCLE, "Event contents:\n" + event.message);

        event.arrivalTime = rs.getTimestamp(ARRIVAL_TIME_COL);
        event.errorStatus = rs.getString(ERROR_STATUS_COL);
        event.errorCount = rs.getInt(ERROR_COUNT_COL);
        event.lastErrorMessage = rs.getString(LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE_COL);
        event.lastErrorTime = rs.getTimestamp(LAST_ERROR_TIME_COL);

        // Add item to in-memory buffer.
        if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.MSG_STATUS))
              "Adding event [" + event.describe() + "] to in-memory queue buffer.");


        if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.MSG_STATUS))
          Debug.log(Debug.MSG_STATUS, "In-memory queue buffer size [" + queue.size() + "].");

      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA)) Debug.log(Debug.DB_DATA, "\n" + LINE);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new DatabaseException(
          "ERROR: Could not execute SQL statement:\n" + DBInterface.getSQLErrorMessage(sqle));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DatabaseException("ERROR: Could not execute SQL statement:\n" + e.toString());
    } finally {
      releaseDatabaseResources(dbConn, ps);

      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.BENCHMARK) && (startTime > 0)) {
        long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            "ELAPSED TIME ["
                + (stopTime - startTime)
                + "] msec:  "
                + "SQL: Time to load event(s) from PersistentEvent database table.");
Esempio n. 6
   * This gets a String to be split in the message object.It splits the string into substrings and
   * then stores them in the message object to be apssed to the next processors individually. This
   * class expects at least a single next processor hence it return a null if there are no next
   * processors.
   * @param msgObj The MesageObject containg the string.
   * @return NVPair[] Name-Value pair array of next processor name and the MessageObject
   * @exception ProcessingException Thrown if processing fails
  public NVPair[] process(MessageProcessorContext context, MessageObject msgObj)
      throws MessageException, ProcessingException {

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.BENCHMARK))
      Debug.log(Debug.BENCHMARK, "Reached Splitter process method..");

    // Debug.log(null, Debug.UNIT_TEST,"MESSAGE OBJECT RECEIVED:--->"+msgObj.describe());

    if (msgObj == null) {
      return null;
    } else if (toProcessorNames == null) {
      Debug.log(Debug.ALL_WARNINGS, "Splitter: No next processors available. Hence exiting.");
    } else if (!(msgObj.get() instanceof String)) {
      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.UNIT_TEST))
        Debug.log(Debug.UNIT_TEST, "SPLITTER : UNIT_TEST: " + ((msgObj.get()).getClass()));

      throw new ProcessingException("ERROR: Splitter: " + "The msg Object must be a String.");

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.UNIT_TEST))
      Debug.log(Debug.UNIT_TEST, "MESSAGE OBJECT RECEIVED:--->" + msgObj.describe());

    String batchedRecords = msgObj.getString();

    List singleRecord;
    String subStr = "";
    // to take care empty batch files that are valid files in some cases
    if (!StringUtils.hasValue(batchedRecords)) {
      return null;

    if (!StringUtils.hasValue(fileSeparator)) // if fileseparator is false...
      if (batchedRecords.length() < splitLength) {
        throw new MessageException(
            "ERROR: Splitter: " + "Batched String length is less than " + splitLength + "bytes.");

      float tempSize = (float) (batchedRecords.length()) / splitLength;
      int size = (batchedRecords.length()) / splitLength;

      // check for length of string
      if (size != tempSize) {
        throw new MessageException(
            "ERROR: Splitter: " + "Record received is not of correct length");
      singleRecord = new Vector(size);
      int i = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        subStr = batchedRecords.substring(i * splitLength, (i + 1) * splitLength);
        singleRecord.add(i, subStr);
    } else // if fileseparator is true...
      singleRecord = new Vector();
      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(batchedRecords, fileSeparator);
      while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        subStr = st.nextToken();
        if (subStr.length() != splitLength) {
          throw new MessageException(
              "ERROR: Splitter: Record "
                  + "received after removing the fileseparator is not of correct length .");

        if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.UNIT_TEST))
              "\nDATA\n" + "********************************************" + subStr);

    if (getBoolean(truncHeaderFooter)) // if truncHeaderFooter is true...
      singleRecord.remove((singleRecord.size() - 1));
    // else continue...
    int batchedSize = singleRecord.size();

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.UNIT_TEST))
      Debug.log(Debug.UNIT_TEST, "BATCHED SIZE--->" + batchedSize);

    int processorsNo = toProcessorNames.length;
    NVPair[] contents = new NVPair[batchedSize * processorsNo];
    int i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < batchedSize; i++) {
      MessageObject mObj = new MessageObject();

      // Sending the message objects to the next processors.
      for (int j = 0; j < processorsNo; j++) {

        contents[(i * (processorsNo)) + j] = new NVPair(toProcessorNames[j], mObj);

        if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.UNIT_TEST))
              "NEXT PROCESSOR-->"
                  + toProcessorNames[j]
                  + "\n"
                  + "MESSAGE OBJECT CONTENT------------>"
                  + mObj.describe());

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.UNIT_TEST))
      Debug.log(Debug.UNIT_TEST, "SPLITTER : CONTEXT---->" + context.describe());

    return contents;
   * Make the actual CORBA call.
   * @param serverName Name of the server as known in the COS Naming Service.
   * @param reload Flag indicating whether object reference should be refreshed (true) or any
   *     previously-cached version should be used (false).
   * @param header Header message to send.
   * @param message Body message to send.
   * @return Response that caller should return.
   * @exception Exception Thrown on any errors.
  private String makeClientCall(String serverName, boolean reload, String header, String message)
      throws Exception {
    ORB orb = null;

    // If the alternate ip and port are provided
    if (StringUtils.hasValue(orbAgentAddr) && StringUtils.hasValue(orbAgentPort)) {
      // Key to store the orb in a static map for access the next time around
      String key = orbAgentAddr + ":" + orbAgentPort;

      synchronized (orbStore) {
        orb = (ORB) orbStore.get(key);

        if (orb == null) {
          Properties props = new Properties();
          props.put(ORB_AGENT_ADDR_PROP, orbAgentAddr);
          props.put(ORB_AGENT_PORT_PROP, orbAgentPort);
          orb = new CorbaPortabilityLayer(new String[0], props, null, serverName).getORB();

          orbStore.put(key, orb);
        } else {
          if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.IO_STATUS))
                "Using cached orb with properties "
                    + "ORBagentAddr = ["
                    + orbAgentAddr
                    + "] ORBagentPort = ["
                    + orbAgentPort
                    + "]");
    } else {
      if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.IO_STATUS))
        Debug.log(Debug.IO_STATUS, "Using the default orb ..");

      orb = Supervisor.getSupervisor().getCPL().getORB();

    ObjectLocator ob_loc = new ObjectLocator(orb);

    if (reload) {
      if (StringUtils.hasValue(orbAgentAddr) && StringUtils.hasValue(orbAgentPort))
        ob_loc.removeFromCache(serverName, orbAgentAddr, orbAgentPort);

    RequestHandler rh = null;
    // The key corresponding to secondary install object references depends on host address and port
    // too.
    if (StringUtils.hasValue(orbAgentAddr) && StringUtils.hasValue(orbAgentPort))
      rh = RequestHandlerHelper.narrow(ob_loc.find(serverName, orbAgentAddr, orbAgentPort));
    else rh = RequestHandlerHelper.narrow(ob_loc.find(serverName));

    if (rh == null) {
      throw new Exception("Object named [" + serverName + "] is not of IDL type RequestHandler.");

    // Make sure that the header contains any available customer context information.
    header = CustomerContext.getInstance().propagate(header);

    if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.IO_STATUS))
      Debug.log(Debug.IO_STATUS, "Header value:\n" + header);

    ThreadMonitor.ThreadInfo tmti =
            "Message-processor ["
                + getName()
                + "] making CORBA client call with header:\n"
                + header);

    try {
      if (isAsync) {
        rh.processAsync(header, message);

        return (message);
      } else {
        org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder response = new org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder("");

        rh.processSync(header, message, response);

        return (response.value);
    } finally {
   * If NF_HEADER_LOCATION_PROP exists in context use as the header to forward to Gateway. If
   * IS_ASYNCHRONOUS_PROP exists in context then use that value to call either processAsync or
   * processSync
   * @param input MessageObject containing the value to be processed *
   * @param mpcontext The context
   * @return Optional NVPair containing a Destination name and a MessageObject, or null if none.
   * @exception ProcessingException Thrown if processing fails.
   * @exception MessageException Thrown if bad message.
  public NVPair[] process(MessageProcessorContext ctx, MessageObject input)
      throws MessageException, ProcessingException {
    if (input == null) return null;

    try {
      serverName = getRequiredProperty(ctx, input, SERVER_NAME_PROP);
    } catch (MessageException me) {
      throw new ProcessingException(me.getMessage());

    if (StringUtils.hasValue(headerLocation)) {
      try {
        header = getString(headerLocation, ctx, input);
      } catch (MessageException me) {
        throw new ProcessingException(me.getMessage());

    if (StringUtils.hasValue(isAsyncLocation)) {
      try {
        isAsync = StringUtils.getBoolean(getString(isAsyncLocation, ctx, input));
      } catch (FrameworkException fe) {
        throw new ProcessingException(
            "Value of " + IS_ASYNCHRONOUS_LOCATION_PROP + " is not TRUE/FALSE. " + fe.getMessage());

    // Fetch the alternate Orb Address, if one exists at the specified context location
    if (StringUtils.hasValue(orbAgentAddrLocation)) {
      try {
        if (exists(orbAgentAddrLocation, ctx, input, true)) {
          orbAgentAddr = getString(orbAgentAddrLocation, ctx, input);
          if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.MSG_STATUS))
                "RequestHandlerClient:: alternate orb exists with orb agent address ["
                    + orbAgentAddr
                    + "]");
      } catch (MessageException me) {
        throw new ProcessingException(me.getMessage());

    // Fetch the alternate Orb Port, if one exists at the specified context location
    if (StringUtils.hasValue(orbAgentPortLocation)) {
      try {
        if (exists(orbAgentPortLocation, ctx, input, true)) {
          orbAgentPort = getString(orbAgentPortLocation, ctx, input);
          if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.MSG_STATUS))
                "RequestHandlerClient:: alternate orb exists with orb agent port ["
                    + orbAgentPort
                    + "]");
      } catch (MessageException me) {
        throw new ProcessingException(me.getMessage());

    String msg = input.getString();

    try {
      try {
        return (formatNVPair(makeClientCall(serverName, false, header, msg)));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // Any of the following exceptions indicate that the failure might be due to
        // a CORBA communications issue (stale object reference) that should be retried.
        if ((e instanceof org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST)
            || (e instanceof org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT)
            || (e instanceof org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE)
            || (e instanceof org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF)
            || (e instanceof org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN)) {
              "Caught the following CORBA communication error, so retrying:\n"
                  + e.toString()
                  + "\n"
                  + Debug.getStackTrace(e));

          return (formatNVPair(makeClientCall(serverName, true, header, msg)));
        } else {
          // It's not a communication exception indicating that retry is recommended,
          // so just re-throw it.
          throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (e instanceof InvalidDataException) {
        Debug.error(e.toString() + "\n" + Debug.getStackTrace(e));

        throw new MessageException(((InvalidDataException) e).errorMessage);
      } else {
        Debug.error(e.toString() + "\n" + Debug.getStackTrace(e));

        throw new ProcessingException(e.toString());